//------------------------------// // Holiday Harmony // Story: Spiders and Magic: Festive // by Masterob //------------------------------// The Holidays were upon Equestria, the once a year season that was enjoyed across the country. It was nearly time for Hearth's Warming. This Holiday wasn't new to the Earth Heroes, many of them having experienced a few in the past. However, in addition to that, they found time to incorporate festivities of another Holiday, that of course being Christmas. The Parker-Sparkle home was completely decorated with the festivities of both holidays, celebrating the cultures of two worlds. Lights surrounded the leaves a wreath on the door, and piles of snow surrounded the home along with all the towns in Ponyville. Inside a large Christmas tree had been set up, Peter applying the finishing touches with some ornaments that originally came from his home in Queens. "There, all that's left is the star on top, bright enough for Santa to see," Peter said. "Santa hasn't come to Ponyville quite yet," Twilight said, using her magic to levitate the star to the top. "Though the idea sounds nice." "What matters is that Mayday has a gift under the tree in the morning," Peter said. "That little smile on her face each Hearth's Warming morning is what I look forward to on a yearly basis." "Oh same here," Twilight said. "But for now, we have to get ready. My parents are coming over soon, so are Cadance, Shining Armor and Flurry." "Oh yeah, our very own Parker-Sparkle-Armor-Love...and anything else relevant Family Dinner," Peter said. "I suppose my family doesn't have a traditional family name," Twilight said. "It's not that common in Equestria, out of all my friends only Pinkie Pie and Applejack seem to have family names." "It's not a big deal anyway," Peter said. "Now come on, let's help Mayday get ready." At Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack and her family had fully decorated everything for the upcoming celebration. "Snow's coming down a bit," Remy said as he looked outside. "Hope this won't cause any trouble for our guests." "It's just a bit of snow, Rainbow Dash said it's just fer the Holiday Tomorrow," Applejack said. "She even said they might go light this year." "Handy being able to control the weather," Remy said. "A little snow's fine though, and the dinner's going to be inside." "Yeah, too bad not many are coming this time around, not that I think we can even fit everypony," Applejack joked. "Ah thought about putting the dinner in the barn, but it’s not like there’s gonna be that many extra guests. Also, did you know that Rainbow Dash said it smelled weird?” "Everyone says it smells weird," Remy said. "None of them would have lasted in The Bayou with that attitude." "Some folks just ain't cut out fer country life," Applejack said. "It's fine, a nice dinner by a warm fire. Just you, me, and our family." "Any relatives coming over?" Remy asked. "Just Babs, Aunt and Uncle Orange," Applejack said. "Oh, and Braeburn might stop by, if he's not too busy." "Hope he does, good to have family around at this time," Remy said. "But I know he's busy back home, Appaloosa ain't gonna watch over itself." "Ah just wish he'd make time fer himself too, maybe find a nice lady to settle down with," Applejack said. "He's got options, like that Buffalo girl," Remy said. "Or you can introduce him to that Cherry Jubilee chick." "Ah was thinking about Rogue," Applejack said. "Eh, might be weird for my ex-girlfriend to become an in-law," Remy said. "But we’ll leave that to him, if he wants to." "Well Braeburn's got time, no need to rush into anything you might not be ready fer," Applejack said. "Plus, this family's already getting a few new apples, one imported and another home grown." "Yeah, that reminds me," Remy said. "Think things will be alright for them? Being parents so young, I mean they're about ready to get married too." "It's understandably a surprise, but ah give Rumble credit, he took responsibility and is sticking by Apple Bloom," Applejack said. "Well yeah, he knew what we'd do to him if he didn't," Remy said. "Come on, you know there's more to it than that," Applejack said. "Rumble loves Apple Bloom, ah can see it. The way he looks at her, the way he cherishes her, he's so gentle around her too. He tends to act a bit weird but its love driven weird. Ah mean, you trust Rumble, don't you?" "Eh...sort of," Remy said. "Can't help but think of the time you could have driven him away, given the trouble he caused for Rarity and Sweetie Belle years back." "Remy, you should know that no one should be judged fer their past mistakes," Applejack said. "You used to be a thief, but ah don't care, because that's not who you are now. Yer my husband, the father of mah kids, and a very reliable stallion. Give Rumble that chance you were given, ah trust him, and you should too." "You were always the better judge of character," Remy said. "Anyway, we should hurry up, make sure everything's in line." "Sure, oh and Sugar Belle is handling all the cooking fer us this year, hope you don't mind," Applejack said. "Hey she's already a good baker," Remy said. "Plus, if I could get through what Jean Grey calls Christmas Dinner, then I think I can handle just about anything." "Was it really that bad?" Applejack asked. "The only thing scarier than that dish is Jean when you try to offer assistance," Remy joked, Applejack laughing along. Moments later, there was a knock on the door, which was answered by Cheerilee, "Oh, Rumble!" Indeed the fiancé of Apple Bloom was present at the door, holding a bottle of sorts, "Hi Miss Cheerilee, Happy Hearth's Warming." "Thanks dear, and you don't have to call me 'Miss'," Cheerilee said. "I'm no longer your teacher." "Sorry, it's hard not calling you 'Miss', when I see you I still see my old teacher," Rumble said. "I can't fault you, it took Apple Bloom a while to stop calling me 'Miss' as well, and I'm her sister-in-law," Cheerilee said. "What do you have there?" "I brought some soda, seemed like the courteous thing to do since I'm a guest," Rumble said. "A guest who's engaged my husband's youngest sister," Cheerilee said. "But your kindness is appreciated, come on in." "Sure thing," Rumble said, stepping inside, taking a gander at the lights. "This place is so pretty." "We put a lot of time into decorating," Cheerilee said. "We're happy you could make it too, Rumble." "So am I," Rumble said. "My brother wanted to come but he's celebrating with his girlfriend, and she wanted to spend time with Fluttershy's family." "Oh, well maybe we can invite them over," Cheerilee said. "We don't mind more company." "I can swing by if you want," Rumble said. "I know Fluttershy and Logan would be fine, Laura might need convincing since she's not the most social of girls." "Yes, I'm quite aware, but we can make something work," Cheerilee said. "Why don't you come see Apple Bloom before you fly off, she's been eager to see you." "Oh totally," Rumble said, flying to find his girlfriend's room. "I should check the kitchen, make sure Sugar Belle has everything she needs," Cheerilee said. Rumble knocked on the door to Apple Bloom's room, "Hey, Apple Bloom, you in here?" "Yeah, I'm in here Rumble," Apple Bloom said. Rumble opened up to find his pregnant girlfriend laying on the bed, reading a Daring Do book. "OH wow, you're reading?" "Ah read sometimes," Apple Bloom said, rubbing her stomach. "Plus, hard to do anything when ah got this inside me." "Not much longer, really excited for the day we become parents," Rumble said. "Me too," Apple Bloom said as Rumble laid down next to her, rubbing her stomach. "Is yer brother here too?" "He's with Lightning Dust, and she wanted to be with Laura, so I came alone," Rumble said. "Miss, I mean, Cheerilee said that I should go and get them so they can spend the night here." "That'd be great," Apple Bloom said. "Of course, it's still early in the day, let Fluttershy's family have a little time for themselves." "That's doable of course," Rumble said. "I feel like times like these, we should be with our whole family though. I mean, the Parker-Sparkle Family are close to both of ours after all." "Yeah, we do spend time with them but they have a really big family nowadays, hard to fit into one home," Apple Bloom said. "Plus, given how Mayday reacts to large crowds, it'd make her uncomfortable." "Maybe we can do a party at Canterlot Castle, or Cadance's castle," Rumble said. "Or go to that resort. I mean, snow is good but being able to hit the beach sounds nice too." "Oh yeah, ah do miss that place," Apple Bloom said. "Well tomorrow we can still spend the day with all of our friends. You, me, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Dinky...and Wind Sprint." "Right...Wind Sprint," Rumble said. "I know it's been months, and that she's sorry but...it doesn't change the fact that she betrayed me. I feel so bothered by that." "Rumble, when somepony is sorry, you accept that apology," Apple Bloom said. "Imagine how you'd feel if Silverstream still hated you fer how you treated her and her friends at one point." "Yeah, I'd hate that, Silverstream means a lot to me," Rumble said. "Wish she could stay in Ponyville but it's hard for her to leave Mount Aris. I don't get it either, I know she's a Princess but her cousin Skystar's next in line for the throne, not her. She was able to stay when the school was around." "Ah hope Queen Novo isn't preventing her from coming back," Apple Bloom said. "No way, Mount Aris is chummy with Equestria, there shouldn't be a grudge," Rumble said. "There should be plenty of places she can live too. I mean, I'd even let her stay at my house, she can be a roommate. Plus when the baby's born, we'll have a foalsitter at the ready, along with The Crusaders of course." "Well Smolder and Ocellus are close to buying a home here, maybe Silverstream will join them," Apple Bloom said. "Well with how close those six students are, not sure why all of them just don't find a home together," Rumble said. "Maybe there isn't a house big enough," Apple Bloom said. "Plus Sandbar already lives in Ponyville, and he might not be ready to move out of his house. He does have a little sister after all." "Well, as long as Ocellus comes back, she's cool," Rumble said. "And Smolder's alright too I guess." "Glad you like her, Sweetie Belle sure does," Apple Bloom said. "Funny how close that family is when it comes to dragons. Aside from Bobby at least, but maybe he can be best friends with Ember." "That'd be amazing, Sweetie Belle's family aligned with powerful dragons," Rumble said. "Hey, thanks by the way." "Thanks fer what?" Apple Bloom asked. "For sticking by me, and not being mad that I got you pregnant, and not breaking up with me," Rumble said. "It'd be silly if ah broke up with you over that," Apple Bloom said. "Plus ah told you before, ah wasn't mad at you, ah was mad at myself. I should have known about mah heat and should have been more responsible." "I did kind of come on strong though," Rumble said. "Well, ah wanted it too, and ah don't regret it because you were amazing that night," Apple Bloom said. "I'm always down for an encore," Rumble said, shifting his eyebrows. "Another time, plus it feels weird now since I'm so pregnant," Apple Bloom said. "Though, ah did overheard Twilight telling Applejack once that she and Peter were very intimate even during her pregnancy. Applejack mentioned her and Remy too. Wouldn't be surprised if Big Mac and Cheerilee didn't slow down much either." "So, are you changing your mind about doing it later?" Rumble asked. "Rumble, you can wait a bit," Apple Bloom said. "It's still daytime, and somepony might hear us." "Can we make out at least?" Rumble asked. "That ah can do," Apple Bloom said, pulling Rumble in for a kiss, going all in, almost desperate for affection, which Rumble was more than happy to give to his true love. Meanwhile at Sugarcube Corner, another family get together was underway. "PIE FAMILY REUNION!" Pinkie shouted, having welcomed her parents and sisters into Sugarcube Corner. "Pinkie, not so loud," Limestone scolded. "Sorry, I'm just so excited, you girls don't visit enough," Pinkie said. "Well we do have a farm to run, we can't afford to just up and leave," Limestone said. "Mmhmm," Marble agreed. "We totally understand that, but it wouldn't hurt to try and consider that more often," Deadpool said. "You gotta enjoy life, it'd be a shame if you spent all your years at that farm, away from others." "I'm fine with it," Limestone said. "I mean, you can try visiting more often yourselves." "Yeah, I guess, it's just been hard for us too lately," Deadpool said. "Does this have to do with those Accords?" Limestone asked, earning a nod. "We will go and settle down," Igneous Rock said. "You girls can catch up with your sister, and her husband." "Wow, you actually called me her husband instead of 'That Fool'," Deadpool said. "I'm really warming up to you, aren't I pops?" "Yes, of course..." Igneous Rock said, making his leave. "Where are the foals?" Cloud Quartz asked. "They're upstairs with Mr. and Mrs. Cake," Pinkie said. "They can't wait to see their grandparents." "And I cannot wait to see my grandfoals," Cloudy Quartz said, making her way up with her husband. "It's been a while hasn't it? Shouldn't things be better?" "Yeah, but it's been awkward the last few months, everyone's still got some leftover animosity from the Accords," Deadpool said. "Not everyone, though I think Fluttershy's still mad that I tried to knock her out," Pinkie said. "I mean, she knows we're friends still, and I was just trying to help. I wanted to get her out of the fighting." "You still resorted to a sneak attack, that's worse than any physical damage you could have done to her," Maud said. "Yeah, you're right...I'm a terrible friend," Pinkie sadly admitted. "If I could take it all back, I would but..." "No use trying to change the past," Limestone said. "The effects of the conflict lasted a lot longer than I thought it would," Deadpool said. "I figured it'd get brushed under the rug, I mean, Equestrians are forgiving, aren't they?" "Forgiving, yes, but also judgmental," Maud said. "Sounds like peace in Equestria is just another illusion," Deadpool said, the ninja feeling let down. "You know, honestly, one thing I've heard about Earthlings from Laura, is that more often than not, some are brutally honest," Limestone said. "Not just for the sake of being jerks, but because things need to be done. When there's a problem in Equestria, it seems like they solve it much differently than Earth. Equestria tries the more peaceful route, while Earth gets confrontational if need be." "Sounds...almost accurate," Deadpool said. "I mean, even Spidey tries not to fight." "Well if he has to fight, does he?" Limestone asked. "Yeah, I mean even he knows that peace isn't always an option," Deadpool said. "Some in Equestria don't like to believe peace can't be achieved, that's why most ponies tend to be passive, especially against other creatures," Maud said. "Even if a pony doesn't like you, that pony won't always admit it, it's just fake smiles," Limestone said. "Wow, so philosophical," Pinkie said. "I mean, it's what you're going through right now, isn't it Pinkie?" Limestone asked. "Let me put it like this, when Laura and I broke up, she told me off, and was not afraid to be honest about it. With Fluttershy, I bet she tried putting on a fake smile but deep down she's still harboring animosity towards you." "When you get mad at your friends, you do something similar," Maud said. "You never actually tell them, you bottle it up." "You...might have a point," Pinkie said. "This sounds like a bunch of stereotypes," Deadpool said. "I've seen ponies be brutally honest, hell even Applejack will be brutally honest." "I'm not saying ponies can't be, but I'm warning you that some ponies might dislike what The Accords did, but won't do or say much about it, just silent disdain," Limestone said. "No one in Ponyville seems mad, probably because Peter's around to give them the hope that no matter what happens, everything will be just fine," Pinkie Pie said. "Peter does what he can in his own way to keep the peace," Maud said. "But, I imagine even he knows that peace is a rocky foundation." "You think things will go bad?" Deadpool asked. "It's possible, but I'm just looking at the worst case scenario," Maud said. "Yeah, for all we know, things could be better," Limestone said. "Spider-Mane's influence is the basis of everypony's hopes, not just in Ponyville but all of Equestria." "But, that can be a bad thing too, if ponies only come to rely on him, then when he fails, it will decimate the society," Maud said. "Yeah, Peter can't carry the weight of the world on his shoulders," Deadpool said. "It's why I want to be a better hero, for the sake of my kids, my whole family, and this new world I call home. But, I never got that chance, The Accords should have propelled me to greater heights. I don't need to be the main character of this story, but I want to be more than just an extra." "You're no extra, you're Deadpool," Pinkie said. "You're great in your own way, don't be so hard on yourself." "Pinkie, I have to be hard, if I stay soft, nothing changes," Deadpool said. "I'm still trying to prove myself worthy of being your husband in a way that isn't just some dumb meme." "You don't have to prove anything," Pinkie said. "Look, you're my husband and I love you. You're the father of my kids, who love you. I know my parents and my sisters aren't always on your side, but that doesn't matter to me." "Wow, that sounds kind of harsh," Limestone said. "Well it's true! When you dated Laura, I was happy for you, but you couldn't be happy for me with my husband!" Pinkie said. "Yeah...you got a point," Limestone shamefully admitted. "I mean, you two are even still together. Of course, me breaking up with Laura was more my decision since...well, let's just say it was an experiment that didn't go so well." "Wade, not that it should matter what I think, but I'm personally happy that you're married to Pinkie," Maud said. "As long as you love her, that should be enough for any of us." "Well thanks for that," Deadpool said. "Look, we could go over all the bad stuff, or just be happy we're together." "At least we're talking about our feelings, it helps us feel closer," Pinkie said. "Yeah, I really do like you girls, you're great sisters for Pinkie," Deadpool said. "You're a bit of an unusual family at times, but I'm an unusual guy, so we all go together pretty well." "Yeah, you do feel like family Wade," Limestone said. "For better or worse. Now, let's try to enjoy ourselves." "You got it," Deadpool said. "Party time!" "Yeah! Party!" Pinkie said. At Rainbow Dash's home, she had just invited in her parents, along with The Fantastic Four, their kids Franklin and Valerie, plus Ben's wife Alicia and their own kids. "Now this Reunion, is Fantastic," Johnny joked, flashing a winning smile. Rainbow Dash let out a chuckle, she found that dorky but she also loves her husband's enthusiasm, "Yeah, sure is Johnny." "Thanks for having us over," Susan said. "Hey you know I like hanging out with the lot of you," Rainbow Dash said. "Any family of Johnny is family of mine." "Same goes for you," Susan said. "Where's Firefly?" "She's playing in her room, I'll go get her," Rainbow Dash said, but not before paying mind to the brand new visitor. "Hey Valerie, welcome to Equestria." "Hi Aunt Rainbow Dash," Valerie said. "Valerie's really excited to be here," Susan said. "She gets to see the world her big brother likes so much." "Just don't do anything to embarrass me," Franklin said. "Franklin Richards, be nice," Susan warned as Rainbow Dash went to get Firefly. "It is nice to be back, though somewhat awkward I admit," Reed said. "Given all the trouble The Accords have had, I was worried I wouldn't be welcomed back." "It's all good Reed, not like anyone blames you," Johnny said. "Most you did was make those robots that a lot of ponies found annoying." "Johnny!" Susan scolded. "Hey it wasn't that bad, I mean yeah they followed ponies around and scanned them, but not like anyone got hurt," Johnny said. "The only thing that got hurt was the one robot Mayday trashed," Franklin said. "Yes, she did quite a number," Reed said. "Frighteningly strong for a little girl, but thankfully I was able to salvage it." "Yeah, it can get trashed again by another angry foal, maybe Princess Flurry can have her shot," Johnny joked. "Still Reed, don't worry about The Accords, just enjoy yourself. This trip is all about Family after all." "I'm thankful we can even do that," Susan said. "Yeah, seeing you three on different sides of the Accords, not the most pleasant experience," Ben said. "Quite so," Reed said. "That was a worrying moment for me. I thought I was going to lose my family." "That will never happen, our bond is stronger than Cap's shield," Johnny said. "Look, things got a little out of control, but sometimes family's just have disagreements, doesn't mean we don't love each other in the end." "Exactly," Rainbow Dash said, flying over with Firefly. "Same with Friendship, my bond with my friends, even on the other side didn't break. Things are still a bit tense but getting better every day." "The Accords were meant to protect Equestria, not destroy friendships," Reed said. "As a scientist, I can't just overlook my failures." "You don't gotta Stretch," Ben said. "Just learn from it. Yer allowed to forgive yourself, the fact that it bothers you shows how much you do care. It's great that you care, but you have to be fair to yourself too." "Ben's right, regardless of what happened, the fact that we're all here together shows that there isn't anything we can't triumph over," Susan said. "I'm overjoyed that you're all here, you're such a wonderful family," Windy said. "It does my heart good to know my little Rainbow Dash chose a husband who understands what family is truly about." "Hey I'm lucky I married a girl who understands it as well as I do," Johnny said. "Windy, Bow, I've said it before, but I will say it again. You two did a great job as parents." "They did, and times like these, I know I'm lucky to have them," Rainbow Dash said. "Not gonna lie, they drive me nuts sometimes, but I know it's because they care." "We can be overbearing, we admit," Bow sheepishly said. "But the day Rainbow Dash was born was the best day of my life, being her father is my greatest accomplishment." Rainbow Dash shyly turned away, "Come on dad, you're embarrassing me." "Oh wow, the amazing Rainbow Dash too shy to accept a compliment?" Johnny teased. "Such blasphemy." "Ha, real funny," Rainbow Dash said, sinisterly grinning at her husband. "I'll get you back for that one." "Bring it on, babe," Johnny said. "You two can be so strange at times," Susan said, then heard the doorbell. "Who could that be?" "The rest of our family," Rainbow Dash said, opening the door. "Hey pipsqueak." "Come on Rainbow Dash, I'm not little anymore," Scootaloo said, making her way inside along with her parents and her aunts. "Sup Fantastics!" "Hi Scootaloo, hi everypony," Susan said. "Nice to see you," Mane Allgood said. "Yeah, great to be here will all'ya," Snap Shutter said. "Same here," Bow said. "How's the wilderness exploration?" "It's amazing, so many new places discovered, you outta come see them sometime, mate," Snap Shutter said. "Plenty of amazing creatures too, I'd love to show you some pictures," Mane Allgood said. "That sounds fun, who's up for a slideshow?" Johnny said. "I'll get the popcorn," Rainbow Dash said. Reed seemed satisfied for the moment, while he truly did want to feel happy that things are going well, he also couldn't help but feel one wrong decision could have prevented such an occurrence. He's familiar enough with the multiverse to know that possibility does exist, just the idea was enough to still bother him. With Rarity, she along with Bobby, their daughter Snow Gem, Sweetie Belle and her own parents Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles. "Gotta love the winter time," Bobby said. "It's the only time I can flex my powers. I can walk out with just shorts and act like I'm in the hot, summer breeze. Almost like this is Florida weather.” "To be fair Bobby, most ponies would only need a scarf," Sweetie Belle said. "Our coats protect us from the cold." "Yeah, yeah, I know that," Bobby said. "Don't rain on my parade, squirt." "Don't you mean, Don't Snow of your parade?" Sweetie Belle teased. "Oh, hahaha, cute," Bobby said. Rarity chuckled to herself, "I do love your banter." "Yeah, our little Sweetie Belle's got spunk," Hondo said. "She gets it from me," Cookie added. "Well Sweetie Belle may be sassy and stuff, but she's got guts," Bobby said. "One of the only ponies I know who's willing to march over to Canterlot to tell off me and Rarity." "I didn't go just for you, I was helping Smolder out," Sweetie Belle said. "How is Smolder dear?" Rarity asked. "Do you know if she is coming to live here?" "She's still considering it, she's trying to save up enough," Sweetie Belle said. "Did you tell her she can work here?" Bobby asked. "I did, she said it's too 'frilly', despite the fact that she likes fashion," Sweetie Belle said. "I mean, have you seen Smolder in a dress? She really pulls it off." "Why doesn't she wear dresses again?" Bobby asked. "She doesn't think it looks tough," Sweetie Belle said. "I mean, she looks really cute in those dresses but her pride won't allow her to be cute." "Maybe she wants to be more than cute, maybe she wants to be sexy," Bobby said. "Bobby don't say stuff like that in front of our daughter," Rarity scolded. "Oh she won't know what it means," Bobby said. "Anyway point is, Smolder wants to be more than cute probably. Cute is associated with little, she's a growing dragon, she wants to be seen as older." "But the dresses make her look older," Sweetie Belle pointed out. "It just usually goes against a dragon's nature," Rarity said. "They do have a reputation for being tough." "Pfft, screw that, dragons should have the same freedom that humans and ponies do, screw their society's rules," Bobby said. "Bobby, please mind your words around Snow Gem!" Rarity scolded. "Sorry, anyway Smolder will figure herself out soon," Bobby said. "What about your other friends Sweetie Belle? How are things with them?" "I hear Rumble is still having trouble forgiving that one girl," Rarity said. "You mean Wind Sprint? Yeah he is but he's gotten better over the last few months," Sweetie Belle said. "Helps that Scootaloo spends time with her too, and Apple Bloom when she's able to." "From being stars in your Buckball team, to being at odds," Bobby said. "Consequence of the Accords." "That you were apart of?" Sweetie Belle reminded. "Uh...yeah, I admit things got weird," Bobby said. "I still feel weird when talking to Johnny, I mean we went all out fighting each other." "That's a bit worrying Bobby, I thought you two worked things out," Rarity said. "We did, we confronted each other, like men, and told each other off," Bobby said. "...How exactly is that suppose to fix anything?" Rarity asked. "Well we got out our frustrations, he told me if he wanted too, he could mess my face up, and I told him if I wanted to, I could kick his ass," Bobby said. "Bobby! Language!" Rarity scolded. "Also, that doesn't resolve anything. Did you at least talk things out normally?" "Rarity, it's hard for guys like me and Johnny to talk about our feelings, I mean that's more of a woman thing than a guy thing anyway," Bobby said. "Well, if that's how you feel, then I guess it's up to me and Rainbow Dash to help you boys sort out your troubles," Rarity said. "Oh come on Rares, do I gotta?" Bobby asked. "I am not going to let you ruin your friendship over those deplorable accords!" Rarity said. "That you were apart of," Sweetie Belle reminded. "Yes, Sweetie Belle, I remember, I was there!" Rarity said. "Lets move on, shall we?" "Yeah, sure," Hondo said. "So, how's that assistant of yours doing?" "You mean Miss Pommel?" Rarity asked. "I told you before daddy, she works with Tony Stark more nowadays. She's actually Head Manager at his Manehattan building." "She's a cool chick," Bobby said. "Sucks at flying though." "Bobby, do I need to put soap in your mouth?" Rarity asked. "Hey it's not like Snow Gem is going to pick out the few not nice words," Bobby said. "I mean she's way too smart for that type of shit." "Shit?" Snow Gem said, much to Rarity's annoyance, the shock of the rest of the family and Bobby's regret. "I stand corrected..." Bobby said. Later that day, Rumble had made his way over to Fluttershy's cottage, peaking inside the window to spot Fluttershy, Logan, Rina and Laura laying by the fire while Thunderlane and Lightning Dust sat together on the couch with Felicity. He could even spot Fluttershy's brother Zephyr Breeze as well. "That's really nice," Rumble knocked on the door, Fluttershy answering seconds later. "Hey Fluttershy, can I see my brother?" "Of course dear," Fluttershy said, allowing Rumble inside. "Thunderlane, your brother's here." "Rumble?" Thunderlane said. "Hey, I thought you'd be with The Apples by now." "I was, but I figured you'd want to be there too," Rumble said. "I know you want to spend time with Lightning Dust and that she wants to spend time with Laura, but all of you were offered a chance to go to Sweet Apple Acres." "Thanks, but I want to wait for my parents," Fluttershy said. "They're gonna be here soon." "Laura and Dust can do if they want to," Logan said. "Limestone won't be there, will she?" Laura asked. "No, I don't think the Pies were invited," Rumble said. "They're doing their own reunion." "They better be," Laura said, standing up. "Stupid Limestone." "Laura, why are you still so upset?" Logan asked. "You don't even like girls that way, I'm surprised you two didn't break it off sooner. Why did you even date in the first place?" "I don't know, I got bored I guess?" Laura said. "Still, I'm allowed to be mad about it." "Are you mad because you're still hurt or do you just want to be mad?" Lightning Dust asked. "Pfft, don't get all philosophical on me, Dust," Laura said. "I'm not even gonna let it bother me, Limestone's just a failed experiment, and I'm done with girls. Hell I might not even go for a guy at this point, I'm just gonna live alone forever." "Hey come now, you'll find a guy one day," Rumble said. "I'm available," Zephyr said. "Ew dude, your sister is married to my blood related father," Laura said. "But we're not blood related," Zephyr said. "Come on, let's get moving," Rumble said. "Before this gets weird. "Catch you later," Laura said. "Thanks for having me over," Thunderlane said, leaving with the others. "Well, that's a nice surprise," Fluttershy said. "Rumble must really like spending time with his brother." "They are family, given that their parents are gone, they're all the other has left," Logan said. "Still, figured that Rumble would try to spend time with Peter and Twilight." "Well he has a new family to think about," Fluttershy said. "He and Apple Bloom are gonna be parents." "Yeah, it's a great thing," Logan said, rubbing Rina's hair. "I'm glad we're still together." "Of course, you know I love you," Fluttershy said. "It's not that...it's just...you know about how all my past romances ended, right?" Logan asked. "Yes, I'm aware," Fluttershy said, nuzzling her husband. "That's why I'm getting stronger, not to keep myself safe, but so you don't have to worry about losing me." "Heh, yer a tough girl," Logan said, placing his arm around Fluttershy. "Toughest one I know." Fluttershy spotted a rodent near a window, "Aw, it's a Winterchilla." "A what?" Logan asked, seeing the rodent. "Oh...that thing looks familiar." "We saw one last year, only it turned giant," Fluttershy said. "Right..." Logan slowly unsheathed his claws. "Now, now, just leave it be. They're harmless unless provoked," Fluttershy said. "Right...harmless," Logan said, still glaring. "Oh just focus on the fire, dear," Fluttershy said. Time went on at the Parker-Sparkle home, dinner had come upon them and the entire family was there, both immediate and extended. Peter and Twilight sat at one end of the table, Shining Armor and Cadance on the other. Aunt May, Twilight Velvet, Night Light, Trixie, Spike, Janet and Starlight were all scattered around while Mayday sat with Flurry, Benjy and Hope. "Another great Family Dinner," Peter said. "All we need is a turkey." "You say that every year," Twilight said. "Plus isn't that associated with another holiday?" "Hey no law says it can't be for both," Peter said. "Here you go everypony," Starlight said, placing the good around. "Trixie and I worked really hard on this." "I added my own recipe as well," Velvet said. "Try to save some, another guest is coming, but he's running late," Twilight said. "Another guest?" Luna asked. "The more the merrier," Cadance said. "Wow this looks amazing," Peter said. "Glad everyone could make it too." "You know we wouldn't miss a dinner like this," Cadance said. "It's nice being able to hang out like this." "Quite so, you are all such wonderful company," Trixie said. "You know, it's funny. I used to dislike holidays like these, but...a certain spider helped show me they aren't so bad." "And you love me for it," Peter said. "I'm just happy I can regularly spend holidays with friends and family now, and not that village where I forced everyone to be happy," Starlight said. "The smiles here are genuine." "You've made peace with them by now, haven't you?" Trixie asked. "Sort of, I mean I see Sugar Belle a lot and she seems happy," Starlight said. "Party Favor also seems very easy going." "What about Double Diamond and Night Glider?" Peter asked. "Eh, they're still hesitant to really talk to me," Starlight said. "I don't blame them, but I do hope I can move on one day." "Some things take a while," Twilight said. "Their trust was broken after all, you have to give them time to regain that trust. I know from experience considering my past with Moon Dancer, but we made up." "Try to make that a priority," Cadance said. "I mean, Tony Stark did lift that restriction on you, hasn't he?" "He has, I can verify," Luna said. "Starlight is free to go as she pleases, so long as she doesn't cause trouble but, I think she's behaved by this point." "Yeah, I am free now thanks to Peter I no longer have to worry about trust issues," Starlight said. "I'll try to soon." "Let me know when, I'd me more than happy to help you out," Trixie said. "Thanks, I can always rely on you Trixie," Starlight said. "I'll be there for you too," Peter said. "We can even call up Autumn Blaze, you know she'd want to help." "I don't doubt that," Starlight said. "Who knows, maybe I can help you make peace with some of your old friends." "Who? You mean Harry and Mary Jane?" Peter asked. "That's a bit different. I mean, MJ is a maybe, the last couple of times I saw her, she seemed pretty cool. But Harry, it's been so long since I've spoken to him." "I made it work with Moon Dancer," Twilight said. "Still, I don't know where Harry is, I don't think he lives in New York City these days," Peter said. "Probably moved by now, I wouldn't blame him." "Maybe some of your old classmates know where he went, do you remember anyone from your school days?" Twilight asked. "Uh...well there's Flash Thompson," Peter said. "Been forever since I've seen him too, wasn't exactly my friend though, but it's a start." "Well lets just say that after The Accords, I'm grateful to hold onto any Friendship," Twilight said. "I mean, things did get awkward after I had to fight Cadance. "I feel so bad for letting that happen," Cadance said. "I should have known better." "Hey, it's fine, we're past that at least," Twilight said. "Those Accords though, it could have destroyed Equestria," Peter said, once again recalling that future. "I won't ever let anything endanger this world like that again." "We'll be there to help, no matter what. Nothing will tear us apart," Twilight said. Suddenly she too recalled something unpleasant. "Not even Doctor Strange's silly theory." The doorbell rang, Janet standing up, "I'll get it." "Must be that guest," Peter said. "Who did you invite anyway?" "A friend who really wanted to see you around this time of year," Twilight said, looking to the doorway. "Good evening Matt." "Matt?" Peter turned to see Matt Murdoch, better known as Daredevil. "This is a surprise," Luna said. "Hi Twilight, thanks for having me over," Matt said. "Of course, I figured you could use some company tonight," Twilight said. "Better than being alone," Matt said, taking a seat near the edge of the table. "How's it going Peter?" "All good Matt, glad you're here," Peter said. "Hi Mr. Murdoch," Mayday said. "You don't have to be formal Mayday, you can call me 'Matt'," Daredevil said. "Uh, alright Matt," Mayday said. "How are you doing? How are your friends?" Matt asked. "I'm fine, so are my friends," Mayday said. "Frankie's with Auntie Rainbow Dash and Uncle Johnny, Luster Dawn is with her parents." "That's great to hear," Matt said. "Help yourself Matt," Twilight said. "You're our guest tonight." "Of course, I'd be happy to," Matt said, grabbing some food. "Do you do reunions like these often?" "When we can," Peter said. "How are things back on Earth?" "Fine, not too much trouble," Matt said. "Makes it easier to commute between worlds if need be." "You and daddy protected the city together, right?" Mayday asked. "Yeah, all the time," Matt said. "Your father's quite fun to hang around. His positivity is a breath of fresh air." "Matt's one of the only people back home who could be considered my friend," Peter said. "Super reliable guy." "I can say the same for you," Matt said. "You did well for yourself these last few years, a good wife, a lovely children, I'm amazed at the man you've become." "Thanks, I hope you the best in that department as well," Peter said. "It'll come," Matt said. "It's all about patience." "So, you're one of my dad's few friends he had on Earth? One of the only people who liked him?" Mayday asked. "In a way," Matt said. "Thank you for that, daddy had trouble making friends, so I'm really happy you think he's nice," Mayday said. "Daddy won't admit it, but his Friendships mean a lot to him, and you probably really helped him out by being his friend. I don't understand Friendship still, but I do appreciate anyone who's nice to my daddy. You're a great guy, Matt." "Geez Mayday, kind of embarrassing," Peter nervously admitted. "She's so sweet that we don't even need dessert, her kindness alone will give us cavities." "Mayday's really taken a liking to you Matt," Twilight said, then noticed him turning away. "Matt, are you alright?" "I'm fine, thanks," Matt said, grateful he had sunglasses to hide his tears. "If Mayday only knew just how much that feeling was mutual. Peter Parker's Friendship has done a lot for me as an individual. Thank you God, for the opportunity to have friends like Peter and his family. Thank you for giving this great man a caring wife who loves him, a precious daughter who admires him, and a great son who will grow to be great like him." The festivities continued all around Ponyville. The Parker-Sparkle Family enjoying their dinner, Fluttershy welcoming her parents alongside Logan, the latter happy to see his in-laws. The Pies enjoying their time together, alongside the Cake Family. Rarity, despite her husband's potty mouth, happy for her family bonding, just happy to be with her parents and sister. The Fantastic Pegasus Family enjoy each other's company. Lastly The Apple Family with their own bonding in the ways they knew how, and heavily anticipating the new apple. Babs Seed was just as eager to see her new baby cousin as the parents while the rest of the invited family enjoyed their feast. Scott spent time with his daughter in his home as well, enjoying this time of year with the one family he still had. Doctor Hooves, Dinky and Derpy also enjoyed their time together, alongside the new baby girl that Derpy had given birth too not too long ago. A bigger family for the holidays, and their own future. Sandbar also spent some time with his family, though deep down, the boy still missed Cozy Glow, occasionally glancing at a picture of her that he still had, one of the two hugging each other. Cozy too missed Sandbar, the girl staring into the night skies near the caves of Tartarus. She was gestured back inside by Sonata, just in time for a dinner that even the villains were enjoying, a rare moment of happiness among them, strange as it felt. In Canterlot, Celestia overlooked the town alongside Steve, the Happy Couple enjoying their own festivities together and looking forward to a great future. In Cloudsdale, Spitfire and Soarin looked into the night sky, happy to be together, eagerly awaiting the day they can do more as a couple. For they too wanted to create a family, and feel the full force of the Festivities. In Vanhoover, Wanda and Pietro themselves were enjoying their time together, putting their worries aside for the sake of a few moments of happiness. In Asgard, Thor sat on his throne, enjoying the peace that came with this holiday time. Even if it wasn’t part of Asgardian Culture, he respected this time of year nonetheless, and it reminded him of happy times with his friends. In the Dragon Lair, Ember and her father spent time with many of the dragons, along with Smolder and her brother Garble. The Royal Family in Mount Aris also enjoyed their time together on a day like this. Silverstream and Skystar celebrating in their own fun way alongside Terramar while Queen Novo and Sky Beak watched on, happy to see their kin so full of joy. The Yaks also did their celebrations, Prince Rutherford alongside Yona and the rest of the Yak Family. In Griffonstone, Gilda along with Greta, Gabby and Gallus spent some time with Grandpa Gruff, trying to make the best of the situation, and so far, it was going well. At Kirin Grove, Autumn Blaze went around spreading the festivities, the way she knew how, full of love and excitement. At the Changeling Hive, Kurt had gone to see Ocellus, the young Changeling girl gathering around all her fellow Changelings and King Thorax as their guest of honor spoke to them about Christmas in his own time. "Christmas, for a lot of people, is about Santa Claus and presents," Kurt said. "It's about singing snowmen and red-nosed reindeer." "That sounds kind of cute," Ocellus said. "It is charming, and whimsical, but there's more too it," Kurt said. "It was the day Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, was brought into the world. It was a sign of peace and harmony for the world." "Tell us more," Ocellus said. "Gladly," Kurt said, continuing on with the story of Christmas. It was a holiday feeling across the realms, even on Earth. Tony Stark spending time with his wife Pepper Potts and their daughter Morgan. Doctor Strange had invited Wong over for Christmas dinner, a rare moment of calmness for the Sorcerer Supreme. Other heroes like Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones and Firestar also spent time together to enjoy the holidays, especially near New York's Giant Christmas tree. Across the realms, more celebrations occurred, including a multiverse filled party that Sunset Shimmer hosted at Capcom's HQ. Ryu was there to celebrate alongside Ken Masters and his family. Chun-Li spent a bit of time with Nathan Spencer and Strider Hiryu. Chris and Jill chatted it up with Dante and Trish. Leon, Lady, and Viewtiful Joe played a game of darts. Cloud Strife enjoyed sitting on the couch near a fire with Tifa Lockhart, Barret Wallace, Squall Leonhart and Noctis Lucis Caelum. Sonic, Mario and Mega Man were enjoying a Chili Dog, Bowl of Spaghetti and Motor Oil respectively while Tails and Amy helped Roll add a few more decorations and Luigi passed out some drinks. Goku was scarfing down plates of food, much to the amazement of the nearby All Might, and the admiration of the nearby Naruto. Link and Zelda were also sitting to themselves, the former playing an Ocarina and the latter playing a harp while the Inklings were seen playing a dancing game. Even Cole MacGrath tried getting Kratos in on the festivities, while the God of War did seem interested, he felt reluctant to join in. He was grateful that his son seemed to be enjoying himself. Kat was doing some strange floating dances with Terry Board smiling from below, alongside Ling Xiaoyu and a reluctant Jin Kazama, who looked like he'd rather be anywhere else. Also nearby, Master Chief trying to drink a soda, forgetting a moment he had his helmet on, which got a laugh from the nearby Luke Skywalker. Star-Lord had tried challenging many to a dance off, from Shantae, to Yuri Lowell and even Superman. The first to accept the dance off was Mark Grayson, who didn't do the best job but he was too busy having fun, which is all that mattered in the end. "Wow, this is so great," Sunset said, satisfied with the outcome. "Nice to have something to distract us from everything that's happened recently." "Sure is," came Leon's voice, the agent joined by Roll and Chun-LI. "Thanks for bringing us all together." "It's nothing, honestly I kind of wish we could have brought Peter too," Sunset said. "Try inviting him," Chun-Li said. "Yeah, you know how to make portals," Roll said. "Yeah, you're right, I'm going to," Sunset said. "Hey everyone, I'm going to invite Peter!" "That sounds great!" Tifa said. "I'd love to see him again," Amy said. "Wait, I'm right here," Quill said, earning a few glares. "Oooh, the other Peter." Sunset opened up the portal, showing a silhouette of a pony, "Hey! Peter! Want to join us? Bring Twlight with you!" The pony turned around, and to Sunset's surprise, the pony didn't look to be masculine, she was actually feminine. "Huh? Who's Peter?" "Uh...you're not Spider-Man...are you?" Sunset asked. "No, I'm Spider-Mare," girl said. "And my name is Patricia! Who are you? Also why do you look like someone I know, but a chick?" "Patricia, what's happening?" Came the voice of another pony, one that looked like Twilight Sparkle, but male. "Dusk, some lady's asking for a Peter, also she's human for some reason," Patricia said. "Human?" Dusk asked, looking to Sunset. "Uh...sorry, I think I got the wrong dimension, carry on," Sunset said, shutting it down. "That...was weird." Everyone seemed just as freaked out as Sunset, wondering what new possibilities just opened up. Ryu had to wonder how strong this pony was compared to Peter, Cloud was ready to just leave, Mega Man was holding in some laughter while Sonic had to wonder if there was anything like that with him somewhere out there. "I...need to lie down," Dante said, making his leave. "Same, this shit's just way too weird," Chris said. "Let's not tell anyone about this either, especially Doctor Strange," Sunset said, going about her business like nothing happened. Things continued to change, and soon it will come into full effect, for better or for worse. It came down to Friendship to push through, and that's what the heroes, warriors and ponies would do.