As the Apple Blooms

by The FraudulentBrit

Sisterly Sleepover

As the Apple Blooms

Part 67; Sisterly Sleepover

All throughout the chop shop, everyone was busy tidying up the place, making sure that it was presentable for their incoming visitors. However, it wasn’t for any customers, army acquaintances, or even members of the Apple family. Instead, Ironhide and Chromia’s first daughter Torque Wrench would be stopping by for several days. Even better, she was apparently bringing a close friend of hers along.

Needless to say, Apple Bloom found herself fretting over trying to keep the shop front clean.

Scrubbing the wooden floor with her hand brush, the former farm girl found herself applying more and more pressure in a desperate attempt to remove an admittedly hard to notice stain on the hard wood surface. As she straightened herself up, Apple Bloom let out of a sigh of relief as she remarked, “There we go. Everythin’s clean as a whistle.”

From behind her, Apple Bloom heard Ironhide’s voice remark, “You really didn’t have to go all out like this.” Turning to face her uncle, the former farm girl replied, “Ah know. Ah just want everythin’ to look nice for Torque Wrench and her friend.” Chuckling, Ironhide reassured his daughter, “Relax. She said that Kerfuffle won’t mind.” He then inspected the freshly cleaned floor as he finished, “Still, you really have outdone yourself.”

At that moment, Apple Bloom and Ironhide heard someone knocking on the front door. Turning to see who it was, they were surprised to see it was a yellow woman with purple hair that could only be one person. “Miss Soft Shoe?” Apple Bloom asked out loud. “What’s she doin’ here?”

Making her way to the door, the former farm girl opened it as she asked, “Howdy Miss Soft Shoe. What’s up?” The yellow woman let out a sigh of relief as she answered, “I’m doing alright dear.” Though she wore a smile on her face, Apple Bloom could tell that the older dancer was internally panicking as something ate away at her.

Ironhide then asked, “Is everything alright ma’am?” Shaking her head, Soft Shoe answered, “In truth, not really. I….” Pausing for a moment, she continued, “I need a favor.” Worried, Apple Bloom asked, “What’s wrong?”

Taking a deep breath, Soft Shoe began, “So, I need to go deliver some custom shoes to a client. I’d mail it but this is the last time I did, they never arrived.” Pausing for a moment, she continued, “And just to make things worse, my husband and Tender Taps just came down with Strep Throat.”

The moment the older woman said this, Apple Bloom worriedly blurted out, “Is Tender Alright?” Soft Shoe raised her hands as she reassured the young girl, “Don’t worry, he’s fine, or at least as fine as he can be for now.” As the former farm girl let out a sigh of relief, the dance shoe cobbler focused on Ironhide as she continued, “But yes, they’re sick, and I can’t take Double Shuffle with me.” Taking a deep breath, Soft Shoe asked, “Ironhide, do you think you could look after Double Shuffle for a few days?”

After mulling it over for a few moments, Ironhide answered, “I think we can handle it.”

Apple Bloom found herself overcome with joy as she leapt into her uncle and wrapped him in a massive hug as she squealed, “Thank you Uncle Ironhide!” Quickly realizing she was embarrassing him, the former farm girl released her uncle and apologized, “Heh, sorry about that.”

Thankfully, Ironhide reassured her, “It’s alright kid. Besides, we never turn away those in need.” He then turned to Soft Shoe and asked, “When will you be dropping her off?”

Soft Shoe immediately answered, “I’ll go pick her up. We should be back in about ten minutes.” Once she finished speaking, the older woman began to make her way back to her car before calling back, “Be back in a flash.”

And so, Ironhide and Apple Bloom returned into the Chop Shop, with the former farm girl now even more determined to clean the place up.

Ten Minutes Later….

Just as she promised, Soft Shoe’s car returned ten minutes later (give or take thirty seconds). Once the car stopped moving, the familiar form of Double Shuffle emerged with a large duffle bag and an equally wooden board held under her arms. Turning back to face her mother, the younger girl said, “Love you mom. Tell me all about it when you get back.” She then straightened herself as she walked up to the front door and entered the chop shop.

No sooner had the younger girl set her board down then she was greeted by the sound of her sister’s voice calling out, “Howdy Double Shuffle!” Double Shuffle immediately ran up to the former farm girl as she happily squealed, “Apple Bloom!” She then wrapped Apple Bloom in a massive hug, one which the red-haired girl returned just as tightly while continuing, “I can’t believe we get to have a sleepover!”

Apple Bloom then added, “And you’ll get to meet mah cousin Torque Wrench.” She then took her sister’s hand as she said, “Now let’s get you settled in. Ah’ve got a spare bed set up in mah room for you.” As both girls made their way to Apple Bloom’s room, the former farm girl thought to herself, ‘This is gonna be great.’

Later that Night…

“My, that is certainly impressive.” Chromia remarked as Double Shuffle finished her story. The younger girl stood up, setting down Sparkplug as she straightened her shirt as if were a coat as she remarked, “Yup. Mrs. Hotfoot said I was greatest tap dancer she’d ever had the honor of teaching.” She then let out a gentle giggle as she asked, “You don’t think that was too boastful, was it?”

Apple Bloom immediately replied, “Of course not! You’re the best dancer Ah’ve ever met!” The former farm girl began to blush as she sheepishly corrected, “Ah mean, tied with Tender Taps of course.” Double Shuffle gave her sister a mischievous smirk as she quipped, “Of course he says the same thing about you.”

At that moment, the sound of several people speaking distracted everyone. Among the chatter, Apple Bloom heard Ironhide’s voice explain, “So we’ve had a slight change of plans.” Another voice, this one unfamiliar to the former farm girl, replied, “Don’t worry Mr. Ironhide. It’s not the first time. Remember that time with my parents?” Yet another voice, this one Torque Wrench’s, answered, “Egh. Don’t remind me.”

Sure enough, a small group of people emerged from the shop front and made their way into the living room. There was Ironhide, Sideswipe, Ratchet as well as two new people. One was a familiar yellow woman with red hair, green eyes, blue overalls with a light blue shirt, and brown boots that could only be Torque Wrench. The other person was a blue-green woman with pink hair and purple eyes, a bright yellow sleeveless shirt, blue denim skirt and brown cowgirl boots.

Rising up from her seat, Apple Bloom enthusiastically greeted, “Howdy Torque Wrench! Good to see you again.” She then wrapped her cousin in a hug as the young woman replied, “Good to see you too Apple Bloom! It feels like it’s been an eternity!” She then quipped, “I mean, I just found out I have a new cousin ten minutes ago.”

As Chromia and Double Shuffle joined the group, Torque Wrench hugged her mother as she greeted, “Hey mom. Hope you don’t mind if I brought someone this time.” The older woman gently replied, “Oh of course not sweetie.” She then turned to her new guest as she asked, “So, you’re the illustrious fashion designer Torque has been telling me about.”

Blushing as she scuffed her feet, the new woman answered, “Thank you. I’m Kerfuffle. Spelled like it’s sound with an extra “ff” on the “fuffle.” She then awkwardly shrugged as she added, “I should probably stop talking now.” Kerfuffle then noticed the young blue girl and bent down as she asked, “So, who are you?”

Extending her hand, the younger girl replied, “Hi. I’m Double Shuffle.” As Kerfuffle shook her hand, Apple Bloom added, “She’s mah little sister and one of the best tap dancers Ah know.” Ironhide then informed everyone, “She’s staying with us for a few days. Hope you two don’t mind.” Raising her hand, Torque Wrench replied, “Don’t worry dad. It’s alright.” She then asked, “Though I’m wondering….. Where’s Uncle Wheeljack?”

Unfortunately, Torque Wrench’s answer came when the door to the kitchen opened as Wreck-Gar entered the living room, carrying a tray holding a teapot, cups, and a plate with several treats. As Torque and Kerfuffle found their eyes widening at the sight in front of them, the cycloptic robot began, “Master Ironhide, I heard you would be having company over, so I took the opportunity to make some tea and biscuits for everyone.”

Turning to face his new guests, Wreck-Gar let out an embarrassed, “Oh….” As both new women began to turn pale in fear, the robotic butler waived his hand as he awkwardly greeted, “Uh…. Greetings and Salutations my beautiful people.” Of course, both Torque Wrench and Kerfuffle reacted the only way they could when faced with a modern Prometheus.

Both women fainted, leading Wreck-Gar to face you, the reader and dejectedly remark, “Good grief, it’s a running gag.”

The Dinner Table…

As everyone ate dinner, Torque Wrench asked, “So let me get this straight Wheeljack. You just went and built a fully sentient robot?” The maverick mechanic sheepishly gulped as he answered, “Uh….. Yeah pretty much.” He then began to scratch the back of his neck as he continued, “I made Wreck-Gar to help keep my workshop clean, but his sentience was basically an accident.”

Before any of the adults could say anything else, Double Shuffle spoke up with a simple, “I think Wreck-Gar is kinda cool.” As both Kerfuffle and Torque Wrench turned their focus to the younger girl, Apple Bloom added, “That and he does know how to make a good biscuit.” Sideswipe then quipped, “Wreck-Gar certainly knows how to liven this place up.”

Apple Bloom then asked, “If you don’t mind me askin’ Torque, what are you guys doin’ here?” The yellow woman answered, “You see, in a few days there’s going to be a sci-fi convention, and the cast of one of our favorite shows are gonna be there.” Kerfuffle then added, “Yeah! They’ve practically gotten the entire cast of the Works. Leather Neck, Madame Fairborn, everyone!”

As Apple Bloom and Double Shuffle took this in, Ironhide added, “So with all that, the boys and I have been hired to help with security, which means I should be able to get you all in for free.” The former farm girl exclaimed, “That’s awesome!”

The family patriarch then added, “Of course, that’s still a few days away. Tomorrow it’ll be business as normal.” Double Shuffle then asked, “Anything you need me to do Mr. Ironhide?” Chromia immediately replied, “Oh of course not dear. You’re our guest, not a servant.” The blue girl then shook her head as she explained, “No, I wanna help you guys. It’d be rude of me not to.”

As the adults took in Double Shuffle’s surprising maturity, Apple Bloom suggested, “How about she help me out?” Taking this in, Ironhide answered, “I don’t see a problem with that.” He then focused on the younger girl and asked, “You promise to do everything Apple Bloom says?” Enthusiastically nodding, Double Shuffle replied, “I promise sir.”

Once Ironhide gave an approving nod, both Double Shuffle and Apple Bloom gave each other a hug as the younger girl squealed, “Tomorrow is gonna be great!” All the former farm girl could say in turn was a gentle, “You better believe it little sis.”

Apple Bloom’s Room, the Next Morning…

As the sound of an alarm clock rang through the former farm girl’s room, Apple Bloom began to rise from her bed and let out a great yawn before turning to the smaller guest bed and said, “Mornin’ Double Shuffle.” The younger girl groaned and pulled her covers over her head as she complained, “Ugh. Five more minutes.” The red haired girl tip toed up to her little sister and, to her surprise, pulled the blankets away and began to tickle the younger girl, who begged, “Hah hah! Stop that Apple Bloom!”

After a few minutes, Double Shuffle relented as she said, “Alright alright. I’m awake.” Unfortunately, the happy mood was ruined by the gentle rumble of far-off thunder. As the younger girl gulped in fear, Apple Bloom reassured her, “Hey, it’s alright. Ah’m sure Uncle Ironhide will let us work inside today.” She then continued, “But first, we should probably get dressed.”

A few minutes later, and both girls had changed into their outfits for the day. Apple Bloom wore a set of overalls over a blue and white stripped sleeveless shirt while Double Shuffle wore a black tee shirt under an opened red plaid button shirt and pair of blue pants. As the younger girl inspected herself in the mirror, Apple Bloom complimented, “You’ve got quite the sense of style Double Shuffle.” The blue dancer performed a gentle curtsy as she replied, “Thanks Apple Bloom.”

The two sisters were distracted by the sound of someone knocking on the door, followed by Sideswipe’s voice calling out, “Up and at ‘em guys. Don’t want Ironhide thinking you’re sleeping in.” Apple Bloom called back, “Alright. We’ll be down in a minute.” She then turned to Double Shuffle and remarked, “Come on. Let’s get some breakfast.”

The Kitchen…

As the two sisters entered the kitchen, they found Ironhide, Chromia, Wheeljack, and Ratchet busy at work as they prepared breakfast for everyone. Apple Bloom asked, “Mornin’ everyone. You need us to help with anythin’?” The family patriarch turned to face his daughter and her sister as he answered, “You two mind setting the table?” Before the former farm girl could answer, Double Shuffle enthusiastically replied, “You’ve got it Mr. Ironhide!”

As the two girls began to set the table, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but admire her younger sister’s attention to detail. The younger girl was setting plates, folding napkins, and arranging the silverware with a precision that could only be matched by Rarity. The former farm girl rested a hand on her sister’s shoulder as she remarked, “Gotta say, you’ve got an eye for detail.”

Double Shuffle smiled as she replied, “Thanks. Mom and dad always say that if you do something, you should do it with style.” Both girls were distracted when Wheeljack, not even turning from the stove, remarked, “Nothing wrong with that.”

At that moment, however, a thought began to enter Apple Bloom’s mind.

‘What if Ah do somethin’ to her like what Applejack did?’ She thought to herself. ‘Ah mean, it’s not like Ah’d say anythin’ like…..’

“Apple Bloom?” Double Shuffle asked, snapping the older girl out of her internal monologue. As Apple Bloom focused on her younger sister, the blue girl continued, “Something bothering you?”

Shaking her head, the former farm girl answered, “Ah’m fine.” In truth, it wasn’t the whole truth (she wasn’t “fine”), but she wasn’t overcome with worry or melancholy. Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom explained, “Just somethin’ on mah mind. Nothin’ bad.”

Both girls were distracted when the sound of Torque Wrench’s voice spoke up, “Mornin’ everyone.” They turned to see Ironhide’s eldest daughter, Kerfuffle, and Sideswipe entering the kitchen. The pale biker stretched her arms as she greeted, “How’s it going everyone?” Apple Bloom replied, “Not too bad. Slept like a baby.”

Ironhide then said, “Alright everyone. Soup’s on.” As everyone filled their plates with eggs, sausage, bacon, and toast, the family patriarch continued, “Now then, the boys and I are gonna be working the smelting pools today.” Chromia then added, “And I’ll be fixing up an old engine we found.” Sideswipe immediately asked, “Ooh. Mind if I lend a hand?” The light blue woman answered, "No problem.”

Double Shuffle then asked, “What about me? What do you need me to do?” As everyone took this in, the young girl continued, “I mean, I don’t want to come off as a leech.” Pondering for a moment, Ironhide answered, “Well, would you and Apple Bloom mind cleaning up some old gears and junk we have?”

Wrapping her arm around her little sister’s shoulder, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah think we can handle that, can’t we?” Double Shuffle hugged her big sister back as she replied, “You bet Apple Bloom!” As the two sisters finished their hug, Kerfuffle remarked, “Why aren’t you two just adorable.” Torque Wrench then playfully added, “Not quite as adorable as you, but they’re a close second.”

Swallowing her mouthful of sausage, Sideswipe turned to Torque Wrench and asked, “So, you don’t mind me asking, you two a thing?” The elder red head let out an amused chuckle as she explained, “Guess you could say it’s both yes and no.” Kerfuffle then added, “Yeah. I don’t quite know how to explain it, but she’s…. like my favorite person.” As both women held hands, Torque added, “Guess you could say we’re girlfriends, if only because I can’t think of another term.”

Needless to say, Sideswipe felt her heart melt at the sight of the two women sharing such clear affection with each other. She then apologized, “Sorry for asking. I get kinda excited when I meet other “outcasts.” Kerfuffle smiled and nodded as she replied, “Don’t worry about it. Besides, people like us gotta stick together, you know?” She then gave a knowing wink, leading Sideswipe to smile and give a respectful nod.

After fifteen more minutes, everyone finished breakfast and began their duties for the day, all while the sound of rain pouring outside grew louder and louder.

The Workshop, Later That Day…

“There we go.” Apple Bloom said as she set the freshly scrubbed and cleaned gear into a box with the other gears she’d cleaned throughout the day. Wiping the sweat from her brow, the former farm girl took a moment to appreciate how much she’d accomplished so far. Indeed, nestled next to the desk were not one, but two boxes containing freshly cleaned gears, nuts, bolts, and other small pieces that could be used again.

Turning to face her sister, Apple Bloom found Double Shuffle deep in concentration as she scrubbed the large gear in her hands. While the younger girl hadn’t made as much progress as her older sister, only finishing one and a half boxes, she was still showing a diligence that was surprisingly uncommon for a girl her age.

At the same time, however, Apple Bloom began to feel the same worry overtake her. Deep in the back of her mind, a voice whispered, ‘Face it. You’re an apple. Once things go wrong, you’ll blow up right in her face.’ Shaking her head, the former farm girl whispered to herself, “No. Ah’m not like Applejack.”

“Apple Bloom?” Double Shuffle asked, distracting her older sister from her train of thought. When the former farm girl turned to her younger sister, the blue dancer continued, “Something’s bothering you. What’s wrong?”

Apple Bloom didn’t want to tell her younger sister what was bothering her. ‘Ah don’t want to burden her with mah problems, especially where Applejack is concerned.’ She thought to herself. Then again, if Double Shuffle really was her little sister (At least in all but blood), then she should at least know what was going on. Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom began, “Well… What happened was….”

Before she could explain, Double Shuffle noticed something and pointed behind her older sister as she called out, “What’s Sparkplug doing?” Apple Bloom turned around to find that not only had Sparkplug snuck up behind them, but the small terrier was now holding a relatively blunt gear in his mouth.

And before either girl could do anything else, the highland terrier darted out of the room.

“Hey! Get back here with that!” Apple Bloom called out as she and Double Shuffle gave chase to Sparkplug. Unfortunately, the black highland terrier made his way into the kitchen and straight out the recently installed doggie door and out into the raining junkyard.

As the sound of rain continued to ring throughout the house, Double Shuffle said, “We have to find Sparkplug.” Apple Bloom was taken aback by this as she replied, “No, Ah’ll find Sparkplug. You stay here.” The younger girl shook her head as she pleaded, “Awh come on, please?”

Finally relenting, Apple Bloom replied, “Alright, but you gotta get a coat, or at least some rain boots.” The dancing prodigy smiled as she replied, “I came prepared.” She then darted out of the kitchen, only to return a few moments later wearing a pair of black rain boots.

Satisfied, Apple Bloom replied, “Alright. Let’s go get Sparkplug.”

The Scrap Yard…

IF there was any consolation to Apple Bloom and Double Shuffle, it was the fact that there was no thunder or lightning. Of course, that was small comfort to the fact that the rain itself was coming down pretty hard. All in all, neither girl wanted to be outside, and were only doing so to find Sparkplug.

Wiping some of the rain out of her face, Apple Bloom began, “Alright. You follow me, and if you lose sight of me, stay put.” Double Shuffle nodded as she replied, “You got it.” Satisfied, the former farm girl led her younger sister into the scrap yard.

As the two girls made their way through the mountains of scrap metal, Double Shuffle called out, “Sparkplug! Come out come out!” Apple Bloom smiled for a moment before continuing, “Come on Sparkplug! Come on out boy!”

Both girls were distracted were by the sound of something rumbling. An excited Double Shuffle squealed, “It’s him! He’s over there!” The younger girl ran off after Sparkplug, disappearing into the jungle of metal.

It took Apple Bloom a few moments to fully process what was going, but once it finally hit her, the former farm girl called out, “What….. Double Shuffle! Come back here!”

Sadly, Double Shuffle had disappeared into the depths of the scrap yard. “Double Shuffle!” Apple Bloom called out, hoping her little sister would say something in return. However, there was no response, only the constant pitter patter of the rain. Taking a deep breath, the former farm girl continued, “Hello? Double Shuffle? Sparkplug?!”

Now Apple Bloom was starting to panic. “Alright, no need to fret Apple Bloom.” She said to herself in a desperate attempt to keep herself calm. “Just you in the scrap yard in the middle of a rainstorm tryin’ to find Double Shuffle and Sparkplug. No need to panic or get scared or anythin’.” Taking a step forward, Apple Bloom felt her boot sink a bit into the squishy mud, leading her to groan, “Ah should have guessed. How could this get any worse.”

The former farm girl received her answer when she heard a wet thud followed by Double Shuffle’s voice calling out, “Oh come on!” Perking up, Apple Bloom ran off in the direction of the sound, momentarily losing her balance and slipping on the mud but pushing herself back up. “Ugh.” The former farm girl groaned as she took a moment to recoil at the watery mud that now stained her hand and knees.

After a few moments, Apple Bloom found Double Shuffle. The younger girl was on her side in the mud at the base of one of the many mountains of rubble. And sitting right on one of the exposed ledges, as if her were a lion surveying his kingdom, was a satisfied and smug Sparkplug.

Running up to her little sister, Apple Bloom practically screamed, “Double Shuffle!” As she bent down to help her up, the former farm girl asked, “What happened?” The younger girl moaned as she answered, “I tried to climb after Sparkplug, but I lost my balance.” She then began to shake her sleeve and boots in a vain attempt to remove the mud.

At that moment, Apple Bloom began to feel something she’d never felt before in her life; a blend of anger and worry. Giving into her frustration, the former farm girl exasperatedly asked, “What the hell were you thinking?!” As Double Shuffle recoiled in shock at her sister’s surprising outburst, Apple Bloom continued, “Climbin’ up a scrap heap? You could’ve gotten yourself hurt or…..”

Apple Bloom stopped herself when she realized that Double Shuffle was starting to tear up.

Sighing, the former farm girl calmed down and began, “Ah’m sorry, but Ah don’t want you gettin’ hurt.” Double Shuffle sniffled as she asked, “What’s going on Apple Bloom? I know something’s bugging you, so please, tell me what’s wrong.”

‘Gotta hand it to her.’ Apple Bloom thought to herself. ‘If there’s one thing this girl can do, it’s keepin’ me honest.’ Taking a deep breath, the former farm girl began, “Look, Ah just…. Ah’ve got a lot on mah mind right now. Applejack…..” Part of her didn’t want to tell the younger girl what was going on, but Apple Bloom knew that being part of family was being upfront with each other, so she revealed the ugly truth.

“Applejack hates me.”

As Double Shuffle took in what her older sister just said, Apple Bloom continued, “Sorry, it’s just…. Ah haven’t been able to get it out of mah head, and, Ah guess Ah just don’t want to do somethin’ to hurt you the way she hurt…..”

Apple Bloom was interrupted when Double Shuffle leapt forward and pulled her into a bone crushing hug. Feeling her own eyes water up, the former farm girl hugged her little sister back as she said, “Thank you Double Shuffle.” The younger girl smiled as she replied, “I love you Apple Bloom.” The former farm girl felt her heart soar as she replied, “I love you too Double Shuffle.”

Once both girls finished their hug, they heard the sound of Sparkplug barking. Turning to face the small terrier, they found him climbing down the mountain of scrap metal and trot up to the two girls. Double Shuffle bent down to the small terrier and began to pet him as she remarked, “You’ve been giving us quite the trouble, haven’t you little guy?” Apple Bloom nodded as she began to pet Sparkplug as she added, “And it looks like someone is gonna need a bath.”

But as Double Shuffle tried to get back up, she slipped and fell back into the mud. Apple Bloom tried to reach to her little sister, only to also lose her own balance and join her on the ground. Both girls found themselves laughing at their predicament. As Double Shuffle attempted to rise again, she accidentally splashed some of the mud onto Apple Bloom’s face, leading the former farm girl to giggle and quip, “Well, if you wanna know how to play in the mud….”

At that moment, both girls began to fling small amounts of mud at each other, taking the opportunity to have a little fun. After all, what was the worst that could have happened?

The Living Room, An Hour Later…

“Well, that wasn’t a smart idea.” Kerfuffle quipped as she did Double Shuffle’s hair. Both Apple Bloom and the younger girl had bathed and changed into pajamas and were now wrapped in towels as Torque Wrench and her partner were doing their hair. As she braided the blue girl’s pigtails, Kerfuffle joked, “If you wanted to get muddy, you could have just gone to the spa.”

Apple Bloom quipped back, “Where’s the fun in that?” Torque Wrench let out a gentle chuckle as she replied, “I mean you do have a point. I remember one time during a rainstorm I was covered from head to toe in mud.” Taking the yellow woman’s hand, Kerfuffle gently replied, “Guess it helped keep you beautiful.”

At that moment, Sideswipe entered the living room, carrying a freshly cleaned Sparkplug as she complained, “It took a half hour, but I got this little furball scrubbed down. Could’ve gone a lot faster if I had some help.” As the pale biker set the highland terrier down, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah’d have helped, but Ah was busy gettin’ all the mud off me.”

While Double Shuffle played with Sparkplug, Sideswipe walked up to Kerfuffle and asked, “Hey Kerfuffle? What’s up with your leg?” The purple haired woman let out an amused sigh as she remarked, “Well, I guess couldn’t stay secret forever.” When Torque Wrench gave her a reassuring look, Kerfuffle took a deep breath before removing her left boot.

Apple Bloom, Sideswipe, and Double Shuffle were shocked to see that Kerfuffle had a prosthetic leg.

Letting out an embarrassed giggle, Kerfuffle admitted, “Yeah, I try to keep it hidden.” Apple Bloom immediately apologized, “Wow. Ah’m so sorry.” Double Shuffle then asked, “What happened?” Though both Apple Bloom and Sideswipe gave her concerned looks, the purple haired fashionista replied, “It’s alright. I don’t actually talk about it that much.” She then reached down to the straps that were fastened to her knee and undid them, allowing the fake leg to slip off like a boot. Once she had the prosthetic leg in her hand, Kerfuffle asked, “So, you girls wanna learn what happened?”

When everyone nodded, Kerfuffle began, “Well, when I was little girl….” And so, she told the story of how, as a little girl, she developed an illness in her leg, how her parents refused to do anything until it was too late (due to their being members of an organization called the Children of Primus), and how survival costed her her left leg.

And as she regaled her story, Apple Bloom found herself sandwiched between her younger sister, her “twin” sister, her older cousin, said cousin’s partner, and the black highland terrier nestled comfortably in her lap, a nice reminder that that the former farm girl was where she needed to be.
