Forgotten Words

by starcoder

Page 3

February 9

Today was fun! Sunburst and I went to an amusment park for my birthday today. Yeah, Dad came too, for supervision, I guess.

We went on a bunch of cool rides, but I'd have to say my favorite was the water roller coaster thingy. It felt like I was flying. I LOVE flying things. And flying on my own is fun, too. You get a sense that you're watching over the world. But not only that, it was a water roller coaster. We get wet a lot, like buckets of water pour down on us while we zoom around. I loved it. I'm not sure if Sunburst did, though.

We had strawberry flavored cupcakes and apple juice. I love apple juice, and strawberries. I drink apple juice, like, all of the time. And, I kind of like the idea of cupcakes instead of cake, because it's smaller and there won't be any leftovers.

I got great birthday presents. Sunburst gave me a magic book. A bit advanced, but nothing I can't handle. I do love a good challenge, and I can't get over the satisfaction of energy bursting through my horn. Makes me feel great. Makes me feel powerful. Dad gave me a kite. He know how much I like the air. I like the wind in my face, my hair blowing in the wind, riding with the wind. Looking down at the world. He gave me a kite today. It's looking down at me.

Today was fun. Today was great. I can't wait for Sunburst's birthday. I should start on his present soon. His birthday's in a few months, after all.

- Starlight Glimmer the filly

I'm not starting the page with a cringy letter anymore. Blech. I do hope you understand.

And... I'm being nice to a book again. Gross.