//------------------------------// // The Cyndering, Part 2, Chapter 1 // Story: Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 6 // by TDR //------------------------------// Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 6 By TDR The Cyndering, Part 2, Chapter 1 [Crystal Empire] “WHY IS EVERYTHING ON FIRE?!” Cadence screamed out. “Whoa deja vu.” Pinkie Pie offered. The foals having fully woken up, along with two Moon Dog pups that now took after their uncle Rahs and had a direct connection to the power gods, were every where at once. The foals were flying around giggling and screeching like mad, both of them super excited at all the attention they were getting. The two pups however were acting like they were on a sugar rush from hell and were tearing about the room playing keep away from the adults. An attempt was made by Twilight to corral them with magic, only for the two new bonded magic eaters to tear through it and some how manage to get even more hyper. Pinkie, Sunset, Saturnia, Rahs, Bri, Cadence, and Shining were running all over the place trying to catch the foals and the pups. Twilight was nursing a headache. Chrysalis and Moon Dancer were both off to the side watching with rather smug looks on their faces. “Amateurs.” Moon Dancer sighed. “I know right?” Chrysalis chuckled. The foals having gotten a surge of energy from the pups chewing through Twilight's spells started casting spells every where themselves. Rahs tried to eat some of the spells cast by the foals and gave up quickly. Shin's magic tasted like Chocolate cake, and Flurry's like Chocolate hazelnut espresso. The toy box and items around the room were all scattered everywhere, showing exactly how many ponies had issue with the royal family judging by how many of them made annoying noises. The curtains and several piles of ugly baby clothes were set on fire. Walls and spires of building blocks were constructed, and the giggling of foals and puppies would haunt the nightmares of several of those in the room for years. It was at this point the door opened and Rhede and Sunburst strode in. “What the heck is going on in here?” Rhede questioned having heard the explosions. “Ah... the foals woke up.” Sunburst nodded sagely, watching the moon dog pups run around. “And evidently they have the zoomies.” Shin, who evidently was curious about the new comers came over to say hello only to get a whiff of the cologne that Rhede wore. The little changelings nose wrinkled up as he sniffled and inhaled. Rhede blinked stupidly at the foal, not seeming to realize that death had come for him in the form of a half changeling pony foal, that also was an alicorn somehow. Luckily Sunburst tackled him as Shin sneezed, a horn beam launching from it, shooting out the open door causing an explosion and lots of screaming from the main room. The noise drew the attention of Flurry, Titania, and Oberon, all three of them rushing out the door before any one could react followed by a sniffling shin. The massed adults cried out and rushed out after the foals and pups. “Good catch dear.” Moon Dancer smirked helping Sunburst up off the floor. “Thank you. I remember my sons sneezes... and well.” Sunburst shuddered gesturing towards the pony he tackled. “I have seen the abyss and it was giggling.” Rhede muttered from the floor. “Oh get up. There's only room for one drama queen around here and Rahs and I are already fighting over it.” Chrysalis stated stepping over Rhede and trotting out the door after the others. [Crystal Mines.] The announcement was met with rather a few cheers and a bit of grumbling, though no one was going to try and argue with her. The Crystal Pack was now an official pack separate from the Jade Wolves, under the leadership of Rufus given he had done well to keep them inline after Jynx put him in charge. They were still her Dogs and she made sure they knew she would come down on them like a landslide if they fucked up, but given they all seemed to be alright with the arrangement with the Empire, she was willing to see if they could lead themselves. Not even Peabody and his group complained. Another topic that was brought up was the purchase of fine Crystals by the Emperor and Empress for the Crystaling. There was a number of decent Crystals gathered up, cut and polished for the parents to choose from. Jynx however found flaws in several of them and refused to have them presented to the royal family. Rufus wasn't too thrilled at being called out on his packs work, though he realized the Alpha of Alphas was still trying to impress the Moon Dog she was after. Another set of crystals were found after a mad scramble by all the dogs in the mines, and eventually a number of rough crystals were produced that met Jynx's satisfaction. Rufus was going to have the shapers start work on cutting and polishing the new choices when he, like every other Dog, watched Jynx pick up a crystal and the stone sort of flowed in her paw as she focused on it, the form shifting and shaping to a perfectly faceted crystal before being handed off to a polisher who stared at the flawless stone in absolute awe as Jynx set to work on the next. In short order the new set of crystals to chose from were finished and were being prepped to be presented. Jynx smirked. “Let us see any of the others do something like this.” [Further north at the edge of the Crystal Sea.] “So Luna dropped her moon here?” one of the Ambassadors asides asked. “Smashed it several times actually. That cracked a glacier further north and started to flood the crater. There's a fresh water run off from the north and a bleed in from the ocean to the south east.” Prince explained. “ Some how it missed the main river a few miles further on, though that can be diverted if we need to.” “More water in it than I expected. We can probably open the gap to the ocean a bit more and get this filled up faster.” Aria offered looking at it. “Otherwise it might take a few hundred more years to fill up fully, and if we let it go naturally, or divert the river it will be too brackish to work well for sea ponies or River ponies.” “River Ponies?” Tempest asked. “Yeah, there's a few groups that decided to move from the sea and further up the rivers and lakes, they seem to prefer fresh water, but are pretty much the same as sea ponies. It's more of a regional thing than a separate species or anything.” Aria explained. “Sonata, you ready?” “Yup yup, “ The blue siren offered, a shower cap on over her hair and a pink flamingo inflatable ring around her waist. “Alright, I’ll check the northern edge by the river, Sonata check the middle and you guys take the seawall.”Aria ordered to the other two sea pony workers with them. “ I can deal with the fresh water easy and Sonatas a faster swimmer than you guys.” “I guess the rest of us stay here?” Tempest questioned. “If you want. Not really sure why you guys followed us out here in the first place.” Aria questioned. “You’re still under watch for your crimes.” Tempest stated. Aria raised an eyebrow. “So are you and drooly there.” Tempest glanced at Starlight, then back to Aria and shrugged. “I don’t get it either, but I have my orders.” “There was blood and guts and icor and zombie parts falling from the sky like a snowstorm of gore.” Starlight muttered. “Okay that totally sounds like a metal song.” Sonata commented, her voice dropping a few octaves as she growled out. “Snowstorm of Goooooooooooooooooooooooooore!!” [Crystal Palace] Another explosion rocked the main room followed by the loud giggling of a foal and the yipping of a puppy. There was shouting and crying out as the adults tried to corral the four little ones with absolutely no success. Chrysalis, Sunburst, and Moon Dancer sat off to the side watching the goings on with mild interest. “I thought you were going to help them, seeing as this is your second kid.” Moon Dancer asked Chrysalis as Flurry soared over the refreshment table, pulling up at the last second and letting her father crash into the punch bowl. “They refused, said they could handle it and wanted a fresh take because, and I quote ‘ There’s never been any record of an alicorn being born like this let alone two of them so what you know can’t be completely right.” Chrysalis stated as Rainbow Dash was dragged through the air as she tried to hold onto Shin. “Did Shining say that or did Cadence?” Sunburst asked leaning back a little as a energy beam shot past. “Cadence, though it is a bit of a paraphrase in truth. Shining just wanted to ask his mom for help. Twilight Velvet pretty much skipped town not long after they were born, claiming she and Nightlight were going on another Honeymoon for a few months.” Chrysalis explained. “Clever mare.” Moon Dancer nodded as Oberon started climbing the wall. There was a crash as a chandler fell from the ceiling after Titania decided to swing on it. “What the heck is going on here?” The three parents turned to look at the new comer. The draconequus watching the chaos with a small smirk of pride. “New parents.” Sunburst offered. “Ahh I see. Reminds me of when the girls were little.” Discord smiled before snapping his fingers and dropping into the Laz-E-boy that appeared. He quickly handed out a couple buckets of popcorn as Flurry Heart sneezed at some dust that was kicked up from Titania crawling along the top of the curtain rods. The explosive blast thankfully was dodged by every one, though it impacted the pedestal the Crystal Heart was sitting on blasting the whole thing over and sending the heart soaring to crash down on the stone floor, shattering it. There was a collective scream from everyone present. “Ooh that looked expensive.” Discord muttered.