//------------------------------// // (Edited) A new world and body // Story: CHAOTIC Warrior (Displaced) // by Upper moon 7 //------------------------------// BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP *Click* I hit the silence button on my alarm clock as I got out of the hotel bed I was on. Yawning and getting the sleep out of my eyes I got up and went to the bathroom to wash up and get ready. What for you may ask? Well today is the day of the next anime convention and I set my alarm clock so I could be there bright and early to get a good parking spot and be in line. After showering, brushing my teeth and getting some breakfast I began to put on my costume. I was going as an OC I made from an old TV show I used to watch, before it got canceled for some reason the show's name was CHAOTIC. Back when it was still on tv and running I loved watching the creatures battle and how the world worked But sadly when I was a kid it got canceled. As time went on I completely forgot about it until I got back into high school. I rewatched the old show up to its third season. After rewatching the old show and with the convention coming up I decided to go as an OC creature from the show. I had a hard time picking a tribe my creature would hail from but after a long time thinking and comparing one tribe to the others I decided to go with the underworlders. Once that was done I began to make my ideas on what my character will look like, a backstory, and much more as there is quite the diversity of monsters in that show. So I decided to get inspiration from other games, animes, and TV shows and I now decided on what OC will be and what he will look like. My OC is a male anthro-bear man with golden yellow fur. A well built and muscular body, similar to Jotaro Kujo from part 4 of JoJo Bizzare Adventures. A height of 9.5 ft tall, black eyes with white pupils, a black nose, sharp teeth, sharp claws. He wears black combat boots, black combat pants, and Muay Thai bandages wrapped all around his fists. On his right shoulder is a large red tattoo of the underworld symbol. His battlegear of choice is a large orange and yellow great sword.  After grabbing everything I needed and putting on my costume I got into my car and drove off to the location of Comic Con. Once there I got out of my car and went to the entrance. I'm not going to lie, I felt a little awkward because I didn't have a shirt on. But after I saw a few other cosplayers I calmed down. A girl was dressed as Nami from One Piece only wearing Jeans and a bra. Another guy was dressed like Goku without a shirt and with white and black hair. And three guys were dressed as the pillar men from Jojo Bizarre Adventures part 2 Battle Tendencies. As I was exploring more of this convention I soon saw a stall where a guy was dressed like Leshy from the card game inscription. I walked over to his stand. Once he saw me he smiled and spoke in a deep southern voice. When he spoke his eyes turned bright orange as they began to spin around In a cyclone. "Welcome stranger. What brings an underworlder like you to my stand?" I smiled at this and cleared my throat to speak, "welcome indeed. The name is Fredbear good sir and who might you be?" I asked, doing my best to have a deep and commanding voice. "Well now this is new. Forgive me for my rudeness, but I did not expect an underworlder like yourself to hold good etiquette and manners. I nodded at that. "You are forgiven. Unlike other underworlders  I know how to show respect and manners as well as patience." I said smiling as I can agree with him. During episodes of the show the underworlders are at times rude, cruel, or other times quick to anger. "Leshy." "Hmm?" "You asked my name! My name is Leshy scrybe of beasts." " well then leshy...enough chit chat. I came here to look at your valuables and see if anything is worth my time to purchase them." I said, grabbing my wallet from my pocket. "Very well then I shall send forth the trader." He said as he soon grabbed a mask and put it on his face. The moment he spoke his voice had changed to a female's voice, "what are you willing to purchase?" She asked as out of nowhere more merchandise began to appear on the booth shelves. Weapons, clothing, plushies, and much more hailing from different animes and games were all over. I looked around until I saw something, "What is that?" I asked, pointing to a pot. "Ah yes that is a battle gear."  "Battlegear?" I said, confused. "Yes...you are a creature from the world of Perum which means you will only require battle gear or mugic. This is why most of the merchandise I show you is battle gear or a magic item." She said, She wasn't wrong, most creatures in Chaotic only required mugic and battle gear to survive. "You have a point...what does the pot do?" I asked curious. "This battle gear is known as the Pot of Benevolence. When used it will allow one to regain twenty energy. However, you can only use it once every day." She said, grabbing the pot and handing it to me. Inside I could hear what sounded like water inside. The thing was as big as both my hands put together as the size was similar to a flask. "Hmm...I will take it." I said smiling "How much?"  "Please consider more!" Leshy said, grabbing and flipping the mask over as he now did an old man's voice: it was the TRAPPER. "Before you go I have something you might like!" He said smiling as all the weapons disappeared before he pulled out a large treasure chest. I had the pot in my hand and ready to run if he tried something. However, the moment he opened the chest my eyes widened at what I saw, blue, red, orange, and brown, hexagon shaped objects. All of them were glowing brightly, after a moment I realized what was inside the chest.  "MUGIC!" I yelled, walking up to the chest and grabbing one to get a closer look. "This looks so real…" I had no words. It's shiny red glow, bright color, it's as if I could feel the magic inside it.  "I'LL TAKE IT!!" I said smiling as I grabbed my wallet. Leshy closed the chest and as soon as I finished paying him he took off the mask. "Thank you very much for the purchase. We will meet again when you are ready to make a purchase." He said smiling as he took off the mask. Before I could say anything, I began to feel dizzy. Stumbling around while clutching my head until I fell over. I was on the ground feeling weak and breathing heavy. My eyes rolled back as everything went dark as I passed out. -Unknown Amount of time Passing- I groaned in pain as I began to move around. The moment I opened my eyes I knew something was wrong. Moving my hand to my face I saw why. "What the…"Getting up off the ground to look at my body. From what I could tell my whole body was covered in golden yellow fur. I was still in my OC clothing. Digging through my pockets, my phone and wallet were gone. Looking around I found the chest and pot I bought from the merchant. Grabbed them and began to take a look at my surroundings. From what I could tell I was in a lush, green forest that I couldn’t recall ever being in before. As I continued to look around I spotted a river in the distance. Rushing over to it and looking at my own reflection I saw that I was no longer myself. I was my OC. Sighing and sitting down next to the river I began to clear my head to think of what the hell was going on. Opening the chest I had with me I saw all the Mugic's inside were still there but alongside a note taped on top. Curious, I quickly grabbed and opened it. NOTE: Dear fredbear, Yes I looked in your phone to grab the name of your OC. As you may already be aware of by now, this world you are currently in is not your world. You are now one of the many displaced! "FUCK!!!" I yelled in anger How did you not know about this? You have plenty of displaced and MLP fanfic stories on your phone!? anyways, you are now in the body and have the powers of your OC version of Fredbear. His attacks, disciplines, speed, and much more. You have your healing and offensive battlegear with you and the treasure chest full of mugic. Finally the Trapper, Trader, another guest will be interested in your spoils and new merchandise you will obtain down the road. You are located not far from the abandoned castle of the 2 sisters. Good luck I read the note once again and growled in anger. I know the show, my mom forced me to watch it with my little sister every time it came on. The show was ok but at times I didn't like the episodes they showed.  My eyes widened in realization, now that I am here! I can change a lot of stuff! "Oh this is going to be fun!" I said to myself as I grabbed my sword, pot. and chest as I began to walk in the direction of the abandoned castle.  "First things first I need to learn how to use and control these powers. Then learn where I am at in the timeline of the show." I said to myself as the note from Leshy fell to the ground and flipped over revealing more. On the back of the note: P.S be ready because you only got 3 days to learn and train because that's when season 1 episode 1 will start. But that is not the only problem you will face. Be ready to meet a lot of creatures. The wind soon blew the fallen note right into the river as it sank and was washed away down the current. All this was unknown to Fredbear as he was long gone as he had finally arrived at the old castle.  Little did he know that In three days his life was going to get very chaotic. End ch