Silver Spoon Adopts a Naga

by Halira

Chapter 28: First Meeting With Grandparents

Everything in this house was enormous. It was also very shiny. Even the wood was shiny, and he wondered how much polishing it took that every last piece of it reflected light. It made Sisstet afraid to touch anything because he might mess it up. If he could avoid touching the floor, he'd do that too. 

Everycreature was looking at him; Silver Spoon, Madam Glass, and two older ponies he guessed were Silver Spoon's parents.

He wanted to hide, but that would mean touching something, and he was sure he'd get yelled at if he did that. He could hide behind Madam Glass, but he still felt guilty for a few minutes ago and didn't want to get too close to her. While she had been scrubbing him, she'd accidentally rubbed a spot wrong, and he'd struck at her with his fangs. He hadn't hurt her. There had been a big red rubber ball in his mouth wrapped up in a washcloth; that had blocked him from biting her. The strike had startled the old mare, but she hadn't seemed angry about it. She'd mostly seemed apologetic for having hurt him. After a minute of it occurring, she'd acted like it hadn't even happened. She was a nice pony, a very nice pony, but that only made him feel even more guilty for lashing out at her. 

"Ah, Sisstet! Please, come and sit. We are eager to finally meet you," Silver Spoon's mom greeted. She then turned and smiled sweetly at Silver Spoon. "See, I can accommodate his choice of name."

"Basic decency isn't worth a pat on the back," Silver Spoon muttered. Sisstet didn't think he was meant to hear that. 

Silver Spoon's dad gestured to a cushion directly across from Silver Spoon. "We have a cushion waiting right here. No need to stand…." The stallion trailed off on what he was saying and frowned at him. Sisstet cowered down, unsure what he had done. Had they found out about him trying to bite Madam Glass? He'd just met these ponies, and he was already in trouble. 

The stallion did an embarrassed clearing of his throat. "Oh, dear...I ask your forgiveness.  I seem to lack knowledge about appropriate terminology. I must have overlooked that in my reading." He turned towards his wife. "Dear, do you recall what verbiage we should be using instead of sit and stand? They seem improper to use in relation to a creature who doesn't have legs. I do believe I am committing a faux pas."

Silver Spoon's mother went wide-eyed for a second and gasped. "You are correct, and I have made the same oversight. Spoon, dear, what terminology should we be employing? I had thought we had thoroughly educated ourselves in preparation for this visit, but it would appear there have been lapses in our education."

"He's perfectly capable of speaking for himself," Silver Spoon replied tersely. Why was she upset? 

"Young Miss Spoon," Madam Glass said with restrained anger. "Foals are perceptive, but they don't always understand what they are perceiving. He might not understand that your resentment is not directed at him." She turned and smiled at Sisstet. "Nopony here is angry at you. Your mother and grandparents have funny ways of showing love for one another; they sure do. Don't follow their example."

The stallion cleared his throat again and coughed. "Those titles are not official yet, even if we feel confident they may yet be secured. You also overstep yourself, Madam Glass."

"Forgive me for reminding you, young master, but I have always been the caretaker of this family's young since I was old enough to know where foals come from. I would be negligent in my duty if I did not speak on our newest young master's behalf," Madam Glass responded calmly. She then grinned wider. "It feels good to have a foal in this house again."

"I'll be the one raising him this time, not a servant," Silver Spoon said firmly. 

"And I'm overjoyed you will, young miss, I am. I just hope you're willing to accept some advice at times from those experienced with raising foals. You're an excellent teacher, or so my old ears have heard, and that will give you a great foundation, but that is not the same experience as being a parent. This is a new role for you," Madam Glass replied with a bow of her head.

Sisstet wondered if the old stallion was sick because he kept clearing his throat. "I see...very good, Madam Glass. I retract my objection about your behavior. Keep up the good work."

"I believe you were going to ask Sisstet what terminology he prefers to his locomotion, dear. May I take the liberty?" Silver Spoon's mother asked.

"The lead is yours, dear," the old stallion answered, extending a hoof towards her. 

She nodded and then smiled at Sisstet. "I apologize for the delay in asking, and thank you for your patience, but clarifying such matters is part of proper household order. Now, may I ask, is walk and sit proper terms for the actions you take or are there terms that are both more preferable and suitable?"

Sisstet blinked. He had thought that they had all forgotten about him. He didn't mind being forgotten about; that meant he wasn't the center of attention, but that attention had returned, and he now resisted the urge to cower. 

"Ssslither and coil up," he said simply, not sure what else he was supposed to say. 

"Well then, you may slither over to this cushion and coil up upon it," Silver Spoon's mother instructed as she gestured to the empty seat. "Hup hup, we are waiting.*

Sisstet did as instructed, and once in place, did everything he could to resist the urge to cringe. He also didn't put his claws on the table, afraid he might scratch it. 

"Such a timid child," Silver Spoon's mother observed. She then looked at Madam Glass. "Did the dear give you any problems?"

Oh no, here was when they were going to get angry.

"Nothing that was his fault, and nothing I couldn't deal with," Madam Glass answered, looking down in shame. "Young Miss Spoon alerted me to the risks of scrubbing him too hard, and I tried to avoid it, but I still ended up hurting the young master. I do beg your forgiveness, and his."

Silver Spoon let out a worried gasp. "He didn't bite you, did he?" 

"No, young miss; ol' Madam Glass was prepared. I just feel terrible that I incited a strike at all; yes, I do. Can't fault a foal for lashing out when in pain. I know I bucked more than one doctor in my youth. I'll take it as a learning experience," Madam Glass replied. She then looked at Sisstet. "I do beg your forgiveness. You were holdin' up so well that I didn't think a might harder scrub would be too much. I now see ya' were trying to put on a brave face. Perhaps next time, we can work out some sort of signal that it is gettin' to be too much before it reaches that point. Is that okay?"

"Okay," he answered quickly, then remembered that she had asked his forgiveness. "I'm ssorry I bit. I didn't mean to."

"No need to apologize. I'm sure you'll grow out of the habit," Madam Glass said with a smile. "Now, be a good little colt and introduce yourself to your future grandparents."

He looked at the other two older ponies and timidly raised a hand, remembering how Silver Spoon had taught him to introduce himself to new foals. "Hi...I'm Sssisstet. What are your namess?"

Both of them smiled, which meant his greeting must have been good. Silver Spoon's mom was the first to speak. "We are delighted to finally meet you, Sisstet. I'm Silver Sheet, and this worthy stallion is Silver Wright. I hope you will be calling us Granny and Grandpa as soon as legal formalities have been resolved."

"And it is mere formalities, I'm sure. With both the Princess and Minister Cozy Glow working towards that transaction, it should be seen as an inevitability," Silver Wright chimed in happily.  

Silver Sheet followed right after. "Spoon has spoken well of you, but we wish to hear from you directly. I hear that your academic excellence is laudable. Is this true?"

He wasn't entirely sure what she meant by that but answered as best he could. "I make good gradesss."

Silver Sheet beamed. "Very good!"

"And what about your socialization?" Silver Wright continued. "Public education over private instruction is preferable because of those connections that are gathered there. How does your social circle progress?"

Sisstet blinked. "…"

Silver Spoon gently reached out and touched him. "They are asking about who you have for friends."

He nodded, now understanding. "I'm friendss with Candy Apple, Caramel Apple, Cheese Sslice, and Autumn Fire." He thought for a second, not wanting to leave any creature out. "And Miss Flurry Heart, Luster Dawn, and Miss Fluttershy."

Silver Wright seemed pleased with his answer. "The Apples are certainly an up-and-coming family, with widespread influence, worthy of having friendly relationships with, despite their meager cash flow. Nopony can complain about Princess Flurry Heart, Fluttershy, or Princess Twilight's personal student; those are all fortuitous connections to make. The Pie foal is not on the same level, but even though Miss Pie lives humbly, she is rather rich thanks to her husband's factory. That makes him at least worth the time of day. That other one...Autumn Fire, was it? I am not familiar with him or her."

"He's a kirin," Silver Spoon explained. 

"He'ss got a crussh on Candy," Sisstet supplied. 

Silver Wright frowned slightly. "Schoolyard crushes rarely bear fruit, as my daughter can no doubt attest to. Still, I suppose one weaker connection is not the end of the world. We all need to show we aren't above associating with the common folk. Perhaps the young kirin's friendships will lead to some success down the road, and unlikely as it is, maybe the infatuation will withstand puberty and time and be reciprocated, which would instantly increase his prospects. The Apple filly does seem to have an affinity to fire, or so I heard. It is within the realm of possibility that affinity will carry over to her love life."

"I'm not comfortable with you discussing my students in this manner. Nocreature is better than another," Silver Spoon said through gritted teeth. "And Sisstet can be friends with who he wants."

"Of course he can, dear," Silver Sheet said soothingly. 

"We are merely ascertaining what benefits his current friendships may net him in the future," Silver Wright said in clarification. "He may associate with whoever he wishes, but we are happy to hear he has many associations which could return long-term dividends. We have misjudged the benefits of certain friendships before and don't wish to make that error again. If we could go back and do it over once more, we would have pushed for you to strengthen your friendships with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Hindsight makes us all look foolish. He is welcome to take chances on the riskier stock. Little is lost in this case, and it could turn out to be profitable."

"Not every relationship needs to be viewed through the lens of a business transaction," Silver Spoon hissed.

"Of course they do, dear," Silver Wright chastised. "Every relationship comes with a cost and potential set of benefits which must be weighed. Even the simple turnip farmer must decide if associating with their neighbor is worth their trouble. Another example is marriage. Marriage is at its heart a business transaction. It is a joining of assets and a merger of goals. If it weren't a business transaction, we would have no need for it since nothing is stopping you from bedding whoever you wish."

Sisstet had been listening and was confused. "Do you not love each other?"

The two possible grandparents looked at one another as if asking the other to give an answer. 

Silver Sheet suddenly came down with whatever her husband had and needed to clear her throat before speaking. "My husband and I are the best of friends and closest of confidants. I trust him absolutely, and I know he does the same for me. If Wright were to expire, I would be quite distraught for a considerable amount of time."

"As I would for Sheet. I would be inconsolable for a lengthy period, I'm sure," Silver Wright added in. 

Silver Sheet nodded. "And we both do love our daughter unconditionally...even if she does not always believe we do."

Silver Spoon snorted, affirming that the last part was genuine. 

Her mother gave her a half-frown before continuing. "However, our relationship was built on a different foundation than Spoon and Twist's. We have no desire for that kind of physical intimacy from one another. We also came into our marriage knowing it would advance each of our business goals and influence. You can only be partners in everything and so deeply invested in the same mutual goals for so long before a certain...I guess the wording is emotional dependence… begins to take hold."

"Sharing the same moments of triumph and despair, sharing the same joys and sadness, there is no way you cannot begin to invest yourself in the other," Silver Wright quietly added. "Yes, we love one another, but love like one might feel for a sibling, parent, or an offspring, and that love came well after the wedding vows were said. I think it is despicable bigotry that our marital relationship is put on a lower pedestal by the general public than those born of blind sentimentality."

"You always try to say there's nothing wrong with doing things your way, but then find ways to insult those who are different than you," Silver Spoon practically sneered. 

"Roads run two ways, my dear," Silver Sheet muttered. 

"Sssso, do you love me?" Sisstet asked, voice breaking. 

The two older ponies looked at one another again like the other was supposed to answer. 

"We...that is to say…."

"It is difficult to speculate…."

Sisstet might not be as old as these ponies and might be just a kid, but he could tell when somecreature was trying to avoid answering, and he could tell what avoiding answering meant. His breathing got ragged, and he didn't want to be touched. He didn't even want to be seen. Without saying a word, he left the cushion and fled the room as fast as his coils could take him.