//------------------------------// // Epilogue: And the Mome Raths Outrgrabe // Story: Chasing Rabbits // by Shinzakura //------------------------------// Dressed in her armor, Beat stood in the Room of the Book, the place in the Netherverse where the Book was kept safely away from the world. Except it wasn’t that room, but the real world’s equivalent, the Statuary Rotunda. The room looked as it likely did in the olden days, pristine and perfect. And before her, not statues, but the living, breathing ponies that were her ancestors. All stood before her, and as one, they bowed. “Thou hast p’rform’d a duty well beyond our ken,” Blazing Lance told her. “Daughter of daughters, thou art truly a hero and worthy of thy swords. Thou art truly a knight of thy liegelady.” “But I’m no knight,” she told him. In the back, Skyward Strike grinned. “Mayhaps, mayhaps not. That is not thine to disc’rn,” she said. Beat opened her eyes and found herself staring at…herself? She blinked and the pony was still there, looking down at her. “Hello.” The voice spoke softly, and with a slight smile on her face. “It’s good to see you made it, Your Grace.” “Who…who are you?” Beat asked. “The same as you, in a manner of speaking. A distant relative, to be honest, which is why we look alike.” She offered her hoof to bump, then pulled it back when she recalled how wounded the pony before her was. “Sorry. Still getting used to court formalities. Anyway, my name is Beatrix Lulamoon, though my friends call me Trixie. One of said friends is Princess Twilight, and I’m here serving as her unofficial attaché, since she’s still tied up with business related to this whole incident and asked for a friend to look into things.” Lulamoon? Beat remembered, instantly: the name her side of the family had abandoned when the other half had chosen to go away from the family legacy. It didn’t matter much, as her family had been separated from the title in any case and was little different than the Lulamoon branch. “So, we have the same name, as well as looking alike – weirdly like twins, though we’ve got different cutie marks, thankfully,” Trixie stated. “I presume you don’t go by Beatrix or Trixie?” “Beat, actually,” the prone unicorn said. “Where am I?” “Berryville Army Hospital. You were struck by a piece of that creature when you fell from the sky. Fortunately, we were able to rescue you in time. The doctors said you burnt out your magic and were dehydrated from windburn and several other factors. You’ve been unconscious for the past two days, but not in any serious medical condition. They’re flying your family in, by the way, although since I’m technically family I’m here to represent your needs until your parents or siblings get here.” “I see.” There was a knock at the door and a midnight blue alicorn came into the room. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything, am I?” “No, Your Majesty,” Trixie replied. “I think she’s confused enough as is.” “Well, it has been a confusing past few days, admittedly,” Luna replied. Beat’s eyes opened wide and she tried to get out of bed to bow, though struggling due to her wounds and exhaustion. “Your Majesty!” she eeped. Luna chuckled. “No need to stand on ceremony; I’m a queen and so I can remove formalities whenever I wish. Call it the luxury of privilege. And Trixie will tell you that I am not as fond of formalities as my sister was.” Trixie rolled her eyes good-naturedly. “She’s always like this,” Trixie said in an aside to Beat. “Well, be that as it may, I do believe we are in the presence of a hero of Equestria. You have been wronged, Miss Beatrix, and normally while I would ensure that it is my duty to make it right, you have gone above and beyond, performing a feat of honor that will be mentioned in legend for years to come. As my nephew Divine told me, you pretty much lived up to – and went beyond – your ancestral line. And while as I said, I was intending to make amends for the wrongs done to you, I feel it is my duty as queen to do so much more.” “I don’t understand,” Beat admitted. “You may be familiar with Baron Seigneurie, who was the noble in charge of Potok barony and province. I say was, because a few days ago, he was found guilty of the charges of sedition, public endangerment, and interference with harmony. Sedition, because he was one of the nobles that had conspired with the Covenant to gather information against the Crown and so put all of Equestria at risk, for the sake of building his own power base. Public endangerment, because Crown law states that any town that resides near a leyline should have proper Guild oversight – and Seigneurie not only hid that, but he hid the fact that it was an active leyline, putting the townsponies and nearby areas at extreme risk. And, lastly, interference with harmony, because he directly interfered with the life of a pony that should have gained much more notice than she did – you.” Beat looked at the queen with surprise. “Me?” she asked. Luna nodded. “At Divine’s request, Archmagus Beryl has personally gone through your academic records and found that all the tests you have taken for the Guild entrance exam were falsified on behalf of Seigneurie, who apparently was wildly jealous of your magical prowess. Miss Beatrix, you aren’t ‘merely’ middling in power for a unicorn, but adept enough that you should have been offered a full scholarship at the Guild Academy. It is Archmagus Beryl’s belief that had you been trained as you should have been, you would be a very high-ranking Guild mage right now. As it is, she plans on having a mage instructor informally give you training for your future needs.” While she should have been elated at hearing that she’d actually been qualified for the Guild several times over and furious that some relative of hers that she didn’t even really know had screwed her over just as many times purely out of spite, what the alicorn was saying still left Beat more confused than anything. “Future needs?” “Yes. Unfortunately, because of circumstances, I cannot allow you to be admitted into the Guild, and while I understand that is your dream, I would ask that you listen to what I have to say. The fact is, as a result of his punishment, Seigneurie has been stripped of his title and all that it encompasses. Now, normally, when that happens, a noble line is extinguished and the province is turned into a governorship-based province. But as of recent, a member of that bloodline has proven their worth, far above that of the former titleholder. So much so, that I am compelled to raise the province in rank, from a barony to a viscounty.” Luna gave a warm smile and summoned her own sword. “And for your services to Equestria and the world, to save us from something we didn’t even know was there, Beatrix of Radourmeire’s Rest, in our position as queen we name and entitle thee Viscountess of Potok, so you may rule the province wisely from your soon to be new home – the restored Western Keep.” Beat blinked. “What?” Discord’s jaw fell on the ground and continued to sag for several more feet before he grabbed a turnkey, stuck it on the side of his face and turned it until his mouth was whole once more. “I can almost taste the chaotic power!” he whined. “And you’re saying it was supposed to be mine and somehow my power got switched with its and now I’m weaker?! Oh, life is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo unfair! Exclamation point, exclamation point! One! Eleventy!” Looking at the ruins of the Western Keep, Raspberry Beryl nodded, giving the draconequus’ tirades little thought, as she was used to it. “Discord, it was tough enough having to find you as is for this, please don’t make it difficult, okay?” “Look, just because I was hanging out with the kirins—” “I don’t really want to know,” Fluttershy huffed. “Not like that!” he told her. “They had one of the Tirek remnant armies invade and that’s my job right now, right? Right?” He donned a cape, ill-fitting spandex with a red D in a golden shield and a domino mask – made out of a literal domino piece, with his eyes where the single dots would have been. “I’m supposed to be the good guy saving the day, after all. But anyway, you’re telling me that this book from Sunny-set-set’s world did all this?” “That’s the thing, Discord,” Twilight told him. She was looking at her cellphone, reading a text. “Sunny says that she just did an extensive Google – whatever that is – and apparently no such book by that name exists. The closest there is, is a book called Wonderlands, but that was written about two years ago, and according to what we know, this book is far older than that. Plus, given that Celestia said that the Megan is supposedly from another human dimension, maybe the book is from her universe instead. Or maybe one entirely different.” “Makes you wonder if there are other pony dimensions,” Raspberry commented. “While I find that intellectually interesting, I don’t think we should focus on that right now, Razz,” Twilight replied. “But if you can feel the power of the book, Discord, that makes it far too dangerous to put in Canterlot’s palace vaults or even the Guild’s Silent Room. If there are things like that Huqqa within it, then it might be best to keep it out here, safe from others.” “I’ve given it some thought,” Divine, quiet until all this time, spoke up. “That has to be the real reason why the Western Keep existed. Supposedly it was set up by Queen Faust to watch over the western ocean in case of invasion, right? But back then, nopony knew about the kirin, kitsune, or other nations in that direction, so it made no sense. So the true reason had to be for keeping it away from the populated areas.” “You might be right about that. The fact that Discord can sense the Book’s magic, but can’t actually tell where it is, means it’s already well hidden, and that only the Covenant’s interference freed that creature. Plus, it does fit Queen Faust’s modus operandi; there was that book Inspiration Manifestation that Spike somehow found buried in a secret vault in Castle Everfree. Had he given it to Rarity like he’d intended as opposed to me intercepting it in time?” She shuddered. “Well, there’s a reason that book’s hidden much the same way as the one we’re discussing. So, I’m all for rebuilding this place. Especially if we can put a Guard garrison here and protect it.” “And hopefully, once Beat accepts, she’ll assign brave and true ponies here. From what I understand, she’s already got the descendant of Airdrop working for her now, and I’m sure Shining, Swifty and I can work something out to have a Solar Guard detachment sent here to be under her command.” “That might be for the best, Div. Until we know more, we can’t let this fall into the wrong hooves. And who better to watch it than the bloodline that has watched over it all this time?” Seated in a chair in the orphanage in the distant town of Bitburg Pass, a small pegasus filly with orange fur, white and pink mane and green eyes looked at the adult mare in front of her, tears in her eyes. “And I’ll never see my sister again?” Corner looked at her sadly. “Big Cookie was a hero, Breaking Dawn,” she said softly. “And she did everything she did to make sure you would be safe.” “But now I’m alone! My mom and dad…they died because of the Winter and now my sister and….” The filly’s words disintegrated into bawling as she realized she had lost the last family member she had. Corner hugged the filly. “It’s okay. You’re not going to be alone. I promise.” Dawn wiped her eyes. “You do?” Corner felt the own edges of her eyes mist as well. “I was an orphan just like you and was in an orphanage until I was taken under the wing of a pony who cared about me. But I never knew my family and I didn’t even know I had relatives until recently. And I know how hard it can be growing up in an orphanage; even though the ponies running the orphanage try their hardest, they can’t be there for everypony.” “That’s sad.” “Yeah, it is. So I’m not going to let that happen to you – I’m going to be there for you. You’re going to come live with me.” Corner smiled. “I’ll be the big sister that Cookie couldn’t be, even though she wanted to. I mean, I’m not the greatest pony in the world, but it wouldn’t be fair to let you grow up here because your sister isn’t here to take care of you anymore. I can’t promise that I’ll be as good as Cookie, but I’ll do my best. You just have to give me a chance, okay?” “You mean that?” Corner hugged the filly close to her once more. “I mean that.” Watching from a respectful distance, Lockbox wiped a tear from her eye. And I was wondering why she showed up, asking me to come with her because she needed a favor and didn’t want to ask Razz about it. Lockbox shrugged; if this was the price of making Corner a normal functioning mare in society (albeit a normal functioning mare who was an Agency combat flier), then it was worth the small inconvenience. Inwardly, Lockbox grinned. Three of the Scions – Raspberry, Lockbox herself and Octavia, had never desired to be part of the dark destiny before them and had denied it. Now, the last of them, Corner, was taking her own steps to be free of it. Sombra’s legacy was once again due to be nothing more than the smoke and mirrors it deserved to be. Instead, Lock was sure as she watched her distant cousin agree to be a foster sister for a young filly in need, they’d all make sure that someday, the legacy of House Sombra would be one far different than its progenitor. It would have a true legacy, one of love and light. Wearing her armor, Beat stepped off the train and onto the grounds of the restored Radourmeire’s Rest. As she did, she couldn’t help but notice the mainstay addition to the town: a rebuilt statue of Radourmeire, now accompanied by Blanc, or Oxford, as she had known him. The two stood there, smiles on their faces and bright eyes looking forward into the future and friendship, while the plinth the two statues sat on had a brass plaque that now read WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER. She looked and saw the crowds before her. The town had been rebuilt and the word of Beat’s heroism and bravery had inspired many ponies to either return to town or settle down. All in all, the town had actually grown slightly in population, and many of those who had come to see their new noblemare were faces she didn’t recognize at all. Hopefully, they would prove to love this place as much as she did. “Welcome, Your Grace,” a familiar voice said. Beat looked at Rocketfuel, who had been promoted as the town’s mayor after the previous one was found to be part of Seigneurie’s circle of conspirators. “Rocky, I’m the same mare I was a month ago, you know that,” Beat said. “Yeah, but I’m not. Now I’m the mayor and I have to look official, you know. Besides, now that we have a real mailstallion and a real newsmare, I don’t have anything else to do in my spare time!” she laughed. She then looked at Beat’s counterpart. “And a good day to you, Lt. Feather.” Pinion blushed. “Look, I’m not a real lieutenant yet. As it is, Beat’s brother will be returning tomorrow to temporarily take command of the new Guard garrison here, at least until I’m trained enough to take command myself,” she said. “I just feel weird as is that Queen Luna decided to go around the rules to do that.” “She said that I needed a trustworthy pony to help me defend the keep, and you’ve proven yourself, Pin,” Beat assured her. “Plus, any friend o’ Beat’s is a friend o’ mine!” Bramble went over and hugged Beat, then hugged Pinion, whether she expected it or not. “An’ Ah got a surprise fer both o’ ya!” “Oh?” “Of course.” Beat turned around to see her parents, wide smiles of pride on their faces. “You’ve gone above and beyond what we ever thought you would, dear,” Well said to her. “I’m so proud of you, honey,” Marketplace told her daughter as she gave her a huge hug. “Thanks,” Beat said, blushing. “I couldn’t have done it without your support.” “You could have,” Well told her, “but that’s what parents are for – to help anyway.” “Yup!” a voice in the crowd sang as a stage at the far side started to launch fireworks and a band came on. To Beat’s surprise, the vocalist came on, and it was none other than her sister, Dancefloor. “And I’m proud to perform my latest concert at my kid sister’s homecoming. You might just be my kid sister, Beat, but you’re my hero, too!” the unicorn songstress said into the mic, and with that, Dancefloor broke into song. As the town began its celebration, Pinion looked at her boss and friend. “So what happens now?” “Well, we’ll live here, in Seigneurie’s old mansion, until the Keep is rebuilt, and then we can move there. After that, I’ll turn the mansion over to the Guild, who is building a major office here – they said that the number of dimensional intrusions are extremely strong here and might have been what influenced the Book, so they can’t afford to ignore it; one Guild researcher said it was a minor miracle that something really dangerous hadn’t already made its way out of the intersection yet. In any case, Archmagus Beryl promised she’s planning to send her best ponies to staff this office, so we’ll be okay in the long run.” “And the Book?” “Resting for now. And hopefully for good.” Rising from her seat, Queen Sunny Starscout looked at her friend of thousands of years. “I can feel it. The rift is opening and a path is letting me go home.” Her eyes filled with relieved tears. “Finally – I can go home.” “You can?” Alice asked. As if on cue, a tear in space opened behind the alicorn. Sunny looked at it and her mouth opened in surprise. “It’s…it’s only been five minutes back in my world. All that and I’ve only been gone five minutes.” “You don’t look a day over four minutes,” the humaness teased. A frown of doubt came over Sunny’s face. “I…I don’t know what to say. I’m not the same pony I was when I left. Thousands of years have changed me, even if I don’t look it. I don’t know how to react or how to do anything anymore. I don’t know if I’ll be a good queen – I didn’t have much of a chance to be one when I got sucked into this Netherspace and now? I just don’t know.” “You don’t have to know. You just have to be.” Alice went over and hugged her old friend. “You’ll do fine. I know you will.” “But what about you?” She looked at the book. “I…I don’t know. I can’t go back to my old life. I died back in my world and I had a full life as it was; to go back now, restored to life and youth? I don’t think I’d fit in any longer. And I’m pretty sure while I am Alice, I’m not the Alice. Not the character. Maybe not even the girl the character inspired, not anymore. I’m…me. And now? If you’re gone, I’m going to be alone, and I don’t know what I’ll be.” “Then come with me,” Sunny offered. “Me?” The alicorn nodded. “Faust had her Swordbearer, the Megan, who was human and was her best friend – that’s what the legends here say, though I don’t recall a Faust or Megan in my world. And you are my best friend, Al. I think I’d be lost without you.” “How will the ponies of your world react? From what you told me, your world only has ponies.” “Then it’s high time we make a change for the better. Besides, you never know – some human guy might get stuck in my dimension sooner or later, and you always said you wanted a boyfriend.” “That’s not what I said and you know it, Sunny!” Alice retorted. “Well, let’s go find out then: You and me, what do you say?” Sunny went over and hugged the girl and laughing and crying tears of joy at the same time, Alice nodded. And with that, the two stepped into the rift, which closed, just as the Book flickered once in acknowledgement. For the first time in millennia, the Netherspace was finally, deservedly, empty. Empty enough not to see the two eyes floating in space, great orange blisters radiating hate and madness. It had been rebuffed, by both the Book and the residents of the Netherspace, and the power that it had wanted was denied. Well, now there was none left to stop it. The damn human bitch and her horse friend were gone and the only one who could stop it was another horsie, one inexperienced in power and unprepared for what was to come. And there would be more to come. The power of the Book would one day be its. It was inevitable. Under the eyes, a malicious and unnatural smile, as wide as it was cruel, opened, breaking into venomous laughter. And then both eyes and mouth vanished, leaving the room truly empty. For now.