//------------------------------// // Ch.24 Gifted // Story: The First Star of Twilight // by Arcanum -Phantasy //------------------------------// When Twilight first met Petal, she felt that her world had been turned upside down. While terrifying at first, everything she learned about Wraiths made her wonder if the world was as black and white as she thought it was. It also made her think that there were few things left in the world that could truly surprise her anymore. Fate had apparently heard rumor of her coming to that conclusion and asked someone to hold her drink. Luckily, this particular introduction was slightly less dramatic than when she met her first friend. After they had their small moment, the two of them started talking. For Sour, it was mostly about archery, ranging from the various bows her school club used to the different kinds of arrows she wanted to have added to the supplies. For Twilight, it was mostly about her experiments, especially in regards to the ones she planned to do to understand Aether and Miasma. Moving the talk away form shop and towards hobbies, the two of them found that they had a few common interests when it came to books and games. When Twilight mentioned Dungeons and Dragons, Sour showed a hint of intrigue. After an hour of talks about character creation and past adventures, a buzzing from Sour's phone put the conversation on hold. With a sheepish smile, she told Twilight that the teacher she wanted was ready to see her. A few minutes of nervous bus travel later and Twilight found herself in the heart of Canterlot City's Platinum District. Gated communities surrounded her as she walked down the street, opulence and success flooding the air like a thick cloud. Expensive cars moved up and down the road in perfect condition along with the occasional limousine, each of them sparkling brilliantly under the early afternoon light. The people that walked past her and Sour were equally well dressed, with even the more casual attire on display sporting the telltale signs of being name brand goods. Twilight took it all in with the slack-jawed grace of a tourist, only barely keeping enough of her wits together to tail her new friend. Sour smiled and rolled her eyes at the girl's reaction, making sure to stay close enough to keep her from wandering into the road. "You're going to catch flies, Sparkle," Sour chuckled, grabbing the gaping teen's hand. "B-B-B-But look at the size of the houses!" Twilight exclaimed, pointing at a nearby mansion. "Well, duh. This is where the big shots live," Sour shrugged, gently pulling her friend down the street. "A huge property is a prerequisite here." "And my new teacher lives here?!" she gulped, watching a shining sports car drive by. Sour nodded, completely unphased by the opulence surrounding her. "Most Gifted come from old money and ancient family clans. Because of that, they tend to have a lot of financial power wherever they set roots. Some of them even hold political power, but that doesn't tend to last for very long." "Why?" Twilight asked, finally able to pull her attention away from her surroundings. "Wouldn't holding office make them more powerful in the public center?" "It would," Sour allowed. "But it also puts a lot of unwanted attention on them. Makes it hard to keep a secret society secret if people are constantly trying to pry into your life, right?" "Oh," she frowned. "Right." Nodding in satisfaction at that, Sour continued to guide her down the crowded streets. "What do they do with all of their money then?" Sour thought about that for a second, then said, "Depends on the clan, but most of them invest in stocks, start major companies, or donate to local charities." "Really?" she blinked. "That's......That's really nice of them." Sour shrugged. "Most of them don't see any reason not to. Unless they get taken out, Gifted have insanely long lifespans, so running stocks and donating money is really more of a hobby to them than anything. Hell, the city's oldest clan has such a huge fortune at this point that they could buy the whole damn thing if they wanted to." "R-Really?" Twilight gaped. "How?" "When the heads of the house has been around for a few centuries, you tend to get a pretty fat piggy bank," Sour snorted. "Centuries?" Twilight gulped. "I-Is that normal for a Gifted?" Sour let out a barking laugh at that. "No way! Grandpa Starswirl and Granny Mistmane are just anomalies. Their gifts give them a way to cheat death a little. Let's just say, it's going to take awhile for you and Sunny to walk into a bar without getting carded." "Oh, so we age slower than normal people," Twilight sighed, then softly mused, "I wonder why? Does it have something to do with Aether?" "Probably," Sour shrugged. "Gifted have a lot more of it than normal people, so I guess it could play some kind of part in it." A small smile graced Twilight's lips, a part of her heart warming at this exchange. While a part of her was still on guard around the girl, she couldn't deny that she was starting to enjoy her time with Sour. Sure, their environment put her on edge and they were still talking shop, but it was all very mundane by her steadily shifting standards. I wonder what kind of Gift I have? she mused, a small giddy giggle creeping past her lips. Sour ignored the sound and rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help the small smile she also sported as she guided her new friend further down the street. *** Silence. Gloom. These greeted Cinch as she sat alone in her private study. Her oaken desk was bare, save for a bottle of wine, a loaded glass, and a picture laying facedown on the far right corner. What little light filled the room crept past the large window curtains behind her. The rays revealed the soft blue of the walls and the silver chandelier on the white ceiling, but everything else was hidden by shadows. Cinch didn't care, her eyes distant and mind even more so as she stared down at her desk. The day she had been hoping for was finally coming. If all went according to plan, then the nightmare that had been plaguing her family for generations would come to an end. It thrilled her, filled her with a joy too powerful to put into words, but also chilled her to her core. She had seen what Belfry was capable of and knew that he would not go down easily. At the same time, she knew that she could not afford to let this chance pass her by. She needed to put an end to this, for both her sake and her daughter's. A soft knock at the door snapped her out of her musings, her gaze slowly sliding up towards it. A small rare smile decorated her face as she pointed a finger into the gloom at her right. A small, barely noticeable ball of bluish purple light formed at its tip then drifted off into the dark. When it eventually vanished, a dull clunk could be heard from where it last shined. Cinched watched as a small porcelain doll floated out of the dark towards the door. It was dressed in an ornate victorian-style lavender gown with a matching bonnet set atop a head or rust-colored curls. Its blue eyes stared blankly at the door as it reached for the knob with its small ivory hands. When it managed to open the door, a the person behind it let out a startled yelp the second she saw it. The person in question was a tall pink woman with long flowing locks of dark pink, purple, and yellow that reached her lower back. Her build was like that of a model, a fact that her red blouse and gray jeans put on full display. She stared down at the floating toy with wide purple eyes as she clutched her pounding chest. When she managed to get over her shock, she aimed a sharp glare at her smirking employer. "You know I hate it when you do that," the woman huffed, pushing past the doll and making her way into the room. "In deed I do," Cinch chuckled, beckoning the doll back to her with her fingers. The woman's frown deepened, distracting herself with trying to get comfortable in the seat across from Cinch to better ignore the doll floating past her. Cinch chuckled at the attempt, willing the doll to sit facing her guest on the desk. The woman continued to sulk, earning another chuckle out of her host. "Come now Cadence; even I am capable of having a little fun every now and then," Cinch sighed, stroking the doll's hair like one would a pet cat. "It's still creepy," Cadence shuddered. "And the gloom isn't helping." Cinch sighed, then pointed at a far corner of the room. The doll stood up, then floated past Cadence into the direction its mistress indicated. Cadence watched it drift past her with a shudder before she gave her employer her full attention. A soft click was the only warning she got before the chandelier flashed to life. While Cadence blinked the stars out of her eyes, the doll floated towards a shelf on the left side of the room. Occupying the shelves were many more dolls, each just as ornate and expensive-looking as the one approaching it. The second it reclaimed its place on one of the shelves, a small blue ball of light flew out of it into Cinch's chest. Neither woman reacted to that, the older of the two meeting the younger woman with a face now voided of emotion. Cadence met it with a concerned frown, her posture tense under the whirlwind of emotions she just barely kept under control. After a few minutes of silence, Cadence took a deep breath to steady her heart and broke it with a stiff question. "When were you going to tell me?" A very faint flinch crept past Cinch's hardened exterior. With a controlled tone, Cinch said, "I was not going to tell you. Knowing would have only made the whole affair even more painful." "You have no right to make that kind of decision," Cadence frowned, hands clenched tight on her lap. Cinch's eyes narrowed at that. "You know just as well as I do that there was nothing that could be done. Knowing Twilight's fate would have only resulted in your husband losing a wife and your daughter knowing of you through pictures and faint memories." "That's not-" she started, but froze when she saw the faint trace of pain she saw in Cinch's eyes. Swallowing her argument, she took a deep breath and fell further back into her seat. "If I survive the coming hunt, then you may hit me as hard as you wish," Cinch allowed, a small smile slipping past her mask as she added, "On that note, who were you able to convince to take part in this mission?" "Aside from you and I?" Cadence smirked, crossing her arms and raising a brow. "Eager for action, Snow Faery?" Cinch asked, raising a brow. "That, and I want to tear Belfry's bells off for what he put Twilight through," Cadence snorted, a sinister edge creeping into her smile. "As for who else wants a piece of him, Gold, Onyx, and Somnambula are ready and willing." "If what the maids are saying is true, than Dagon has decided to get involved as well," Cinch nodded, a musing frown gracing her lips. "WHAT?!" Cadence gaped. "Did he say what he has planned?" Cinch shook her head. "He left a letter early this morning stating that he took Mithril and refused to elaborate further." "Typical," Cadence sighed. "I guess he saw this coming eventually. Do you think this is a good sign?" "Very much so," Cinch smiled. "As much as we hate Belfry, his ire runs far deeper than we could ever hope to fathom." "Right...." Cadence shuddered. "I can still remember how he reacted when I asked him about Fine Point. He really loved her, didn't he?" "Deeply," Cinch sighed. "Just as you do your family and I did with..." Cinch's eyes briefly flicked towards the frame on the desk before she forced back her tears. "It is impressive that you managed to assemble such a strong hunting party. With their assistance, along with whatever Dagon is planning, we should be able to finally put this tradition to rest." "Don't give me too much credit. All of us have a bone or two to pick with that monster," Cadence sighed, massaging the bridge of her nose. Cinch solemnly nodded, then sported a mischievous smile as she added, "On another note, have you told your husband that you are a Gifted yet?" Cadence let out a groan at that, hiding her face behind her hands. "I told you, I'm waiting for the right time to tell him." "I understand," Cinch chuckled. "Hopefully, that time will be sooner rather than later. It should make things far less complicated when Flurry Heart Awakens further down the line." "Please don't remind me," she groaned, still hiding her face. *** Busy streets and loud displays of wealth gave way to quite roads and more traditional signs of opulence as Sour walked down the street. This was a welcome change for Twilight, the upper middle class teen no longer overwhelmed by the glitz and glamour of her surroundings. The more ornate mansions held an aura of power, yet lacked the desire to show off that their more modern counterparts held. If Twilight were to give a more detailed comparison, she would say that one was like a boisterous peacock while the other was a subtle falcon. Massive gothic style gardens and matching iron gates separated the properties from their neighbors and the street in clear lines. It held a feel of mutual respect that only the most elite of elites families could share with a subtle hint of warning. When the two girls passed a turn across the street, a set of massive properties caught Twilight's attention. The whole street was seemingly owned exclusively by five gigantic properties, each bearing a slight musical theme on their dividing gates. Each radiated influence and absolutely ancient money, even the property marked with a record player insignia on its gate, which looked to be the weakest of the five, demanded a fierce level of power. Sour noticed Twilight's slacked jaw and smirked. "That's where the Five Great Musician Houses live. No one else can shell out enough money to buy the land from them, so we call it Lyrical Road. Aside from the Scratches, they're all really nice if a little on the stuffy side. The Philharmonics are the strongest and most polite of the bunch, so if you want to make a strong friend, they're the best bet." Twilight just nodded, still starstruck by the artistry she could see in the properties. That, and the faint blue and lavender glow coming off of the largest mansion on the street. Shaking off her wonder, she gave her friend her full attention as she resumed her march. The two girls walked in relative silence, taking in the early spring air and near silent ambiance. A rare sense of peace slowly seeped into Twilight, the reduced stimuli finally letting her mind take a minute to breathe. Sure, she was still nervous about meeting her Gifted Teacher, but not so much that she couldn't enjoy her surroundings. That slowly shifted into confusion when she started to sense something odd. Slowly, the air took on an alien pressure, not so much so that it was painful, but it did give her a faint sense of vertigo. The pressure became more noticeable the further they walked, causing Twilight to look around for its possible source. It wasn't until they rounded a corner that she got her first clue. Much like its neighbors a massive gothic mansion dominated the end of the street, but it was only its general build that matched. As they approached, what Twilight originally thought was polished wood that made up the ornate fortress's exterior was actually shined marble. What she had thought were simple golden embellishments were intricate symbols carved into the stone surface in equally complicated patterns. Even the windows and cobblestone paths were carved, the marks being silver and black respectively. Said paths branched off from the house in all four directions, dividing the three-football-stadiums-length property into fours. When they eventually reached the front gate of the property, Twilight noticed that what she had thought were topiary were actually emerald statues, each carved into the shape of some sort of Neighgyptian animal or monster of myth. Like the grounds and building, the statues also sported symbols, only much smaller in size and bright red in color. One thing that Twilight didn't fail to identify was the violet-gray aura that the symbols radiated, covering the property in their steady pulses of power. "Well those are new," Sour exclaimed, snapping Twilight out of her observations. "What? What is?" she asked, frantically looking around. "Your eyes," Sour chuckled. "W-What about them?" she asked, panic starting to set in. Instead of answering, Sour took out her phone, activated its Selfie-camera, and pointed its screen at Twilight. She was left wide-eyed at what she saw, a fact that made it easier to notice her new cat-like red eyes. She put her hands over them, slowly trying to calm herself as she struggled to let her new normal set in. She was a Gifted now. There were going to be some things that she was going to have to get used to. Making peace with that, she lowered her hands and gently pushed Sour's phone away. "Are you okay?" Sour asked. "I...will be," Twilight gulped. "I....just need to learn to....accept that some things about me are different now." "That's why we're here, right?" Sour smiled, placing a hand on Twilight's shoulder. "R-Right," Twilight stammered out, just barely managing to suppress a flinch from the contact. If Sour noticed, she didn't show it as she took her hand off of Twilight's shoulder. A small smirk sprouted on the archer's face as she placed a hand on the gate's door. Twilight let out a small squeak when the gate let out a small blue flash before it slowly opened. Sour giggled a little at that before crossing the threshold onto the property. Twilight shook off her shock to follow, her feline eyes scanning the statues as she passed them. Silence settled between them again, each locked in their own thoughts as they traveled across the estate's massive front lawn. For Sour, these thoughts centered mostly on her current companion. A literal half of her was overjoyed that Twilight had forgiven her for her actions, but the other half of her felt that she didn't deserve it. The kind of pain she had forced the girl to endure was something she was very familiar with, a fact that made her feel even worse for her involvement. Even with the subtle influence of the Seed parasitizing her, she should've known better. The fact that another Wraith was the reason Twilight hadn't done what she had almost succeeded in made it even worse. Fortunately for her more cynical side, there were going to be plenty of verbal lashings to come for her foolishness. When Sour looked up at the mansion ahead of them, she swallowed down a nervous lump. A small groan at her side brought her back to the present, turning her head to the noise with worry. Twilight was staggering, hand pressed to her forehead as she tried to continue down the path. "Are you okay?" she asked, panic heavy in her tone. "Y-Yeah," Twilight forced out, giving her a strained smile. "I...I think it's all of the Aether in the air. I'm....not used to sensing it yet." "That's a relief," she sweetly sighed, then bitterly added, "Don't scare us like that." "S-Sorry," Twilight flinched. Sour blinked, then grimaced as she tried to recenter herself again. "It's....okay," she sighed, her voice regaining its echo. "Besides, mom should be able to help you with that." "Mom?" Twilight blinked. "My teacher is your mother?" Sour nodded, looking away from Twilight with a grimace. "But if your mother is a Gifted, wouldn't that mean you're-" "It's complicated," Sour cut in, her echoing tone somber. Twilight instantly let the topic drop, instead choosing to focus on keeping herself from falling over. The closer they got to the mansion, the harder it was getting to keep her steps stable. She knew that her new senses had something to do with it, but she also suspected that her bond with Petal played some part in her condition as well. By the time they reached the mansion doors, Twilight was leaning on Sour to stay standing. Is this how Petal felt when we went to visit Lemon? she thought, watching drunkenly as Sour slapped her palm onto the marble doors. Like with the front gate, there was a flash of light before the doors slowly slid open. Once they parted wide enough to let them in, the two girls staggered in. They were instantly greeted by a trio of maids, each of them worriedly looking over the pair. As they did, Twilight sluggishly took in her new surroundings. Like its exterior, the mansion's walls were made of marble, only this type was a pitch black and lacked the ornate symbols. Instead, the golden outlines of clouds, ibises, cobras, and jackals decorated them in a manner similar to hieroglyphics. The floor was made of the same material, sans the images, yet polished to an equally brilliant shine. The entry hall was held up by four sapphire support pillars, each covered with golden stars, moons, and suns that glowed faintly in the dim light. Said light came from a massive chandelier that hung from the high copper ceiling above them, the appliance crafted into the shape of a titanic lotus flower that filled the room with a dim teal light. Twilight's hazy head struggled to come up with a way to voice her awe at what she was seeing, but the effort was taken away from her when a new slightly accented female voice cut through the maids' worry. "Who do we have here?" All five of them gave its source their full attention, the maids instantly standing at attention while the two teens stared down the hall at the far end of the room. With casual grace, a peach-colored woman stepped into view. Her hair was an even set of arctic blue and moderate turquoise streaks cut into an even curtain that reached the base of her neck. Her violet-gray eyes were sharp, yet kind with a light application of blue-gray eye shadow adding to the effect. A cream Neighgyptian sundress emphasized her toned figure and full assets as she gracefully strode towards the group. "H-Hello mom," Sour smiled, struggling to keep her stunned friend standing. Sour's mother gave her a small smile, then raised a brow at the girl hang onto her shoulder. "Is this the new Gifted you mentioned on the phone?" she asked. "Yeah," Sour nodded, a bit more strain entering her smile. "I see," she smiled, giving the dazzled girl her full attention. "It is a pleasure to meet you, my dear. I am Somnambula, the Lady of this house." As she said that, she held out a hand in greeting. Twilight stared dumbly at it for a few seconds, then shakily took it and said, "I-I'm T-T-Twilight Sparkle. It's...nice to meet you." Somnambula'a smile shifted into a frown. "The same Twilight Sparkle that holds the highest rank at Crystal Prep?" She nervously nodded, instantly picking up on the ice in the woman's tone. She turned her gaze towards her daughter, her stare demanding answers. Twilight gave her friend a questioning look as well, adding to Sour's already growing dread. "I....uh.....I can explain," Sour gulped. *** Twilight had no idea just how many more times her jaw was going to keep dropping today. Just the trip to the dining room was enough set a record on that front, even with her senses scrambled. The rest of the mansion's interior was built in the same manner as the entry way with wall and ceiling lights made of the same glowing crystal as the chandelier. The furniture was made of polished oak, all of it ancient in design with numerous glowing blue symbols. By the time she made it to the dining room, Twilight had managed to adjust enough to the Aether around her to appreciate her surroundings. When they took a seat, the same three maids that greeted them set saucers of tea down for each of them as Sour explained the misunderstanding between herself and Twilight. The whole time, Somnambula sat with her arms crossed and disapproving frown on her face. Twilight gave her friend a sympathetic smile, all too familiar with the power that particular look held. It was one she would receive from her own mother every time one of her experiments went awry. When Sour finally finished, she slumped in her seat, head down as she waited for her mother's judgement. Twilight watched her let her daughter stew for a few seconds, then relax her posture with a sigh. "I can't believe you would be so foolish. Do you know what you could have pushed this poor girl to do?" "I know and I feel sick over it," Sour mumbled, a faint tremble creeping into her echoing voice. She looked up at Twilight with a sad smile, then said, "But....I'm going to take steps to make up for that. Maybe then I'll be able to look myself in the mirror again without wanting to hurl." "You better mean that, young lady," Somnambula huffed, then gave Twilight a soft smile. "Now, you are looking for a teacher?" Setting her cup down on the table, Twilight gave a shaky nod. "Yes ma'am. I've just very recently Awakened and I want to learn how to control my powers." "That is very much apparent," Somnambula nodded. "I can see just how much you are struggling to adapt to may Aether Aura. You must come from a fairly weak clan if that is enough to overwhelm you." "Um...actually, my parents are normal," Twilight sheepishly stated, staring into her cup. "I see," she blinked. "Interesting. Perhaps you share a line with a disgraced family?" "I....I don't know," Twilight admitted. "No matter," Somnambula tittered. "The actions of an ancestor hold no power over my decision on the matter. As a means of making up for my daughter's foolishness, I will help you learn to control your powers." "Really?!" Twilight beamed, stars sparkling in her eyes. Somnambula nodded, giggling at the girl's enthusiasm. "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" Twilight cheered, practically floating in her seat. "Think nothing of it," Somnambula smiled. "However, if I am to be your teacher, I feel that it will be necessary for you to become accustomed to my aura. Therefore, I recommend that you spend the night." "That should be fine," Twilight giggled, reaching into her pocket. "I just need to call my mom to let her know that I am going to be spending the night at a friends house." Mother and daughter chuckled at the girl's zeal, the later unable to resist her friend's infectious cheer. Before Twilight could even begin to scroll through her contacts, a call from Lemon flashed on the screen. Worried, she accepted the call and put the phone up to her ear. "Hello?" She blinked when she was not greeted by Lemon's voice. "Twilight Sparkle?" Stygian calmly asked. "Stygian? Why do you have Lemon's phone? Is she okay?" "She's fine," he stated. "More importantly, can you tell me exactly where you are?' "Um, Sour's house," she uneasily replied, looking back and forth between her two hosts. "What room?" he pressed. "The dining room." A relieved sigh followed by a rough female voice screaming something in the background greeted that response. "Thank you," he sighed, then hung up. Twilight stared blankly at her phone for a moment then asked, "What was that abo-" Suddenly, a loud thud and series of yelps filled the room as five girls, one boy, and a blue dragon the size of a cat stumbled out of a shadow in a far corner of the room. "Well, that was a trip," Dagon chuckled, sitting on top of the human pile. "I am never doing that again," Sugar stated flatly, rolling drunkenly out from under Dagon. "I think I left guts back there," Indigo groaned, clutching her stomach as she rolled onto her back. "You get used to it," Sunny shrugged, dusting off her shoulder and staggering to her feet. "That was AWESOME!!!" Lemon cheered, jumping to her feet. "Can I go again?" "No," Petal groaned, bonelessly laying on top of an equally nauseous Stygian. "And if you push me through something like that again, I swear to the fucking Queen that I'll knock your damn teeth out." "Could you please get off of me?" Stygian wheezed. "Give me a minute," she groaned. Twilight balked at the sight, only barely taking note of the small beast of fantasy over her friends' sudden entrence. "Girls? Stygian? How did you-" Twilight's voice seemed to click something back into place for Petal, the Human-formed Wraith's nausea snapping away just enough for her to drag herself to her feet. With a determined glint in her eyes, she marched over to Twilight and quickly put the pendant back around the girl's neck. Before Twilight could ask what was going on, she wrapped her arms around the lavender teen in a tight hug. "From this point on, you are not taking this thing off. You fucking hear me?" Petal demanded, fear and anger shaking through her voice. Twilight froze, her friend's fear hitting her like a punch to the gut through their link. Returning the hug, she nodded as she added her own feelings to the link. Slowly, the Wraith's worry settled down, but still showed when she locked eyes with her friend. "Good," she sighed, then started to teeter as she asked. "Two things; have your eyes always looked like that and....why are there.....three of .......you?" Twilight let out a startled cry as Petal fell out of grip and hit the floor. While Twilight and her friends ran to Petal side, Somnambula gave the fallen girl a cold frown. Subtly, she brought a hand up to her lips, ready to activate her Gift, only to be stopped by a small blue claw on her shoulder. She gave Dagon a questioning look, to which he responded with a shake of his head. Trusting her elder, she reluctantly let her hand fall to her as she rose from her seat, the Aether she was about to summon returning to her reserves. "As you can see Twilight, this is exactly why I requested that you spend the night," Somnambula smiled, kneeling to examine the fallen girl. She hid her discomfort as she checked Petal's vitals, the Wraith's faint Miasmic Aura nipping at her fingertips. What didn't go unnoticed, at least to Dagon, was the faint confusion he saw on the Lady's face. While it was equally dim, she could detect a trace of Aether mixed into the girl's aura as well. When she asked the maids to gather some of the stronger staff to take Petal to one of the guest rooms to rest, she gave Dagon a passing glance. From the grin he sported and what she had just observed, it was clear that the days to come would prove to be very interesting ones. Whether that was a good thing or bad thing was something she was sure only her tightlipped elder knew for sure.