//------------------------------// // Tangled in Code // Story: Other Stories // by Partycannon_ //------------------------------// Sweetie Bot shifted in her seat uncomfortably. She reached for the zipper at the back of her head for the seventh time. After confirming it was still there she sighed. The loud machinery of the train below her did nothing to calm her nerves. Finally the sun broke free from behind nearby mountains and unleashed a warm glow to the sky. Sweetie bot's eyes landed on the sun and her anxious movements slowed. "Sweetie Belle, are you excited to live with your sister?" Sweetie's mom asked with a smile. "Y-Yeah..." Sweetie turned to the only other two in the carriage. Her dad held a brochure and was completely enthralled within the pages. Her mother dug through her suitcase and flew a mint in her mouth. "Remember to stay safe, Ponyville has a different rain schedule then our home," her mother brought out sunglasses and put them on. "Mom... Dad... D-Do you have to tell Rarity that I'm a... Robot?" Sweetie whispered and shifted once more as her eyes fell to the floor. Her mother nudged her dad until he broke from his trance. Her mother looked at him then pointed her eyes to their daughter. The father then nodded understandingly. "Sweetie Belle, of course you can read the brochure," her dad held out the paper before getting smacked. "Rarity has to know dear. What if you run out of battery or worse?" her mother answered in a frown. "Now, no more about this topic." Sweetie gave a unmotivated nod as she turned back to the sun. Sweetie Bot never liked trains, it always feels like a goodbye to her past. She once again shifted in her seat before reaching for her zipper to the disguise once more. After the feeling of eternity, the train approached a small town and Sweetie strapped on her almost empty saddle while her mom zipped up her suitcase. With the sounds of the train growing louder Sweetie's anxiety rouse sharply and the train finally came to a stop. "We arrived in Ponyville, the time is seven, ten. Please grab your luggage and step off the train cautiously, thank you for riding with us!" announced a male pony through the speakers. Sweetie's mom left the train with her suitcase in a joyous trot, her dad bumped into the door while having his nose stuck in another brochure. Sweetie exited last with her head held low. After exiting the station the group made their way to Rarity's house, Sweetie had to work hard to pick up her hooves as her pullies seem to not cooperate. A group of fillies ran past and Sweetie quickly hid behind her dad before spying on the group. She smiled and attempted to imitate some of the groups movements while still following her parents. They made it to a large two story, round building and Sweetie looked up in horror. Her mom knocked loudly on the door in slow motion while her mind raced. Sweetie counted the seconds as they moved unnaturally before the door opened, revealing her sister with a smile. "Hello mother!" Rarity gave their mom a hug. "Hello my eldest marshmallow!" their mom gave Rarity a pinch on the cheek before entering inside. "Hello father!" Rarity hugged their dad. "Its so good to see you again!" their dad finally put down his brochure. Sweetie shook in place as she stared at her sister, she formed a large fake smile. "Hello Sweetie Belle," Rarity said calmly as she closed in for a hug. "Sweetie Belle, darling! You're cold to the touch, and you're shivering!" Rarity raced inside while panicked. "You have a very nice pla-" "Mother, Sweetie Belle is shivering and she is incredibly cold!" Rarity cut their mom off. Sweetie entered slowly and their mom trotted to the filly. She reached out and held her hoof to the filly's forehead. "Nope, she's normal!" their mother smiled. "But- but-" "Oh, Rarity. Sweetie Belle is actually... W-What is that smell?" their mother began sniffing the air. Sweetie Bot felt something break. "That's the breakfast I made for us. But what were you saying about-" Rarity got cut off as their parents ran to the kitchen. "R-Rarity... Its good seeing you again," Sweetie gave a small smile as she tapped her hooves softly. "Its good seeing you as well. Are you sure you are alright?" Rarity asked with concern. "Y-Yeah, I-I'm just a little stressed," Sweetie looked away. "Oh, darling! I know its stressful moving someplace else but I promise that you will have a blast for this upcoming year," Rarity smiled. "T-Thank you sister," Sweetie grinned and her movements became less stiff. "Your welcome! Now lets try and get mom and dad out of the house so we can take the tour," Rarity joked. "Sounds like a plan," the filly nodded. Both sisters made their way to the kitchen and saw their parents devouring the plates of food. Rarity joined them at the table as Sweetie Bot scanned the room. "I hope you two have fun on your vacation! Oh and before I forget, is there any sorts of medication that Sweetie Belle takes? Does she have any rules she needs to follow?" Rarity took out a paper and a pen. Sweetie Bot rushed and quickly found two gift boxes, both with their parents names. She quickly picked them up. Their parents gulped down the food quickly before speaking. "Sweetie Belle doesn't take any medication and for rules we have a small booklet, Sweetie Belle has it. About that actually, Sweetie Belle is, well... Actually she is a-" "MOM, DAD! LOOK, GIFTS FROM RARITY!" Sweetie held up two boxes and their parents gaze became fixated. She ran outside with the boxes and tossed them both thirty feet away. Their parents galloped and thrown themselves after the boxes. Sweetie quickly ran inside and bucked the door shut before locking it. She sighed heavily as Rarity sat, slightly stunned. "Darling, whatever came over you?" Rarity left her chair and tilted her head. "Y-You said we needed to get them out of the house," Sweetie faked a smile. "That was a joke Sweetie Belle," Rarity giggled slightly. "Oh," the filly felt slightly bad for taking away family time but was glad she did it anyways. "Well, I already ate before you got here. Are you hungry?" Rarity questioned. "Uh, nope. I ate on the train," Sweetie lied. "Then would you like to do the house tour?" "I would love to!" Sweetie giggled. Rarity was stunned for a second. "Sweetie Belle... Was that the first time, I heard you... N-Never mind," Rarity led the way thinking to herself. "This is the kitchen," Rarity announced as she motioned to the room. The kitchen was on the first floor, a round table sat near a window with six chairs. A 'L' shape counter was connected to the wall with cupboards and plates. A fridge was at the end of the counter. The room had two windows and two doors, one was the back door that led outside into the back yard while the other led to another room. The filly happily nodded, taking mental notes. "This is the boutique, customers are free to come in and browse. We also make custom orders," Rarity proudly stated as they entered the new large room. The room was vast and had many windows and two doors with a staircase. There were many racks and pony mannequins that held clothing. Sweetie awed at the clothing as she darted from place to place. Rarity smiled brightly as her sister bounced around. Sweetie stopped to quickly and flew into a rack of clothes, knocking it over. Rarity rushed over and removed some of the clothing and the rack with her magic. "Are you okay darling?" Rarity asked. "Y-Yeah, sorry about that," Sweetie sat up. "Its alright dear. These were way last season anyways," Rarity smiled. "I'm glad you're not hurt, but please try to be careful." "Yes Rarity, thank you Rarity," Sweetie smirked. "Oh! Will I be helping with customers or making clothing?" Sweetie jumped up with a wide grin. "Maybe in the future but lets worry about getting you into school first," Rarity began trotting to the stairs. "S-S-S-H-H-O-O-O-L-L?!?" Sweetie floated in shock. "I'M GOING TO SCHOOL?" "Um, yes? We will sign you in tomorrow," Rarity tilted her head in confusion. "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!" Sweetie shouted throwing herself to Rarity's hooves. "S-Sweetie Belle, did you not go to school when living with mom and dad?" Rarity seemed concerned. "Nope, they said I didn't need it," Sweetie bounced off the walls. "I-I" Rarity was stunned. "Sweetie Belle... What letters are in the alphabet?" "Which one?" Sweetie tilted her head as she calmed herself. "..." Rarity was once again, very confused. "Oh, um. A, B, C-" Sweetie recited the alphabet perfectly. "Good... Can you tell me what fifteen plus seven is?" Rarity asked. "Twenty two!" Sweetie blurted out instantly. "Fifty two times twenty?" Rarity asked, concerned. "One thousand, forty!" she once again, blurted instantly. Rarity took a second to do the math in her head before pausing once again. Sweetie giggled and broke Rarity's train of thought. "W-Well, I still want you in school. W-We can talk about it later," Rarity said as she trotted up the stairs still quietly thinking to herself. "Awesome!" Sweetie jumped up the stairs with joy. Rarity walked down the winding hallway and stopped at the first door to the left, she opened it. "The ladies room, we will be sharing it. Your counter is on the left and mine is on the right" Sweetie entered and looked around the room, there was a single window with the blinds shut. A counter with a large mirror and a bathtub at the back of the room. "I usually take my showers at night, you can do it whenever," Rarity smiled. "W-What's the next room," Sweetie fakes a smile. They looked across the hallway to an open room, the room had many pony mannequins and different cloths littering the ground. sowing machines, sowing equipment, and various threads laid on the table near the back. A bed was near the door. "This is my room, its where I do all of my work and all of my sleeping. Ignore the mess, its controlled chaos," Rarity quickly tried moving onto the final room before Sweetie saw anymore. "And this is your room!" she motioned to the final room. Sweetie's eyes flicked to the door, last in the hallway. She trotted to the room and opened it slowly. She walked in without a word or a slight sense of emotion. The room had a single window with blinds. A bookshelf near the window with a few books, next to that is a small table with a small chest laying nearby. On the other side of the room is a big soft bed and a night stand right beside it. Two outlets, one by the bed and another by the desk. Finally there was a present sitting on her bed. "T-This is my room?" "Is something not to your liking? I can change the bed sheets, or-" Sweetie sat on the carpeted ground. She began to sobbing uncontrollably. Rarity rushed to her sister and sat close to her. "Whatever is the matter dear?" Rarity asked as she wrapped her hoof around her sisters cold body. "I-I'm sorry *Sniff* I didn't want to-" her sobbing cut herself off. "Why are you crying Sweetie Belle?" Rarity brought her sisters face up with her other hoof. "I-I'm s-s-sorry," Sweetie Belle had no tears but her eyes seemed bloodshot and there was a lump in her throat. "Sweetie Belle," Rarity said, very concerned. "Y-You'll get mad," Sweetie's voice cracked. "However will I be mad at you darling?" Rarity asked. Sweetie shook her head. "N-Not at me," she sobbed. "Sweetie Belle, please tell me," Rarity brought her sister closer. "Y-You can't g-get mad," Sweetie brought her red face up to her sister. "Promise!" Rarity smiled. "I-I, never had a r-room before" Sweetie sobbed in her hooves. Rarity broke her promise. After letting it out of her systems, Sweetie sat in her sisters hooves with a smile. Rarity snuggled with her sister a little more before letting her go. Sweetie didn't want to leave the hug but allowed it to part. Rarity shivered slightly but tried to hide it from her sister. "Do you need help unpacking your things?" Rarity asked, looking at her single saddle. "Nope!" Sweetie smiled. "Is the booklet of rules in your saddle?" Rarity pried. Sweetie cringed before robotically shaking her head with a, "N-No." "Sweetie Belle I would like to see the rules if you have them," Rarity stated calmly. Sweetie looked away as her sister unbuckled her saddle. She opened the saddle and dug through it, only finding a single, long wire. "What is this wire for?" Rarity picked it up and inspected it. Sweetie hid her cringe. Rarity stared at her sister, attempting to break her. Rarity gave up in a sigh. "Fine, I wish you were more forthcoming with me Sweetie Belle," Rarity got up from the floor. "Well, I can't say that I don't sort of understand. You won't have a lot of chores around the house and as long as you tell me when you leave and what your doing then I guess it's okay. If you ever wish to talk I will be here," Rarity smiled as she began leaving the room. "Thank you, Rarity," Sweetie smiled away from her sister. "Your welcome, I'll leave you to it. Get used to the house today and prepare for tomorrow, we will be out of the house almost all day," Rarity left and closed the door behind her. Sweetie Bot got up slowly and marveled at her new room. She happily dug through everything until getting to the present. She opened it cautiously and her eyes lit up as it revealed a lava lamp. She quickly shut the curtains and plugged it in as she sat it on the night stand. The lava lamp glowed a soft green and Sweetie's smile shinned brightly. Sweetie yawned and shook her head in attempt to lose the wave of sleepiness. "Tired already? But I fully charged last night," Sweetie rubbed her eyes before looking up to her battery. "F-Fifteen percent?" Sweetie once again rubbed her eyes. "I guess the stress wore out my battery," Sweetie yawned again. Sweetie Bot picked up her charger and plugged it in next to her bed, she then checked her back left hoof and found her small zipper. She pulled at it, revealing her metallic white shell under her disguise. She opened a small hatch and found her charging port. She plugged in and the sleepiness evaporated instantly. "I should enter sleep mode to charge a little faster," Sweetie fell onto her bed. "I'm sure Rarity wouldn't mind," she pulled her blanket over herself and shut her eyes. --[Executing Func_Sleep]-- --[3]-- --[2]-- --[1]-- Rarity placed the perfectly cut sandwiches on two plates. She picked one up with her magic and trotted upstairs. "Sweetie Belle, I have lunch!" Rarity knocked on her sisters door. She awaited a response but when nothing came she knocked again. "Sweetie Belle I'm coming in," Rarity opened the door and found herself in the dark room with a sleeping filly. Rarity smiled wholesomely and placed the plate next to her bed slowly with her magic. She left and happily trotted down the hallway until stepping on her cats tail. Opal jumped away and hissed at her owner before her tail twitched in anger. "I-I'm sorry Opal. I was distracted," Rarity said with a frown. Opal walked away angrily. "Now that I think about it I didn't tell Sweetie Belle about Opal. I'll tell her next time I see her," Rarity shrugged. --[Battery 100%]-- Sweetie sat up in her bed and rubbed her eyes. She removed her wire in a stretch and quietly slipped out of bed. She peered outside through her curtains and saw the dark dirt streets of the town. Sweetie snuck out of her room and crept into the bathroom before locking the door behind her. "Please don't be loud," Sweetie Bot begged as she clogged the bathtub and turned on the faucet. The water began pouring and she gave a light sigh, the sounds of the water hitting the empty ground was far from quite but not enough to awake a sleeping pony. A pair of eyes peer down to the mechanical horse, the creature wiggled from its perch and jumped to the horse. Sharp pain registers within Sweetie's programing as a creature claws at her from behind. She screams internally as she ran around in an attempt to fly the creature off. The creature jumped off in a sharp hiss, and Sweetie Bot faked a fighting pose to hopefully scare the creature until laying her eyes on a white cat. Sweetie collapsed from fright while the cat licked her paws. Sweetie turned off the faucet and tried a few times to open the door with her magic, eventually getting it. The cat walked out with her head held high before Sweetie shut the door again. "I guess Rarity has a cat," Sweetie said to herself as she inspected her back. Some of her fur ripped and a dimly glowing green shined through. Sweetie removed her disguise and the metallic shell with dimly glowing green lights threw her disguise into the bathtub. She sighed as she poured soup into the water. Sweetie used her magic to clean her fake self for a few minutes. She levitated it out of the bathtub and let it dry on the towel rack. The filly used her magic again to unclog the bathtub before opening a hatch on her stomach, revealing a storage space and a small booklet inside. After removing the booklet she read the title to herself. "Sweetie Bot Manual... I'm sorry Rarity, just not yet," Sweetie frowned at the pages before throwing it back to her interior. She looked back up to her drying disguise before scratching her head. Sweetie opened the door slowly and stood quietly before her sisters room. --[Night Vision: Active]-- Sweetie Bot's eyes began to glow slightly, she reached for her sisters door and opened it slowly. She peered into the room and found her sister in bed with a sleeping mask on. She trotted inside cautiously, dodging her sisters fabric maze as she reached the back of the room. She scanned the threads and needles before finding plane white thread. With a small hint of satisfaction she picked it up and began working to the door. Rarity tossed in her bed and Sweetie froze as her tiny pupils stared at her sister. After a few long seconds she began moving again and closed the door softly behind her. She jumped quietly outside of the door as a rush of joy and accomplishment overcame her. Sweetie picked up her disguise and placed it nicely on her table while scanning her bookshelf. She smiled as she took out a book on sowing and cross referenced that as she took a needle to the deflated body before her. After she was done it looked as though the fur was never ripped and she hid the thread in her nightstand. She zipped up the disguise and it fit snug around her metal body. Sweetie felt a strong sense of accomplishment before a wave of gloom. Her eyes landed on a plate beside her bed and she frowned. She picked up the plate and quietly trotted to the kitchen. Sweetie dumped her plate into the trash then placed it into the sink. Sweetie froze as a loud yawn came from the doorframe behind her. "Oh, good morning Sweetie Belle. Did you sleep well?" Rarity rubbed her eyes. "Y-Yeah! The bed was super soft," Sweetie smiled. "Glad to hear it! Before I forget, I have a cat. Her name is Opal and she isn't very friendly," Rarity stated. "Usually if you don't bother her she won't attack but she does hate getting locked in a few rooms." "Is one of them the bathroom?" Sweetie asked faintly. "Yes, how did you know that?" Rarity questioned. "Lucky guess," Sweetie faked a shrug. "Anyways, would you like some breakfast?" Rarity smiled. "Uh, nope. I ate your sandwiches earlier, they were very good," Sweetie lied. "I'm glad you enjoyed them. I will make me something and we will take off after I finish," Rarity hummed as she began digging through cupboards. "Where are we going?" Sweetie questioned. "You will just have to wait and see," Rarity looked back with a smile.