//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: Soarin’s Party // by Muko987 //------------------------------// The two Stallions took a trip to Appleoosah much to Soarin’s reluctance. “Oh my, we have never gotten a Wonderbolt visiting Appleoosa!” Braeburn's smile widened at Soarin. “My old friend, I almost didn’t recognize you. Our Jobs separated the five of us.” Soarin tells him bluntly in an apologetic tone. “Uh sorry Braeburn, I don’t think Spitfire gonna go for sponsoring you guys.” Braeburn’s smile tensed. “Oh, not that it didn’t cross my mind, at least think about Appleoosa.” He cleared his throat awkwardly before speaking. “So anyway, before we get started on your grand tour, I would love to catch up with my old friend.” Cheese Sandwich only stood by watching Braeburn use his speedy strength in pushing the wonderbolt to who knows where. The Apple family sure got strong ponies. A nearby Appleoosa member volunteered himself to start his tour while the two other stallions spoke privately. Soarin noticed they stopped under an appletree where Octavia teased him about getting all the apples without wings. Braeburn sat opposite side of him on the grass. “It’s been ages, a darn shame all of us lost contact. I missed the old gang, have you heard from Caramel?” Soarin shook his head. “Appleoosa changed so much since you left, why haven’t you come back here to visit your old pal?” Braeburn asked. Soarin knew this was a bad idea, being a famous figure he have a hard time finding genuine friends. “Um well, I’ve been overwhelmed with my dream of being a Wonderbolt.” Braeburn’s tone brightens as he stands up and picks an apple out from a branch. “And you’re a fine one!” He spits out the apple in a nearby basket before looking at the Wonderbolt. “We have lots to say to one another, but I mustn’t forget about your friend.” Three hours later, they got back to Cheese Sandwich by the train station with stained clothes and frizzy manes. “I still can’t believe you beat me twice in the races, I rematch you next week for my hat back.” Braeburn pressed his hoof on the ground. Soarin chuckled while fixing his new hat. Braeburn huffed through his nostrils watching them get on the train. ——————————————————————————— After Octavia’s rehearsal, to their surprise, it wasn’t hard inviting Octavia who only agreed if her partner Dj Pon-3 performed their song. Soarin felt conflicted about inviting all these ponies who only wanted to promote their jobs, but he’s willing to stay positive for a free huge party. And seeing the mares grin made it harder to stay uncertain. Her accent is heavy just like he remembered it, classy and devoted to her craft. Among, her audience Caramel, a stallion who preferred his parties to sweep up more than one mare. But, unexpectedly he’s a huge fan of the Wonderbolts. “Your outfits are so flashy, the shops should’ve made similar designs for us besides Trick or Treat Festival. Maybe, Rarity can whip up something?” Caramel eagerly passed another sheet of his notebook for Soarin to sign, no doubt for a random Mare to impress. If, he remembers about it. Cheese Sandwich tilts his hat onward making his exit. “Well, my job now is to focus on your party. Farewell, Soarin.” Soarin took his eyes off the fifth sheet of paper. “Hold on Cheese, ten ponies is enough?” “Nope, but I got my ways bringing more, tho don’t worry won’t be more fans to keep you busy.” Cheese Sandwich tells him before leaving. Soarin turned to Caramel with feather pen still in his mouth. “Are we done?” Caramel immediately closed his notebook with a winced grin.