//------------------------------// // Chapter 30: House Tour // Story: Silver Spoon Adopts a Naga // by Halira //------------------------------// Sisstet followed behind the adults, staying close to Silver Spoon's rear legs. He wondered why anycreature could possibly need so many rooms that they didn't even use. Yet Silver Spoon's parents calmly stated that room after room was a guest room, or a study, or a second study, or the study they used only on holidays. They must have been very smart if they had so many studies.  "And this room is Spoon's room," Silver Wright said as he gestured to another shut door that looked like all the others. "She and her spouse will be sleeping in there while you all holiday with us." Silver Spoon raised an eyebrow. "That's not my room." "Dear, that old room was too small for a couple," Silver Sheet said with a tsk. "You'll find this one much more suitable. We've had it prepared for years, but we have never had the opportunity for you to make use of it." Silver Spoon frowned and looked around. "You haven't mentioned any servant rooms. You haven't moved them all to the servant quarters again, have you?" "Oh, no," Silver Sheet replied. "Only Madam Glass is in the servant quarters, and you know we have offered her a room outside it numerous times, despite the fact she always curtly refuses. No, all the other servants have taken lodging in Ponyville and commute to work daily. Why they would want to do so when they could live here with room and board included, we don't know, but they're quite adamant about it. Even the younger ones we brought on only stay a few nights then say they prefer lodging elsewhere." "Very strange. You would assume the younger ones without any built-up assets would be eager to stay so they could accumulate savings in their accounts, but alas, that is not the case," Silver Wright said with a shake of his head.  Silver Sheet stopped in front of a door. "Aww! Here we are. Sisstet, this will be your room whenever you stay with us." "It's my old room," Silver Spoon said with a satisfied smile. They opened the door and gestured for him to go in. He looked up at Silver Spoon for reassurance, and she nodded. He slithered past her into the room.  The first thing that struck him was it was big, like everything else in the house. It was as big as the living room, and the kitchen at Silver Spoon's home put together. That wasn't what held his attention for long; there was something far more interesting.  "That's a lot of toysss…" he said breathlessly.  There were toy trains and airships, stuffed animals and creatures, stacks of board games, action figures with playsets, balls in a range of sizes, and even one of those electronic games that he had heard about but thought was just a myth of the schoolyard. There were also crayons, coloring books, and paints. He had believed that Silver Spoon had bought him a lot of toys before, but that number didn't even make up a third of what was here. He could play with a different toy every day for the entire summer and still not play with them all.  "We were uncertain what amusements were your preference, so we indulged in a bit of everything," Silver Sheet said, sounding almost bored. "If there are any that aren't to your liking, inform us, and we'll donate the said novelties to the servants who have foals. I'm sure they will be delighted at the gifts." That made him wonder if he should try to find things he didn't like so the other foals could get presents. That would be hard because he couldn't imagine not enjoying toys, and he didn't want to lie. Still, there had to be toys he liked better than others, right? He couldn't even play with all these toys. "If you would direct your attention to the far right side of the room. You will get a preview of the upgrades currently underway at Spoon's residence," Silver Wright said, pointing in the direction.  "Currently underway?" Silver Spoon asked with a hint of anger.  "We figured it would be best if they were done while you weren't staying at your house," Silver Wright explained.  "Without consulting me? You have ponies in my house, doing things to it, without asking my permission first?" Silver Spoon demanded. "You needed the work done, were going to have it done soon, and you're going to be out of the house for the week. Now was a perfect time," Silver Wright listed off slowly.  "That isn't the issue, and you know it," Silver Spoon half-growled. The teacher then took a deep breath. "We'll discuss it later, in private." "As you wish," Silver Wright replied. "Sisstet, please, go take a look." Sisstet didn't like the tension between the adults, but he didn't want to stir it up even more by being disobedient.  He slithered over to where he was directed and found two things; one was a much bigger tub than the one at Silver Spoon's house. It could easily fit three grown ponies in it, and it had a ramp going up to the edge. He got close and peeked in it and saw there were spaces indented on the inner tub leading up to the ramp. He recognized what they were; they were to help him climb out. There was also a showerhead directly above the tub instead of on the side. Off to the side, there was an odd little drain on the floor. It was square and had a pair of spigots on either side of it, but only a single handle. "That is your new privy," Silver Sheet said proudly. "You simply need to slither comfortably over the grate, and do what nature commands. Once you are done, pull the handle, and it will wash away any remaining nastiness. You can use the same method to do a quick rinse of yourself. Personally, I find this new design quite sanitary and easily adaptable to ponies. We are already looking into  all such facilities in our house to match, as well as all the facilities at our businesses." Silver Sheet cleared her throat. "If you have a piece of matter too big to wash down normally, simply hold the handle down, and the grate will open enough to allow it to pass through, but don't be on top of it when it does." "So that's the new toilet," Silver Spoon said as she came and looked it over.  "Spoon! Don't use that word! It is so vulgar," Silver Sheet scolded.  Silver Spoon turned and crooked an eyebrow. "It's the most common term, mother. I suppose the design isn't too bad. It's sad my bathroom is too small for a tub like this one." Silver Sheet waved a hoof and laughed. "Oh, we are having them expand that." Silver Spoon's eye twitched. "At the expense of what?" "Well, at our expense, dear. I thought that was clear," Silver Sheet replied.  Silver Spoon facehoofed. "What is giving up space to make up for extra bathroom space?" "Oh, that," Silver Sheet said with a chuckle. "Just some of your yard. The rooms in your house were too… cozy… in dimension as they were. Honestly, I don't even know how you can stand to live in such cramped quarters." Silver Spoon winced. "I had flowers planted all along the border of the house. It took a lot of work to do that." "I fail to see how flowers fix it being a cramped space," Silver Wright said dryly. "They don't! Urgh! You two will never understand the joys in simple things," Silver Spoon grumbled.  "They liked the toilet," Sisstet pointed out, trying to think of anything to defend Silver Spoon's parents.  All three ponies looked at him, and he suddenly felt the need to find a hole to slither into. What did he do wrong? Silver Spoon said he was supposed to try to get along with them, and he tried saying something nice. Her mom seemed excited about the toilet, which seemed like a simple thing.  A throat cleared, and they all turned to look at Madam Glass standing in the bedroom doorway. "Excuse me, Mister, Misses, and young Mister and Miss. Minister Cozy Glow has arrived and is waiting in the primary sitting room." "Is it that time already?" Silver Wright asked. "Time has quite gotten away from us." Sisstet remembered her. Cozy Glow made him nervous. Yeah, she gave him candy, which was nice, and she got mad at Spoiled Rich for not taking better care of him, which also seemed good. She also was one of the ponies trying to make sure he could stay with Silver Spoon. All those things should add up to her being somecreature he liked, but something felt bad about her, something he couldn't taste, but knew was there. Maybe it was the fact history lessons taught about how bad she had been as a foal, but it felt like more than that. He didn't want to see her more than he had to. "Why's she here?" Silver Spoon asked. Silver Wright started walking to the bedroom door, and Madam Glass stepped in and out of his way. "We can discuss that with her. Come along," the old stallion instructed. "Madam Glass, can you please see to Sisstet's needs. It would be better if he weren't underhoof." The old servant bowed her head. "Certainly. It would be my pleasure." Silver Spoon still seemed unhappy as she came up to him, even though she was smiling. "I'll come find you again as soon as I'm done with whatever this is. Be good for Madam Glass. Don't give her any trouble." Sisstet nodded. "I'll be good." She smiled bigger and gave him a kiss on the head, which made him feel good. He never got kisses from his old guardians. Silver Spoon didn't kiss him much either, but she kissed him more than he'd ever been kissed before. He wasn't sure why ponies gave kisses, he preferred hugs, but he knew that it was a sign of love, and that made him happy.  The three Silvers left the room, leaving him with the elderly Madam Glass. He needed to be good and polite. What was the good and polite thing to do?  "Ssorry for biting at you," Sisstet said, hunkering down low.  The old pony smiled. "Don't ya worry 'bout that. Ya can't hurt old Madam Glass. How 'bout we finish the tour of the house with the gardens outside? I know you saw most of the inside." "They didn't show me your room," he pointed out.  She shook her head. "And ya won't be seein' it. Nopony goes to my room, not even the Mister or Misses, or the young miss. You wouldn't like it anyway. It's dusty and smells." He blinked and looked around. Nothing in the house was dusty. This was the most dust-free place that he had ever seen. It was hard to imagine any part of the house that was dusty and smelly. Just knowing that there was a place like that in the house made him want to see it even more because it was so different than anything else here.  "Come now," Madam Glass said, gesturing to the door. "Ol' Madam Glass doesn't go outside much these days, so this will be my treat as well, but we needs to be careful. Servants working outside can be easy to spook. Catch them unawares, and they go white as a sheet they do." He started slithering to the door. "Why do they do that?" She sighed. "Ay tend to come up on ponies rather quiet-like. These ol' hooves are light as a feather. Ponies will be about their business, and they do a start when they see me just standin' there. I keep mainly inside these days, and they keep mainly outside, besides the cook— who would just as much prefer not to be sharin' space with me, but has come to some resolve not to be too bothered by my way of poppin' up unexpectedly." Sisstet looked up at her. "Maybe you should make more noise." She shook her head. "A good servant does not bring attention to themselves unless they need to. Out of sight and out of mind, my old Papi told me when I was a young thing." Sisstet didn't know much about servants, so he didn't think it would be right for him to disagree with her. He instead slithered past her out the door. Once out the bedroom door, he slithered partly down the hall, but stopped when he didn't hear her following. He looked back, but didn't see her behind him.  When he turned around, she was in front of him. How did she do that? Earth ponies couldn't teleport.  She turned and gestured for him to follow. "Come along, young master. It is a pleasant day out. The air will do you good. The air gets so stale in here." He wordlessly followed.