Krieger's Tale: Rise of the Germane Empire

by Stalin with Da Spoon

Sich Niederlassen

"Los los! Get all of the rubble out of the way and assist with repairs, make haste!" Oberst Erich Von Krieger yelled out to his humans soldiers and civilians in German as he passed by, shouting out his window while he rode in the front passenger seat of his personal jeep while William drove it forward through the streets of the town, steering and making sure to avoid debris and rubbles to preserve the jeeps tires. In the back rode Klaus and Misty Light, as Fredrick was currently back at the medical camp caring for the wounded townspeople. Or townsponies...? Krieger was unsure of what to call them currently, but he would have to figure out later.

Looking back towards Misty Light, he smiled and spoke to her in English. "Are you certain this is the way to the town hall?"

"Y-yes, it's about three floors tall, hard to miss really." Krieger nodded, as he turned around and saw what she meant, as a large three story building stood before the vehicle, dwarfing his original garrison building in Grangeville.

"How is it so much bigger than the rest of the town? Surely such materials and labor could be invested in improvements across the town rather than simply to the town hall itself."

"Well, the mayor told us that building it up would allow us to take shelter inside... But, when the attack came, he called in his personal guard to shut the gate and he hid inside the whole time..." Oh boy, a corrupt town official that prefers to serve himself rather than the people he was elected to serve, cowering away while his very friends were taken away. He was going to take a long and personal talk with this mayor when he got his hands on him.

As they approached the town hall, they saw the gate and as Misty Light confirmed, it was locked tight, guarded by two stallions wearing golden armor. Ugh, what an inefficient waste of gold and steel, a standard issue Wehrmacht Stahlhelm would likely absorb impacts better than that fancy armor! Regardless, he proceeded to poke his head out the window and yell out in English. "By order of ze Wehrmacht, you are required to open zis gate!"

The two stallions remained silent, not even so much as batting an eye. Clearly they thought they were too good for the Colonel, either that or they were under some type of vow of silence considering how dated in terms of tradition this land must be. Regardless, it did not matter if they did not wish to move. For with the power of the Kübelwagen, he would make them move, as he ducked his head back inside before turning to William and nodding, as William proceeded to step on the gas as the vehicle accelerated forward rapidly.

The stallions barely had time to react as fear filled their faces before they leaped out of the way of the approaching vehicles before it rammed straight through the gate, shattering the lock as it came to a stop right before hitting a fountain in front of the building entrance. Soon enough, the building's front door opened, as half a dozen guard stallions and mares emerged, all raising their spears as they surrounded the vehicle, with the two previous guards once guarding the gate joining the encirclement.

William and Klaus reached for their weapons while Misty Light silently quivered, until Kriger raised his hand, as he opened his door and stepped out of his vehicle, only to have a spear thrust towards him, as it was barely an inch away from his neck. "Your under arrest for trespassing on private property and property damage, unknown creature!" The guard stallion holding the spear spoke in an authoritative tone, yet Krieger could sense his fear, as he stood almost a foot taller than the stallion.

Before Krieger could reply, he heard the building's doors open again, as a stallion that was even shorter than the guards emerged, a grey mane on his head along with a beige fur coat on his body as he wore what Krieger could only describe as a traditional suit and tie, instantly signifying him as the mayor, as the stallion slowly smoked a cigar before speaking. "Stand down guards, this man deserves recognition for what he's done. After all, he has brought back our people from those pesky caribou."

The guards immediately nodded, retracting their spears as the one pointed at Krieger's neck withdrew, it's wielder bowing.

"M-my apologies, sir." Krieger couldn't help but chuckle.

"Oh it's quite alright. I mean, who can blame you? Strange creature comes breaking through your front gate in a strange metal vehicle wearing a strange uniform with a strange language and accent, in fact I would've been surprised if you didn't hold me at spear point!" Krieger said as he let out a laugh, the guard lightly chuckling while the suited up mayor chuckled along with him.

"Oh, you've got quite the character, mister. Names Bright Skies, and you?" Ironic name...

"Oberst Erich Von Krieger, though Lieutenant would also be suitable in the case of your language. I am a member of ze Wehrmacht's Heer Branches Officer Corp, and current commanding officer of my convoy and its accompanying people."

"I see. Well then, welcome mister Krieger, to our little town of Germaneia. How about you come inside and we have a little chat, hm? Your friends will have to stay out here though." The Mayor said as he turned around and reentered the building, while Krieger turned and nodded to his soldiers and Misty Light as William quickly started up the jeep and drove out of the town hall square, escorted by several guards.

As the Colonel walked inside, he noticed a couple tables flipped over, likely meant to serve as hasty barricades in the case of the front gate being breached. He honestly doubted these guards could stop those Caribou, even with their fancy weapons and armor. Speaking of fancy, the interior of the town hall was lined with golden candle holders and fancy pictures of the mayor. Sheesh, even more waste of gold, and they didn't even have electricity! Krieger and his people would likely need to educate these ponies on the wonders of modern technology.

Following the mayor up the stairs, he turned around to notice two guards following him, as they soon reached the third floor and the mayor opened the door to his officer, taking a seat behind his large desk as he gestured for Krieger to sit as well, to which he agreed, sitting down in the chair and sinking into it's cushions.

"Finally, a proper chair, you have no idea how long I have been sitting on stools or metal seats for the past hours." The mayor chuckled.

"I'm certain that your long trek has strained you indeed."

"Ja ja... Now then, there is something I wish to speak with you about..."

"Oh, and what is that?"

"When I encountered the Caribou raiding party attempting to smuggle your people away from the town, I made sure to dispatch them quickly, but I must know, how long do we have before they return?"

"Can't say, usually it takes about a month for each raid to happen, so I imagine that it takes some time to get back to their home. I'd say we got at least a week before they come sniffing around again."

"I see... Now then, why were you guards not protecting the people of the town during the raid?" The Mayor suddenly seemed to get nervous, tiny beads of sweat rolling down his face.

"W-well, my guards were too busy defending other places of the town that when we were attacked, we didn't have time to react."

"I see... So why does Misty Light and other state that you called the guards back to defend your residence?"

"That is preposterous, it is slander I tell you!"

"Then explain why your building was so well defended, and not to mention, well constructed and funded..." By now the Mayor was starting to freak out, more sweat dripping down his face. His deafening silence was all Krieger needed. "Mister Bright Skies, I apologize but under my authority of an Oberst within the Heer Branch of the Wehrmacht, I hereby order your abdication from power and placement of this town under military command." The mayor was left speechless by Krieger's direct delivery, yet he regained his composure and spoke up.

"Now you listen here mister-"

"No, YOU listen here, Mayor! I have encountered many corrupt individuals like you before, those who mooch off the back of those they are supposed to help and protect, and when you are in danger, you throw them at the enemy to save your own hide. Your willingness to protect your own possessions over your people is telling enough of how you are unfit to lead this town any further." The Mayor was left speechless, his mouth hanging open, until he finally responded.

"Well then... I suppose I really don't have a choice do I? You and your men got better weapons and better technology, plus I suppose I have been a bit greedy..."

"A bit?"

"Okay maybe the power got to me. Besides, my term was almost over anyways. It's about time I take a vacation. Cities all yours, mister Krieger, I only hope you take good care of my people." Bright Days said as he stood up and shook Krieger's hand.

"I will do my best." Krieger said as he watched Bright Days walk up to his two guards and speak them to them.

"You let the other guards know that you report to the Oberst now."

"Yes sir." The two guards nodded as they walked out of the room, the mayor following before William and Klaus walked in with Misty Light following behind.

"Apologies Kommandant, we were worried, but I see you have managed to negotiate successfully."

"Indeed, go and tell our people to assist with reconstruction, and have our soldiers prepare fortifcations around the town's perimeter."

"Verstanden!" The soldiers both saluted before walking away, as Misty light turned to follow them, before Krieger spoke up.

"No no, you may stay madame. In fact, I wish to know what job you had before the attack."

"I... I didn't have a job, I had just gotten laid off from my last one."

"I see... Do you have any experience in paperwork, managing, or relaying information?"

"U-umm yes, kinda. I worked as a newspaper writer once."

"Congratulations, you are now my new assistant madam Misty Light."

"O-oh uh, thank you mister Krieger." She said as she smiled and bowed to him before rising back up. "What are we going to do now, sir?

Krieger turned and walked behind the desk, facing the window overlooking the entire town, seeing both it's intact and charred buildings. "What else? We rebuild and prepare. Now then, could you be a dear and go assist with the reconstruction?" Misty Light nodded as she exited the room, closing the door behind her as Krieger took a seat in the ex-mayor's chair. Quite comfy. As he faced outside the window, he took a deep breath, and took a well deserved and needed nap.