//------------------------------// // Spike Up Your Life, Part 2 // Story: Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 6 // by TDR //------------------------------// Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 6 By TDR Spike Up Your Life, Part 2 [Canterlot] “Wuff.” Rahs pointed out to the waiter. The waiter for his part only shifted his gaze to the pink mare that accompanied the Diamond Dog, raising one eyebrow. “I agree, we didn’t order any appetizers.” Pinkie Pie stated. “That is the meal.” The waiter sighed this was hardly the first time that had been brought up. “Where?” “There.” he gestured. “Under the plate?” Pinkie blinked, lifting up the plate. “No miss, on the plate.” The waiter sighed, that joke was getting old too. “I thought that was a stain from a bad dishwasher.” The Guard with them pointed out, the waiter’s face impassive as he had heard that far too often as well. Rarity frowned as well, though she was unsure if it was due to the portions or the way the others were acting. For the moment she remained quiet, she had been to a few posh places that served food like this, and it made little sense to her then either. “This isn’t even a mouthful, with what you are asking price wise you could feed a squad for a week. Decent stuff too, not the K-4 meal bars either.” The Guard huffed before blinking then closing his mouth looking to Rarity. “I’m sorry Miss Rarity I shouldn’t complain when you’re paying like this, but …” “No, it’s fine Dew Leaf. I wasn’t expecting extreme upper class show dining in midtown.” Rarity sighed looking up at the waiter. “Still I am rather disappointed at it, particularly with no warning and a supposed three star rating.” The waiter sighed, a common thing with him it seemed. “The Boss has us doing it this way so we can even get the three star rating. The head chef doesn’t like it either, but no one comes into a unrated place anymore, or any where with less than three stars. That new food critic is all anyone talks about or will listen too.” Rahs frowned at that. “Bork.” “I have to agree with him dear, no offense to you but this has been quite the disappointment, do pass that on to your manager and inform him that, two beans and a splash of mustard, do not a four hundred bit meal make.” Rarity huffed.” You may take the plates back, we are done here.” “There is the matter of the bill…” the waiter stated, looking at the Guard with them, he never expected tips anymore so he didn’t try to be nice as often.” Dine and Dash is a crime…” “Good thing we didn’t have anything to dine on then.” The Guard responded meeting the waiter’s stare with his own, and a Ponyville Guard was not going to blink first, even a rookie. “And I’m willing to bet there’s an old regulation around that marks this sort of ‘meal’ as highway robbery.” “Noted sir…..”the waiter sighed again, though he hardly cared, he still got paid even if the owner suffered. [ Sweet Apple Acres] Bright Mac and Big Mac stood on a rise looking over the southern fields, the ‘smaller’ stallion regarding the layout and the yield so far with interest. “New layout then?” “Eeyup.” “ Still low magic though?” “Nothing on tha crops.” “Just tha gear.” “Eeyup.” “Seasonal help?” “Not needed it yet. Might not anytime soon.” “You gonna marry that mare?” Big Mac blinked turning to glare down at his father who was worrying a strand of wheat in his mouth. The elder Mac looked up at the younger draconic looking one. “Well?” “Maybe.” “Maybe?” “Complicated.” “Don’t see how with what yah did fer her and what she did fer you.” “Maw and her brothers.” “Don’t worry bout Pear, and her brothers seemed alright.” Big Mac shrugged. “Yah want her, go fer it. Git her afore some pony else does.” “Don’t got tah worry much about that.” “Oh?” “She’s got a type.” Big Mac grinned, showing his fangs. “Ah one of those sorts.” Bright Mac nodded. ”How’s the east field faring, still got tha durn bats?” “Eenope.” [Canterlot] “That is the sixth place that is exactly the same, with the same over priced food, with small portions, and the exact same decor.” Rarity huffed. “Where is the originality, the quality, what is supposed to stand out to make one place more appealing than another?” “And where can we go to get actual food?” Pinkie Pie whined. “Not sure if there is a regulation for it Private, but I do admit it does seem like highway robbery.” Sergeant Nightsky offered after Private Dew Leaf filled her in on the situation when she returned. ”I know it wouldn’t fly in Ponyville or Lionheart, but I’m not familiar enough with Canterlot’s set of rules and laws to be sure.” “Wuff.” Rahs stated sniffing the air. “WHERE!?” Pinkie Pie demanded. “What?” Sergeant Nightsky asked. “Rahs says he smells something that is not the same mustard heavy mess that all these other places produce.” Rarity offered. “Shall we?” The Guards, and Rarity quickly followed after Pinkie And Rahs. [ Sweet Apple Acres] “Mare, you really should have calmed down before then.” Pear Butter paused from where she was looking for Applebloom. Her gaze swung over the hay bales nearby before spotting Sunset on the other side of her leaning against a tree. Pear Butter raised an eyebrow at the oddly deep voice that came out of the mare’s mouth , though Sunset shook her head and pointed a hoof down. Pear turned her head back and looked down, spying a large white rabbit in a red vest staring up at her. “What?” Pear asked. “Sunset will ask me to show up here yesterday, so here I will be then.” White shrugged. “She seems to think that you had trouble with the time displacement you will have.” “Ah read tha booklet.” “But do you understand it?” Sunset added. “Ah understand I was pulled away from my foals fer years and didn’t get a chance to watch any of them grow up or git their cutie marks. Applebloom doesn’t even recognize me.” Pear huffed. ”Why couldn’t we have been left in place once they rescued us?” “Because if they left you there, everything would have been changed.” White added. “The timelines in which you two live have been counted by the pawful, when the ones where you die will are to be counted in the near infinite. The Sparkles cheated this by saving you and letting you die. Just as I will expect from them.” “What’s that got to do with the price of carrots in Prance?” Pear Butter questioned. “Had you not died your eldest daughter never would have left the farm and seen the rain boom. That chain of events spiraled into saving the world in countless timelines. Even the timelines she didn’t leave the key element was that you and your husband will be dead. That grief spurred her into other things. Not to say there have not been or will not be timelines where you lived and she did the same or where you were killed and she didn’t, but the majority involve your death forcing her to change something.” White tried to explain better. “ If you had stayed where you were, nothing that will happen would have happened.” “Ah don’t follow but ah ain’t arguing with a talking time bunny.” Pear sighed. “Ehh, good enough.” White shrugged. “Then you need to realize your foals have grown up and stop badgering them like you are.” Sunset stated. Pear glared at Sunset, then smiled a little. “Clearly you ain’t had foals of yer own yet despite being oldern me.” “Not for lack of trying, getting into Rahs’ pants is easy, doing it while he’s still in them too is a little harder.” Sunset shrugged. “Too much information that will be.” White sighed shaking his head. “Right. Ah will admit ah’m ham hoofing Applebloom, but Big Mac’s doing jus what ah expect.” Pear offered “Ehh?” Sunset perked her ears up “Big Mac as a foal was tha sort that when ah told him tah do something or Bright told him tah do something, he’d go to tha other parent and see if they would agree with the path he wanted. “Pear smirked. “Ah’m all for him and a Princess hooking up, but ah’ve already seen he’s being hesitant and shy, so, while ah play tha disapproving parent, Bright’s gonna nudge him into proposing.” Sunset stared as White nodded. ”Yes, that worked when it will. But I will have suggested easing off a little.” “Honestly ah don’t even mind tha dragon that much, seems like tha smart one of those three, but seems the same trick doesn’t work tha same way on Applebloom as it does Big Mac. But ah don’t know tha drake beyond what little bit’s in tha pamphlet. Honestly ah’m more worried about her friends Sweetiebelle an Scootaloo than him.” “That is what we call common sense.” White offered. “You’re coming off as speciest.” Sunset huffed. “Is that a word?” “It will have been.” White nodded. “Hmm ah ken see how yah might think that, but did yah see me having any issue with that Kitsune running tha place we went out tah eat, or Applebloom’s teacher? We ain’t ever been picky on who we sell apples too if they have tha bits. Shoot, my daughters first colt friend was a zebra from that turnip farm outsidea town. Bad break up though , caught tha colt playing patty cake with a nother filly. Terrible thing fer a five year old.” “Okay that’s something I’m going to have to ask about next time I need to embarrass her.” Sunset shrugged “Well what about Rahs?” “Oh him ah don’t like. “ “What? Why?” Sunset questioned. “Last four years of mai life have been with hostile diamond dogs running around stealing and hurting folks while they try to kill each other. Tah me he’s just a bigger one of them. Plus the fact he’s got six girls after him and he won’t choose. He’s either an indecisive wimp, or a Casanova type playing yah all. That mai daughters made friends with tha biggest dang Diamond Dog ah ever seen in order tah team up tah go after this one male, ain’t helping his case. “Pear Butter stated. “Ain’t nothing wrong with those herding folks, but this is gitting a little weird.” “Rahs is not like that.” Sunset snapped. “Ah call it like ah see it, and yer not much better teaming up with another mare or bug or changeling whatever, tah try an fight my daughter over him.” Pear Butter smirked. “It ain’t like he speaks Equish long enough fer anyone but mai girl and his kin tah even know what he’s saying.” “There will also be Pinkie Pie and Rarity who understood him.” White offered. “A nightmare, and a mare with a Nightmare in her.” Pear Butter glanced down at the rabbit. “ That don’t help his case either.” Sunset glared and rubbed her temples with a hoof. “This conversation did not go the way I expected.” “It will go exactly how I expected though.” White nodded with a smile.