//------------------------------// // Eindringling! // Story: Krieger's Tale: Rise of the Germane Empire // by Stalin with Da Spoon //------------------------------// The chirping of crickets and hooting of owls cried out in unison with the slow crackling of the fire, it's ashes slowly lifted into the air from the updraft created by the burning of wood helped to bring some light to the quite dark environment. The moon and stars above generated enough to where you could see your own hands, but not much else. So thus is why the fire burns, along with providing, as cold winds and frigid chills filled the night, chilling the men huddled around the fire. Private Gunter of the Heer looked to his comrades, seeing Corporal Paul lighting a cigar using the flames of the fire before he proceeded to lightly smoke it, breathing in the fumes before puffing them out and sighing in relief. Meanwhile Private Max was busy adding more wood to the fire, lightly blowing on the flames to try and make them grow so he could gain more warmth and heat from the fire to counteract the frigid breeze blowing over their campsite. Being stationed on Night Watch was something Gunter did not really mind, as he had made sure to get plenty of sleep when he was told about his posting. They had begun their shift about half an hour ago, and after it reached midnight, the second night shift team would come to take their place, allowing Gunter and his partners to get some well needed sleep. But for now, they were stuck here sitting in the field to the north of Germaney, their camp only a few meters away from the northern road into the town, allowing them to keep watch on anyone attempt to use it. Deciding to try and pass the time, Gunter asked his partners a question in German. "So, what do you think of us winding up in possibly a whole other world? I think it's better than being in France honestly." Gunter asked, as Corporal Paul looked up from smoking his cigar, withdrawing it from his mouth as he spoke with a slight sneer. "Honestly, I believe that our camp was hit by an allied bombing run or strafed by fighters, and we are all in purgatory paying for our sins." Paul said, his tone being one of despair and sorrow. Gunter visibly saddened, as he turned to his fellow private hoping for a more positive response. "Honestly, I got no clue Gunter. Maybe were here because the stars aligned, maybe a deity saw our predicament and lended us a hand, maybe we were sent here for a reason, maybe to help the ponies, who knows. All I care about, is what we do now. Make sure to quote this, ahem..." Max said with uncertainty in his voice, before clearing his throat and standing up as he spoke dramatically. "When in a land of magical walking talking pony people, one must look forward to the future ahead of them." Max said, as both Gunter and Paul clapped, with the cynical corporal letting out a light chuckle as the private sat down. "Don't worry, I'll make sure it goes on your obituary." "Better than what I said for my graduation quote." "What was it?" "Dying is gay." All three of the men suddenly burst out laughing like hyenas, with even Paul snickering while Gunter fell on his back while clutching his gut. After a few seconds of laughing, their chuckles faltered and they slowly regained their composure, still lightly giggling to themselves. "Oh... That was good laughter, I needed that... Phew." Max said while Gunter straightened his back. "Ja, das was gut." As the three men continued to lounge around the campfire, a light noise could be heard on the dirt road behind them, as they turned to hear what sounded like foot steps slowly approaching. All three of the men quickly reached for their weapons, gripping them as they rose to their feet, as Gunter made sure to load his MP-40 before nervously aiming down it's sights as Paul signaled for them to stay silent and let the unknown figure approach. Soon enough, a male Earth pony came into the light of the campfire, it's amber glow illuminating the ponies rough clothing and chaffed bare feet. The men quickly lowered their weapons, as Paul spoke in English. "Halt! What is your business?" The pony stopped in his tracks, nervously eyeing the uniformed men with both awe and fear... Before turning and running. The three men looked at each other confused, before deciding to act on instinct, giving chase as Paul continued to shout. "HALT! CEASE YOUR RUNNING OR WE WILL OPEN FIRE!" Paul said, before he saw Max managing to out pace, before the private threw his weapon to the side and tackled the pony, an easy task considering the ponies lacking strength, which allowed the soldier to hold him in place as his partners caught up. "You have a lot of explaining to do to the Kommandant, pony..." Krieger was still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, riding inside the front passenger seat of his jeep while he looked to check his watch and seeing it was about 10 o' clock. It was in the middle of the night for pete sake! But, as an officer of the Wehrmacht, one must always be vigilant and ready at a moment's notice. Though that didn't seem to be the case for those defending the beaches of France... The Jeep soon came to a step, as Krieger nodded to the soldier driving before opening his door and stepping out within the military camp for his forces, and judging by the crudely painted sign with the symbol of a lock on it, this was likely the designated tent for holding prisoners, which is a good thing they had one, or else they would have had to commander a building within town. As he looked at the two tent guards, they saluted before helping to hold open the tent flap, as they followed Krieger inside and watched him take a seat within a metal chair. Sitting across from Krieger would be the pony that Corporal Paul had reported to him about, currently handcuffed to their chair. Torn up clothing similar to that of something a peasant might wear, bruised and scarred skin, and a very skinny torso. Just by first looks alone Krieger could tell this was no soldier or warrior, but an unfortunate local of the area. Though, the fact they decided to run away did raise a red flag or two, plus there was the potential that this pony may be a spy or sleeper cell, so it was best to try and get some answers, as Krieger spoke in a formal tone. "Greetings, mister..." The pony did not even reply with a simple name, letting his head hang low. "Mein freund, you do not need to be afraid, we are not going to hurt you. You can at least tell me who you are." "... A-autumn Chill, mister..." "Ah, see? We are getting somewhere! There is no need to be hostile. Guards, remove his binds please." Krieger gestured as one of the soldiers behind him nodded, moving behind Autumn and unlocking the handcuffs, stowing them as the pony rubbed his wrists. "Now then, may I ask why you ran away from our night watch guards?" "I... I was afraid. I have never seen your kind before, you uh... What are you called?" "You may call us humans, and your fears are understandable. Now then, may I ask why you may have come to Germaney? And I ask you to be truthful now..." "I... I..." Tears began to visibly well up in his eyes, before audibly sighing and speaking clearly, with sadness audible in his voice. "I was sent here to figure out what happened to the raiding party..." "By who?" "I had no choice... The boss said I had to work with him, or else he'd.. He'd..." "He'd what, Autumn, he'd what?" "He and his caribou would execute my parents... My mom, my dad, and my little sis... Now I'm here and... I can't just go back with nothing..." Krieger slowly nodded, now being confronted by the news, and given a choice. Let the pony return to his boss empty handed, protecting the town and it's people, but putting the lives of Autumn and his family in danger... Let Autumn return with information about Germaney , putting the town at risk but sparing him... Or, potentially feeding him false information, which would not completely stop the Caribou but rather slow them down, while Autumn could act as a man on the inside, both relaying information and keeping his family safe. Making his choice, Krieger nodded and looked Autumn in the eyes, with a slight smile on his face. "I believe I have an idea, komarade..."