//------------------------------// // 12 - Sunset - Exotics // Story: Tales of an Equestrian Battle Mage // by Babroniedad //------------------------------// Sunset regained consciousness slowly. She cracked open her eyes to see a concerned Kitsune vixen looking down at her worriedly. She felt a cool cloth placed on her muzzle. “Where am I?” She groaned. She moved to turn her head to better face the vixen but flinched and stopped. “Okay nope. Not doing that. Ouch,” she breathed. “You are in the Exotics Brothel. You were dropped off by the Yak-uza several hours ago and left on our steps with instructions to make you presentable for service. You were concussed with a shattered muzzle. I have been working my healing arts on you for hours but was concerned when you we’re taking so long to awaken. I am greatly relieved to see you rouse,” answered the vixen as she placed more cool clothes on her muzzle and face. “Of thank the Maker, it worked,” breathed Sunset, sighing in relief. “What do you mean?” Asked the vixen. “Nothing. I was just afraid I was heading somewhere horrible,” said Sunset. She thought back to those last moments. When she first saw the Yak-uza boss she had reached out to touch his mind, thinking to confirm he was here to bring her to this brothel. Instead, to her horror she realized he had no intention of bringing her to the exotics brothel, instead intending to keep her at his mansion as his personal plaything. In a panic, she realized she had to stop him from doing so immediately. Recalling her promise to her leash sisters she blurted out her request, knowing he would be angered by it. And just as her head was about to meet the wall she planted in his mind a revulsion of her for her disrespect, with the thought that having her serve clients at the Exotics brothel would be the most fitting punishment for her insolence. She blacked out from her injury before she could complete the read to confirm the suggestion had taken. It had worked though. Thank the Maker it had worked. She was here, she hoped finally caught up with the goal of her entire operation, the missing Kitsune kidnapped off the streets of Baltimare over a week ago. She laid back in relief. “When you are feeling well enough I will fetch for you some food and drink. Healing magic takes much from your body. You will need to replenish your energy,” explained the vixen, dragging Sunset back to the present. “Thank you,” Sunset replied. “I could perhaps sip some water or juice, though as you just saw I can’t yet move my head without pain.” Sunset shut her eyes, running her senses throughout her body looking for other injuries. Aside from some almost healed bruises and cuts and some clumps of missing mane that were quickly growing back she was fine. “By any chance, are you the leash mother of this brothel?” She asked. “Yes, I am. You may call me mother. Did you come from one of the other brothels? The yaks who left you at our doorstep were rather terse,” the vixen replied. “I did. The leader of the Yak-uza decided I was perhaps more suited to the services provided here. Apparently insulted by a request I made for my leash sisters, he saw fit to beat me first. My name in the previous brothel was Shimmering Sun,” answered Sunset. “That was very noble of you to think of your leash sisters. What were you requesting that set him off so harshly? Though in truth it takes very little to set our masters off,” asked the mother as she worked. “I honestly knew it may offend him. But for the very lives of my sisters I had to ask. I requested the one known as the beast be allowed to follow me here,” Sunset answered. “The beast!” She exclaimed, nearly dropping the rag she was mostening. “Why in the goddesses' names would you ask for such a thing?” She asked in shock. “Because I alone of my entire leash could pass under his claws unscathed. I cannot bear the thought of my dear friends, my sisters, suffering under his cruelties,” replied Sunset in earnest. The vixen leaned down and hugged her. “You are a kind and generous soul to have such concern for your leash.” She sat back up and resumed placing cool clothes on Sunset’s face and muzzle, putting the now warm ones back in the cool water. “Please do not take this the wrong way, but I am glad they didn’t honor your request. It was in this very brothel the beast killed a vixen in his uncontrolled rage. I still recall the horror of that night. We wept and begged the masters to never allow him to return. I did not know they had provided him access to other brothels. I am sorry for your sisters, but I know there are many here who would nearly die of fright were he to appear again. “And to be truthful I would fear for you as well. Just because he is playing well with you now as his new favorite toy does not mean he will do so always,” added the vixen. “I still would rather face him myself than let him near my leashmates,” sighed Sunset. “Perhaps the goddesses will have mercy on us and drop a large building upon him,” snickered the mother. “Or strike him with bolts of lightning and fry him like a well cooked fish,” agreed Sunset. The vixen laughed. “One may hope,” she agreed. Sunset joined her in laughter. Sunset laid back. “Thank you for that. I have not laughed that hard in awhile,” she grinned. “Nor I,” agreed the vixen. “I think if you are now well enough to laugh so hard you should be well enough to eat. Wait here and I will return with some supper.” “Supper? I guess you weren’t kidding about being out a few hours,” Sunset smiled. The vixen smiled back as she left, closing the door. Sunset looked around the room she was in. She was laying on a well made bed, silk sheets covering a comfortably firm mattress with several down pillows tossed about. On the opposite wall a large picture window looked out over a beautifully maintained garden, a small stream running through it with curved wooden bridges spanning it strategically in several locations. A goldfish leapt from the stream, catching an insect that was hovering over the water. She could see a water movement mechanism that slowly filled up with water, dumping into the stream with a clack and flutter before settling back into place to gently fill the bucket again. Back in the room, on the wall between the large window and bed was a beautiful desk and mirror with a lamp, currently lit, that flooded the room with a warm diffuse light. On the opposite side of the room was a stunningly crafted mahogany table, low to the floor and surrounded by sitting pillows in the Nipponies fashion. The door to the room was by the head of her bed. The inlays of the door were carved with scenes from the land’s folklore, Kitsune foxes and vixens dancing and portraying important moments in their history. The door opened, the vixen returning with a basket that filled the room with heavenly scents sending Sunset’s stomach rumbling. Smiling, the vixen closed the door and placed the basket on the table. “I was enjoying the view from the window. The garden is beautiful. Your room is very beautiful,” commented Sunset. “Thank you,” replied the vixen as she set out the food, preparing a tray for Sunset to eat from. “But I think you are mistaken.” “How is that?” Asked Sunset. “This is your room, not mine. Though all our rooms are like this,” commented the vixen as she poured juice into a cup from a pitcher pulled from the basket. Sunset’s jaw dropped. “What?” “Do you feel well enough to join me at the table, or do I need to feed you in bed? And you heard me. This is your room,” the vixen replied, pulling cushions out for both of them and sitting at the table. “Wow,” Sunset said, getting up from the bed and joining the leash mother at the table. “Thank you,” she added, taking the tray from the vixen and enjoying the food. “This is delicious.” “You are welcome,” replied the vixen passing her the cup of juice as well. Sunset took it in her hooves and drank slowly. “My room is actually just across the garden from yours,” informed the vixen as she munched on a fried prawn. “Thank you for healing me,” Sunset added, munching on a prawn of her own. “I had heard of the lavish state of the exotics brothel. I didn’t think it applied to our living spaces as well.” “Yes, all the house is elegant. We are surrounded by elegance to remind us of our elegance. It is a state of being I strive to maintain among all my leash, with my Madam’s full support,” insisted the house mother. “And it is my responsibility and joy to use my skills to heal you. I care deeply for all in my leash.” “I have a friend, a vixen, whom I’ve not seen in weeks. She is a three tailed, a dear friend. I heard she was moved here as well. I hoped to see her again,” added Sunset, eating a squash filled dumpling. “Perhaps you mean 眠りの花 (Nemurinohana, Sleeping Flower). She arrived two weeks ago. She is a three tailed,” noted the mother. “I guess I‘ll know when I see her,” agreed Sunset. “Sleeping Flower. That was not her name when I knew her if she is the same vixen.” “She could not give her name when she came here, so our Madam named her,” clarified the mother. “In fact she hardly spoke at all, and when she did no one could understand what she said.” “I can understand that. When I was first taken, I spoke only my own tongue and couldn’t understand what anyone said. My friend spoke ponish and nipponesse, so it is possible she is Sleeping Flower. If I may ask though, why would Madam name her sleeping flower? That seems an odd name for a vixen,” asked Sunset. “She is an odd vixen. She apparently has a condition that requires daily medication, which our masters have provided. Perhaps because of this, she is always sleepy and confused. She is a very popular resident however. Many seek her company. And none have complained of her services,” added the mother. “Even if she is not my friend, she sounds like a good leash mate. And I could help her learn the tongue if she needs, as I myself had to learn,” offered Sunset as she finished her miso soup. “This is very delicious, by the way. Thank you.” “You are welcome. It is an old family recipe. I’m glad you enjoyed it,” smiled the mother. “Did you prepare all this?” Asked Sunset. “As the leash mother, it is my duty and happiness to provide and protect my leash. Yes, that includes your health in all aspects,” affirmed the mother. They finished the meal, and the mother straightened up the table, returning everything to the basket. “The rest of your leash sisters are currently working. Come, I will show you around our house, then show you the baths where you can introduce yourself to your sisters when they finish.” Taking the basket, the mother lead her out into the house. The house was a single story, built around the perimeter of the central garden. Each of the residents had two bedrooms facing the central garden, one, like the one Sunset just left, for sleeping and living, and another, more lavish but also simpler, for entertaining and sating their clients’ appetites. A hall surrounded that, on the other side of which was the rest of the rooms. The back of the house was the offices, kitchen, dining hall, baths, and other areas. The very front of the house was the greeting hall, structured similarly to the house Sunset had left. Lavish, with beds for her and each of her leash mates for presentation, Madam’s bed placed at the front. The line of presentation beds were separated by a large entryway to the perimeter hallway. And directly across the hall from this arching entryway was the arched, gated and locked entrance to the central garden. The message was clear. The garden was there to see, but only the invited had access. It was not a place for curious visitors. Sunset found out the garden was only for her and her leash mates. It was a place of solace and reflection. It was not for their work. It was only for them. One major difference Sunset noticed was a complete absence of yaks. Sunset commented on this. The mother explained that it was unique to the exotics. In order to maintain the mystique of the brothel, the yaks didn’t enter unless needed. They counted on Madam and the mother to manage the household and care and protect their leash. They only time that had ever failed had been the incident with the beast, which they had dealt with by forbidding him any future access. The tour over, the mother led her to the baths. “Unlike your leash mate Sleeping Flower, you will keep you name. Please introduce yourself to your leash sisters as they retire from their work to join you. I must return to my tasks to prepare for the new day.” Sunset thanked the mother, then performing her ablutions, she scrubbed up then entered the tub to soak. As the evening wore on, Sunset greeted her new leash sisters as they joined her in the tub. There were vixens of course, and mares, though only six again counting herself. She had expected more ponies considering it was the exotics brothel. There were two of each tribe this time. There were also two Kirin mares. The one creature Sunset did not see was her three tailed friend. When she asked where Sleeping Flower was, several vixens volunteered that she often didn’t come to the baths if she was feeling especially sleepy or confused, returning to her room instead. “Oh, I was so hoping to meet her and see if she was the three tailed Kitsune vixen I befriended before,” sighed Sunset. “Would it be possible to visit her before bed, do you think?” “I suspect she will not be up to receiving any visitors if she is too tired to bathe. But her room is the Jade room, three doors down from the dining hall if you wish to try to visit,” answered one of the vixens. Thanking her for the information, Sunset dried then bid her leash sisters a good night. She trotted out into the hall, then down to the dining hall looking for the third door past. She saw the door, jade inlaid and named Jade in the room placard. She knocked gently on the door with her hoof. “Enter,” called out a vixen from inside. Opening the door, Sunset was surprised to find the leash mother leaning over another vixen, a three tail, her face and muzzle turned away from Sunset. The mother was gently washing the vixen with a lightly soaped rag and a basin of warm water. “Shimmering!” Greeted the mother. “I was wondering if you would show up,” she smiled. Sunset shut the door and crossed the room. “How can I help?” She asked, stopping next to the mother. “I am almost done bathing her. If you can, please start drying her hind paws and legs, then gently dry her tails,” suggested the mother as she carefully cleaned her ears and muzzle. Sunset took a towel and started drying her lower paws, working her way up her hind legs. As she dried the vixen, she reached out and into her mind, feeling for her experiences and confirmation this vixen was her target. She drifted through her memories, trying not to stir anything up that would spark fear or discomfort. She saw face after face, Kitsune fox and Yak, looking down at her as she drifted back through the vixen’s memories. As she continued drying her tails, Sunset continued further back, seeing yak after yak. She felt a spike of terror rising in the vixen, so she sent soothing feelings of love and warmth to the vixen through her mind, calming her thoughts enough she could continue. She then felt and saw the inside of a familiar shipping container, broken by occasional views of a stallion’s face. Sunset continued moving back through the vixen’s memories. She dried her last tail as she moved finally into memories from before her transport. She saw the face of the very same stallion who had captured her. She saw the vixen fighting back, biting and tearing at the stallion, tearing his jacket and drawing both his blood and his ire. She then moved further back, and saw the smiling face of Kaede, the very Kitsune vixen who had been with her as she started her search by allowing herself to be captured. “Aiko, I have found you,” Sunset cried, tears rolling down her cheeks. “Shimmering Sun, are you well? Why are you crying?” Asked the house mother. “She’s my friend,” smiled Sunset. “This is my friend Aiko. But what happened to her? She was full of life before. My friend was full of life. Not this sleeping creature.” “I cannot say, though we both know the likely answer. It doesn’t do to speak ill of our masters. Anything said that returns to them will be cause for regrets,” cautioned the mother. “Seeing my dear friend like this, I don’t care who hears. I’m filled with anger by what they’ve done to her. I want to rip the throats out of those who did this to her,” Sunset seethed. The mother blanched. “I cannot say I have ever seen a mare so angry. I did not know ponies even thought of ripping throats out. You speak like a Kitsune warrior.” “I am not a normal mare,” agreed Sunset. “I have spilled the blood of my enemies. And yet here I am, caught up in the same web as my friend, though clearly not suffering as deeply as her.” She pulled the vixen to her, holding her tightly. “I will not fail you, dear friend. I have found you now, and I will not fail you.” The house mother held them both. Sunset did not return to her room that night, requesting instead permission from the mother to stay the night with her friend. Moved by her concern, the mother agreed, leaving them in the room together. Sunset continued her magical scans. The mother left the vixen’s nightly dose of medication with Sunset as well. In scanning it Sunset found large quantities of the mind altering substances that had been added to her food. She scowled. Bastards. Taking the entire package of medication she left the room briefly, going to the bathroom and dumping all the laced drugs down the toilet drains. Returning to the room, she laid next to Aiko, resting her hooves upon her and flooding her body and mind with her healing magic. She worked the night through, cleansing and clearing the fog from the vixen, easing her pain and comforting her in her suffering. By early morning, the vixen yawned, opening her eyes to see Sunset sitting astride her, gently massaging her temples with her hooves. She looked up at her sadly. “Have you come to shame me, too?” She asked. “No dear friend. I have come to bring you home. I am called Shimmering Sun here, but am known by other names elsewhere,” smiled Sunset down to her. “No one has come for me,” sighed the vixen. “Only those who use me come for me now. I am one of the forgotten.” “Kaede has not forgotten you. Your friends have not forgotten you, Aiko. I have not forgotten you. They sent me to find you and bring you home. You have not been forgotten,” comforted Sunset. “How do you know my true name?” Cried Aiko. “How do you know Kaede? No one here knows these names!” “Shh! They have sent me here to bring you home. I will free you from our masters and reunite you with your family and friends,” answered Sunset. “My family will surely change their minds when they find I’ve been soiled. I will not survive this dishonor,” lamented the vixen. “You surely will, as I myself will stand beside you,” comforted Sunset. “Even if your family forsakes you your friends will not.” She held the vixen close. “I will get you home. And I will keep you safe.” The vixen looked to Sunset. “Please do not take offense, but how can you, a single small mare, protect me from our masters or my family?” “Do not be concerned, I take no offense. Many have underestimated me. Some of them still live, though none who have threatened me or mine,” answered Sunset. “Who are you?” Asked Aiko in amazement. “I am a friend of your friend Kaede. I have been sent by my princess at the request of her and your Counsel. I am trained in the arts of war, statesmareship, and spy craft. My princess had complete confidence in my abilities. Your life is safe in my hooves,” assured Sunset. “I did not know mares such as you existed,” stated the amazed Aiko. “Not many live who do,” agreed Sunset. “Those who we are sent against do not fare well. Those who we are sent to save fare considerably better.” She smirked. Sunset continued. “So I allowed myself to be captured by the same stallion who captured you. Made possible by your bravely fighting back against him, my respect and thanks to you for that. Then when shipped over here, I worked my way through the Yak-uza and brothels to find you, though fortunately have found you on the second attempt, the Maker be praised. And finding you, I was able to use healing magic to clear the drugs from your system. And now we must strengthen you and plan our escape.” “No one has ever returned from the hell we are in,” answered Aiko. “Two will have by the time we are done,” smiled Sunset. Aiko smiled back. “Your confidence is contagious. I almost believe myself we will do this.” Sunset grinned back. “There is no almost. Now that I am with you it has become a matter of when, no longer if. We will delay long enough to allow you to strengthen, then we will make good our escape. You will not be taking any more clients in the meantime however. I will take care of that.” “How do you intend to do that? I cannot imagine the mother or Madam will allow me to idle while the rest of the leash labors,” asked Aiko. “The mother is sympathetic to your plight. I believe she will allow me to remain with you while you recover fully. I will use my own arts to sate your clients and my own. I will keep you safe as you recover,” answered Sunset. “How will you satisfy clients who have come for bragging rights to have bedded a three tailed? Even if you were the most amazing mare in all creation you could not cover that,” Aiko commented. “I am skilled in the Zebrican arts of suggestion. I will merely suggest they desire me, not you. And that I have satisfied them fully. I am sure they will agree,” countered Sunset. “I have never heard of this art,” replied Aiko. “Though it sounds very useful.” “It is a closely guarded secret,” agreed Sunset. “And it has saved my life on many occasions. And now I will use it to save yours.” Aiko nodded. “Thank you.” There was a knock at the door. “Enter,” replied Sunset. The door opened and the house mother looked inside. “Good morning, Shimmering Sun, how fares…” She stopped mid sentence as she noticed Aiko sitting up and staring directly back at her. “Sleeping Flower, you're awake!” She called out in amazement, entering the room and shutting the door. “By the goddesses you are awake! “ She ran over to the vixen, enfolding her in a hug. “Oh, thank the goddesses you are awake.” “I’m sorry, but I don’t know you. And who is Sleeping Flower?” Sunset laughed. “That’s you, Aiko. That’s your name here. I’m Shimmering Sun. And you’re Sleeping Flower. Though I think you are done with the sleeping part.” “Yes, thank you. I’ve had enough brain fog for a lifetime, thanks,” agreed Aiko. The house mother turned to Sunset. “Your Zebrican magics must be strong to have cleared the effects so quickly. Was it as you thought?” She asked. “Yes. The medication has nothing but strong hallucinogens to enforce docility and suggestibility. I disposed of it,” replied Sunset. “I was able to enhance her bodies regenerative functions to clear it out using my Zebrican touch. My friend is back!” Smiled Sunset. “I have a request though,” she amended. “What’s that?” Asked the house mother. “She is undrugged and recovering. Let me take her requests while she recovers. When they come for her, let me be there too and I will satisfy them so she may heal,” requested Sunset. “You would do this for your friend?” Asked the mother, surprised. “I would die for my friends if need be, so yes,” replied Sunset. “I see no reason to deny it. I will request permission from our Madam, and let you know our decision,” replied the mother. Turning to Aiko, she asked, “Sleeping Flower, will you be joining us for breakfast?” Aiko turned to Sunset in response. Sunset replied. “We may not want everyone to see just how different you are now that you’re undrugged. Can you still act as if you are dazed and confused?” She asked Aiko. Aiko nodded. “Then as long as you can keep up that facade we should be okay. I’ll stay by your side the whole time.” “Then we are good. Wash up please and join us all for breakfast. And, Sleeping Flower, or whatever your true name is? It is good to finally really meet you,” said the house mother as she moved off, heading for the other rooms to rouse them for breakfast as well. Sunset levitated a wet rag over and started cleaning Aiko’s muzzle and face. Aiko looked shocked. “Are you not ringed? I thought ringed unicorns had their magic bound and could not do magic?” She asked incredulously. “That’s correct. I’m ringed same as all my unicorn sisters. I cannot do unicorn magic,” agreed Sunset as she cleaned her own face with the rag using levitation. “I’m not using unicorn magic. I’m using Zebrican magic. Zebras don’t have or use horns, so the ring has no affect on it.” Aiko laughed. “I can see why your princess sent you. You are quite the unstoppable filly,” she smiled. “And what other surprises do you have under that grin of yours?” “You’ll just have to follow me and find out,” teased Sunset. “Come on, Sleeping Flower, let’s go eat!” “Lead on, Shimmering Sun.” Agreed Aiko. Together the two left the room, heading for the common dining room. Mindful of the need to not fully give away the full scope of her recovery, Aiko kept her head bowed, and gave the appearance of being still confused and dazed. They entered the dining hall together. One of the vixen’s called out. “You found your friend!” “I did!” Agreed Sunset happily. “Sleeping Flower is my old friend. I am so delighted to see her again!” Sunset hugged Aiko happily, getting many happy grins from the vixens. They sat down together at the end table. It seemed all her leash sisters were excited to see her reunited with her friend. The house mother brought out miso soup and tea for all. Sunset helped her friend to eat and drink, using her hooves deftly to hold the cup to her friend’s lips and slowly and carefully pour the tea into her friend’s muzzle. She spooned the soup carefully into her friend’s muzzle as well, careful not to burn her. Aiko played her part well, eyes unfocused as she ate and drank what was offered. Sunset quickly ate her soup and drank her tea as the leash mother served the rest of the meal. When they were served Sunset once again hoof fed her friend her rice, meats, and vegetables, eating her own once her friend had eaten. When they were finished, they went to the bathroom where Sunset helped her friend with her ablutions, performing her own, then cleaning them both up. They returned to the leash dojo to be instructed by their Madam in the Kitsune arts. As they were returning to their rooms to wash for dinner the house mother pulled them aside. “Madam agrees. When the time comes for the presentation, Shimmering Sun, you are to bed with your friend in the position of service, behind your friend and kneeling as a servant. You will be selected as a pair for the evening. When Sleeping Flower is selected, go with her as her servant, and do what is needed to protect your friend without disappointing or denying your clients. Your dress and makeup should be as always, only your demeanor will be changed,” the mother instructed. Sunset bowed in acquiescence. Ablutions completed, they washed and returned to the dining room, where Sunset once again fed her friend and then herself. When the meal was completed they left to wash, then stopping briefly by Sunset’s room to pick up her robe and kit, retiring to Sleeping Flower’s room to prepare together. The house mother joined them to help Aiko with her makeup, as she had never done it herself before due to her previously insensate state. Sunset prepared her makeup as well, then placed on her robe and tied up her flaming colored mane in a traditional manner. Together they entered the presentation room, making a great show of Sunset helping her friend onto the bed and taking the position of service at the end of the bed. Her house sisters entered behind them, taking their places on their beds. Sunset’s bed was left unlit and unoccupied at the far end. A two tailed Kitsune fox was first, and he headed directly for Sleeping Flower, selecting her and leading her away, Sunset tailing behind in the position of service. When they reached Sleeping Flower‘s room of service, Sunset went to the front, helping her friend up onto the bed then taking her place by her side. The fox stepped up, reaching out to brush her aside, Sunset bowed and placed her hooves upon the foxes paws. “Please master, allow me to show you pleasures at my hooves first.” The fox scowled, then got a vacant look for a moment. Turning to face Sunset, he smiled. “Yes, I would like that. Show me the pleasures of a mare.” He climbed up onto the bed and laid down next to the vacant stared vixen. Straddling the fox, Sunset leaned down, stroking his ears and cheeks. “Master, I will fulfill your fantasies. Prepare to have your every dream fulfilled,” she purred. The foxes eye’s rolled back in his head, a happy smile on his face. Aiko popped up from her side of the bed. “Holy Tartarus! What did you do to him?” She laughed. “Sweet goddesses!” She rolled away from him as he started twisting and twitching. “Stand back! There she blows! We have another satisfied customer,” joked Sunset. The fox spasmed, twitched and howled. The fox continued to twitch and moan. “Okay, if I didn’t know you were over your sleeping sickness, I would have been convinced. You really nailed the zombie vixen act,” Sunset laughed. “I just channeled my inner reaction to every staff meeting I’ve ever had to attend,” joked the vixen. “But what the heck is this?” She pointed to the still smiling and twitching fox. “Talk about zombie. What the heck did you do to him?” The fox started thrashing and twitching harder. Aiko jumped off the bed. “Oh hells no I’m not laying next to that again,” she said as she scrambled off the bed to sit next to Sunset. “What do you mean, what did I do?” Teased Sunset. “I fulfilled his every fantasy. Weren’t you watching? You were there the entire time! Too bad I’ll have him so spent by the time he’s done with me he’ll have no energy left for you. Oh well,” sighed Sunset dramatically. “Okay, seriously! What is that? I’ve never seen anything like it. We just sit here while he does all the work and we watch while he looks happy about it. Shimmering, what have you done?” Enthused Aiko. “Sleeping no more Flower, you are now observing the full power of the Zebrican art of suggestion. I promised I would fulfill his every fantasy. He presented them to me, so I am now allowing him to experience the complete fulfillment of them. Currently, he has hunted me through the sacred gardens where I sought to escape him, and he is dragging me by the throat back as his conquest to this very room where he will claim me. Again, as the first time was right after he caught me in the gardens. He was so excited he couldn’t wait,” Sunset snicked. “I told him he can tell no one he has broken the seal of the gardens or the yak-uza will kill him and his family, but that as my master, having successfully hunted me in my own sacred sanctuary, he has won the right to take me as he wills.” Sunset turned to her friend. “So sorry, Sleeping Flower. I think he has forgotten you were even in the room. He’s so far gone into his fantasy the room could burn down around him and he still wouldn’t come up for air,” Sunset smiled. “Oops! Recharge time, one second,” stated Sunset, climbing back up into the saddle. “Oh master,” she soothed the fox, “you have won me so completely. I am completely at your mercy. Do what you will with me.” She quickly rolled back off the fox as he shook and howled. “Yeah, he’s gonna be sore tomorrow. That’ll leave a mark,” snarked Sunset. “How? How did you do this? How is this possible?” Asked Aiko. “The secret of the magic is touch. Through my touch, I can see their thoughts and dreams, their feelings, their very fantasies. Then, through my suggestions and guidance, he lives his fantasy in such detail, such intensity, such passion, that he would rather stay within his fantasy than return to the reality around him. This is why I must periodically return to touch, remind, and strengthen his fantasies,” explained Sunset. “I’ve never heard of this magic,” admitted Aiko. “It is a closely guarded secret,” explained Sunset. “Only those sisters trained in the practice know its secrets.” “And you,” grinned Aiko. “Who do you think trained the sisters?” Grinned Sunset. The fox before them shook and howled again. “Wow, still swinging for the bleachers,” laughed Sunset. “Okay, glad it’s not me he’s doing that to,” observed Aiko. She shivered slightly. “Yeah, how soon can we get out of here. I can’t believe this was happening to me and I didn’t even know it. Even if my family never speaks to me again.” “If your family does pull any road apples like that I will personally take care of you. Let’s not worry about that and cross that bridge when we get there. Build back up your strength. Flush the rest of the drugs. Then we run. How resistant to magic are you?” Asked Sunset. “What do you mean?” Asked Aiko. “I’m a three tailed Kitsune. I have high Magical Potential. I just never trained to do much with it, I was focused on my career in the foreign service,” she answered. “Yeah, and look how that turned out,” snarked Sunset. “Not so foreign now, and a bit long in service. Hard pass, thanks,” she laughed. “Yeah, no passing hard or otherwise. Our masters would take exception to it. What a bloody nightmare,” agreed Aiko. “I don’t plan on leaving that unanswered,” commented Sunset. “I have a beast to roast before I leave town, and few yaks need a final visit. I’ve a few lose ends to tie up. Then we book. And I get you back to your family safely. Then I get back to my princess.” “I really don’t think that’s going to work like you think,” stated Aiko. “But as you said. One step at a time.” There was a howl and more twitching from the bed. “Damn. I’m almost impressed,” Sunset laughed. “If you can laugh after being dragged by the throat back to bed, you're a darker vixen than me,” grinned Aiko. “I can laugh because in my fantasy I bit down on some things he was fond of and made them my snack. You do realize ponies are not true obligate herbivores, right?” Sunset asked. “Ouch!” Laughed Aiko. “Yeah, that’s a good payback. Works.” She looked over at the still grinning fox. “Do you think he’s done yet so we can bail?” Sunset reached over and placed a hoof on his head. She wrinkled her muzzle. “Eew. Nope, not yet. Blech.” “Do I even want to know?” Asked Aiko. “Nope.” “Okay.” “I do definitely want to see the gardens before we leave. No way am I getting this close to such a perfect garden without getting to at least see it. Maybe we can check it out tomorrow,” commented Sunset. “You like gardens?” Asked Aiko. “More like mom likes gardens and it rubbed off on me,” grinned Sunset. “Mom huh? Does your mom know what you do for a living?” Asked Aiko. “She has some idea, yeah,” smirked Sunset. There was another howl from the bed. “Okay, some little fox is going to be very dehydrated and oyster deficient,” she added. “One more and I cut him off before he turns into a husk and blows away.” A few minutes later there was another howl as the bed shook. “Okay Studly Doo Rod. Closing time! You don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here,” said Sunset as she once again straddled the fox, sticking to his fur as she did. Aiko groaned as she settled back in beside him for the same reason, settling her vacant expression back, her vacant stare on the ceiling. “That’s still just creepy,” shuddered Sunset looking at her. Aiko almost smirked, still staring dead eyed at the ceiling. “Shut it, Shimmering Sun. If you make me laugh there’s no way I can sell this. Behave please.” Sunset rolled her eyes. Turning her attention back to the fox, she placed her hooves on his head, then collapsed completely on top of him as he awoke. The foxes eyes shot wide open, looking down on the messy mare on top of him. He grinned from ear to ear as he rolled out from under her and extracted himself from the mare. “Don’t mind me ladies, I can let myself out,” he laughed happily as he loped out of the room. “Born in a barn?” Groused Sunset as she arose after he was gone, Aiko behind her as she closed the door and headed for the baths. She noted they were not the first, and that the others were surprised to see her and Sleeping Flower in the room. Still playing the part, Sunset bathed her friend, thoroughly scrubbing both their coats before settling them both into the tub for a soak. Sunset sat with her friend, laughing and smiling as the vixens and mares shared stories and laughter at their clients’ missteps and misadventures from the evening. Sunset shared her annoyance at her client’s repeated howling which got peals of laughter and agreement from her leash sisters. “Oh by the goddesses yes! Everything is a hunt and bragging howl with the foxes! I just want to roll my eyes every time!” One of the vixens agreed. The others laughed and nodded. Sunset noticed the tiniest of smirks from her friend but it disappeared just as quickly. When the time came for them all to part ways and get some sleep and rest, she bade them goodnight. Drying herself and her friend, they again retired to Sleeping Flower’s room for the night. There, they snuggled up together and fell soundly asleep.