Fimfic Authors Are In Your Bed

by Admiral Biscuit

Pipp Petals is Livestreaming from Your Bed (Jet Stroke)

Pipp Petals is Livestreaming from Your Bed
Jet Stroke

It was Monday again, which meant that when you got home, there was going to be another pony in your bed again. Not only that, but it seemed like ponies were very good at ruining the place.

When you entered your home, you didn’t notice anything unusual at first. (Other than a melting ice sculpture outside.) In fact, everything looked quite normal. Everything was still where it was when you left it this morning, even the bathroom. However, that didn’t calm your nerves at all. For all you know, there could have been another Izzy on your bed.

That made you grumble to yourself. Despite all the cleaning you tried to do, there was still an annoying amount of glitter in your bedroom.

There wasn’t any point in beating around the bush any longer, so you went to your bedroom. As you got closer, you heard somepony talking loudly inside.

“So this is a human bedroom! I know, right? I thought humans were mythical creatures too! However, you can see plenty of them walking around outside…”

She was interrupted as you opened the door. She gasped.

There was a bright pink pony with a purple mane and clouds for wings spread across your bed. She was holding a smartphone in her hoof and it sounded like she was showing her viewers your bedroom. Part of you wanted to shout at her for streaming your personal room for the whole (pony) world to see.

“Oh, I didn’t expect you to be back so soon. Well, it doesn’t really matter anymore,” Pipp said to you. She turned back to the stream on her phone.

“Anyways Pippsqueaks, this is the human I was talking about. Pretty cool right?” She turned the smartphone so the camera was facing you. You could make out the comments completely blowing up at the sight of you on the right side of the screen.

Part of you felt like at this rate, all the ponies that have ever existed would have found out about you already. Or at least, whenever the ponies that came here went back, they would have told the others about you. However, nothing about ponies randomly showing up on your bed made any sense, so ponies viewing this acting completely surprised shouldn’t have surprised you either. You gave up trying to make sense of this all a long time ago.

“So today we are going to be giving this human a royal makeover!” Pipp shouted as she started pulling things out of thin air.

“Wait, I don’t think I need…” you stammered. You don’t get a chance to finish as Pipp pulls you onto your bed.

“That’s ridiculous. Of course you need a makeover! Having a plain mane and hooves suggests that you prefer to blend in rather than stand out. We got to do something bold, like bright pink!” she shouts, pulling out some nail polish and a bunch of other things needed to style hair and nails.

“Yeah no, there is no way I’m ever going to… Wait, did you just say mane and hooves!?” You shouted in surprise.

“Oh yeah, of course…” You grumbled to yourself as it dawned on you. “There is no way I’m dying my hair or painting my nails.”

“Yeah of course you aren’t doing it. I’m doing it for you! Now hold still,” Pipp exclaimed as she pulled out some hair dye.

You let out an extremely mature scream as you felt Pipp painting your hair.

“Oh wow, looks like somebody is scared of getting their hair dyed for the first time,” Pipp said, adjusting the phone so its camera was facing you.

“Wait, you are still live streaming this!?” you exclaimed. You wanted to disappear or bury your face in your hands. However, neither option was available since Pipp had pinned your head upright to dye it.

“Yeah of course! It’s for the views! The pippsqueaks love watching ponies getting their mane dyed and their hooves polished. Now hold still, I’m almost finished.” Pipp said. You could practically see her eyes roll about how obvious this was to her.

The next few moments seemed to drag on forever as you tried to pretend that you didn’t just freak out about getting your hair dyed in front of the camera. However, you could practically picture the judgemental comments going off in the stream right now. Everything seemed to blur together as Pipp switched between paintbrushes and a hairdryer and numerous other things that you didn’t know the purpose of. When you thought you couldn’t take it anymore, Pipp suddenly stopped.

“There, I’m finished!” Pipp remarked as she pulled out a mirror. You glanced at it and screamed again. There were thick bright streaks of pink and purple in your hair. Not only that, but she had managed to style your hair in the most ridiculous way possible.

Panicking, you tried to straighten your hair back to the way it used to look, but the hair wouldn’t budge, remaining the same shape no matter what you tried.

“What did you do!?” you shouted.

“I know right? It shouts uniqueness and boldness. I think it matches you given how much you freak out about everything. I think you will like it,” Pipp remarked.

“Are you kidding me? I hate it! Bright pink! What kind of person dyes their hair bright pink?” you shouted at Pipp.

“Well too bad because we are doing your nails next,” Pipp remarked, pinning you down as she pulled out some nail polish. As fate would have it, she chose bright pink for this too.

“I can’t take it anymore,” you grumbled as you buried your face in your pillow as she painted your nails.

“Hey there’s nothing wrong with painting your nails, so you need to calm down,” Pipp said without skipping a beat.

“You think that a person like me would get their nails painted?” you shouted.

“Yeah I don’t get why that’s so hard to comprehend,” Pipp said, obviously not understanding it.

“What am I going to tell my coworkers tomorrow…” You grumbled to yourself.