//------------------------------// // The Cyndering, Part 1, Prologue // Story: Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 6 // by TDR //------------------------------// Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 6 By TDR The Cyndering, Part 1, Prologue [ The Tuesday after the prank war has been declared. Ponyville, Seshat] “I am not comfortable with this.” Seshat stated her voice sounding like she was frowning. “Why not? There's nothing going to happen to you.” Twilight stated before she vanished along with Spike, Sweetiebelle, and Trixie, the group popping back a second later.”Celestia doesn't splash targets and right now it's only me, Rahs, and Spike who she's targeting.” “I regret that personally.” Spike sighed as Twilight, Scootaloo, Sweetiebelle, and Firefly vanished with Scootaloo's cutie mark having an illusion covering it to make her a blank flank. They all returned a moment later and Twilight grabbed a wig from the box of theater props Rahs brought into the map room. “ I recall what happened last time a prank war hit Canterlot. Half the Guards retired and some are still in therapy.” “Wuff.” Rahs shrugged as Trixie, Saturnia, and Thorax all joined Twilight who quickly cast an illusion on herself to look like Trixie as the changelings matched as well, Trixie however was the only one wearing her hat and cape, and she refused to allow the others to wear one. There was only ONE proper Trixie after all “Yeah, yeah, I did agree to join in.” Spike sighed as the process was repeated, only using Sunset this time.”Even with the risk this plan was too good to miss, and her expression was priceless. “And you are sure there will be no repercussions for my help?” Saturnia asked with a hint of worry as Twilight used polymorph to turn into a nerdy looking Diamond Dog and vanished with Jynx and two other dogs. “Nah. Rules were set up for this sort of thing and will be highly enforced.” Spike nodded as Aria, Sonata, and Rahs, vanished with Twilight, who was wearing a 'Twilight is the best Not a Princess' ball hat.” Only those who are in the initial conflict are eligible for repercussion. So it's pretty much just me Rahs and Twilight, and Celestia and Luna who are targetable.” “Kinda surprised you're not bringing in more than this. I mean Rahs just had to ask to get the five of us involved, Applejack would be here, but she's still with her parents.” Sunset pointed out as the changelings all switched to three copies of Twilight and vanished with her.” I'd be there as well, but they need to recover from all the other shocks before I drop that they are related to Celestia on them.” “Well Shy is out cause she doesn't do this sort of thing, and do you want more than one Pinkie Pie to exist at any point in time?”Spike explained as Twilight, Rahs, Big Mac, and Tempest all vanished, all of them dressed with costumes Rahs had from some musical about aliens and Transylvania and fish net stockings. That costume had all five of those interested in Rahs staring at him distracted for a moment. “Valid point. Sunset said putting her tablet down after the other girls demanded a copy of the picture she took. She sighed and put on a Sombrero and black vest as she picked up a trumpet to join the next group to poof out dressed as a mariachi band. She continued as she popped back in.” Doesn't make this any less weird.” “Weird? This is AWESOME.” Rainbow Dash called as she, two changelings Copying her, and Twilight now in the pegasus' colors vanished, and appeared a moment later. “HEY TWILIGHT, don't forget we have a train to catch in an hour or two.” Spike yelled at his sister before she, Rarity, Sombra, and Starlight all vanished, the four of them transformed to look like breezies. Sombra was not happy about that. Sunset took pictures of that too. “Trixie regrets she is unable to join you, but she has a show in Canterlot tonight.” Trixie sighed as Twilight vanished with the changelings , all of them looking like Fluttershy colored trees.”Still, Trixie would very much like to know more on how a sixth has joined the war for Fuzzy's attentions.” “I got used to bipeds and he's got a nice ass, what more reason do I need?” Aria questioned as three 'moon dogs' and Rahs vanished to reappear a moment later. “Rahs does not have a donkey.” Jynx stated looking curiously at Aria, as four 'donkeys' vanish. “It's a figure of speech.” Sunset sighed as four turtles all with a different colored bandanas vanish.” She means he has a nice butt.” “OOOOH.” Jynx, Saturnia, and Trixie nodded, fully agreeing as Twilight vanished, looking like a pile of abstract shapes and eyes. “If she had not already done this I will be very cross.” White snorted as he and three other white rabbits vanished. “So why aren't you going with us Spike.” Sunset asked as four Discords vanished. Twilight looked confused at that one. “To be fair I really don't have much interest seeing the foals. I'll have plenty of time to do that later and every time I show up in the Empire everything tends to shift to focus on me with the Crystal ponies. They should focus on the new royal foals this time.” Spike explained as four versions of Celestia vanished. “How selfless of you.” Sunset smirked as Spike, Starlight, Rahs, and Twilight all vanished, all of them reverse gendered. ” So it's just me, Rahs, Saturnia, and Twilight?” “I am going as well.” Jynx stated as four cat versions of Twilight vanished..”I need to check on the dogs I brought up there.” “And Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy are going along with Bees and Thorax. I am also certain that Starlight and myself are being brought along.” Tempest added as she, Grubber, Sunset, and Twilight vanished all dressed as pirates, popping back a second later. “I believe Rainbow Dash and Prince are going as well.” “Sonata and I are headed up there as well.” Aria sighed as four griffons vanished.”Mom wants us to see if there's a suitable spot for an embassy, and told us to check out the crater lake that's forming up that way. She's trying to let us do our own thing at least.” “ I am highly displeased with this company.” Saturnia muttered as four versions of Luna, human, anthro, normal, and Woona popped away. [?] “So this is it? Hurry up and wait?”Adagio grumbled. “Sometimes this is what happens.” Solomon offered looking at some odd swirl of magic in the air in front of the tube he stood before.” The old goat told me to stay put, so for the moment I am, and since I am, so are you.” The room was full of such tubes, all filled with some odd, neon orange liquid that bubbled and gurgled like lava lamps. Each of them was filled with a body as well. The bodies all seemed the same, male unicorns, though the growth, and coloration of them was all different, some were rapidly growing out of their foal stage, while others were barely embryonic, a few were full adults with various cutie marks emblazoned on their flanks, likely the work of the large tattoo gun sitting on another table in the room. “What's with all the corpses?”the teams resident walking corpse asked. Solomon sighed and glanced back at Squall, the yeti demi god was sitting off to the side of the room on the floor with his arms wrapped around his massive sword the cold metal pressed to his furred cheek. His eyes glowed red, though that was the effect of the spell keeping him alive rather than anything else. The hole in his chest had been repaired, though his heart was still destroyed from the black crystal spike that speared through him. Why the old goat had given him a scroll to create what amounted to a revanant Solomon had no idea. Squall was pale, which was surprisingly noticeable on the yeti, though he still moved and acted as if he was still alive. He did however have to obey those in control of him. Solomon had made the spell included Adagio, himself, and Diamond, just to ensure that yeti didn't try to back stab some one not covered by the spell. In the end though, Solomon shouldn't have bothered with the added layers of an already complex spell. The yeti had an honor code of some sort and he was highly focused on killing Sombra for cheating in a duel more than anything else. He also seemed a little annoyed that Adagio oft had him waiting on her hoof and tail. Solomon didn't care as it kept both of them out of his mane most of the time, unlike now. Still he couldn't help to enjoy explaining his work. “They are not corpses insofar as they were never alive in any real sense of the word. You are not the only dead creature here Squall. “Solomon sighed walking over to another tube this one filled with reddish liquid. “My initial plan failed and I was only able to return as a specter of sorts. Not unlike that annoying Diamond Dog god in truth. Still I should be able to make something at some point that won't completely degrade when I posses it.” “Is that why you wanted my father's blood?” Squall asked glancing at Adagio who was clearly listening though not asking any questions herself. Solomon took note of that, wondering if the two were conspiring against him. Highly likely, but he doubted either would try anything, at least not yet. Adagio didn't have the capacity to end him, and Squall couldn't even try. But the pair clearly were digging for information. Adagio was a clever fish, and it showed by how she let Squall ask the questions, despite his knowing they came from her. “Something like that if I wanted a yeti body to clone any way. I'd prefer a pony god and there seems to be quite a few of them around lately. Cloning from a demi god gives me a body that lasts much much longer, though not long enough.” Solomon answered. It was not as if he had not told Diamond of all this already anyway. “So why's the filly in a tank?” Squall asked finally, gesturing a hand to the red filled tank, where a pink filly floated, her eyes closed.. Solomon wondered when he was going to get to that part. “Because she wanted power, and we are finally at a point where I can give her the first taste of that. She was seen after all, and even if she wasn't identified, keeping her out of the public view for a while is always good.” Solomon nodded looking at the magic readout floating in front of Diamond's Tank.. “ And having her pass all her families wealth and connections to you was just icing on the cake?” Adagio questioned. Ahh. There was the meat of it. “Not entirely. I'm mostly a place holder, once this is finished I will be passing the leadership of the Rich empire back to her and letting the fake name and pony I created to 'buy' the Rich empire so Diamond Tiara could 'retire' fade out of existence. I have no desire for wealth and fame like that, my skills are not in number crunching and micro managing. That sort of power is just a pale imitation of what I seek.” Solomon paused considering. “She will be in here for some time unfortunately. However that does not mean we do not have things to do still. I have a few tasks for you two to complete for me.” Adagio and Squall looked to each other then back to Solomon who had yet to look at either of them as he checked his experiments. “Well, it beats sitting here counting the bubbles.” Adagio shrugged,.