A Sprout to a Better Path

by soniana-draws

3. Hoofing across daisy fields

Sprout began the escorting mission on a pretty high note. He was motivated and with the confidence to show how his months of training hadn't been in vain.

However, this wasn't like chasing Sunny around Maretime Bay in the slightest. This place was unknown to him, pegasi in a bad mood could be around the corner in the literal sense this time, and though the prospect of watching over someone important sounded cool, the earth pony had quickly realized that meant no one would protect him if something happened.

Being scared didn't make Sprout feel prepared at all in this situation.

The princess, Pipp Petals as she had presented herself(along with other titles Sprout couldn't remember), didn't seem to notice his discomfort nor clumsiness due to it, too focused on asking every five minutes if her glare looked 'glaring enough'. 

The familiar narcissism was comforting in a way, like being with Hitch less the sighs everytime Sprout flinched or tripped over. Something Sprout would say was preferable if it wasn't for her not being of good use as a pony-shield.

Wow. First thinking a pegasus company was enjoyable, and then missing the feeling of safety the yellow stallion naturally gave. Being around unicorns and pegasi for so long really was driving him insane.

"Somepony seriously needs to explain why this thing was so important that you had to ruin my whole show over it!" Pipp's voice suddenly snapped Sprout off his thoughts, making him realize they had actually found the other ponies.

"Trust me. It was," a white pegasus, Pipp's sister probably, answered calmly.

"You left me hanging there! In the spotlight! Now everypony knows we can't fly."

"Speaking of being left hanging," Sprout interrupted, glaring at one particular pony at the other side of the alley, "thank you, Hitch!"

"Sprout!" The sheriff's demeanor perked up, as if his name hadn't just been hissed out with hatred.

"Don't you 'Sprout!' me!" Sprout stomped a hoof once he reached the stallion. "I could've been eaten alive back there!"

For once, Sprout didn't hold himself back from yelling at his superior, and for once, Hitch looked taken aback. This sudden courage didn't last long when the deputy noticed Sunny and that unicorn there as well. Sprout stepped back when the latter waved at him "And why are they still free?!"

"Hey, plant boy!" A sudden voice made Sprout turn his head. It was the white pegasus', who was still trying to calm down Pipp, "I know we all had a bad day but can you keep it down a little, please?"

The deputy actually went quiet. Not because he wanted to, but because the comprehensive softness in her tone took him off guard.

He looked up at the flowerpot he had been using as a helmet, hence the nickname, and was about to throw it away until he noticed it had a plant growing there. He left it delicately on the floor and huffed instead.

The royal sisters' exchange was brief. Bringing back magic this, the crystal that, ending with Pipp rolling her eyes and deciding to help everyone leave. Wise, for being a pegasus.

"What? Wait! You can't just... But I'm a sheriff!" Hitch whined when everypony started to leave, "and just where are you going?!"

Stopping his walk, Sprout turned his head to look at Hitch with an expression of utter boredom.

Was this it? Had Sprout finally gone insane? Knowing he was willingly choosing to follow two pegasus, a unicorn and the earth pony who started it all, then maybe, a few screws may have gone loose inside his head.

But it had been Hitch the one to drag him to a pointless mission, it was him who left him behind the whole time(and would keep doing so as always). At least those mares were sane enough to want to leave.

Sprout had a poison to pick and the decision was obvious.

"Following Sunny against my better judgement. What we came here to do, 'sheriff'." Sprout forced a grin, but it was obvious by his narrowed eyes that there was not a hint of friendliness behind it.

As the deputy walked away, he took Hitch's shocked face as the only joy he got to feel in the whole day.


The decision of following the mares ended on yet-another long trip. They were far from Zephyr Heights now, thankfully, passing by a nice meadow full of daisies, clear skies and a big pink tree perfect to sleep under.

The reward he was promised. Sprout could've enjoyed it if it wasn't for the tiny, minor, insignificant fact that they completely skipped over the main point of Hitch's mission.

Sunny, the pony they were supposed to arrest, was all free and dandy directing the group to who knows where. And they were allowing it.

She just- This whole thing! Giving back magic to the enemy, betraying her own kind. It had Sprout baffled. She had always been annoying with her 'all the ponies are friends' thing, but he never expected her to go farther than giving silly speeches, than being a nuisance but not doing any damage at the end of the day.

It actually made him prefer to go back to her breaking into Canterlogic. Her stubbornness sure ended up having an effect on ponies one way or another, he had to give her that.

"How about you use that map to lead us home instead, hm?" The red pony quickened his steps to walk besides Sunny. First words he directed to her the whole trip and they went straight to the point, unlike Hitch.

Sunny shook her head, a smile plastered on her face. "That would totally ignore the point of the mission."

"Exactly! There's no point, there's no mission! We are not foals anymore for you or us to keep up with your deliriums."

"But we should keep up with Canterlogic's?" 

"Uh, at least that has proof,'' Sprout's tone was patronizing, but he couldn't keep himself from gritting his teeth. She wasn't, he won't allow her to go there.

"I mean it, Sprout. They haven't had magic in years." The mare gestured at the other ponies."How could any of your mom products do something against what isn't there?" 

This. This was the part Sprout hated about arguing with her. Her smile; relaxed, confident in her words, that wall she had built over the years. Reasoning with her had always been a lost cause, but she at least argued back in the past or reacted in some way. Now the bicker was always so unilateral it wasn't even fun to do. 

Her father's and his mom's relationship ended passing down to them in that sense.

"It's deputy Sprout for you and leave my mommy. Out. Of. This!" The deputy hissed out, almost yelled as his hoof stomped on the ground with each word.


Both earth ponies looked back. Hitch was no longer complaining with Pipp about the situation(as if he wasn't the one keeping them there), but was now following them. Sprout arched a brow.

Since foals Hitch had never been one to interfere in their bicker, he either waited patiently for them to be over with it or tried offering solutions to make both happy like the goody-two-shoes he was. Judging by his expression now, thoughtful and carefully picking his words, this didn't seem to be the exception.

"May I have a minute with Sunny?" The sheriff ended up settling for.

"What? I'm just putting her in her place, it's what we came here to do!" Sprout snapped back, already tired that the stallion kept contradicting himself, "what did you make me deputy for if I can't do these things?"

…He wasn't supposed to ask that. He was never supposed to ask that.

The silence was crushing enough for Sprout to lower his ears. Sunny grimaced and looked away,  more aware of the situation than Sprout expected, and Hitch, though remaining stoic, did let something slip in the way his frown twitched so subtly. What expression the sheriff was holding back, Sprout didn't want to know. He didn't want to hear an answer at all.

"These things are the sheriff's job." Hitch's tone was professional. Not a hint of hate, but neither a sign of him talking to a friend.

That didn't stung. Those words, how neither of them looked back as Sprout was left behind, how no matter how much he glared they never would care enough to do so, none of that stung at all. Sprout didn't care.

In fact, he cared so little, it took him a moment to look up from the grass to notice the unicorn walking beside him, also hanging her head low to have a better look at him.

"Ah! Wha- What do you want?" The deputy only flinched and stepped back this time, way out of energy to run away at this point. Not like he could do much against a unicorn without his mom's tech anyways.

"Oh, sorry." The horned mare straightened, stepping back as well to walk beside him. "Just noticed your sparkle's not looking that bright, that's all."

The unicorn, Missy was it?, was the same height if not a little taller than him, which only made her more intimidating. Sprout didn't trust her smile eother. Yeah, she may have no magic to brainwash him but…she could still pick his eye off with that horn!

"My…my what now?" Sprout asked.

"You know, your feelings!" She hopped a little and turned around, now talking to him face-to-face while walking backwards. "It was a bit dull in the bay. And in Zephyr Heights. Oh, and now too."

Sprout stared completely baffled, his brows stuck between frowning or not. Was she trying to be comforting? No, she was smiling, probably getting a kick out of seeing him down. Unicorn behaviour at its finest.

Before Sprout could tell her to buzz off however, Hitch interrupted by accusing unicorns of liking shiny things. The deputy took it as his chance to walk away from the situation altogether.

Unicorns were a lot of things. Mind-readers, sadistic, bloodthitsy creatures and scary to no end, but not dumb. So when Sprout heard Missy say something about the badge and an unhealthy power dynamic, he was left wondering just how right she could be about his 'sparkle' being dull.