The Bug Crusader

by Partycannon_

Chapter 1: A Change Of Pace

A calming orange filled the sky as the sun began to rise, most ponies began their morning routines, that also applied for fillies, Apple Bloom got up from her bed in a yawn, same with Sweetie Belle. One filly had a very different morning routine then the rest, it was a dark cave, a dripping of water came from the ceiling and landed in a puddle, there were pictures of Rainbow Dash on the walls of the jagged cave with nothing else. The cave began filling with light as the sun rose, Scootaloo had one hoof on the ceiling, the others dangled while she slept but as the sun landed on her resting eye's she recoiled in annoyance causing her to fall and landing in her own pool of drool.

"Not again.." Scootaloo said in a annoyed voice.

Scootaloo was a changeling, however instead of her black shell she had one that matched her pony form she usually took, she also kept her main the same as her pony form, the only difference was the holes, her eye's, her wings, and the fact she had a horn.

Scootaloo got up from her drool and tried to shake off most of the water, she then shapeshifted into her pony form and took a peek outside, there was nopony. Scootaloo trotted over to the nearby lake and started her morning routine.

Scootaloo entered the classroom and saw as a few ponies had already taken their seats, two of them were Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. They were both chatting to one another.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Scootaloo trotted over to her friends.

"Scootaloo, Ah'm glad you're here. Ah want to see if yawl would like to do a sleep over this weekend?" Apple Bloom asked with a smile.

"I think I can go, I'll have to ask Rarity," Sweetie Belle put her hoof up to her chin. "Also good morning Scootaloo!" she gave a small smile.

"Sure, sounds awesome!" Scootaloo threw a hoof up in the air.

"Alright class, take you're seats," Miss Cheerilee said as she entered.

All the fillies trotted to their desks and took a seat, the class became silent.

"Thank you! Before I start class today I have a announcement!" Cheerilee smiled. "At the start of next week we will be taking a field trip to Canterlot!" Cheerilee softly clapped her hooves in excitement.

The crowd of students were quick to begin talking within their groups.

"Well, it would be like my fifth time going, so I guess it will be alright, right Silver Spoon?" Diamond Tiara said with a smile.

"Right," Silver Spoon quickly responded with a smile.

"Have any of yawl been to Canterlot?" Apple Bloom turned to her two friends.

"No, but Rarity talks about it a lot, I wonder if she will be jealous," Sweetie smirked.

"I haven't, is there anything cool there?" Scootaloo asked.

"Class, quite please!" said Cheerilee and the class quieted down. "Thank you. Now I will need you're parents to sign a permission slip before we leave to Canterlot, Ill give them out after class."

The class nodded, all except for one filly, Scootaloo. Her mind was racing, 'WHAT THE HAY! Not another permission slip!' she thought.

"Scootaloo are yawl going to be sick again?" Apple Bloom whispered in a giggle.

"Yeah, you always miss cool stuff like this," Sweetie Belle whispered disappointingly.

"Oh, uh, I'll try and make it this time.." Scootaloo gave an awkward smile.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked to each other with unimpressed faces.

"Today we are going to learn about bugs! Did you know that-"

Fillies began leaving the school, the CMCs were no different, they started heading to their club house together while the sun was at its peak.

Scootaloo yawned, "Miss Cheerilee couldn't even make bugs fun," she frowned.

"What? Bugs are fun!" Apple Bloom turned to Scootaloo almost offended. "Also you need to stop sleeping in class!"

"Scootaloo, how are you in school?" Sweetie raised an eyebrow.

"Wha- What are you talking about? All fillies need to go to school!" Scootaloo smiled awkwardly.

"Ah think she means to ask; how haven't yawl failed yet?" Apple Bloom tilted her head.

"Oh.." Scootaloo rubbed the back of her head.

Apple Bloom got close to Sweetie as they trotted and began whispering to her. "Do yawl notice something strange about Scootaloo today?"

"Yeah.. Should we ask what's wrong?" Sweetie whispered back.

"Hmm, yeah, but lets ask her at the club house," Apple Bloom took a hoofstep back from Sweetie.

They both looked to Scootaloo as she pointed to a beetle on a nearby tree and looked to both of them. "How is 'that' fun?"

The CMCs eventually made their way back to the club house, Scootaloo threw herself on one of the bean bags in a smile, Sweetie Belle sat down on one of the others and Apple Bloom closed the door and made her way in front of Scootaloo.

"Hey Apple Bloom, what's up?" Scootaloo looked up to the filly above her.

"Ah have decided.. We ain't leaving this room until you tell us what's wrong," Apple Bloom looked down upon Scootaloo.

"What? Apple Bloom, what are you saying?" Scootaloo sat up but couldn't look Apple Bloom in her eye's.

Apple Bloom continued to tower above Scootaloo as she stared into her soul.

"Come on Apple Bloom.. Lets just try and get our cutie marks, you know, like what we usually do?" Scootaloo tried to look Apple Bloom in her eye's but quickly felt a sense of dread, she felt as though a hole was being burned into her through Apple Bloom's eyes, she put up her hooves in defense.

"You are only making things more difficult!" the voice of Apple Bloom echoed through Scootaloo's brain.

"Sweetie Belle, a little help here!" Scootaloo rolled over in the bean bag still shielding herself with her hooves.

"What do you want me to do? Also I agree with Apple Bloom, you have been acting strange all day," Sweetie looked up.

"C-Can we drop it?" Scootaloo looked to Apple Bloom with pleading eyes.

"Fine, only if you agree to come on the field trip!" Apple Bloom stopped her intimidating presence.

"But.. I.." Scootaloo looked to Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom sighed, "Fine, that's not fair. If you don't want to talk then Ah won't make you."

Scootaloo felt guilty, "I-I'll tell you guys by the end of the week..." she spouted but immediately regretted it.

"Sounds like a deal, see you then..." Apple Bloom's smile only grew.

'What did I just agree to?' Scootaloo thought.