Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 6

by TDR

Gift of the Mnementh

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 6

Gift of the Mnementh


Sombra sighed reaching a hoof up to push an errant strand of his black mane back behind his ear. Not that it mattered, the otherworldly flowing his mane did would have it back in his face before long. While it wasn't as bad as Luna's or his aunt's, having a mane and tail that moved on their own as if blowing in a gentle wind could get annoying.

Rarity seemed to enjoy it, though she only had the effect if she tapped into the Tantabus that had bonded with her.

That in it's own right showed the mare was strange, to join with a literal nightmare and not be consumed by it.

Granted Sombra had noticed she had gotten a great deal more vindictive when it came to certain things. Not that he minded, he found it amusing unless it was directed his way. Which was likely how he had gotten dragged along to Manehatten again to look for a location for a third store. She was toying with focusing on stallion's clothes for this one, but most likely she was going to end up with a mixed shop like she had before. The idea was to see if Coco wanted to run it and add her own designs to what was sold, though that was between Coco and Rarity. Sombra didn't think the meek mare could deny a force of personality like Rarity, but unlike her previous boss, anything Coco made would be her own product line that Rarity would let her sell in shop for only a small cut of the profit.

The punishment was less the trip out here, as that might be enjoyable, particularly the food. The problem was he was going to spend the whole trip waiting for Pinkie Pie to bean him with something and scream about Fluttershy.

Currently Rarity and Pinkie were whispering about something and he was left alone with Pinkie's sister, Maud.

The two of them had been staring each other down without a word between them for close to ten minutes now.

Sombra was rather enjoying the silence.

“Well seems we have a plan, shall we get lunch before we go looking?” Rarity questioned walking back up.

“Hmmph.” Sombra offered.

“Okay.” Maud agreed.

“Wow, they're really bonding.” Pinkie Pie gasped at the two.


“Fucking gave me his shopping list... what the hell.” Adagio grumbled as she fiddled with her mane, her form shifted to human because, lets face it, fingers were much better than hooves for dealing with a mane of the volume on Adagio's head.

“This seems a little more esoteric than milk, bread, and eggs.” Squall muttered looking over the list, his attention shifting from the paper to the odd former mare seated on the other side of the room in front of her mirror. He wasn't sure if his gaze was drawn that way due to the oddity of her form, or the nudity of it.

“That's a much bigger word than I thought you were capable of.” Adagio grumbled.

Yup, it was the oddity.

“I was never stupid Fishie, but emotions hold a great deal of sway when your blood is flowing. Being dead muted most of those, save anger.” Squall sighed. “Not to mention seeing that my own code of honor was enough to get me killed has left me with things to think about. Given I no longer sleep I do a lot of thinking.”

“Don't call me that.” Adagio snapped. ”Well at the very least I don't have to worry about you doing anything stupid particularly since we've got a lot of things to get for Solomon.”

“No idea how you plan to hide that mass of hair of yours, all I need to do it put on a shirt to hide the hole in my chest, no one has ever been that good at being able to tell one yeti from another save other yetis. “Squall snarked back. “Plus I'm less noticeable now that my fathers empire was crushed and those under his control have scattered.”

“Still, no one trusts any yeti.”

“No one did before either, what of it?”

“You might need more than a shirt, given your smell.” Adagio growled.

“I smell like dirt dug from six feet underground, and dried blood. That's barely going to be noticeable compared to that stars awful flora explosion you call perfume.

“It's not like I've been able to go out and get my preferred brand.” Adagio scoffed. “ Any way first item on the list is sending us to Turtle Toga. I assume you can still pilot an airship?”

“I'm dead Fishie, not dead.” Squall grumbled.


Maud and Sombra regarded the stallion who had traded Pinkie Pie for her party cannon. A rather stupid deal to be honest, but no one ever accused the pink menace of intelligence.

Maud was not amused at the stallion, though Sombra had a very wide grin.

He recognized the stallion.

Judging by the way the stallion was shuddering and trying to back through the brick wall behind him, he recognized Sombra as well.

Rarity was helping.

“Last I checked a bag of that caliber was only worth about sixty bits.” The mouth on Rarity's left leg hissed.

”Not the same price as a several thousand bit party cannon.” A fanged maw on her shoulder growled.

It amused Sombra that the stallion was still looking at him as he panicked.

“It was a fair trade and she agreed to it.” The stallion stammered.

“I believe when we finally released you and your acquaintances, Rahs and I suggested that you find a more lawful profession other than attempting to con money out of theaters and show ponies.” Sombra stated flatly. “I do not see scalping as a step up.”

“It's not illegal!”

Maud frowned, every so slightly, Sombra barely noticed it, but his grin widened.

“Neither is a customer complaining about a bad trade.” A fanged maw spoke from Rarity's mane, the three eyes over that maw shifting to stare at the stallion, none of them the same color or pupil shape.

“I would like to point something out to you that you seem to be missing here.” Sombra offered. “You've met me and know what I can do, my toothy associate here is a literal nightmare, and yet the one you should be worried about is our calm looking friend here. After all it was her sister you swindled, and since we agree with her and are the only witnesses in your little trading ally....”

“Right fine........” the stallion stammered. ”Sixty bits.”

“Forty.” Maud stated flatly.

“True, we did spend a great deal of our time and effort lodging this complaint.”Sombra hummed.

“I doubt he even has a proper license.” Rarity offered, one of her ears curling up over the stallion like a tendril to speak, the entire length of it split in a grin showing an impossibly deep mouth.

“Fine Forty, just take the cannon and go!” The stallion whimpered his eyes darting between the three of them now.

Maud picked up the party cannon in a hoof and turned carrying it off. Sombra gave the stallion the bits and followed. Rarity smirked with fifteen different fang filled maws, sixty plus eyes covering her all focusing on the stallion as she chuckled before walking after the other pair. “Pleasure doing business with you.”


Twilight Sparkle frowned flipping through a book before setting it to the side on a pile. A moment later she grabbed another one and did the same, the pile of books next to her growing rather quickly.

Tempest watched from the other side of the room and spared a glance to Starlight who had seen Twilight and was now cowering behind a hastily built bunker.

Tempest was actually impressed at the siege prep the lavender mare was capable of where she had gotten all the sandbags at such a short notice was something she was curious about, but not enough to ask at the moment. Words might draw Twilight's attention and given the way the mares eye was twitching as she flipped through her books made Tempest want to NOT have her attention.

“I'm going to murder her.” Twilight growled.

“Seshat would you mind getting Rahs and Spike down here before Twilight explodes?” Tempest asked wondering if there was room for her in Starlight's little bunker.

“I already have. Rahs is preparing for a date with Jynx and Spike is painting his miniatures, they should be down in a moment.” Seshat offered as the piles of books grew taller.

“Oh, great what now?” Spike muttered as he trundled into the room, the purple dragon clearly annoyed that he had to stop working on his models because his sister was losing it again.

“SPIKE, look at this!” Twilight demanded whipping a book over to him holding it open in her magic. Spike reached for it only for it to be yanked away. “Look with your eyes not your dirty dirty paint covered claws!”

Spike rolled his eyes and looked over the book blinking. ”Okay, what am I looking at? Did some one misprint the third line or something?”

“Celestia has done her prank and it is evil. The retribution will be swift and destructive. She shall pay for this insult.” Twilight growled.

“Umm, what did she do?” Spike asked.

Twilight glared at him, then sighed.” Right I forgot that you favor the base form of words that are present in comic books and you are truly a plebeian.”

Spike offered a griffonese gesture that required the use of fingers to get right in response to his sister.

Rahs came down the stairs to this raising an eyebrow at the wordless conversation Spike was offering.

“Woof?” Rahs asked.

“LOOK AT THIS!” Twilight screamed shoving several open books at Rahs.

The moon dog rolled his eyes and looked at the pages. He blinked and looked at another book then picked a book up off the stack and flipped through it.


“Yes, ALL of them!” Twilight answered.

Rahs' eyes widened and he dove behind a stack of books vanishing. A few moments later there was a howl of rage from above before he stepped back out from behind the books holding a large number of original playwright scripts in his claws, his growl was rattling Tempest's teeth.

Starlight found herself shoved to the side as the mulberry colored mare dove into the small bunker as well.

“Seriously what the heck are you two on about?” Spike demanded.

“Celestia changed the font in all the books in the library to Comic Sans.” Twilight snarled.

“She has gone too far.”