An Underworldly Date...

by Robipony

An Underworldly Date...

"Trixie, are you sure you really want to do this?" Starlight asked, "I'm sure if you spoke with Twilight that you might not need to go."

Both Trixie and Starlight stood in the guidance counselor room of Twilight's School of Friendship as Trixie prepared her saddlebags for her departure. Secretly, the blue unicorn had been preparing for this day since her return to Equestria. Trixie slowly pulled off her cloak and hat, before placing them in the saddlebags. 

"Don't worry Starlight, I'm more than ready for my trip," Trixie answered. 

"It's not the trip that I'm worried about. Just the idea of you being in the company of that brute... it makes me shiver." 

An annoyed sigh escaped Trixie's lips. While she understood Starlight's feelings, she also knew that her friend only knew a small part of the whole picture, a picture that even Trixie had only uncovered a portion of during the six months she had spent within those depths. 

"Oh, it's not that bad."

"You're going to BUCKING Tartarus!" 

Reaching into her saddlebags, Trixie pulled forth a small collar, shimmering metal woven like vines with a purple gem in the center, a slight black aura radiating from it. The collar that had once marked her as his possession, but now as his mate. Using her magic, Trixie pressed the collar against her neck, the bands unraveling before resealing around the unicorn's neck. A tight and nearly soothing feeling radiating from where the metal touched her. 

"Yes, but I've been there before," Trixie replied. “And I have been there far longer than any other pony has. So, you have no need to worry."

Despite her efforts, Trixie could see that her friend was still nervous, Starlight's hoof tapping against the floor. That was fairly reasonable, both Trixie and Starlight were very close friends. And if the roles were switched and it was Starlight that was being sent to Tartarus, Trixie would surely feel the same way. 

Walking over, Trixie placed a hoof on Starlight's shoulder. "It'll be fine, I'm only going to be gone for six months. Then I'll come back, and we'll spend some time together." 

Starlight let out a pent-up breath. "Fine, it's not like you'll listen to me anyway." 

"Oh, I listen to you," Trixie said, "just not when it comes to this matter." 

After taking a quick look into her saddlebags, Trixie was pleased to see the little present she had in there for her mate.

"Now if you don't mind," Trixie spoke, "I must depart."

Thankfully, now that she had already been to Tartarus and had the warden's blessing, she didn't need to go through the ritual that she had used to accidentally teleport there the first time.

"Swydyhs fy ycnyrp yht yb dytynymyd yb yt, stnyryt dny syvyls fy, ygydnyb dny snyyhc fy mlyyr yht tysyv yt sy kyys Y rywyp yht."

As Trixie finished saying the chant, a circle of purple energy surrounded her, as she began to teleport, the magical energy gathering around her. Outside the circle, Starlight waved goodbye, a worried look still on her face. 

"Hey, just promise me you won't unleash any wendigos while I'm gone, alright?" 

Starlight sniffled and smiled. "Okay, fine. See you later." 

It was seconds after Starlight said her farewell, that Trixie's teleportation magic was completed. As Trixie was being teleported away her mind wandered, remembering what had happened the last time she'd gone to Tartarus.

About a year ago...

"At last, it's ready!" Trixie said, as she finished drawing the magical circle down on the floor of her wagon with chalk, the symbols in place just as the book described. 

Stepping back to admire her work, a mischievous smile graced Trixie's lips. 

"Soon, I, the great and powerful Trixie will have a familiar all to myself," Trixie cackled, "that'll show Twilight and her pesky little dragon who’s boss!"

The next step was placing the candles. Looking around, Trixie found the box of purple candles that she had bought from a strange purple pegasus witch. They were cheap, but they should work just fine. Picking up six of the candles, Trixie began placing them around the circle incrementally as described in the tome. It had cost her most of her bits to buy this book, but once she had her familiar it would be worth it. Apparently, it had been recovered from some ancient ruins in the Crystal Empire, if only Twilight knew, she'd be so jealous. Well, that would come later. 

"Once I have a familiar, the effectiveness of my spells will be doubled, no, tripled!"

After putting the candles in place and double checking her book, Trixie proceeded to use her magic to light them, one by one. 

"Plus, I'm quite sure that my familiar will be a hundred times cuter than that doofy dragon!"

Everypony just seemed to love the dragon. Why was that? That just didn't seem right to Trixie at all, considering how great she was. She'd worked hard, why couldn’t anypony recognize that? 

Trixie shook her head, warding off tears and focusing her attention back to the task at hoof. 

"Now all I need to do is stand in this circle, speak this chant and the summoning ritual will be complete!" 

Trixie stepped into the circle and, after carefully reading over the lines a few times, Trixie closed her eyes. She took in a deep breath, opened her eyes and recited the chant.

"Swydyhs fy ycnyrp yht yb dytynymyd yb yt, stnyryt dny syvyls fy, ygydnyb dny snyyhc fy mlyyr yht tysyv yt sy kyys Y rywyp yht."

Upon finishing the words, Trixie waited... and waited... yet nothing happened. Confused, Trixie tried repeating the chant. 

"Swydyhs fy ycnyrp yht yb dytynymyd yb yt, stnyryt dny syvyls fy, ygydnyb dny snyyhc fy mlyyr yht tysyv yt sy kyys Y rywyp yht."

Once again nothing happened. 

"Oh, come on," Trixie growled, "Swydyhs fy ycnyrp yht yb dytyny..."

Suddenly the circle around her glowed purple, its light nearly blinding. Before Trixie could say another word, a portal opened up, right underneath the light blue unicorn, and she found herself falling to who knew where.

Back to the Present...

Tartarus, the City of Cages, once an underground prison complex designed to contain Equestria's deadliest villains and monsters, now a hidden paradise where such could be "rehabilitated" at their own pace. This was an idea that princess Twilight Sparkle had come up with and after some discussion with the other princesses, they chose somepony to serve as Tartarus's new warden. Thus, Sombra was selected and thanks to his cunning and tenacity it would have been a glorious achievement... if it weren't for the piles of paperwork he had to do. 

Sombra let out an annoyed sigh as he signed yet another document and put it into the finished pile. Thankfully he was almost done and soon he'd be able to enjoy six months all to himself and his betrothed. He just had one more thing he needed to finish. 

"This trash!" 

Sitting on the desk looking back at him was a leather-bound book with the image of a purple star engraved on the cover. Ever since the... incident, Princess Twilight had insisted on him keeping a friendship journal while he went through his reformation. 

Sombra was a unicorn stallion with a charcoal coat, black flowing mane and red, ruby eyes with wisps of purple smoke softly flowing from the edges. His slim, muscular body was the byproduct of hard labor reinforced by his dark magics. On his flank was the symbol of a red crystal, hidden behind a black crown. 

Another annoyed sigh escaped Sombra's lungs. On one hoof, he was glad to not be drowning to death in a sea of rainbows and kindness. On the other, he had no idea what to write in this dumb book. The fact that writing down how he had not mind controlled or threatened great torment upon any of the other prisoners was no longer acceptable didn't really help either. 

As Sombra stared at the blank page, he felt something disturb the shadows in the room. Melding his magic into the surrounding darkness Sombra was able to feel the intruder's form. It was a young, lithe unicorn mare trying to move stealthily toward him. Sombra might have guessed it was an attempt on his life if it weren't for a few factors. One was the way they moved, instead of being both serious and calculating it was more playful. Second, the tendrils of magic that Sombra had interwoven into the shadows were able to feel the magically infused gem in her collar. 

A pair of hooves wrapped around Sombra's head and covered his eyes. Warm breath tickled his right ear as the mare leaned in close and whispered softly to him. "Guess who?"

While Sombra knew exactly who it was, he also knew it would rile her up if he teased her a bit. 

"A lowly and meek servant I guess."

The mare let out a gasp eliciting a chuckle from Sombra. His horn flashed with purple and his eyes with green energy as Sombra melded into the shadows, resolidifying behind the unicorn and embracing her with both his forehooves and shadowy tendrils. 

A shiver went down Trixie's spine at her husband's sudden movement. While it was a bit startling, Trixie also found it a little exciting, even if she was a little annoyed. 

"I'm not weak," Trixie grumbled. 

"I know," Sombra answered, "my great and powerful bride." 

Hearing those words and feeling her husband gently nuzzling her, Trixie's anger quickly melted away. Her love for him pushing its way to the forefront of her mind. 

"Oh you," Trixie turned around and gently kissed her husband. 

The two of them stood there for a moment sharing a kiss and holding one another, before Trixie pulled away, a mischievous grin on her face. 

"Looks like somepony missed me," Trixie giggled. 

Sombra gave a slight grin. "Oh, perhaps." 

Standing there, Trixie leaned up against Sombra's desk in a sultry manner. "'So... you want to take this someplace... private?" 

While a part of Sombra was eager to embrace his wife and relieve some tension, he knew that there was still some work to be done, specifically that... dumb book. 

"Later," Sombra answered, "I tragically have to deal with this mess." 

Following Sombra's gaze, Trixie touched the friendship journal. "This?"

Sombra nodded as Trixie picked up the book with her magic and examined its contents. Sombra on the other hoof, glared at the floor in annoyance. 

"It's empty," Trixie said. 

"Indeed," Sombra grumbled, "and for the life of me, I can't comprehend what to write down." 

Looking at her mate, Trixie could see how annoying this was for him. If Twilight had asked him to write about dark magic, shadow sorcery or even how he conquered the Crystal Empire, he would have written novels upon novels discussing such matters. Yet here he was, a prison warden and a... Sort of reformed overlord, being asked to write about kindness and friendship, something that was still alien to him. 

As Trixie pondered this an idea came to mind. With a smile, Trixie held the book to her chest with her left hoof and walked over to her husband. Gently she placed a hoof against Sombra's cheek. 

"How about you and I go do something," Trixie suggested, "then maybe we can discuss what to write in this book." 

"You mean a date?"

"Absolutely!" Trixie exclaimed excitedly. 

Sombra pondered the idea. It would be nice if he could show Trixie all the progress he had made with the city and maybe her perspective would help him solve his problem. 

"Very well," Sombra said, "I think I might know a place where we can enjoy something to eat and talk." 

"That sounds marvelous."

As Sombra's horn lit up, a large piece of obsidian cracked and opened, revealing a closet within. Pulling forth two black cloaks with his magic, one of which he gave to Trixie and the other he wrapped around himself. Having removed the desired garments, Sombra waved a hoof and the black stone closet sealed itself back up to an undamaged state.

"Then let us depart, my dear," Sombra said, as they walked to the door and left his study.

About a year ago... Again...

Sombra let out a relaxed breath as he lay in the bath, the warm, bubble filled water caressing his body. The regal room was dimly lit by the purple candles that surrounded the rim of the obsidian bath. 

"Now this is the life."

The day had gone fairly well for Sombra, his paperwork had been quick and Tartarus's first theater, the Grogar's Eye, had been finished on time. Furthermore, one of the local gangs, the Shifting Coil, had surrendered to his forces and would now be contributing to the city rather than detracting from it. 

Laying his head against the back of the tub, Sombra closed his and enjoyed the warm bath. While it had taken Sombra years to enslave the Crystal Empire centuries ago, as the warden it had taken him only a few months to organize Tartarus and bend it to his will. 

"Just imagine what I could do if I got out of here." 

The image of the princesses' terrified faces as his forces stretched across the land filled his mind. Their fear fueling his power. The thought elicited a chuckling ripple from Sombra's throat. 

It was then that suddenly the relaxing atmosphere was disturbed by the sound of a magical portal opening and a splash of both water and soapy bubbles washed over Sombra's face. A brief frightened gasp escaped his mouth as the startling rush of water covered his face, horrifying memories from his youth popped into his mind, memories of drowning beneath the ice. 

After taking a panicked breath and clearing his eyes, Sombra turned his attention to what had fallen into the bath. Opening his eyes, Sombra saw a drenched, blue unicorn mare who herself seemed quite surprised by what had happened. 

"Wh-what happened!" the mare exclaimed. "Where am I?"

Sombra couldn't help but feel annoyed at this mare's presence, had she been sent here as a spy by one of the princesses to make sure he stayed in line? Or perhaps this was a botched assassination attempt.

"You're in Tartarus but tell me..." Sombra took an aggressive stance. "Who are you?"

For a moment, the mare appeared to be startled by Sombra's demeanor, before letting out a slight chuckle and puffing up her chest. "Oh, it is I, the great and powerful Trixie! But seriously, where am I?"

Sombra wasn't sure what to make of this. Did this mare, this... Trixie, really have no idea where she was? 

"As I said, you're in Tartarus," Sombra growled, "and I'm lord Sombra..." 

Hearing this, Trixie's eyes went wide before a big smile appeared on her face, contrasting with Sombra's annoyed glare. "You're THE Sombra!" 

"Uh... Yes."

Grinning from ear to ear, Trixie let out a gleeful squee and clapped her hooves together. "Yes! Yes! This is perfect!"

"Excuse me?"

Trixie relaxed in the tub, a satisfied smile on her face. "When I had cast the summoning ritual, I merely expected to get either an imp or some other creature for a familiar, but to think that I have THE darklord King Sombra himself as a familiar, what else could I ask for?"

Hearing this a twinge of anger filled Sombra's chest, which shifted to amusement. A slow, venomous chuckle rippled through Sombra's throat. "I'm afraid you're mistaken..."

Trixie gave Sombra a surprised look. "W-what do you mean?"

"Well, for one thing I'm nopony's familiar." Sombra's horn glowed with dark magic as suddenly bands of liquid metal materialized out of the air around Trixie's neck. The silver fluid weaved together as a single purple gem appeared in the center, before the metal solidified into a collar. From the crystal came forth a spectral purple chain, which wrapped itself around Sombra's forehoof. "And second, you're in no position to be giving me orders."

Returning to the present...

The city of Tartarus was vast, grandeur structures clinging to massive stalactites within the cavernous underbelly of Equestria. Far below, a sea of bioluminescent plankton brings an otherworldly glow to the cityscape far above. It was said that if you were to fall into those waters that you would sink to the center of the world… assuming that you weren't eaten by some gnarly, gargantuan beast on the way down.

Most ponies knew little of Tartarus as few were ever sentenced here. Of those who had been to Tartarus temporarily like the Princess and the Elements of Harmony, most of them had been confined to the entrance chamber with few ever venturing into Tartarus's cavernous depths. 

The streets of Tartarus were bustling with life as Trixie and Sombra went on their walk. What had once been rows upon rows of cages, were now structures, serving as homes, stores, restaurants and entertainment establishments. Those roaming the streets who were once prisoners here were now citizens of this city. In addition to ponies, Trixie could see other monstrous creatures, like chimera, manticores, minotaurs, changelings, sirens, monster pony hybrids, even a gorgony or two. 

As Sombra and his wife walked through the streets, the dark king noticed that while some regarded him with fear, many looked upon him with respect and awe, something that he wasn't too familiar with. His posture remained the same throughout, only his steps grew a little faster; gaining his wife’s attention.

"Are you okay, dear?" Trixie asked. 

"Uh... yes, why do you ask?" 

Trixie drew closer to him. "Oh, I just know when you're uncomfortable."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Sombra grumbled, eliciting a giggle from Trixie. 

Thankfully it was about then that they came upon the restaurant that Sombra was seeking out, the Bottomless Tantabus. The building consisted of a series of cages that had been welded together and merged into a single structure with the interior renovated with comfortable seating and tables, with blue curtains and lights to give it a starry theme.

As Trixie and Sombra entered the restaurant, an earth pony mare approached them, with a pink coat and her mane was purple with green highlights pulled back into pigtails. 

"Welcome to the Bottomless Tantabus," the waitress grumbled. "I'm Aria Blaze, I will be your... waitress for this evening. Table for two?"

"Yes, please," Trixie replied. 

Aria Blaze rolled her eyes. "Fine, follow me." 

The two of them followed the clearly annoyed mare as she led them over to a small metal table. Placed on opposite sides were two purple cushions set out for seating, each big enough for two ponies to cuddle up on. As Trixie an Sombra sat down in their seats, Aria pulled out a notepad. 

"So, what do you both want to eat?" Aria grumbled. 

Trixie quickly looked over the menu, uncertain what to order. 

"We'll have two stuffed mushrooms," Sombra said, "the caramel flan along with two glasses of pomegranate juice." 

"Flan?" Aria raised an eyebrow in a skeptical manner. "You want the flan?" 

"Did I stutter?" Sombra huffed, slightly annoyed by the waitress's questioning.

Aria rolled her eyes and jotted down the order. "Fine, whatever. I'll bring that out when it's ready." 

After Aria left, Trixie reached into her saddlebags for Sombra's present. 

"I got you something," Trixie said, as she pulled forth her gift. As she set it out on the table, Sombra's eyes went wide. 

"Is... is that Cutie Death Marks recent album?" Sombra asked. "The Seventh Element is Skulls?" 

"Perhaps..." With a smile, Trixie pushed the CD case with the heavy metal band's newest music across to her husband. "Take a look." 

Taking a hold of the album, Sombra's face lit up like a colt on the morning of Hearth's Warming Day. A wide, happy smile stretching across his lips. As Sombra admired his wife's present, a quick glance to Trixie’s face made him realize that she was smiling and why. 

Extremely aware of the goofy grin on his face, Sombra gave a cough and closed his eyes for just a second, regaining control over his expression and putting on a more serious look.. "Thank you." 

"You're welcome." 

"I must apologize," Sombra spoke, "I didn't bring you a gift." 

Trixie reached under the table with one of her hind legs and rubbed it against Sombra's leg seductively, grinning at him. "Oh, I'm sure you'll figure something out." 

Both of them leaned in for a kiss, their lips about to lock when they were interrupted by a grumble. Next to the table stood an annoyed looking Aria holding a tray with pomegranate juice and flan. 

"Here's your food," Aria mumbled as she set the food down on the table unceremoniously. 

"Thank you," Trixie said. 

Aria rolled her eyes as she began to walk away. "Yeah, whatever." 

After their waitress left, Trixie and Sombra set to eating their meal. The tender mushrooms were stuffed with minced underground vegetables that had been sautéed in butter and herbs, mixed together with cheese. 

"So, how has the renovation of Tartarus been going?" Trixie asked. "from what I've seen so far, it has come quite a long way since I left for Equestria." 

"It isn't going quite as quickly as I'd like," Sombra answered, "but as the old proverb goes, you can't make progress without filling a few holes." 

"Oh, a few holes you say." Trixie raised an eyebrow. 

Sombra chose to ignore the joke and continued. "As it would turn out Tartarus is far larger than I had expected, and I have reason to believe that this prison may have existed for far longer than most would believe."

Now that, Trixie found to be rather intriguing. "How old are you speculating?"

"A millennium or more," Sombra said, "long before ponies ever colonized Equestria."

Trixie's eyes went wide at Sombra's theory. "Then who made it and why?"

"I don't know," Sombra replied, "which is why I've been having the expeditions further into the depths moving with caution. Ancient civilizations don't just disappear for no reason."

"You made the Crystal Empire disappear." As the words left Trixie's lips, regret filled her stomach as a foul look crossed her husband's face. 

"Yes, and I had good reason for that too." Sombra sipped his water.

Trixie was aware of Sombra's actions and the ancient sins that had resulted in him becoming the tyrant of the Crystal Empire. She knew both sides of the story, and yet, she couldn’t hold her tongue.

"I'm sorry," Trixie said, looking down at the table. 

While there was some anger stirring inside Sombra's heart, it wasn't toward Trixie, nor did he hate her for her words. One of the reasons he loved her so much was that she had the tendency to be bold and speak her mind, something most of his subjects were very hesitant to do. That was what made Trixie special. 

Still, it wasn't right for him to growl at her like that. Sombra knew that soon he would want to apologize and make it up to her. 

The two of them sat in silence, eating their food, before Sombra spoke up. 

"And how has your work as a guidance counselor been going?" Sombra asked. 

"It's been going pretty good," Trixie answered, "sure some of the students have issues with courses but Starlight and I are able to work together and solve them." 

Sombra nodded. "Were there any particular challenges that you found intriguing?" 

Contemplating the question, Trixie looked up at the ceiling before she remembered an occasion that she thought was kind of interesting. 

"Well, there was this one time that both Silverstream and Gallus got into an argument and in an effort to get back at him, Silverstream fed Gallus a love poison." 

"So, a little mischief among students." 

"I wish," Trixie continued, "at the time Gallus had ingested the poison he had been looking at his reflection in the window. Apparently, the other students thought it might have been him joking around with how he spoke romantically to the window, until he started making out with it, then it was clear that something was up." 

"What did you do?" 

"Well, Twilight was out of town at the time. So, while Starlight was trying to concoct an antidote, I was assigned the duty to keep Gallus from seeing his reflection and I did a pretty good job too." Trixie's chest puffed up with pride. "Even when I discovered that he was looking into my eyes to see his reflection, I was able to come up with a solution." 

"Oh, and what was that?" 

"I used my cunning and was able to tie him to a chair and blindfolded him." 

Now that warranted an eyebrow raise from Sombra. "Wasn't that a little... extreme? With all that talk about love and friendship most ponies go on and on about?" 

"Yeah, but this was an extreme circumstance," Trixie replied, "but what else was I supposed to do? Escort him around Ponyville, making wedding arrangements before digging a hole and throwing him into it?" 

Sombra waved his hoof dismissively. "No, what you did was very logical. I'm just sure that some might have found it a bit drastic." 

Or in the situation that Sombra was the one bound in the chair, maybe a little kinky. 

Trixie let out a deep, pent-up breath. "Yeah, when Starlight and Sunburst showed up with the antidote, she wasn't too thrilled about it. She was afraid of what might happen if Gallus's relatives found out. Thankfully Gallus was less annoyed by my actions and more embarrassed by the various pet names he had given his reflection." 

After taking a sip of his pomegranate juice, Sombra let out a light chuckle. Having finished his mushroom, Sombra began eating on his flan. The caramel flan tasted nice and creamy. 

"It sounds like you have a good relationship with this Starlight."

"Are you jealous?" Trixie teased. 

Sombra shook his head. "No, it is understandable that both of us should have friends within our own separate spheres while we're apart." 

"What if Starlight and I were lovers?" 

"I might be concerned, however..." Sombra's horn glowed subtly as he channeled his magic, the shadows under the table began to swirl, dark tentacles emerging and gently caressing Trixie's legs. "I'm certain that you will always return to me." 

A shiver went up Trixie's spine as her husband's shadows teased her. Her heartrate increasing as she felt the magic messaging her legs. Trixie's cheeks blushed as she let out a giggle. 

"It would seem that you've truly bound me to you," Trixie said, rubbing a hoof against her collar. 

"Maybe, but you have captured me as well," Sombra replied. "Oh great and powerful Trixie." 

Trixie's ear twitched as she heard Aria grumble some expletives over at another table. With a smile on her lips, Trixie began to eat her flan. Gradually Sombra's shadowy tendrils withdrew back into the darkness below, for now. 

Once the two of them finished their dessert, Sombra reached into his coin purse and pulled forth twenty souls, bluish silver coins that served as the currency in Tartarus, and set them on the table to pay for the food. 

"Before we return home," Sombra spoke, "there is a place I'd like to show you." 

"I suppose I can entertain your request this once," Trixie joked. 

As the two of them stood and made their way to the door another question occurred to Sombra. "Do you think you'll miss your friends?" 

"Hmm... maybe a little bit, but I've missed you too, so I'm excited to see what happens with our time together." 

Sombra smiled as he held open the door for his wife. "Well, I'm glad to have you with me as well." 

Truth of the matter was, if there was nothing keeping Trixie in Equestria, Sombra would have gladly kept her in Tartarus with him, granting her immortality and all of the riches this world had to offer. But for now, the two of them had to live for a time together and a time apart. 

"Plus, I'm sure they'll miss me too," Trixie said, "it's really nice feeling wanted for once." 

That elicited a chuckle from Sombra. The sensation she was describing was something he had started to experience within the last year, and it was as amusing and interesting as it was scary at times. "Yes, I suppose that's true." 

An hour or so ago...

Starlight continued to wave as her friend teleported away into Tartarus. After waiting a few seconds after Trixie had gone, Starlight wiped the sullen look off her face and turned back toward the desk. 

"She's gone now," Starlight said, causing a unicorn stallion to peek out from behind the desk. 

"Um... are you sure this is a good idea?" Sunburst asked as he got up from behind Trixie's dark, mahogany desk. 

About a year ago when Trixie had suddenly disappeared, Starlight had gone into a worried frenzy, like a mother that had lost their child at an amusement park. She had done all sorts of insane things in an effort to find her friend, including activating an artifact that unleashed an army of Wendigos upon Equestria for a couple months. Fortunately, Sunburst had been able to talk reason into his old friend and the two of them had grown... close. 

"What do you mean?" Starlight asked as she walked over to her special somepony. 

"Well... you know... shouldn't we tell her about um..."



Starlight gave Sunburst a mischievous smile. "Why? You're not feeling guilty, are you?"

"Well... maybe a little," Sunburst replied, "it just kind of feels wrong keeping this a secret from her is all." 

"But that's what makes it fun," Starlight giggled, "don't you agree?" 

"I-I suppose," Sunburst mumbled. While he enjoyed spending time with Starlight, he couldn't help but feel uneasy at how they were keeping this a secret from Trixie. 

Seeing Sunburst's discomfort, Starlight let out a quiet sigh. "Relax, we have six months to figure to how to tell her." 

Sunburst nodded. "Yeah, I suppose you're right." 

With a smile, Starlight made her way to the door. "Now come along, I have some spells that I wish to try out and I could use your assistance."

"Oh... what kind of assistance?"

"The fun kind of course~" Starlight said with a wink, her tail playfully swishing from side to side.

The park consisted largely of fungi and a few bioluminescent plants with a large pond in the center that had a few statues situated about. There were other creatures enjoying the tranquility of the area as Trixie and Sombra walked through, but not many. There was even a pair of changelings playing with a frisby on the grass like lichen that covered the ground. 

Trixie and Sombra stopped after approaching one of the park's statues. It was of a withered unicorn mare, yet while her form appeared weak, almost frail, the way she held herself revealed an underlying strength. Beneath the statue was a plaque that read, 'In memory of a beloved mother, Umbral Dream.'

Trixie recognized the statue, as she had seen it being sculpted during her last visit. 

"I'm glad to see that you found a place for your mother's statue," Trixie said. 

Sombra nodded. "Yes, I think she would like it here." 

For a moment the two of them looked at the statue in silence, a pit welling in Sombra's stomach. When finally his pride could no longer abate his guilt, Sombra took a deep breath and spoke.

"I'm sorry," Sombra said, "for my behavior in the diner. That was rather uncouth of me."

Trixie smiled at her husband's apology. "Thank you. I'm sorry too, I know that that subject is still very touchy for you." 

Sombra looked back to the statue. "I know a part of this whole reformation process is to forgive those who have harmed me, however, I'm having difficulty forgiving the empire for what they did to us, to her. How can I just forget how they exiled and forsook us?" 

"Well, you don't have to forget what they did," Trixie answered, "forgiveness is just choosing to focus less on the transgressions of the past." 

Sombra looked side eyed at Trixie. "That sounds like something Twilight might say."

A disgusted look crossed Trixie's face. "Oh, please don't say that."

While Sombra was certain that Trixie didn't hate Twilight it was very clear that the two of them didn't always see eye to eye. A chuckle escaped Sombra's lips as he turned back to the statue of his mother. 

"Well, either way, thank you. Your words were very insightful."

A smile stretched across Trixie's face in response to the compliment. A twinkle appeared in her eyes as a thought dawned on her. "You know, the Sombra I knew from over a year ago, wouldn't have been so willing to apologize or even talk about what was troubling him. I'd say that's a step forward." 

Sombra turned his attention back to Trixie, gazing down at the wonderful mare next to him. "That's only because I feel comfortable sharing those sorts of things with you." 

"Sure, it might be a small step forward," Trixie said, "but it's a step none the less and I'm sure that Twilight would love to read about it in your journal." 

Hearing Trixie's words, a small sense of pride welled up inside Sombra. Smiling, he gave his wife a nod. "I suppose you're right." 

"This was a nice day," Trixie said as Sombra and her walked into their bedroom. 

"Yes, it certainly was." 

The walls and floor were made of obsidian, with red and purple sheets laid across the floor to serve as a barrier against the cold floor. Furniture made of even more magically infused obsidian adorned the room, closets, cabinets and chests that could shift and open with a twinge of magic, twisting to reveal their contents if desired. The centerpiece of the room was the bed, its frame made of obsidian with black crystalline pillars, each of the bed's four corners emerging from the floor and reaching up into the ceiling. Red, silken curtains hung over the bed like a protective veil. 

With a slight trot, Trixie went over to the bed and lay down seductively, while Sombra walked over to yet another piece of obsidian thatthat unfolded to reveal a music player with a collection of Sombra's music. 

"So, are you going to try out your gift?" Trixie asked. 

While Sombra was eager to listen to his new Cutie Death Mark music, he had something else in mind. Instead, he put on some music by Chilly Holiday. 

"Maybe later," Sombra answered, "right now I want something that will... set the mood..."

As he pressed the play button, a smooth, slow jazz tone filled the room. Slowly Sombra turned to the bed, and he gave Trixie a sultry grin, before disappearing and reappearing at the foot of the bed in a puff of shadow. Reaching the bed, Sombra crawled on top, his chiseled body looming over Trixie like some massive beast. Other mares might have been intimidated by this, but Trixie found it to be kind of hot in a silly way. So, Trixie let out a happy giggle, eliciting a snicker from her husband. 

Even as Sombra gazed down at his beautiful wife, his features wavered as he remembered the friendship journal. "I'm sorry that you have to help me with that stupid book."

Reaching up, Trixie gently took her mate's face in her hooves. "It's okay. I love you and I wouldn't be all the great if I sat idly by, would I?"


Before Sombra could say another word, Trixie gave him a kiss, their lips interlocked before Trixie pulled away with a smile. "Come on, let's enjoy this evening together and worry about the book tomorrow."

Seeing the hunger in his wife's eyes, what few bands binding his desires for her broke away. Sombra's eyes glowed green as the shadows around them began to swell, inky tendrils filling the chamber. 

"As you wish, my dear..."

The End