Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 6

by TDR

Gauntlet of Firestone, part 7

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 6

Gauntlet of Firestone,
part 7

[Ponyville, Seshat]

"Alright, how's that feel?" Aria asked.

"I don't actually feel anything." Seshat hummed.

"Good then it's working." Aria nodded looking down from the branches she was coiled around in her Siren form down towards the mulberry colored mare on the ground below." TEMPEST, IS THE LIGHT GREEN?"

The unicorn below looked at the large metal box tucked into the crystal roots at the side of the tree, then nodded yelling an affirmation up to Aria. Aria tugged on the pole a little in a few directions." And you're sure you can hold this here?"

"All i have to do is reshape a few branches and it's sealed like it was in cement." Seshet sighed." I assure you I'm fine. I did the same with the cable."

"Good, this is the last upgrade too for now. Should boost the power by at least thirty percent over. Plus I added a lightning rod ground, just in case, not sure if that will mean anything with Sparkle's protections plus that you're made of crystal; but ehh..”Aria offered as she slithered down the tree, dropping back onto four hooves as she hit the ground.

“Thank you regardless.”Seshat offered her voice following Aria down.

Tempest stepped back expecting the larger siren form to come down instead Aria's pony form dropping out of the lowest branches.

“You finished then?” Tempest asked looking up at the crystal tree.

“For now, need to update some of the relay nodes, but the bugs can handle that when the pyro finishes the internet.” Aria stretched a little. ”So what's this I hear about you training the Guard here?”

“Part of my parole, most of them don't need much as Guard Captain Comet Trail was training them, but since he's still on light duty due to his injuries and threats from his wife, I've taken over the training. “Tempest offered. “They're way better than the yeti already, so it gives me a bit of a challenge.”

“Hmm... you up for a spar then?” Aria hummed. “I'm out of practice as a pony and as a Siren there's only a hand full of people who I would get anything out of a fight with.”

“Surprised you're not joining Jynx and Applejack.” Tempest pointed out.

“Yeah no. Those two are going full on grappling, and while I can do that in human form, I don't have near the power, claws, or regeneration to spar with them.” Aria shrugged. ”Besides last thing I need is a 'injury' sidelining me from my next date with Rahs.”

“Stiff competition in that one.” Tempest shuddered. “Also better you than me.”

“He's not that bad.” Aria huffed.

“You didn't get the third degree from him after you surrendered. I did.”

“Heard about that and it's a family thing. He's used to dealing with annoying siblings same as me.” Aria smirked. ”And both of us are ready to murder any one who threatens them no matter how annoying.... Sonata though..... never mind.”

“ Shouldn't you try to find someone without five others after him?” Tempest sighed watching Aria fiddle with the large metal box now at the base of Seshat.

“Meh, biggest threats are the dogs in terms of looks, Rahs is decidedly a boob dog. Good news is that Jynx is so confused by the rules she won't go all out, and Applejack's currently hung up on her family thing so neither of them are doing all they can. The bugs a bit more of a problem, though she's kinda stuck on the rules too, and the pyro's over thinking everything.” Aria offered. “The biggest problem out of them all is the show mare.”

“Trixie? Hmmmm no one else in the Ponyville pool seems to think her chances are that good.” Tempest considered.

“Unless you talk to Spike. Mare's also obsessed, and that makes her unpredictable. She'll pull every trick in the book and then invent some new ones to get what she wants. The others have dismissed her practically which means when she makes her move, no one will expect it.” Aria offered.

“NO ONE EXPECTS THE TRIXISH INQUISTION!” Discord bellowed popping up from a bush in a large red hat with Pinkie Pie in red robes next to him in an aviators hat and Sonata on the other side in red robes as well.

“Your chief weapon is surprise?” Aria deadpanned.

“And a fanatical devotion to the moon dog.” Sonata offered.

“No. I'm not dealing with more. Stop this before it becomes an actual cult.” Aria ordered.

There was silence for a moment as Tempest and Aria stared at the three. After a moment they all slid back down into the bush, and neither of the two mares needed to check to know they had run off to bother some one else.

“Hmm, I suppose that's a sound strategy, though how did you plan to counter that sort of crazed mindset?” Tempest hummed.

“No idea, you can't counter crazy unless you're willing to be worse, and out of all the ones after Rahs I'm the only one that seems to have a lick of common sense.“ Aria sighed “Best plan is to watch out for the crazy and try to steer it towards another target or get out of the way then swoop in and pick up what's left.”

“That's the common practice for dealing with the Sparkles from what I've heard.” Tempest offered.

[Dragonlands, final day of the Dragon Lord contest.]

A group of fifteen dragons including two ponies stood outside a massive towering volcano that also seemed to be on fire.

“You know, you never did say why you were entering this contest.”Scootaloo asked looking up at Ember who was standing at the starting line before the Flame-cano along with all the others who won in the fighting tourney.

Trixie who was standing on the other side of Scootaloo offered a yawn shaking her head and looking like she was trying to stay awake glanced to the filly. ”Who me?”

“Nah Ember here, you're doing this to impress Rahs and your Grandpa.” Scootaloo waved off the tired looking mare as she harrumphed and glanced to Spike on her other side as he spoke with a fair sized dragoness near him.

“My fathers rule has stagnated the dragons. We need to return to how we used to be, we were prosperous back before what the ponies call the War of Night.“ Ember huffed. “I mean look at them, half of these dragons wouldn't know a book if it beaned them in the head. Most of them have the intelligence of diamond dogs and because of that we have no place at all in the world stage. They act as if strength is all that matters and the hatchlings are barely taught anything, if they are raised by their parents at all. My grandmother sending her egg to be raised by ponies created Spike. He is the least dragon like dragon I have ever met, and yet he is here in the finals of this tourney after being better than nearly a hundred others. He is proof that making dragons smarter will make them better.”

“Ehh not quite proof, but close enough, Spike's his own thing. So you just wanna improve all the dragons way of life and stuff? I can get behind that.” Scootaloo nodded.

“Trixie agrees, improving your people is a worthy goal.” Trixie yawned.

“Well thank you, though praise means nothing if you are still competing against me.” Ember frowned.

“Ehh, I don't expect I'll get far. That curtain of lava falling down the entrance is a bit of a stop for me, fire I can handle, molten rock, no thanks.” Scootaloo offered.

“There is a path leading down to the left that will let you get past it. It's the bursts and flame geysers that are the issue.” Trixie offered.

“What?” Scootaloo asked.

“What? “ Trixie asked back seeming confused.

“Oh crap how did he get in the finals?” Ember growled as a red drake strolled up to them to growl at Spike who was talking to a female dragoness on the other side of him named Ann.

“Your cheating ain't gonna help you any more runt.” Garble snapped at Spike.

Spike blinked and raised an eyebrow at the red drake. “ Ehh whatever.” And went back to talking with Ann about the story she had told at the start of the events, one about parasitic things falling from the moon that only dragons could stop.

“Garble how did you make it this far? I wouldn't have thought you could have made it past the storytelling event.” Ember snarled.

Garble glanced her way considered for a moment and shrugged. ”I dunno after I drove off that diamond dog I had this weird dream about a friendly mushroom in a desert, a six legged bison, a flying lemur and a bear.”

“Drove off... right..” Trixie huffed.

“What like an ursa or a BugBear?” Scootaloo asked.

“Nah, just a bear.” Garble shrugged.

“Weird.” Scootaloo hummed.

“So Fuzzy beat some creativity into him?” Trixie considered. “I can completely believe that.”

“Drama dogs gotta add drama.” Scootaloo sighed. ”At least he hasn't figured out how to add drama by doing cliff hangers yet. I hate those”