MLP A New Generation 3: The Rise of Armored Hoof

by TwiShine45

Chapter 10

The calming sounds of night began exuding themselves over the gradually hushed streets of Maretime Bay. Ponies ended their daily work and play, shutting themselves into their cottages and row houses. Well-earned sleep was the only goal for everypony, except for those select few who chose to partake in the town’s night life. Not that there was a lot, mind you. After all, this was Maretime Bay. The bright lights of Zephyr Heights were a great deal away, and the ponies that had moved to Maretime from such a place stated that the night life there was not all it was cracked up to be. So, for the most part, the town had entered into its nightly ritual of snoring, sighing, and dreaming.

But one pony stayed awake, tossing and turning in her bed and finally getting up and pacing her bedroom floor. Sunny had a million things on her mind. Her call for war against the impending horde of Scarlet Wing had been met positively…well, it seemed positive, at least. The ponies had cheered her victorious urging and nopony took great umbrage against it. They’d thundered against the pavement with their hooves, wanting desperately to defend their home. Still, though, Sunny couldn’t help but think that there was a mole somewhere in their midst. Somepony who was telling Scarlet Wing everything.

She knew exactly who she should suspect, yet she didn’t want to. For years, the search for her missing mother had consumed her. Now that Astral Flare had presented herself as the most viable candidate, Sunny wanted to sit down and pick her brain. But, at the same time, she also knew of the past that Astral was linked to. Murder, robbery, and many bloodstained nights ravaged Astral’s story. The mare claimed complete innocence, but Sunny had seen the paper reports…the ones that Hitch’s predecessor and Hitch himself had drawn up. They were straight from the crime scene itself, and they all pointed to Astral as being guilty.

To top it all off, she was with Scarlet Wing, Sunny reasoned. Ooooooo….but I can’t accuse her of being the mole! I just can’t! She’s my…mother? I think? I don’t know! But one thing I do know is this…whoever the mole is, I will sniff them out. No matter what, they will be caught and made to pay for their crime against our happy home.

Sunny found that sleep came much more soundly after reassuring herself in this manner. The next day, she trotted through town, trying to find Astral Flare. She needed to ask her supposed mother what her connection was to Maretime’s criminal underworld. Despite Hitch’s best efforts, it was actually quite extensive, and they were known for organization and rapidity in their doings. Astral could have been some type of hit pony, hired out by some notorious leader in that world. Either that, or Astral could be telling the truth. Sunny would not allow herself to eliminate any possibilities until she spoke with Astral and cleared up some details.

She was so engrossed in her own thoughts that she wasn’t watching where she was going. Suddenly, she ran into somepony carrying a guitar case. A loud thud was heard as the instrument’s carrier hit the ground, along with the two ponies. Sunny, blushing deeply at her embarrassing predicament, quickly rushed to the aid of the pony she’d hit. She apologized profusely, helping brush the stallion off and using her magic to return the case to him.

“I’m so-so-so-so-so-so sorry!” She blustered.

“It’s alright, my dear…Alicorn?” The stallion asked, eyes wide.

“Um…yes…I’m an Alicorn,” Sunny said, “but…who might you be?”

Suddenly, the stallion bowed low. “My name is Quarter Note, Your Majesty.”

Sunny chuckled awkwardly. “Um, I think you have me confused with somepony else. I’m not royalty…well…at least…not yet, anyway.”

“You bear the marks of the only ponies ever allowed to grace the throne of Canterlot. My dear, you are indeed royalty. I haven’t seen Alicorn attributes like yours since the days of Princess Twilight.”

Now, it was Sunny’s turn to gasp. “You…knew Princess Twilight?”

“Indeed, I did,” Quarter replied. “I also knew Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and the entirety of the Canterlot Court. You could say I was something of a…well, a personal musical choice of the royals.”

“Wow!” Sunny breathed. “Tell me more! But, not here. Please, come to my house for supper. You can tell all of my friends, too!”

“Well, I’d be delighted,” Quarter said. “Mind if some of my friends tag along?”

“Of course not!” Sunny beamed. “The more, the merrier!”

That night, Quarter and the rest of Armored Hoof gathered for dinner with Sunny and her friends. The meal was delicious, but that was beside the point. Quarter was able to tell them who Armored Hoof was and how they’d come into Maretime Bay. He explained their mission from Celestia and how they’d been tasked with spreading the legends of pony kind from sea to sea. The other ponies were astonished and gazed with mass thoughts of both perplexity and enjoyment. Their eyes glistened as Quarter began speaking with gusto about a concert they’d played to over 100,000 ponies on their Twilight tour.

“So, the place was packed to the rafters, right? Well, right before we’re set to go on, Mane over here decides to put a carrot dog into one of our bass player, Thumper’s tube amps! The minute Thumper laid into the first chord, the thing shot out and smacked Mane square in the rump!”

The ponies all laughed hysterically at the anecdotal tale, which brought Quarter even more questions than he’d ever thought possible. It was good to be able to reminisce like this. Though it did make him miss Twilight somewhat, one of the mares had caught his eye upon entering. She was bright white, sleek as the Pegasi of Cloudsdale, and had a most curious mane style. Her blue eyes pierced his, and she seemed to be staring directly inside of him. Furthermore, she’d been rather talkative, asking question after question and seeming genuinely interested in his story.

What’s your name, pretty filly? He asked himself. What’s your name?