Dashie and the Juniorbolts

by Foal Star

Chapter Four: Rainbow Dash and Her Parents

"Oh, my Celestia! Rainbow Dash, I can't believe it's really you!" Windy Whistles squealed as she picked up Rainbow and hugged her close to her face.

Rainbow Dash kicked and whined as she was hugged, getting rather annoyed at her mom's mothering.

"Is Rainbow Dash really here?!" The little daredevil filly groaned upon hearing her dad shout across from the house, knowing that she was in for more embarrassment. Rainbow Dash looked over and saw him trotting around with a surprised face. "Is this a dream, or is that really Rainbow Dash as a foal!?"

"Yes, can you believe it?!" Windy cooed.

"Oh my! Just look at her! She must be no older than two!" Bow Hothoof commented in amazement.

"Ok, can ya two quit it and wet me and my fwiends inside?!" Rainbow shouted at her parents, her annoyance turning into frustration.

The two adults looked over to see the rest of the foals standing around with tired looks (and soggy diapers). "Oh, of course! Come on inside!" Windy chirped as she led the foals inside her home. The mare then turned her attention to her husband and said. "Hey, we have a bunch of those old Wonderbolt-themed diapers in case we had another foal. Can you go grab them?"

"Oh yes, of course!" Bow exclaimed as he trotted off down a hallway. "Didn't think we'd ever need them again after we got our little Dashie potty trained."

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash sat on her parents' couch, looking rather helpless. She silently hoped that with her parents caring for the rest of the regressed ponies, they wouldn't be babying her too much.

As Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles were busy changing the diapers of all the tired foals. Rainbow Dash took the opportunity to explain the situation: Describing to her parents how Lightning Dust had turned them into foals, then how they'd escaped the daycare they were in and how she and the other Juniorbolts needed a place to stay until tomorrow.

"Tat's bout it, so is it otay we stay hewe until tomorrow?" Rainbow reluctantly asked, even though she knew what the answer would be.

"Of course! You can stay here as long as you want!" Bow and Windy both exclaimed in unison. Their faces conveyed more than words how happy they would be to have their "little Dashie" back.

Rainbow Dash felt a bit relieved, it wasn't so bad now that she'd found a place to sleep for the night, and tomorrow she and all the foals would be able to get to Twilight's house. But at the same time, she was still going to have to deal with the constant embarrassment from her parents. And that was something she wasn't looking forward to at all. There was a reason why she'd moved to Ponyville as soon as she could.

As Bow and Windy finished diapering up the last foals, Windy trotted over to Rainbow. She just stared down at the little filly with a smile and said. "I still can't believe that this is real! You're actually a foal again. Seems like you were all grown up and leaving the nest."

"Yeah, you've said that wike a thousand times," Rainbow grumbled as she looked up at the ceiling. She was trying to avoid eye contact as she could hear whispering and giggling from her fellow foals, knowing they were all enjoying seeing her getting babied by her parents.

Then, almost rather suddenly, Windy hoisted Rainbow onto her back and trotted through the halls as she cooed! "I'm sorry, I can't believe that my cutest foal is back in my hooves!"

This got a round of laughter from the "Juniorbolts" Rainbow Dash was getting annoyed with her mother at this point and shouted. "I'm onwy hewe fow a bit until we can find a way down ta Ponyville, otay?!"

"Well, of course, but we don't mind you staying here longer!" Windy Whistles chirped back.

"Well, I do! Not gonna be in diapees forever!" Rainbow snapped back.

"Well, It's not like you have a choice, do you?" Windy pointed out. "Even if you could use the potty, if we let you run around without protection, I'll be mopping up puddles all evening."

Rainbow Dash wanted to retort but seeing that she had used her diapers a few times yesterday, her mother did have a point. She pouted and was silent for the rest of the journey as she secretly hoped that she and the foals wouldn't be here for long tomorrow. Luckily, Ponyville and the Golden Oak Library wouldn't be too far from here.

It wasn't long after this discussion before mother and child entered Rainbow Dash's old room. The little filly gasped in awe at how it was relatively the same as she'd left it years ago: The walls covered with posters of Wonderbolts past to present, a wardrobe filled with old flight suits, a bookshelf with books she'd never read.

But that was all that remained of being "normal" as instead of a bed, there was a crib near the back of the room, a diaper changing table all set up where her bedside table used to be, and in the middle of the room lay a playpen filled with stuffed ponies (mainly in the resemblance of the current Wonderbolts) along with some blocks.

"When did ya set aww tis up?!" Rainbow whispered in shock.

Windy tapped a hoof to her chin for a moment before she said. "I would say around the same time when we heard the news that Celestia and Luna were turned into foals. Your father and I just wanted to ensure that we had a nursery ready if you were turned into a foal."

"It almost sounds wike ya wanted me to turn back into a foal." Rainbow sheepishly mumbled under her breath, both embarrassed and somewhat amazed at how prepared her parents were. The filly's thoughts were interrupted as she sat down on the changing table as Windy Whistles began a diaper change.

Rainbow looked away, trying to ignore her mom as the mare went about the change. Despite doing her best to ignore what was happening, she could smell and feel the wipes cleaning her rump. The soft foal powder hit her bottom, and a fresh diaper was strapped around her bottom.

Windy paused as she finished taping the tabs of the new diaper around her daughter's waist. However, she briefly paused and brought a hoof to her face while exclaiming. "My goodness, I still can't believe this is real! Are you sure we didn't get sent back in time?"

Rainbow's entire face turned pink out of sheer embarrassment as she threw her hooves over her face and cried. "Mom! Stop!"

Windy brought her face down towards her daughter and gave her belly a raspberry. This caused Rainbow Dash to kick and giggle uncontrollably as her mom cooed. "Sorry, but you have to admit this is a rather special moment for your dad and I."

"Yeah, I get it…um…can ya do that again?" Rainbow asked as it was rather enjoyable. Windy gladly lowered her head and blew another raspberry into Rainbow's belly, making the little filly kick and squeal. But what Rainbow didn't realize was that her dad was coming back with the rest of the foals in tow.

As soon as the filly saw the rest of the Juniorbolts trot into her room, she cried! "Dad! Did ya have to bwing everypony?!"

"Well, hey, your friends need to sleep somewhere, right? Luckily, we have some old sleeping mats lying about." Bow explained as he started tucking in the rest of the young pegasi.

Windy then picked up her daughter and tucked her daughter into bed as Bow went about tucking the rest of the Juniorbolts into their mats.

Rainbow gave a big yawn as she snuggled under the sheets as Bow and Windy both looked down at her with loving smiles.

"Aww, our best sleeper ever is going to bed?" Windy commented.

"Bet she'll sleep for twelve hours; that's her record." Bow said in reply.

"Oh, I bet! And she'll eat some foal food then go right to a nap. Such a lazy baby." Windy teased.

Bow then pondered. "I wonder if she'll leak during the night. You did buy the extra thick Juniorbolt pampers, right?"

"Of course! I remembered that Rainbow Dash was quite the super soaker." Windy chirped back.

"Will ya two-stop?!" Rainbow wailed as she covered her eyes.

"Oh, sorry, didn't mean to get carried away. You sleep as long as you want." Windy cooed as she kissed Rainbow on the forehead.

Bow came down and kissed her next. "Yes, please have a good night's sleep. In the morning, we'll have breakfast ready, and we can discuss this regression and talk about how to turn you back into a big pony."

"Otay, now weave me be." Rainbow Dash yawned. She threw the blanket over her face as her parents shut off the lights and slowly trotted out of the room. As the room became quiet with the gentle snoring of the other foals around her, all Rainbow Dash could do was hope that by tomorrow at this time, she'd be her usual adult self in her own adult bed.

The following morning came, and Rainbow Dash woke up to having her diaper changed once again. This time, her dad was performing the job as he was strapping her up into a fresh diaper while he commented. "Twelve hours on the dot."

"Ugh! Ya stiww going on ‘bout tat?” Rainbow grumbled, not really caring about beating some dumb record she'd set as a foal.

"You're still the best diaper user ever. You didn't leak at all!" Bow rather proudly exclaimed and cooed.

Rainbow rolled her eyes and grumbled. “Gweat, just add tat to ta west of embewassin titwes!”

Bow chuckled while lifting his daughter onto his back. "Oh, come now, aren't you a little bit happy you get to be babied by your parents again?"

Rainbow sighed as she bounced about in her fresh diaper, feeling more relaxed. But despite how flexible she may have felt, the overall embarrassment of being a foal was too much to handle. "A wittwe, but not in front of aww of my fewwow Wondabowt recruits! I gonna be a laughing stock foweva now!"

"Well, they all use their diapers too and are just as adorable as you. So I doubt they'll do anything of the sort." Bow explained as he took his daughter into the living room. Rainbow blushed upon realizing that her dad did have a point.

Windy had all the foals lying about the place in the center of the living room, feeding on baby bottles filled with milk or formula while chowing down on some animal crackers and carrot sticks.

"Ok, honey, you got the timer?" Bow asked rather suddenly.

"Yup! Let's see if she can break her record!" Windy cooed.

Rainbow Dash was somewhat confused as she looked at her mother and asked. "Wha ya aww tawking 'bout?" Before she could get an answer, she had a bottle plopped into her mouth, and she started to instinctively suckle on the rubber nipple. The filly's eyes went wide as the milk tasted so good! It tasted like pasta, potatoes, and sourdough bread, blended and melted into a warm milkshake. She continued to suckle, savoring each drop of the delicious milk until every last ounce was gone.

"One whole minute!" Windy squealed in amazement when the bottle was empty!

"Wow! Even as a foal, she wasn't that fast!" Bow cheered.

Windy smiled while patting Rainbow's back. "That's our little best bottle chugger ever! She's still got it!"

Rainbow's cheeks flushed red as she realized that she'd drank all of that milk without being told to do so, and she was curious that milk tasted like her favorite meal. Then her eyes went wide as the milk tasted familiar as if she had drunk it a long time ago! "Mom, ya didn't give me milkies, did you?"

Windy's forehead started to sweat as she stammered. "Oh…um…how was your diaper change this morning? No leaks, I hope?"

"Don't change ta subject!" Rainbow pouted. "Ya made me drink ya milkies, didn't ya?!"

"Oh, come now, it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to baby you," Windy cooed and blushed. "Can you forgive me?"

Rainbow groaned, rubbing a hoof down her face. It was nice of them to do all of this for her and her friends. But again, this was all too embarrassing for her. She had to hurry and turn back to normal. "Fine, I forgive ya, I do wuv ya cawing fow me and givin' my junabowts a place ta sleep. But tis is getting out of contwow. I wana to turn back to a big pony, so we gotta go to Ponyville and see Twiwwy; she can turn us back to normal. But we gotta do it quietly, ow Stormy or Weighting Dust will get us!"

Windy and Bow looked at each other for a moment, then the mare looked back at her daughter and asked. "That one mare um…Stormy was her name?"

Bow slowly nodded. "Yes, dear, that was her name."

Windy then explained to the foals. "Stormy came by after you went to bed. We explained to her you're our daughter and that the rest of your friends are all regressed, adults."

"We have been twying to say tat to hew aww day! She didn't believe us!" Bulk Biceps exclaimed as he started to bounce up and down on his diaper. "Also, can I have some of that miwk? It sounds good!"

Rainbow's mom turned her attention to the colt and said. "Oh, that's too bad. And yes, you can have some of my milk; I made plenty." She took out another foal bottle and plopped it into Bulk Biceps' mouth.

As the colt grasped the bottle with his hooves and suckled away, Cloudchaser asked rather cutely. "How did ya convince Stormy tat we not babies?"

Windy then slowly brought out a photo album and showed it off to the crowd of foals. "We showed her Rainbow Dash's baby pictures to prove it. We even gave her one just to verify with that mare claiming to be her mom."

"Was it the one where Rainbow sped off during her first diaper change?" Bow questioned.

Windy nodded. "Yup, that's the one. You should've seen Stormy; she couldn't stop laughing when she saw it."

"Mom!" Rainbow Dash wailed again, completely horrified at what she was hearing.

The other foals all started laughing as Windy saw that her daughter was pretty embarrassed and said. "Ok, Rainbow Dash is getting quite fussy. I'll show them to you another time."

Rainbow glared at her mother as she kept in mind to find and burn that photo album later. But for now, she needed to keep the conversation on track regarding them getting back to normal. "Well, tat's gweat and aww, but I bet when Lightning Dust learns tat we escaped and we hiding hewe, she gonna try keeping us as foals! So we stiww gotta get out of here."

Rainbow Dash's parents looked over the foals, and Bow rubbed a hoof over his mane and said, "The question is how do we transport all of these foals down to Ponyville? We have a stroller, but it only seats one."

"Yes, that is quite the conundrum. We also don't want to look suspicious carrying around all of these foals. Ponies will think we stole them or something." Windy added.

Rainbow saw that everypony was now looking to her for what to do next. She really wasn't sure as she tapped a hoof to her chin. Then she turned to see that the photo album Windy had was open. She saw herself as a toddler hiding from her mother in one photo. The picture then gave her an idea as the filly exclaimed. "Weww, tewe's one way! But is gonna require me ta teach my fewwow Junabowts how to pway "Hide and Seek!'"

While Rainbow Dash was teaching her fellow recruits how to play "Hide and Seek" in another part of Cloudsdale, Lightning Dust was coming back after officially becoming a certified Wonderbolts reserve. She had a smug grin planted on her face as she flew down to the daycare to pick up the other regressed foals. Her plan had worked! Not only did she become a Wonderbolt Reserve, but she knew that Twilight had an amulet to help regressed ponies turn back to normal.

"All I have to do is make a deal with Rainbow Dash and the other recruits to keep their mouths shut, and I'll take them down to Twilight and have them turn back to normal. Then everypony gets what they want, and nopony will have gotten hurt." Lightning thought to herself.

But as Lightning entered the front desk, Stormy glared at her. "Well, well, looks like we figured out the truth, Lightning Dust."

Lightning gulped. "Um, what's that?"

"Well, I talked to Rainbow's mom and learned that Rainbow Splash is Rainbow Dash. Also, I bet the other foals you had were all regressed adults." Stormy declared.

"Um…uh..y…you don't have proof!" Lightning Dust stammered, completely astonished.

Stormy Cloud cleared her throat and held a baby picture of the little pegasus flying about with Windy chasing her with a diaper in her mouth. "I believe this is proof enough! The resemblance of that foal and the one in this picture are too similar."

Lightning would've burst out laughing seeing one of Rainbow's embarrassing baby pictures. Still, she was too flustered at seeing her entire plan unraveling before her eyes as she tried to explain. "I swear, they may look the same, but my daughter is not Rainbow Dash."

"So, do you have pictures of your foals to prove that?" Stormy asked with a skeptical look.

Lightning Dust slammed a hoof to her face and groaned.

A few moments passed as Stormy scoffed. "I thought so. Now, I may not be that well versed in legal matters, but I would bet regressing ponies into babies against their will is illegal. I could have you arrested, but I believe Rainbow Dash will turn back into an adult soon. She can decide your fate."

"Well, yes… I'd… I'd… better get going!" Lightning Dust cried out as she flew out of the daycare as fast as possible. When she was out in the streets of Cloudsdale, Lightning Dust stomped off down the road as she grumbled under her breath! "All they had to do was stay in the nursery for one day! They could've been Wonderbolt reserves next year! This isn't fair!" She knew she had to find Rainbow Dash and the others before they could tell the Wonderbolts what she did. But where would they be?

"Hewwo, Lightning Dust!" The pegasus mare was surprised by somepony calling her by her name, then turned to see a young, pink coated unicorn filly looking rather pouty. "Ya weawwy screwd up big time!"

"I'm sorry!" Lightning apologized to the filly. "I told you I had to prove to the Wonderbolts I deserved a second chance and left Rainbow Dash at a daycare. I didn't think they could escape with their flying taken away."

"Weww, clearly tey used some cwazy method to escape, but tats not important," The filly frowned. "I dun care bout ta other ponies, tey can all turn back to big ponies fow aww I care. But ya need to find Rainbow Dash and take her to my foaw town. If ya dun, I’ww turn ya into a baby, ya hear?”

Lightning Dust nodded, shaking slightly, knowing that Starlight wasn't joking as the filly hopped onto her back. "Now, I know where Rainbow Dash wives, but I'm onwy a foaw, so I'm gonna need your help finding hew."

"Yes, Starlight." Lightning grumbled as she trotted off, hoping that they would find Rainbow Dash. If Rainbow had just stayed at the daycare, this wouldn't happen! Whatever happened next, Rainbow Dash had brought this onto herself because Lightning wasn't going to turn into a foal! Not if she could help it!