//------------------------------// // Creation // Story: The Lord of Chaos // by Guillermo //------------------------------// The Everfree Forest was silent at this time of the morning, few creatures moved inside. Two of these were a lavender alicorn, the princess of friendship Twilight Sparkle, and a small dragon that was perched on her back, Spike. "Do we really have to go now? Tomorrow the team will come!" Spike said bitterly on the back of Twilight. For the part of her, Twilight just glanced over her shoulder with a smile. "Of course we have to go now! Who knows what is in that library, I want to catalog as much as possible before they come tomorrow." Princess and dragon were heading towards the castle of the Two Sisters, deep in the Everfree Forest. The two supreme princesses of Equestria had asked her to organize the books in their library, cataloging those that still served to be added to the royal library of Canterlot and to that of the newly created Castle of Friendship. Although Celestia would send a team to help her, Twilight wanted to go as soon as possible, so she was there at 9:30 in the morning. She even she had brought lunch with her. The ruined castle appeared in the distance and the Princess of Friendship hurried enchanted. The silent walls of the room greeted them silently, as always, but their visitors made their way to the library without delay. Hundreds, if not thousands, of books greeted them in all their glory, and Twilight only knew how to smile. Spike, for his part, groaned bitterly, as he would have to help his friend rearrange all those volumes. "Okay, Spike, start with the right wing while I go left." "Yes Twilight." The dragon climbed down from the alicorn's back and went to work, not without complaints. The hours passed slowly, cataloging books by title and author on a card. When it was about 11 o'clock, he came to a black-bound book, without any title, drawing the attention of the young dragon. "Twilight! I have found a book a little strange!" The alicorn came out of the pile of books that she had been cataloging in a much more specific way than the little dragon. Curious, she went to her friend and picked up the book with her magic, opening it to search for a title, with Spike next to her to read as well. "Dear reader, if you are reading this, you have found this book, what a surprise. I do not know when you will have done it, maybe in a week, a month, a year, who knows, maybe you read it 500 years after I have hidden it in this library. Surely you are wondering what the hell this thing is, well, this is some kind of ... biography, narrated by me. Who am I? Settling for knowing me as "Cake", That is the name with which I am called my lord, whom I served long before the princesses. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, the biography that you have in your hooves, wings or magic is a record of the life of my lord and my life to him service. " At this point, Twilight looked up confused, as did Spike, scratching her head. "Should this be here?" said the little dragon. "Do not know." Curious as she couldn't, Twilight went to one of the half-ruined tables in the library, her assistant behind her. Sitting down next to Spike, the alicorn prepared to continue her reading. "I know what you're thinking, who the hell is my lord? Well, he's someone well known, and I'm sure as the years go by, he'll still be known, but not for what he should. Do you want to know who he is? Go to the royal garden, search among the statues, and see the embodiment of pure chaos, the one who ruled Equestria for 10 years, Discord. " Both Twilight and Spike looked at each other, having one thing clear, they would put off cataloging the books for later. "I know, I know, how can one serve Discord, that monster? And more importantly, can I believe that you will tell the truth? Yes, you can. I have no reason to lie, I just wanted to capture the story that my lord told me about. The story I myself lived from the moment I began to serve him. And I know that you distrust me, after all, it is the word of the Lord of Chaos that we are talking about, but I trust his word. He welcomed me when my family excluded me, he gave me shelter and a roof, he treated me, not like a servant, like a friend. I trust myself to tell me the secrets of the cosmos, and now that he is turned to stone and that everypony him hate, even princesses, I want to tell him story and mine. I know I will not change the point of view of the entire population, but just one is enough for me. And please, if you read this, whoever you are, if you take my word for it, when you're done, turn this book over to their royal highnesses. I would do it myself, but the guards would not allow a mere servant to approach them. So I leave it here, in the vain hope that somepony, hopefully a student of the princesses or some royal wizard, will believe my words. Now, dear reader, I will tell you the story of my lord, but to do this, we have to go back many eons, even before creation, before time itself. " Before the cosmos, infinity was divided in two, one side was the blackest darkness that could be seen, the other, light so intense that it covered everything. Wandering on both sides, there were two orbs, one was dark blue, the other was golden, and they were the creators of both sides, they were The Firsts. The blue one wandered in its darkness, and although he saw it beautiful, he felt that something was missing, the gold one, he saw its spheres of light, but with the infinite light, it was impossible to appreciate them. One day, after millennia, eons, it did not matter, because time had not been created, both reached the limits of their creations. Separated by a purple stripe, both sides faced each other, never touching. The Firsts might have ignored it and returned to their domain, but the new appealed to them. Not daring to abandon their creations, they advanced along the border, until at last, they met. Inevitably, they were drawn to each other, not knowing that there were more like them, approaching. The more they did it, their creations did with them, and as they came together, light and dark touched for the first time. Both orbs watched in horror what was happening, believing that the other was trying to subjugate the other, being ready for a fight. They were so focused that they didn't notice what was going on in the middle of the mix. Out of the chaos that was light and dark, a new orb was created, smaller than its indirect progenitors, sometimes yellow and sometimes red. With a youthful laugh, attracting the attention of The Firsts, the new being mixed the creations even more, and then they saw. The darkness swallowed up the excess light and allowed the spheres of light to shine with all their splendor. Thus, the darkness found what it lacked, and the spheres of light were able to shine. With joy, the newly named Solaris, god of light, and Selena, goddess of darkness, brought all of creation, with the help of the Firstborn, Discord, god of chaos, into a single point. And then it happened. An explosion of light was seen, and the cosmos began, light and darkness were complemented, from order, came chaos, and from chaos, came harmony. At that time, two new orbs were born, one purple and the other brown, and The Firsts named their new children, Harmony, goddess of harmony, and Crono, god of time. Thus, the new five gods dedicated themselves to taking care of the newborn universe, Solaris and Selena as its protectors and watchers, Discord and Harmony as the Guardians of balance, and Crono as the Guardian of time. Many eons later, Discord, bored with so much order, decided to play a little secretly from his parents and sister. He collected several stars, wanting to juggle these, but unfortunately, he got out of control. Solaris realized this, but was unable to prevent the catastrophe. The stars collided and created a gigantic explosion, and Discord stared in terror, he had destroyed his father's creation! But from the center, emerging from a black hole, new to creation, a new red orb emerged, generating more destruction in its wake. Somewhat alarmed, the yellow and red orb flew around the mess, gathering everything together, joining soon after Harmony. When finished, they saw the first galaxy in the cosmos, and were soon joined by their new brother, Ares, god of destruction. The Firsts, with joy, spread their blessings in the newly created. Solaris generated infinitely smaller stars and introduced them into this galaxy and Selena made the darkness make the color shows more beautiful. And so the gods were in charge of creating new galaxies, Discord gathered the stars, Ares destroyed them, his brothers balanced everything in harmony and his parents did the rest. In time, the rest of creation filled with galaxies, and to the gods, it was beautiful, except for one. Ares lived for destruction, not creation, and unlike his brother Discord, he was not willing to limit himself to small displays of chaos, or in his case, destruction. As much as his parents allowed him to destroy the stars, that emotion was dissipated when he saw how his beautiful destruction gave way to creation. So, after eons of peace, the god of destruction threatened to end the entire cosmos, taking on his brothers and The Firsts. The bloodiest fight was between the god of chaos and the god of destruction, and the battle was seen throughout the cosmos. After an arduous battle between the two gods, Ares was locked in the place of his creation, the center of the universe, the first galaxy, the first black hole. And there he would remain forever and ever. "Twilight?" Spike said, stopping reading for a moment. "Yes?" said the alicorn totally into reading. If that thing was telling the truth, she was witnessing the origin of everything. "Can we eat now?" Twilight raised her head in surprise, seeing that it was after three thirty, feeling her stomach growl. Deciding that she, for once, she could leave work for the next day, she left the castle with Spike, book included, to make her home. After eating, they both went to her personal library and sat at the table, ready to continue reading what was holding them so much. "Do you think this is real?" Spike said before starting to read. "I don't know, but I'm inclined to think so. If it was a Discord joke, he would have already turned up to laugh at us, don't you think?" Deciding it was a good point, Spike concentrated on reading again. Both The Firsts and his brothers felt hurt by the betrayal of Ares, but it was Discord who took it the worst. He wandered aimlessly through the first galaxy, disconsolate, watching the stars as he passed. Soon, he reached a specific one, and after observing her for a while, he exploded with fury. Why hadn't his brother seen the beauty of creation? Couldn't he see the precious balance they were all in? When his outburst of anger dissipated, he watched in horror as the star had exploded into a supernova. Trying to fix it, he tried to piece the pieces together, but only got them moving in a maelstrom of chaos. This caught the attention of Harmony, who watched with terror what happened, and approached the stardust that flew without logical direction. Soon, everything came together into a sphere, and when The Firsts and Crono arrived, they saw the sphere condensing into a new material. It wasn't a star, and it wasn't stardust, it was solid, and the Creator Gods decided to call it ... planet. And so the first planet in the cosmos was created, and Discord and his sister came out excited to create more of these. Although they wanted to stop them to talk about it, his parents ended up succumbing to the joy of their children, deciding to create more. Billions of systems flooded into creation, all orbiting a star. When they finished, the gods admired the cosmos more and more full of beauties, but The Firsts ones felt that something was missing. They traveled to the first planet and descended to its surface, and Solaris saw that there was no star on it. Using his power, he decided to do something different here, so he created a star that would orbit the planet, but for this there was a price to be paid, as someone else would have to raise the star to a new stage of light. Happy, the god of light called this stage day, and the star that would bring it he called Sun. Selena, however, observed her precious darkness, admiring the distant stars, but she felt that something was missing. Therefore, using her immense power, she summoned a sphere that would dominate the shadow periods, but since her power was darkness, she could do nothing but try to make it as dark as possible. Her husband, seeing the anguish of her beloved, offered her a gift, making her sphere illuminate with its own light. Delighted, Selena called that moment night, and her sphere, created between the two, Moon. The centuries passed, and although they liked this new world, which they called Equs, they felt that it was empty, they wanted more creatures apart from their children to enjoy their creation, so they went to work. Using their powers together, they created an atmosphere with pure and breathable air, and the first clouds were formed with the mere thought of they. The atmosphere and clouds caused the temperature to drop incredibly in certain areas of the planet, and the gaseous creations expelled eternal snow, but that was not the only thing they expelled. The rain came, and it rained down water for over a thousand years, impacting the mineral-laden soils, causing the water to turn salty. Liquid levels rose, and when the rain stopped, only the higher ground remained. They called the pools of water seas and oceans, and the land, continents and islands, but they saw the latter empty. Settling on one of the mountains, they made an eternal fountain, which flowed down the mountain. They followed the course of the water, watching it go to a esplanade and fall over the edge in a majestic waterfall before following the course of the mountain and reaching the land below and continued through the deeper areas until reaching the sea, and this, The Firsts called it a river. Its waters made them eternally sweet and they set out to create more all over the world. When they finished, they saw that the continents still looked empty, so they created something new. While in some areas they remained deserted, in others the soils were covered in green, the grass had been created. Soon this was followed by bushes and then flowers, and an explosion of color took place. Trees grew everywhere, gathering together and creating large patches covered by them, what Solaris and Selena called forests. At the top of the mountain that housed the source of the first river, they happily observed its creation, but it was still missing. They went to the seas and created thousands of life forms, hundreds of fish, crustaceans, and thousands of other beings flooded the oceans. Next were rivers and lakes, and from there they moved to forests, deserts, snowy regions. Equs was quickly filled with beings, and life flooded everything, but still, it was not enough. Life did not have the necessary consciousness to admire beauty, so The Firsts decided to create intelligent beings, and their children were soon reunited as well. They admired the work of their parents, and wanted to participate. Crono created centaurs and gargoyles, Harmony created kirins, beings that possess both good and evil, living together in perfect harmony. As for Discord, he created changelings, beings that could be as chaotic as him, they could be anything if they wanted, they fed on love, but a small change such as giving instead of taking, transformed them by complete to a more peaceful form. Then, in honor of their disgraced brother, the three brothers created the so-called dragons, capable of living in harmony or chaos, but above all, very destructive. As for his parents, they created a unique being, an equine creature, with wings and a horn, with great magical power, but it was too much for a mortal. Therefore, they separated it into three, earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns, and they called all of them, ponies. After these, many more species came that flooded Equs, and their creators were proud. But they felt estranged from their creations, so The Firsts decided to do something unthinkable, they transformed their own bodies to resemble the first version of ponies, and they called themselves alicorns. Solaris adopted a golden coat with a mane of pure light, while Selena preferred a dark blue fur and mane made of, you guessed it, pure darkness. Her children, although surprised, decided to follow her example. Harmony turned into a violet alicorn with a mane made of rainbows, literally, while Crono transformed into a brown alicorn with gray mane, something, according to Discord himself, very boring. Looking at this one, he thought that being a one-looking creature was neither fun nor appropriate for chaos. Therefore, he flew around the planet, looking for the parts of animals that he liked the most. And so came He, the head of a pony with gray fur, from the neck down brown, and black mane, a deer horn on the right, a twisted blue unicorn horn on the left, a long long and sharp tusk, yellow eyes. with blood-red pupils of varying sizes, a serpent's tongue, a goat's beard, and bushy white eyebrows. His right arm is that of a lion, while his left is a griffin claw, his right leg is that of a lizard, and his left that of a goat. Wings of different shapes, the right of a bat and the left of a pegasus, his tail is that of a red dragon, with a tuft of white hair that serves as his hand perfectly. Finally, his entire body is in the shape of a snake. The gods watched the creation enchanted, but soon they realized something, something that they had missed in that whirlwind of creation. Atop the mountain from which the source of the first river emerged, was a leaf-green sphere, gently floating. Seeing his siblings and parents approach, her shape changed to that of an alicorn with green fur and a mane made with the very forces of nature. And the Firsts called her, Gea, goddess of life. As her children spread this new blessing throughout the universe, Solaris and Selena watched the centuries pass for mortals, and soon, they noticed something they didn't like. It turns out that mortals were not so mortals, the correct term would be immortal, because they continued to live without stopping, but they did not stop reproducing either. Soon the world was filled with immortals, and resources became scarce, and The Firsts watched their creations starve but find no consolation. So, they decided that something had to be done, life had to eventually turn off, but ... what would happen to the souls? Before doing anything, the two creator gods made sure they had an eternal resting place for their creations. Using all their power, they created, on a plane very different from the existing universe, a place where there was only nothingness. First, they created Tartarus, a place of punishment for evil souls, who would be tortured until they were purged of all sin and could ascend to Eden, a resting place for the good and purified, where they would enjoy endless peace and joys. For Tartarus, they created demons, as their guardians and main torturers, and although they did not like the idea, they created a mortal version, because they well knew that there would be souls capable of being able to survive and maintain their immortality, so they did to Cerberus, Guardian of the gates to the mortal underworld. As for Eden, they gave rise to angels, alicorns with a size similar to common ponies, who would serve the souls who arrived there. After this, they decided to create a place from which they could take care of and monitor all of creation, building a castle on a plane other than the previous two, an immense and majestic one that their children could visit, a place they called The Olimpus. When they finished, they decided to put a solution to the immortals, and despite the discontent of his youngest daughter, she knew it was the right thing to do. And so, a new god was born, Hades, god of death, and he extended his blessing, which brought pain to some and liberation to others. Despite the sadness it brought, mortals, freed from eternal life, prayed to their gods that their future generations would not have to live in a world of immortals. And as The Firsts suspected, there were beings that escaped death thanks to dark magic, and dedicated themselves to sowing non-peaceful death, desolation and subjugation. The most feared was Grogar, who created countless aberrant monsters that plagued the world, hydras with a thousand heads, bears, wolves, scorpions and other star beings so large that the highest peaks in the world barely reached their knees. But The Firsts defeated the Father of the Monsters, locked him in the deepest pit of mortal Tartarus, and made their creations less violent and transformed them into some more animals, because it was not their fault that their creator thought of them as monsters without feelings. In this way, the hydras reduced their number of heads and aggressiveness, withdrawing into the deepest pits, the star beings drastically reduced their size and also withdrew from civilization, and so it goes with every monster. Harmony reigned again, and the gods proudly watched the creation, which would remain so for many centuries.