Forgotten Words

by starcoder

Page 1

September 3rd

My teacher says that I should keep a diary. So here it is. Here you are? Should I use second pony pronouns? She says a diary is basically somewhere I can write my thoughts, like a friend that listens to me. But it also doesn't talk back to me. What's the point in that? I love a good conversation, and if I can't have one, that just sucks.

Besides, I don't have much thought. What am I supposed to write about? Teacher says my life. Anything that troubles me. I'll take that stupid suggestion, actually. Get ready:

What the hay is this supposed to do? How is this supposed to help me get over my troubles? Like literally?

Oh wait. You can't answer that.


Why am I using second pony pronouns? Does it make me sound weird, as if I'm talking to an unresponsive notebook?

I will barely ever use this. This. Freaking. JOURNAL. Maybe it can be a catalog of some of the great events in life. For now. Maybe I should write an autobiography based off of this one book. Wouldn't that be crazy?

One day, when I grow older, I'll probably have dumped this already. But if I haven't, I know I'll never forget about this weird damn notebook that found it's way to my life. Then, and only then, will I write an autobiography of my childish life. This stupid world, this dumb life. Why? Don't ask me. I never wanted an agenda anyways.

Hey, older self, if you are currently reading this, just stop. Dump this idiotic garbage in the trash. And don't think you were stupid. Even though you really were. Don't read your foolish words. Like, ever again. If I have more pages with writing on them, you probably feel tempted to read them. Go ahead, I'm not stopping you. I was probably tempted to keep on writing. I must have a reason, since I'm not stupid. Oh wait. Yes I am.

Am I weird for writing in this? Yeah, I am. Just ditch this silly book already.