Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life

by Blackdrag-rose

Android: Gero's Secret Lab

Twilight, knowing exactly where North City was located due to her studies of the Earth and it's people, flew towards it as Piccolo, Tien, and Krillin followed after her, though at the same time Gohan was taking Bulma, Trunks, and Yajirobe home, not that she cared since it didn't impact her at all.

"Hey Twilight, I've got a question: do you think one could become stronger if they used your product?" Krillin asked, as he had been thinking about ways to increase his power so he could be more useful in the battles that were ahead of them, also due to the fact that they had no idea if Gero was going to activate the other androids, and the food products she had created seemed to be his only lead.

"It's theoretically possible that one could use one of the TF Food products to do such a thing, but you'd likely have to give up your humanity and fully become a Beastian," Twilight replied, as she had created the line of food items to allow the rest of the Earthlings to experiment and see what it was like to have certain animal traits, like a tail or even wings, and hadn't even considered that there might be a combat aspect to them, "I guess if one wanted more speed they could focus on a cheetah, a gorilla if they wanted more strength, maybe an alligator for a thicker hide... if you wanted to be stronger overall, and not focus on a single attribute, I guess you could pick a dragon and go from there."

"Just how many types of animals did you include in your product?" Tien asked, because he had been focused on training for this day and hadn't paid too much attention to what Twilight had been doing in her spare time, as it sounded like she had done something outrageous, especially since he knew of TF Food's original limited variety and had to wonder how much had been added to it.

"All of them!" Twilight remarked, which was the truth, she had tracked down the DNA of every living animal on Earth, from cats and dogs to dinosaurs of all types, to even two styes of mythical dragons thanks to her mother's aid, and added all of them into the products her company carefully produced.

Krillin thought about that for a moment before having them stop, where he divided up the remaining six Senzu Beans, two for Piccolo, two for Tien, and two for Twilight, purposely leaving none for himself as he zeroed in on the city itself, showing them that he was actually following up on his idea. She really didn't mind that though, he was, after all, the weakest fighter in his entire group, so if he wanted to go do something to empower himself, well, she wasn't going to stop him, but she did pocket her beans for later. Piccolo and Tien were focused on the flight, no doubt knowing that Krillin would return in due time, as he was more courageous than one might assume, based on what the latter told her a few seconds after the bald warrior departed from the group, but she simply shrugged. Given everything she had seen so far it was a wonder that Krillin bothered to help his friends tackle the various threats that plagued their world, given that most seemed far above his personal power, but she wasn't about to argue with his beliefs.

Even with Vegeta and Future Trunks speeding ahead of them, wasting energy with their Super Saiyan forms, Twilight and her followers reached North City ahead of the pair, because Vegeta had no idea where he was going and his son was likely trying to give him directions. Piccolo and Tien, as per their earlier decision, split up so they could scout out the vast number of mountains that were around the city in question, where Twilight just stood there as they departed, making it look like she was scouting the area as well, before she picked up on her tracker. Gero was coming from another path he must have devised in case someone tried to follow him back to his secret lab, in fact he had to be closer to it than she and the others were, though she smiled for a moment as she silently moved through the air, zeroing in on where he had set up his lab. In fact Twilight was able to track him down rather easily, while finding that none of the others realized where he was located, and Gero paled as he noticed her floating in the air with a smirk on her face, though all she did was gesture with a hand for a few seconds, telling him to get a move on.

While he stared at her, clearly debating what to do next, she silently created a sphere shaped object near her, about the size of her fist with a yellow slit, a skill she had created during her three years of training for this very day, so called her 'Phantom Eye' skill, and the best part was that it was invisible to everyone else.

As 20 moved into a high cave, something most people would ignore if they saw it, Twilight sent the eye into it while she closed her left eye, allowing her to see what was going on, as it allowed her to see a metallic door with a number pad, one that he input a code to open, which was 5201. As the door opened Gero paused for a moment, just to be sure that she wasn't going to do anything to him, while being unnerved by her expression, before entering his lab, where her silent spy had entered it ahead of the android the Z Warriors were tracking. What she discovered was that there were three pods lining the right wall, one of which was open, likely 19's container since the two to the right of it bared the number 18 and 17, as if counting down, before her grin widened as she noticed a fourth container with '16' printed on it. She determined that this was likely another change from Future Trunks' timeline, as he'd likely be surprised by the discovery of another android, in addition to the two they had fought earlier that morning after they landed on the island, while finding that his lab was on the small size, making her wonder if there was another one somewhere else.

Gero mentioned something about the past and issues, though he seemed more afraid of Twilight than anything else, but, in the end, he released 17 from his container, who almost seemed like a ranger of some kind, before being surprised by how nice the android was, causing him to awaken 18 as well, all while holding onto a remote that seemed important to the pair of androids.

"Good morning, Dr. Gero. It seems that you've become an artificial human as well." 18 stated, where Twilight found that she and her brother, as they seemed like siblings and not strangers, seemed to be playing Gero and were acting as if he had 'fixed' them, who mentioned their incredible power, the perpetual energy reactors, and that they were only now positively responding to his orders.

"Yes, I desired eternal life, but, since the Dragon Balls always eluded me, this was the next best thing." Gero said, where it became clear that, in order to deceive his targets, he purposely made it seem like he and 19 were following the orders he had given them, as if the android maker was dead and gone, but now, thanks to the blows he had received, his original persona had returned in full force, "Now then, I'm going to put you two to work right away. Twilight Sparkle is literally on the other side of the door, no doubt summoning reinforcements from Son Goku's friends, so I need you two to take care of them."

"Twilight Sparkle? She's here!?" 17 remarked, almost like he had been a fan of her work before Gero captured him and his sister, though there was a chance that he knew of her because of the files that had been uploaded into his system, but as that happened Twilight's energy, which she had been building for a while, called forth the others, while she dismissed her eye as she input the code and opened the metal door, "Well I'll be, you were right... she is here."

Twilight's actions of opening the door allowed the pair to steal the remote that was in Gero's hands and crush it, which meant it had been some sort of deactivation switch so he could turn both of them off after they did their job, the only one based on his reaction. Gero spoke about how this was bad, since 19 had been destroyed and how he lost his hand, which came as a surprise to the androids since they had no idea he had made another one after them, save for himself anyway, before realizing that he had used the older models for himself and the now dead 19. Twilight was actually pleased to hear them talk, instead of wanting to fight immediately like Future Trunks had told them previously, because it meant there was a chance that they might be able to reason 17 and 18 and see if they were like what the future warrior had said, since he had been mostly wrong so far, on a few subjects anyway. In the following moment 18 discovered 16's container that was resting on the ground, instead of against the wall like the others, where Gero actually paled, stating that this android held the power to destroy the world itself if they weren't careful, which only interested them even more.

She wasn't too surprised to find that, after Gero continued to press their buttons, 17 stabbed him in the chest with his bare hand before removing and crushing his head, where Future Trunks instantly went Super Saiyan and blasted the lab to pieces with a powerful blast... though when the smoke cleared they found that the two androids were fine and that the last container was safe, while Twilight's group floated in the air near the now ruined mountain.

"That settles it, you're definitely Vegeta's kid... only he'd do something stupid like that." Twilight stated, because so far she was vastly disappointed in the future warrior, in fact it sure seemed like most of them were near or over his level of power while he, himself, hadn't grown at all, and his actions were only a waste of energy, "Look over there: the androids, and the third one, are unharmed."

16, as Twilight discovered, was twice as tall as the two androids that were near him, who had a reddish orange mohawk and wore a black bodysuit with lime green gloves, which showed off his hands, boots, and a chest piece that had a pair of large shoulder sections and a ring near the neck area, complete with the insignia of his maker on his chest. From what she could see he was more of a silent type, as he was taking in the area and listening to the pair as they informed him about what had happened, about Gero mentioning that he'd bring about their deaths if they turned him on, before finding that he, like all of the androids, was programmed to end Goku's life. While they were talking Twilight found that both 17 and 18 were looking at her, no doubt because of the fact that she was a total mystery to them, they knew nothing about her skills or powers, other than the fact that she was a fighter like the others, so they were being cautious around her. After doing that for a few moments 17 and 18 decided to move, causing 16 to follow after them, where the Z Warriors, lead by a now angry Vegeta, gave chase while Twilight stayed behind for a time, just to see if there was anything to salvage from the lab, or what was left of it.

What she discovered was a busted ladder leading down into the ground, which seemed to be connected to a tunnel that brought her right to another lab, one that seemed to be operating on it's own and with it's own perpetual energy reactor, causing Twilight to grin as she noticed what was resting in a large tube nearby.

"Gero, you absolute madman... of course he'd do something like this." Twilight remarked, because if the artificial humans were becoming a problem to control it made sense that he'd try to blend the DNA of the greatest warriors he knew into a mesh and see what sort of monster he could create, one that, if it started in a test tube, might actually listen to him and not rebel, as she could see a little green thing inside it.

The nearby computer confirmed her thoughts, the little spy drones that were gathering information on the Z Warriors and their enemies were also collecting DNA samples of those very people, allowing him to create a warrior that was a blend of them all, or allowing the computer to do it since Gero seemed to have forgotten about this place. As she thought about it Twilight realized something else, if this existed in this timeline there was a chance that it also existed in Future Trunk's as well, meaning whatever was being made was likely already complete in his period, only he hadn't encountered the beast yet. Such a thing meant that, if she wanted to, she could warn him so when he returned to his time period he could hunt it down, after taking out his own androids, as Twilight had figured that part of the reason for him returning was likely to search for a weakness in Future 17 and 18. At the same time, however, she knew that she couldn't just show all of this to the Z Warriors, because it was connected to Gero and that meant, after everything they had been through, that Krillin and his friends would tear everything apart to ensure his creations were stamped out.

As she thought about that, and considered how to move forward with this discovery, Twilight also found blueprints that seemed to be about the two androids that Gero had just awakened, while finding that the ones for 16, 19, and 20 were in a nearby container. She quickly realized that one could figure out a weakness if they studied the blue pieces of paper that were resting nearby, the very thing Future Trunks was looking for when she considered him for a time, though it caused her to come to a decision on the matter. Twilight decided not to bother reading the blueprints for the time being, since it would take the fun out of fighting 17 and 18, if she actually decided to engage them, so for the time being she rolled both of them up and carefully stored them nearby, figuring that she'd get to them later. With that done Twilight turned to the computer and quickly put in a code to ensure that the drones returned, even making sure that their entry point was safe, before weaving her magic into the surrounding area and sealing it, to prevent the others from finding and destroying everything in here, as there was no way she was going to let all of this go up in smoke.

Once that was done Twilight took to the sky and headed off in the direction of the others, where she quickly found that she had missed nothing, as the androids were hanging out on a side road and her companions landed, just in time for her to see Vegeta get knocked into the side of a mountain.

"It seems like things never change." Twilight commented, where she landed without delay, allowing her to see that most of the Z Warriors were unsure of what to do in this particular situation, though as she considered the scene in front of them a newcomer showed up, which turned out to be Krillin, who was sporting a pair of curved ivory antlers on his head, one on each side, and a serpentine tail that matched the eastern dragons, "Seems like you made up your mind."

"Yeah, I went with something that resembles Shenron... you know, dragons and power." Krillin replied, where he felt just a little weird like this, walking with a tail, green that matched the Eternal Dragon while having red colored spines that went down the length of his brand new appendage, though at the same time he guessed he knew how Goku felt when Bulma met him, "Though, now that I see Vegeta being beaten, I wonder if I might have wasted my time..."

Twilight knew why he stopped short, he was focused on 18, who he must have found stunning based on his reaction to her mere presence, to which she turned her attention back to the fight as she found 18 beating the stuffing out of Vegeta, not that she expected anything different given his past with the Frieza Force. She also noticed that part of the road had been blown away, along with a truck by the looks of it, meaning Vegeta must have attacked 18 with his Ki and missed, or she dodged his attack with ease, but despite that fact he seemed to believe that he had her on the ropes. While that went down, however, she also glanced off to the side and found that 16 seemed to be looking out at some birds as 17 switched from observing her and Krillin to watching what his sister was doing right now, no doubt making sure that no one tried to interfere with the fight. She was perfectly fine just standing and watching what was going on, because Vegeta was being hit by 18 repeatedly as his attacks did nothing to her, in fact he was currently losing, causing her to smile as she watched it happen, while noting that even a Super Saiyan was unable to stand before the androids.

In fact the only thing Vegeta was capable of was just wrecking 18's jacket, something that seemed to annoy her as she hit him even harder than before, to the point where she spun around and struck his left arm with the side of her left leg, an attack that broke his arm in an instant. Sure enough it had the reaction Twilight was expecting, Future Trunks leapt into battle as he transformed into his Super Saiyan state and drew his sword, where the edge was chipped as 18 defended by raising her arm, the metal breaking as easily as Vegeta's arm. 17, following suit, struck him from behind, knocking him into the ground, causing both Piccolo and Tien rushed into battle, while Krillin was terrified of what was going on and stood off to the side to avoid drawing attention to himself. Piccolo was knocked aside with a single punch, the backside of 17's left hand, while Tien was grabbed by the head, like 17 might be choking him, and Vegeta made the foolish move to ignore his foe, leading to 18 grabbing his foot and tossing him right into his son, as if he was a bat or a trash bag.

By the end of it 17 had taken down both Piccolo and Tien on his own, while 18 knocked Future Trunks out and crushed Vegeta's right arm as well, forcing him out of his Super Saiyan state in the process, meaning most of the Z Warriors were down for the count, though they weren't dead yet.

"So, why didn't you jump in with the others?" 18 inquired, because Twilight seemed to be the strongest of them all and she was able to tell that just by looking at her, as the figure seemed to be far more imposing than the other warriors, while at the same time Krillin, despite his recent changes, was still nervous about everything.

"I didn't want to interrupt, especially since you said you didn't want to be bothered." Twilight replied, which was the truth, she knew what had been said and didn't want to bother the androids, especially since she had been enjoying watching as Vegeta and Future Trunks were taken down by the pair, "I was actually just following them, watching as they dealt with all of Gero's creations, smiling in satisfaction as some were beaten into the ground... now that the battle's over, well, I guess I'll be on my way."

"That's it? You aren't going to fight us?" 17 asked, as he and his sister knew that she was one of the strongest fighters on the planet, because she knew Goku and that meant she had likely trained with him, and both had been expecting her to do something to them after the Z Warriors were knocked down, "Aren't you going to 'avenge your friends' or stop us from killing Son Goku?"

"Please, I have no 'friends', nor would I be friends with these idiots in the first place... trust me, the less you know about it the better off you'll be." Twilight said, informing them that it would be a bad idea for them to ask her what she meant, in fact it might lead to the deaths of the fallen warriors if she said anything, though she was only staying her hand since she knew most of them would get stronger after this defeat, "You are welcome to kill Goku, in fact I might help you out in the future... however, if you really want a fight, I guess I can spare some time to exchange blows with the three of you if you really desire such a thing."

17 and 18 stared at her for a few seconds, clearly debating whether or not this was worth their time or not, while she did the same thing, silently wondering if their cores could produce unlimited energy, meaning unlimited Ki for her to steal and empower herself with, before finding that the pair stood down.

"Nah, I think we'll pass... besides, we're more interested in Son Goku right now." 17 remarked, as he figured that he, his sister, and their new friend could deal with Gero's main target before worrying about someone that he deemed unwise to approach, even though he must have annoyed her in some manner, "Maybe we'll fight once he's taken care of."

"Very well." Twilight stated, where she turned her back to the androids and Krillin found that neither dared to move, like they were frightened of her and kept their uncaring expressions with ease or they just didn't care about her at all, but as she got ready to leave she paused and turned towards Krillin, "I'll be back if anything interesting happens."

Krillin said nothing as Twilight took to the air and departed with ease, as in she suddenly disappeared and reminded him that her power and speed were far greater than his own, causing him to turn back to the androids as he wondered if they were going to hit him if he helped the others onto their feet.

"So, um, can I talk you guys out of killing Goku?" Krillin asked, because he had to hope that there was something, anything, he could do to convince them not to hunt down his friend and kill him to fulfill Gero's final orders in their own manner, even if they had told Twilight of their desire to kill their kidnapper's target.

"No chance. We were made to kill him, after all." 16 stated, though as he said that he mentally wondered if they would have been able to beat Twilight if the others had decided to fight her, given the lack of data they had on her and the fact that his internal power sensor judged her to be incredibly powerful.

"However, it is cute that you care so much about your friends." 18 added, as she could see that Krillin was worried about all of his friends, both those who were resting nearby and those who weren't present right now, to which she placed a kiss on his cheek for a moment, surprising them for a few seconds, "Go ahead, heal them with those Senzu Beans... we've got things to do."

"You know, we should move to another road... maybe we'll find a car to use... and I'd love to try one of her products, if we find some along the way." 17 remarked, where Krillin realized why he had been the subject of the male android's attention for some time, he was more interested in his new additions and what it might feel like to have them, before he, his sister, and the tall android took to the skies and flew off.

Krillin stood there for a moment, surprised by 18's sudden gesture, before gathering the Senzu Beans he had and moved down to where the others were resting, as it was time to heal them and figure out what to do next, since fighting the trio wasn't the answer, and he could only hope that things turned their way in the near future.