//------------------------------// // The Cyndering, Part 1, Chapter 1 // Story: Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 6 // by TDR //------------------------------// Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 6 By TDR The Cyndering, Part 1, Chapter 1 [Later that Tuesday, on the edge of the Crystal Empire territories. On board the Princess Bride] Saturnia leaned over the railing a little more, the tail of the Abyssinia form she had started to use more often when Rahs was around flicking in the air. Of course she didn't stick to one such form, changing coloration and the like as often as Rahs changed his coat color. Currently the fur she had was a nice calico spread with pink rather than orange coloration. She also had a light blue top on that barely covered the fair sized chest she had developed and an even tighter pair of pants that covered her and legs seeming more painted on. All of it was shifted as well and she made sure Rahs knew that she was actually naked., the moon dog was trying to read a book on deck and was failing as his eyes drifted to her every time she wiggled her rear. Not to say she was winning all his attention due to the damn blood mage, fish, and bitch. The deck was unfortunately, crowded. Sunset was changed to a human form, and was wearing a bit less than Saturnia was, something she called a bikini. Given it was the height of summer even in the frozen north it was warmer, and the ships protective spells made it stay that way. Sunset set up a lounge chair, claimed she was trying to get a tan, oiled herself up with sun screen and put herself on the same deck as Rahs all glistening in oil and such. Saturnia made a note to see if she could mimic that form as well as Rahs' gaze kept shifting between the two of them. Jynx was a problem. She was doing much the same as Saturnia was, only dressed in her usual shorts and far too tight vest. No matter of shape changing could counter the natural appeal of a build like hers. Thankfully she was not doing well on the airship. Unfortunately this made Rahs more concerned with her and had him checking on her more than the others. Saturnia would have been more annoyed if she thought Jynx was faking it, but clearly the large Diamond Dog did not like air travel. Then there was Aria. The damn fish wasn't even trying to vamp Rahs. She was sitting nearby with her nose in a book, occasional bringing something up about the theater that was in the book to Rahs. Evidently what ever theater tech they wound up discussing held his attention more than she and Sunset's display, or Jynx's sky sickness. Saturnia sighed, she was better than this. She was sulking that she couldn't simply wrap him around her hoof like any other male. Of course he certainly wasn't like any other male and every time he did something he showed that more and more. She had wanted him when he was just a mortal and an exotic creature of interest. Now that he had become a god that hadn't changed in the slightest save now she had to fight five others for his attention. Well four if Sunset held her end of the bargain. She didn't like the idea of sharing him in truth, but she was the daughter of the Goddess of Change, so some alterations to her mind set were always required. Though that brought up another thing that had been worrying her. Her mothers relationship with Rahs' brother. There was a foal now, a half sister to her, though to be fair, the foal with her sire Cadence was also a half sister. Honestly she felt like she needed a map and four lawyers to trace out her family line sometimes. Sure it looked simple on the surface, but then the legalities of gods and weddings and new empires came into it and Saturnia didn't bother to keep up with it. Though this was the first time any one was going to be allowed to meet the barely a week old foals. She just hoped Rahs didn't fall into a weird 'he was her uncle' mindset. She was the Princess of the Changeling race, well eldest Princess now, which meant very little really as the council mother put in charge did all of the day to day, particularly now that Changelings were more an open race. Most of them were still in hiding, why try to fix what wasn't broke, but the Crystal Empire hive was the largest collection of non hidden changelings in the world, with her own Ponyville hive a close second. It was not how she imagined running her own hive, but it would do. Now all she needed was her prince... Jynx hated flying. Sadly that was the only thing she could think of at the moment, the ideas of pulling Rahs into a room some where on the ship were dashed only a little while after take off. While she was grateful for the sympathy Rahs was showing, she hated to have him see her like this. Any other dog would have seen this as a sign of weakness and tried to press it, Rahs had just checked to see if she was alright. Jynx closed her eyes with a wince. She needed to make sure she didn't show any sign that she was ill on the ground where any of the Crystal Empire Dogs could see her when they landed. Despite her new status the current generation of dogs still only respected strength with only a few that had more than two brain cells to rub together At least something good had come out of this. After the Storm King was defeated Applejack was a bit more agreeable to a truce with her. The pair of them might have to share him, but between their respective positions of leadership and the farming, that was something that would be easy to do, and to still keep him worn out. Jynx had only wanted pups from the moon dog at first, now she was feeling possessive after their last date. She might have to share a little, but she sure as Tartarus was going to make sure she got the first pups from him. Sunset was weighing her options. She had considered going with the old Titanic thing here on the prow of the ship, but Rahs didn't know the movie, so that was right out. She went with option two, showing off a white and blue striped bikini she had Rarity make, one she made sure was a bit too small. He certainly noticed, but rather than do anything about it he was focused more on Jynx being sick and trying not to favor any of them more than another. While some what endearing that he cared, it was also annoying as fuck. Still it was expected. Rahs was generally concerned about everyone's welfare, at least those he considered friends or didn't piss him off. He wasn't an idiot either which was a good sign, Sunset couldn't stand idiots, though that definition wavered every so often as she got to know people. She had thought all of the others were like their counterparts in the human world, only to find out that Fluttershy here while as meek as the one she knew, had a spine of steel and knew where ALL the bodies were buried. Because she and Pinkie had put them there. And if there was any question you wanted to know about any animal, she knew it. Rainbow Dash was still the same arrogant jock, but she was also more up to date on high society and the current trade relations of Equestria than any one expected. Pinkie Pie was a cosmic horror that Sunset wanted no part of. Applejack was surprisingly business savvy and up to date on high end culture. Most of her skill was on farming, which had farm more technical know how that Sunset had thought. The fact she was also rather devious in her pursuit of Rahs at times was also a surprise for one who was supposed to be the Element of Honesty. Rarity was exactly the same as her human counterpart, right down to the whining. The only difference was this one was infected with a literal nightmare and she had no issue using it for her own ends. That she had some how gotten her cousins interest like that was odd from what she knew of the gruff asshole. Both of them still denied it of course despite Sunset having recounted at least eight dates she knew of last time her uncl... aunt Luna , had asked. Then there was Twilight. Enough said. Rahs put up with, and helped all of these crazy ponies, even fighting against them occasionally, but generally he was a nice guy, someone Sunset should have been able to have eating out of her hand like it was nothing, but for some reason here she couldn't. Granted she had some tough competition. Applejack was a weird one in the contest for Rahs. She had grown to want him despite it only starting as a bestial infatuation..... supposedly. But she was pretty much Rahs species and it was clear he had interest in her. Jynx was another contender, particularly now that the large bitch was a god as well. That had not been something she had been expecting. Rahs was still wary of Diamond Dogs according to Twilight, but he was fine if it was only Jynx around, he tended to avoid any groups of them around town, which was weird and no one would explain what the deal was. Saturnia was a sneaky one, but their plan might be the best way to get him. Trixie was a pain in the ass, and despite being the only one who didn't have a biped form, and being the only proper mortal, she was closer to Rahs than any one else, knowing things no one else knew. That connection with him was a strength in some areas and a weakness in others. And she limited that weakness by not being a meek type going after some one she liked. From what Sunset had learned while Uncl.... AUNT Luna was training her she actually was somewhat soft spoken and hesitant. Then she slipped on the mask started talking in third pony and became the greatest force of obnoxiousness the world had ever seen. Then there was the damn fish. Sunset wanted to punch the smug girl in the face. She came out of no where and some how managed to not only get Rahs out on a date , but actually managed to worm her way into the group despite there being little to no commonality. Sunset huffed, making sure her boobs jiggled enticingly right when she knew Rahs was looking at her. She needed to talk with Saturnia again, and they needed to start planning. This was absolutely hilarious Aria smirked to herself as she thumbed the page in the book she was looking over. Despite not having her gem any more she could feel the other girls impotent rage and strife, probably because most of it was directed at her. Aria hardly cared, she was having fun, she didn't have to worry about money or food , or getting found out by carnivorous other world sirens or dealing with Adagio screaming about something or Sonata doing.... Sonata things. Well not as much the last one now that mom and Dad were distracting her. She was actually able to do what she wanted. And oddly she owed it all to the blue beast she was currently dating and fighting five others for. In truth she didn't care if she won or lost, she just planned to enjoy herself and if Rahs enjoyed the time too, even better. He was adorable normally, three times that much if the pearl was used, and he actually knew what she was talking about if she went on a rant about stage tech. So yeah if in the end he chose one of the other girls she was hardly going to be distraught over it for too long, if he did chose her she certainly wouldn't mind either. For right now though she was having fun for once just for the sake of it, and that she could piss off the others after him made it even better. Rahs shifted a little, his ears perking at the shouting and cheering coming from the back of the ship. After the defeat of the Storm King, Prince had snagged a couple of the yeti ships when they went to auction, had them gutted and had all of the engines mounted to the Princess Bride during a full refit. As it stood the ship probably didn't need the air bag as it could probably launch itself in the air just by the power of it's rotors alone. Prince and Rainbow Dash were currently taking advantage of the speed, by flinging themselves off the back of the ship with only a rope to hold them and a light plank to stand on to surf the air currents and clouds kicked up by the craft. That they wanted to do this was the only reason Rahs hadn't opened a gate to the Oneiroi and had them cut the time to the Crystal Empire in half. That might have helped Jynx out. At least they were not taking the train, Rahs was okay flying, but he still hated taking a train. Now of course he was using all his skills to remain perfectly neutral. Not that it was easy with the girls flaunting themselves at him like this. Saturnia and Sunset were doing their best to draw his eye so overtly he couldn't help but notice. Jynx would likely have been trying the same if she wasn't airsick. At least Aria was just talking shop and hadn't shifted from her pony form. He still wasn't sure what was up with the siren, but he had to agree she had been fun on that date. Still he couldn't show any favorites, especially now. While Trixie, Aria, and Applejack might be simply fine if he didn't choose them, he was less expecting a calm rejection from the other three. And he wasn't even sure about those first three, the girls were getting aggressive. Thankfully fear of Luna and Cadence as well as knowing he would be upset kept them from going for each others throats, he was still hoping one or more might find some one else to chase, as he wasn't sure he could bring himself to reject and hurt any of them at this point, but he knew the longer this went on the worse it was going to be in the end. He really should try and work this into a play of some kind. Tempest Shadow let out a sigh looking over the side of the ship watching the snow capped ground far below them. She was rather fond of airships and travel like this, and with Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie,and Fluttershy some where planning out a party for the foals they were going to see, Tempest was mostly left to her own devices. Only mostly because she needed to keep an eye on the newest Sparkle acquisition, Starlight Glimmer. The mare had been mostly catatonic for a while now flinching visibly when ever one of the Sparkles opted to talk with her. Tempest really wanted to know what she had seen and how it compared to her own Sparkle trauma. Maybe she should start a support group. At the very least Rahs wasn't glaring at her any more, and Spike had pretty much accepted both her and Grubber. Seshat seemed cool with her as well, but she didn't like Starlight, and kept moving corridors on the mare getting her hopelessly lost until some one else came along to guide her to where she was going. Currently the pale lavender mare was sitting on a bench behind Tempest still with a thousand yard stare. Tempest understood bringing her along , and no one wanted to leave her alone at the moment, but still. “Limbs should not bend that way.” Starlight muttered. Tempest glanced back, sometimes she spoke words that made Tempest only that much more curious.” If you break something in enough places it can bend any way you want.” “No, she didn't break ANYTHING!” Starlight shivered. Tempest considered a moment letting her mind dance over the options for that and nodded. Yup siding with the Sparkles was the best thing she'd done since her horn was broke.