//------------------------------// // Sonata No. 2 - 2nd Movement: Fuga // Story: Le Prince et le Menteur // by CrackedInkWell //------------------------------// It’s almost frightening how fast his cousin was able to get from the frozen north to Canterlot when she believes there’s an emergency. No sooner had he woken up that he had received a telegram from Cadence that she was on her way. Two hours later, she was at the palace gates.  Blueblood never expected that she would arrive so soon. He thought that she might have taken at least until the next day if she was in a hurry. Yet there she was, panting with her wings drooped to the floor. Even her coat was drenched in sweat - which meant that Cadance had flown to Canterlot as fast as her wings could carry. She nearly collapsed in exhaustion when she finally made it to the castle.  Of course, he let her recover first - to have her catch her breath and to rest her sore wings on pillows. Water and ice packs were brought in too to keep her hydrated and to relieve her cramping wings. Yes, the prince had good enough sense to make sure that Cadance was taken care of first before he expressed how absurd her actions were. “I can’t tell which is more shocking, that you came here alone, or that you flew from the Crystal Empire.” Blueblood scolded. “Didn’t you think about coming here in say… a train or a hot air balloon? But what you did was completely irresponsible, not to mention dangerous as you came here without any guards accompanying you.” Cadence downed the entire picture of ice water before she responded. “You needed my help.” “Yes, but not to the point where you have to fly a marathon. Only trained pegasi could pull that off like the Wonderbolts. And you are not an athlete. You could have flown to exhaustion over the Crystal Mountains for Celestia’s sake and probably freeze up there where no one would notice you’re there.” “I know.” She said sternly. “Bluey, I appreciate you being concerned over me. I really do. But right now, we have bigger priorities to worry about.” “But you-” “Blueblood,” she interrupted, “Love is my domain. I would betray my duties if I didn’t rush over when you and your coltfriend need me most.” “Well, technically he isn’t my…” Blueblood let out a frustrated sigh. “However, I see your point. I’m the one that does need your assistance now more than ever.” “Yes, so let’s get down to business.” Cadence brought her hooves together, “So would you explain to me in detail what has been going on? All I know is that Langue… that is his name, isn’t it?” He nodded. “Alright, so since you briefly mentioned in the dream that you need my help, I would like to know what the situation is fully so I can give you some proper advice.” Rubbing his head, Blueblood sat on his hunches. “I don’t get what I’m doing wrong. I have followed your advice to the letter, and for a while - things were going great. I can’t begin to describe how much of a relief it is to just be myself around him. To experience the joys of the simpler things in life that I never considered before. I started to open up to him, more than any other pony, and he did the same. These past three months were going splendidly until out of nowhere… Langue wasn’t feeling like himself.” “And you don’t know why?”  “That’s the thing,” he shook his head, “last night I did find out. And it’s because he had a past where his relationships for one reason or another just… go away. Cadence, I think he’s scared that I would someday leave him. That he feels insecure if this is ever going to work out. That, and it doesn’t help much when Luna points something out that I never noticed before.” “What’s that?” “Well… This is a little embarrassing to say, but despite all the dates, and those times we cuddled or whisper sweet nothings… neither of us has really called the other coltfriend. Or even said ‘I love you.’ Which makes me wonder… am I doing something wrong? As much as I shower him in affection, is he not feeling… loved?” “Oof,” Cadence's head fell back on the chaise lounge chair. “I’m not going to lie to you, that alone is a tall order.” “Why?” “For one,” she lifted a hoof, “I don’t think it’s something you’re doing wrong per-se, but I do think it would be more on Langue’s side. Because it sounds to me that he has some unresolved anxieties from what he experienced in the past. Tell me, has he been experiencing trouble receiving intimacy from you?” “Well…” Blueblood blinked, “Yes at first. I mean he wasn’t used to it when I did it but lately I think he was getting used to it.” “Okay.” She nodded, “So when you say he’s been acting differently? You said that he didn’t seem like himself, so would you elaborate on that?” “He just seems… distant. Langue lately hasn’t talked that much or isn’t as enthusiastic or charismatic as he was weeks ago. If anything, last night was the first time I’ve ever seen him cry. I don’t know if it’s depression or anxiety or what. But I feel like I should do something but I have no idea what.” Cadence hummed in thought, “Bluey, have you considered that Langue might have a fear of intimacy?” “What does that mean?” “Well… I’m not sure about this. But from what you’ve described, I wonder if Langue might be afraid of getting too close to you because he might hurt you or you hurt him.” To Blueblood, it almost sounded completely absurd. Yet, before he could object, he remembered what Langue said in the past. Of how he had romantic relationships that didn’t last long, and that he left Prance because of this discovery in his sexuality. While there was some part of him that made him doubt… it did sound plausible. Taking a deep breath, he said, “Let us suppose that there is a grain of truth in what you’re saying. Let’s say that Langue does want to get close but he’s afraid to. Now, supposing any of what you said is remotely true - what in Equestria do I do about it?” Humming in thought, Cadence took a minute or two to choose her next words carefully. “Bluey, when you were a colt, were you ever afraid of the dark?” Blueblood blinked, “What does that got to do with anything?” “There’s a reason why I’m bringing this up, so were you?” “I uh… Well, I would be lying to say I wasn’t. It took me a long time until I didn’t need the nightlight in my room.” “Do you also remember when Celestia found out you were afraid of the dark? Because I remember how she treated your fear of it.” “.... I can’t remember.” “As I recalled, your parents were thoroughly annoyed that you went to sleep with a light in your room, despite being… I want to say… eleven or twelve years old. But Celestia intervened and came in where she did something that caught everyone off guard. She didn’t belittle you for having that fear. Nor did she think it was nonsensical for having an irrational fear that something was in there with you in the dark. She came around with understanding and that even she gets worried about what might be in places she couldn’t see. Celestia knew that criticizing what you were afraid of as doing so wouldn’t do anything. She basically told you that it’s normal to be worried as she and so many other ponies share that same fear. “What I took away from that is that it’s always better to understand others' fears, to learn where they came from. In the case of Langue, I bet his fear has a history where when he tries to get too close, someone gets hurt in some way. Where he learned how to take the lead in relationships where he could woo someone but never expected anything back. Probably was taught to be independent and brave where whatever emotions or feelings should be kept hidden. If he grew up like that, is it any wonder why he turned out the way he did? I may be speculating here, but do you get what I’m saying?” “In other words, don’t brush his concerns off, and his worry is normal. But what am I to do with that?” “If I were you, I’d say you need to be patient with him. Be open to whatever affections he’s comfortable with, but don’t expect him to overcome his fears in one go. Such things may take time. That, and it also is helpful for both of you to relax. I know you want him to change, but you cannot - and I can’t stress this enough - ever force him to change when he’s not ready to do so. Because we tend to forget that while change is necessary, it’s often painful when others want it done in a hurry. What I recommend for you, Bluey, is to look at the things that Langue finds relaxing, and when you’re both calmed and level-headed; then you talk about his fears. But the key is when you bring it up, don’t be hysterical or defensive. And it may take him a while to open up, to go into detail about all the ways he’s afraid of losing you. The trick isn’t to dictate what he should think or feel, but to see fully where he’s coming from.” “And what would this accomplish?” “With any luck, when Langue feels he’s been heard, and you guarantee you won’t take advantage of his vulnerability, only then will you two become closer than ever.” Although Langue could easily say that how he and Blueblood dated were probably more laidback than most couples, even he thought this was a bit… unorthodox. At least, not by any extreme means but considering that a couple of days after his encounter with Fleur, Blueblood’s choice of activity did raise an eyebrow. When he let Fleur know where they were going that following Friday night, even she didn’t expect it.  Once they had gotten through with their work, Blueblood spirited Langue away towards the one place in Canterlot he didn’t think he would go. They were carried away towards a certain part of the city where buildings were old and crumbling. Some of them look as if they could topple over by a gust of wind. Langue asked the prince several times if he was sure this is where they needed to be. Yet, Blueblood insisted that he knew the way. Turning down an abandoned alley where the grim and forgotten trash paved the way, the prince suddenly stopped. “Here we are,” he waved a hoof, “the most relaxing place in Canterlot.” Langue eyed their destination with suspicion. They stood before a three-floor warehouse with darkened, broken windows made out of filthy gray brick and a door that was labeled clearly with the word: “Condemned.” “Your idea of relaxation is to be at an abandoned, near-to-collapse warehouse?” Langue questioned. “The outside appearance is merely a disguise. I admit the facade is rather… off-putting, but the inside is something to behold.” Blueblood went up to the door where he knocked on it oddly. Knock. Knock-knock. Scrape, Knock… scrape, scrape, knock. Then standing back, a small slit in the door was pulled open. Just barely big enough for somepony to see through. “Password?” “Seaweed,” Blueblood said confidently. The slit in the door closed, and the two stallions heard a series of locks that clicked, klacked, and shifted. Langue began to wonder if Blueblood took him to someplace illegal such as a drug den or a fight club - both completely the opposite of relaxed. However, when the door swung open, they were greeted by a mare in a white robe.  “Welcome back, Prince Blueblood.” She said, stepping aside to let them in. “It’s been a while since we last saw you. Welcome.” Following behind the prince, Langue stepped through the doorway and into a place that was the exact opposite of the dirty facade. He saw a place that was clean, luxurious, warm, inviting, and tranquil. There were purple velvet curtains that draped over a wall that held a plaque that was etched in cursive writing: Welcome to Elite Equine Spa. Looking past a marble column he looked out to an open foyer that had a waterfall with tropical plants and flowers, scented candles that perfumed the air in lavender, oranges, rosemary, and peppermint. He saw too how they were looking down at other areas that had pools, massage tables, saunas, mud baths, and other treatments where ponies were in the middle of relaxing. Although, there weren’t that many that were doing so as most of them were keeping themselves busy in keeping the spa running. The employees - the ones in white robes - were going about changing towels, giving massages, or helping ponies in and out of certain treatments like full-body wraps. “So what shall it be for today?” the mare, who was a dark pink unicorn, inquired. “A dip in our mud baths? The sauna? A back massage perhaps?” “As much as I would love to have the full treatment, I’m afraid we don’t have all day. However, it would be lovely to be in the sauna for a while. Follow up with a dip in your hot baths, and then finish up with a full body massage. And he is with me.” He gestured over to Langue. “Very good. Let me get a few things prepared and I’ll bring you in. In the meantime, would you kindly wait? This would take a few minutes.” After thanking her, he and Langue waited by one of the lounges that looked towards the small waterfall.  “I’m quite curious, sire,” Langue began, “how did you know this place existed?” “Well, this is off the record, but my Auntie Celestia comes here from time to time. Usually, after something utterly stressful she wants to come to a place to be pampered for a while. She later told me about it after I turned eighteen as a sort of birthday present. I thought of it as odd back then but I ended up becoming a regular here.” “Who comes here?” “Only the more elite of Canterlot. It’s almost a secret club without being one. A sort of trade secret among the upper ranks that just want to get away for a while to relax in its pools or melt in a sauna. They have other treatments here as well, of course, but I figured that you would prefer something more… simple.” Langue raised an eyebrow, looking back over to the spa. “So you took me all the way out here to have a dip in a hot tub? S'il vous plaît excusez-moi, (Please excuse me,) but why not go to your hot springs instead?” “And miss out on the sauna and a back massage where you too wouldn’t experience it? I wouldn’t miss it for the world. What kind of coltfriend would I be if I did so?” “.... Oui…” Langue looked away, feeling his cheeks warming up. He took this moment to scan the ponies that were out and about in the spa. Hoping to see a particular face among all those who are relaxing in the pools or walking about.  For Blueblood, however, that hesitant reply was worrisome; though he didn’t show it. That melancholic answer was concerning, but it was all the more reason that they should be here. He reminded himself of what Cadance had said, that he just needs to be patient with Langue. Have him be in a relaxing environment where he doesn’t have to be afraid to be around him. Soon enough, one of the staff came up to them to say they were ready. Down a sloping plain on purple carpets, they walked past treatments where ponies were being pampered from the mundane to the bizarre. Langue looked on as he saw some were having their faces be covered in a lime-green paste to others dipping their hooves into pools where small fish nibbled at them. Some lay in wraps of seaweed to those who hop between icy and boiling water and back.  There were areas where it had pockets of rooms that had some kind of theme. In one room, all the walls were waterfalls that splashed around a pool where there was an island in the center with a massage table. In another room, it was lit entirely in burning candles that smelled heavily of every herb and flower Langue could name. There was another room where the only thing there were large metal tubes that he explained were sensory deprivation tanks where ponies would be floating inside a darkened tube without any light or sound.  But for the room they stopped had a glass door that was fogged up in steam. Next to it was a shower room which, they were told, that before they could come in, they would need to take a cold shower, then take a drink of water before going inside. However, before either of them could go in to go wash, Langue spotted a familiar face by one of the pools. “Would you please excuse me, Prince Blueblood, I would like to use the toilet before joining you,” Blueblood told him to hurry so that he may join him before going into the shower room. Langue walked over to the pool where he spotted Fleur, her back resting in a corner. “Suis-je heureux de vous voir ici. (Am I glad to see you here.)” Fleur flipped around and looked up. “Alors, comment est la date? (So, how is your date?)” “Nous venons de commencer. Et une question de suivi, comment saviez-vous que nous serions ici? Je ne savais pas que cet endroit existait jusqu'à il y a quelques minutes. (We just got started. And a follow-up question, how did you know we were here? I didn’t know this place existed until a few minutes ago.)” “Il ne faut pas un détective pour savoir que votre petit ami préfère le meilleur en tout, y compris le spa. En plus, j'ai pensé que tu serais ici parce que j'ai souvent vu le prince venir ici. (It doesn’t take a detective to know that your coltfriend prefers the best in everything - including the spa. Besides, I figured you would be here because I have seen the prince come here often.)” “Darling, who are you talking to?” Langue saw a mare that swam up to them. She was a white unicorn mare who had on a dark purple swimming cap over her head - no doubt to protect her mane.  “Rarity, remembered when I talked about my ex?” Fleur asked and she nodded. “Rarity, this is Langue. Langue, this is Rarity.” “Oh?” Rarity swam up to the edge of the pool, her eyes hardening at the sight of him. “So you are the brute that broke my flower’s heart.” “Well hello to you too.” Langue deadpanned, turning back to his ex. “Listen, Fleur, I need your help now more than ever. I’ve got to convince him to break up with me without breaking his heart. Please tell me if you have any ideas.” “Wait,” Rarity asked, “she said that you are dating an ex of mine, but she never said who. So who is the pony you’re trying to break up with?” “He’s…” Langue was about to answer but he saw Blueblood walking out of the shower room with; a towel over his neck. “Over there.” He pointed. Rarity followed the direction of his hoof and saw the stallion that opened the glass door, letting some steam out before going inside. Her jaw dropped. “You can’t be serious! You’re dating Blueblood?!” “For over three months? Oui. I noticed.” Langue said flatly. “Look, could either of you give me anything at all so I could get him to break up with me.” Blinking, Rarity took hold of Fleur’s hoof, “Would you please excuse us for a moment?” Pulling her aside out of earshot of Langue, Rarity whispered, “Blueblood! Seriously?” Fleur nodded, “That our exes are dating each other, oui. Now hear me out before you say anything. I understand your grudge against someone like Blueblood - between you and me, what he did at the gala all those years ago was despicable - no way arguing that.” “You think?” “Ah! However…” She leaned on her conspiratorially. “With your knowledge of your ex, I think there's an opportunity for us to get some… entertainment.” “How?” “Well, Monsieur I-swear-I’m-not-in-the-closet here is trying to get out of the relationship because he’s afraid he does have feelings for him. But suppose we… ‘help’ him out a bit? Instead of advising things that would drive them apart, why not have them get closer?’ Looking between her marefriend and Langue, Rarity replied, “Normally I wouldn’t get involved with such a scheme. Such a prank would be unseemly for a lady like myself…” “But…?” “.... When you mention it’s Blueblood he’s dating, all I can say is… how can I assist?” Langue watched on as the two mares whispered back and forth. He couldn’t quite make out what they were saying, yet they were looking at him a lot. Finally, they swam back to him. “You monsieur are in luck,” Fleur said, putting a hoof on the tile of the pool’s edge. “My marefriend just so happens to have dated your prince before, so knows a thing or two of how she could have your relationship end.” “You do?” He looked at Rarity. “Oh yes, it was horrible.” Rarity raised a dramatic hoof out of the water. “Frankly I found him to be a royal pain because of how he was.” “Yet, you have some idea of how to get him to break up with me?” She nodded, “Indeed I do. For example, I often noticed that whenever he opens his mouth, he tends to talk endlessly about himself. So perhaps, what you need to do is when you two get to talk, make sure you leave no room in the discussion. Talk over him, don’t give him a moment to speak, and I assure you it should annoy him enough to not be around you anymore.” Langue smiled, “That should be easy enough. Just let me do all the talking.” With an air of confidence, he turned towards the steam room with a “Wish me luck,” to the ladies. So confident was he that he didn’t notice the sound of giggling as he left. After a quick cold shower and a drink of water, he went towards the glass door that was completely fogged up. Upon swinging open the glass door, he was blinded by clouds of steam that billowed and swirled in his face. Stepping through the hot, muggy, thick air was almost suffocating to breathe in. Partly because of the steam itself, and partly from the smell of it. Not from the musky sweat, although it was there too, in the air there were other things that were cooking as well. A scent of tea leaves, mint, rosemary, lavender, and sage drifted and floated past his nose as if he was inside of a cooking pot. Yet, after a while, he was able to see in the steam somewhat. The room was covered in brightly colored tiles of turquoise blue and white, all set in Saddle Arabian designs and geometric shapes. He could barely see outlines and shadows of other ponies inside this overly humid room, as well as the chatter that echoed off the walls.  Almost blind, he stepped through the steam. Looking through the outlines to see if he could find the prince. He found him near the back. His back was against the tiled wall and his lap was covered with a towel. As he got close, he could see that in the light, his white coat was glossed in a sheen of sweat. His golden mane was tied back so that nothing was abstracting his vision.  “There you are,” Blueblood said, patting an empty spot with his hoof. “I was beginning to wonder if you got lost.” Langue sat down across from him, reaching to his forehead to feel it being damp. “Il fait si chaud ici. (It’s so hot in here.)” He remarked, wiping the sweat that was already forming. “How can you breathe in here? It’s so humid that I could barely see anything.” “You’re not used to it?” “I’ve never been in a sauna before, and already I feel like I’m being cooked. Why would anyone come in here?” “It’s meant to make you sweat out.” “Oui, I can see that,” Langue wiped his brow again, “But why?” “Well among other things, it’s good for your coat, improves metabolism, blood circulation, immune function and reduces stress. Just be patient, I promise you’ll feel better from this.” As it was too hot to think, Langue leaned back against the walled tile where, mercifully, he found it cool to the touch. A nice contrast compared to the steamy air. Every pour from the top of his head to his hooves bleed dripping sweat that it was pointless to wipe it away. On some level, there was something disgusting about sitting in one’s sweat while being next to someone that’s doing the same thing. Then again, he was sweating so much that it was the only thing that kept him cool enough - but only just. Even the smell of the herbs helped balance out the earthy, musky scent into something on the one hoof calming and the other… distinctively masculine. “How have you been lately?” “Hh?” Langue looked up at Blueblood. “I mean, are you alright?” “Oui, of course, I am.” Blueblood raised an eyebrow. “That’s not what I meant.” “Pardon?” Langue tilted his head, “I thought you asked me how I am.” “I did. But I meant how you are in general.” “I’m fine.” “Really? Then how come you haven’t looked at me in the why when you said that?” Now Langue was confused, “Is this a test I’m not aware of?” “No tests, but it’s just something I’ve noticed. It’s like you wanted to share something with me but you’re too afraid to tell me.” “...” “Langue?” “Nothing’s wrong with me.” “I’m not saying that anything is. But, truthfully, I’ve been concerned about you.” “Why?” “What you said a few nights ago. About you afraid of losing me.” “It’s nothing serious.” Blueblood frowned, “You know, if you’re going to lie to me you’ll have to do better than that.” Now, this remark took Langue completely off guard. “Q-Quoi? (W-What?)” Taking a deep breath, Blueblood said, “Listen, Langue, I meant what I said that I wasn’t going to judge you. It’s just when you said that your past relationships from family to romantic ended up in disaster, I want to hear more of it.” “What are you, my therapist?” “Maybe not, but I have the strong impression that you want to have someone listen to you - and I don’t mean just to be heard - but to really be listened to. To have an ear that would be willing to study every syllable, every word of what you wanted to say.” “But why do you want to?” “Because you got me curious enough to make me want to know how you tick.” Blueblood scooted closer to him. “I’m listening.” Langue blinked. All his confidence about a sheer way to have Blueblood break up with him had evaporated in the steam. The advice his ex and her marefriend gave him seemed to be counterproductive at this point. What’s the point in talking your head off to be annoying when the prince bluntly told you that he wants you to do exactly that? Not only that, but Blueblood is asking him to bring up something that he doesn’t want to bring up in general. Yet, what was for him to do? Just be silent and hope he’ll forget the subject entirely? What’s to prevent the prince from bringing this up again and again and again? Would it be better to just rip the bandaid off now so it would be the end of it? Shifting away, partly to feel the cooler part of the wall and partly to give himself some space, he began. “Alright, but I must warn you, it’s not pretty.” “I have an aunt that came close to plunging the world into an eternal night - try me.” Wiping the sweat from his face, Langue began, “Remember, you asked for this.” Blueblood nodded. “Once upon a time, long before I met you, my parents and I got into a fierce argument. Before I was twenty years old, I met a mare from the town who I believed was the most beautiful in Bordeaux. However, given my social standing, my parents disapproved that I was dating - in their eyes - a peasant. But at the time I wanted to shake free from their overprotectiveness by doing something that would upset them. It worked. Maybe too well. “So words were exchanged, and it resulted in me being cut off from the family entirely. At the time I thought good riddance. But when I moved in with my then marefriend… Let’s say she may be beautiful, but she was unbearable to live with. A month later, she was so frustrated with how useless I was that she broke up with me. Now with me being on my own, I had no choice but to go to the big city in hopes I might rebuild my life from the ground up.” “You moved to Paris?” Langue nodded, “It wasn’t easy, let me tell you! But once I found a niche in an acting company that did Shakespur plays, suddenly things looked like they were going up. With a Lord acting on the stage, playing the more romantic parts as you can imagine, mares fell in love with me - left, right and center. However, as I started dating again… well…” He paused to choose his next words carefully. “As much as I can woo them, and how they swoon just by saying sweet nothings - nothing clicked for some reason. For a while, I thought it was what every stallion faced when dating mares. And I was good at giving love but… I never expected them to do the same back. So as you can imagine, the relationship would fall apart at most by the end of the month, or in a few days by the least. Then the cycle would begin anew.  “For a while, I was caught in an endless loop where I would try my best to show affection but… fell empty.” “You mean no one has ever loved you back?” “.... There were… a few, you included of course. But when that happens… I freeze. I find it so strange when someone, anyone says they liked me back because the first ones to tell me that was a lie. My first marefriend when she broke up with me told me to my face that I was not worth loving. It hurt, oui, but such an idea is what I’m used to.” “Do you think I would do that to you?” Langue looked away, “I didn’t say that yo-” “Look at me.” He did, but for a second. “But it’s nothing to be-” “Langue, look at me.” “I am.” “No, in the eye.” Langue pulled himself back, his hooves crossed but refused to look at the prince.  Blueblood moved closer. “I’m not going to yell, and I’m not going to punish you for something you didn’t do. I understand how uncomfortable this is, but I need you to be honest with me.” “But I a-” “Then say it to me, look me in the eye and answer me honestly.”  Hesitating, Langue who felt like a colt being scolded by a parent looked up and stared only at Blueblood’s sapphire eyes. “Do you really think I would do anything like what your past relationships have done?” Langue wanted to look away. Never in his life had he felt so exposed, and to be pinned down by someone that is doing nothing to them but stare at him - waiting for an answer. He didn’t want to say anything. And this time he knew that if he lied to the prince, a subtle facial twitch would have given everything away and would shatter Blueblood’s heart. He had no choice but to answer: “Oui.” In an act that was uncharacteristic of Blueblood, especially in a sweaty state in this balmy sauna as this, Langue bore witness to something that he didn’t think the Prince would ever do in something like this - he hugged him. Tightly. Not just hugged him but held him there as if he had gone through a shocking trauma. And Langue, who was enveloped in Blueblood’s hooves… had no idea what to do. Should he laugh? Cry? Hug back? Push him away? He wasn’t sure. For once, he told the prince the truth about himself (if partly that) and he was wrapped in unconditional acceptance. Langue thought he heard Blueblood say something but he wasn’t sure as the next several minutes were a blur. Gone from the humid sauna, into a cold shower to wash the sweat off, and then back into heat again as they were shown into a hot tub. However, if Langue was being honest, it was more of a glorified bath.  While most of him was submerged in the bubbly water that rolled over his back and up to the surface, he was bathed in floating orange peels and flowers, along with some other things that the spa staff poured in. Plus, the hot tub was much needed for him after sharing something so intimate with the prince who held onto him. His back against his withers, Langue could feel Blueblood’s heartbeat from his back. It was altogether weird but they never pulled away.  Come to think of it, ever since they stepped in the water, Blueblood didn’t say anything. He just held him close, petting his mane back like a housecat. Yet, Langue was very much aware of what he was trying to do - the prince was trying to have him be calm as much as possible. It almost reminded him of how his mother used to calm him down when he was little, that after a good cry, she would hold him like so and stroke his head. As strange as all of this was, it was comforting in a familiar way- whether Blueblood realizes it or not. As he sat there, Langue silently lamented how much all of this had gone wrong. He was supposed to get him to break up with him, and yet, the prince was closer to him than ever. Never had he felt more helpless and yet, even in this surrender, Blueblood was pampering him. Not out of petty per-se, but he could tell that the prince genuinely cares about him. In his thoughts, he was snapped out of them when he felt Blueblood nuzzling underneath his chin. And while the prince still hadn’t said anything, he was making it clear of what he was trying to convey. That even if Langue believed he didn’t deserve any of this, it’s not going to stop Blueblood from showing how much he means to him. Even when he had told an uncomfortable truth that most ponies would flee from - here the prince is making it absolutely, and unmistakably crystal clear that he won’t abandon him that easily. Then to add the cherry on top of all of this, Langue felt Blueblood kissing his neck and cheek. But these weren’t the lustful kind that Langue expected, but he peppered the underside of his chin, the side of his neck, and his cheeks as though he was kissing a bruise. Like he was trying to heal his pain in the most foalish way possible. And while countless adults would be mortified by it - Langue was not. As much as he didn’t want them - it was like receiving a gift when he needed it the most. That instead of wallowing in self-pity, here was someone who was peppering him in kisses as if to say, “It’s alright. You’ll be okay. I understand. I’m here for you.”  So much compassion and love that Blueblood was showing him. In ways that could be done with the poetry of Shakespur, with the convictions of a dedicated actor to say “I love you”... All without saying a single word. Once they dried themselves off, they were shown their last treatment for the day. It was in a small room where it resembled a greenhouse with a glass roof that let in the sunlight into a garden. It had tropical plants with small palms, bamboo, birds of paradise, even a waterfall that provided the only tranquil sound in the room. In the center of the room, there were two padded tables. Obviously meant for massages, complete with a tray that had some bottles of oils that were meant to rub somepony down with.  The staff member that showed them in told them to go ahead to lie down on the tables while they fetch the professional.  “If you don’t mind,” Blueblood said, “I want to recommend if we do this ourselves.” “Quoi? (What?)” This got Langue’s attention. “If it’s alright,” he asked with a half-smile and a blush, “I want to see it personally that you’re fully relaxed.” “.... You’re not going to use this opportunity to grope me, are you?” Blueblood huffed, “You know I have a higher standard than that.” After he dismissed the other staff member, he gestured over to one of the massage tables and instructed Langue to lay face down. Doing what he was told, Langue climbed up on the table to stick his face through the padded hole while remarking. “J'ai l'impression que c'est le début d'un clopfic. (I feel like this is the beginning of a clopfic.)” “What was that?” Blueblood asked. “Nothing.” Picking up one of the bottles, Blueblood uncorked it to pour a little bit of oil on his hooves. It felt warm to the touch so he went ahead to pour some of the contents on Langue’s back. Not a lot but just enough so that he could work with it. Setting the bottle down, Blueblood began from the top of his shoulders and slowly made circles around it. “You could press a little harder,” Langue remarked.  Doing so, Blueblood heard a murmur from underneath. Taking this as a good sign, he circled his hooves and moved them a little lower down his back and his sides.  Then when his hoof ran over the center of his back, Langue let out a sharp gasp. Withdrawing his hooves, the prince asked, “Are you alright?” “Oui, sorry you just found a sore spot.” He waved a hoof, “But keep going, it feels quite nice.” Blueblood’s hooves returned to the same spot, circling around and pressing down to hear Langue underneath him give sounds of relief. “If I knew you were this good.” He heard a Langue remark. “I probably had you do this to me a long time ago. You surprisingly have magic hooves.” Chuckling, Blueblood remarked. “Why Langue, if you want me to rub you down, you could have just asked.” He heard him moaning, “You wouldn’t have to hesitate, just give the word and I would have worked out all those nasty kinks that have been giving you this much stress.” “What? Even during work?” “For someone as flawless as you, anytime.” He rubbed even lower, Langue let out a happy groan, “I would stop to massage you anywhere you needed these hooves to be.” He stopped just above his flank but continued to rub in circles. “It would be a pleasure for me to feel all of you.” Langue was between mortified and… something else. “Wait, Your Highness, you’re not saying that-” “All you would have to do is say the word, and I would massage you anywhere.” With a smirk, Blueblood added, “And I don’t even have to use my hooves if you-” “D'ACCORD! (OKAY!)” Langue sat up, almost leaping off the table. His face is flustering red while crossing his hind legs. The prince blinked, “Too much?” “What do you think you’re doing?” “.... Flirting.” “I can see that,” Langue waved a hoof, “but this? Did you just ask, in a public space no less, that you wanted to…” Taking in a calming breath, he sat upright. “Yotre Majesté, (Your Majesty,) can I ask you something personal?” “Of course.” “I mean, very personal.” Blueblood tilted his head. “How personal is personal?” “Just… how you say… off the record personally.” Glancing over towards the only entrance in the room, he said quietly. “Blueblood… I need you to be honest with me when I ask this, and please, don’t be alarmed at how bluntly I have to ask this.” Taking in another deep breath, he asked. “Have you ever had sex with another pony before?” He watched Blueblood’s eyes go wide and his cheeks take on a pink tint. “Uh…” “I will take that as a no.” Another deep breath he added, “I’m asking this not to embarrass you, but to gauge in your… experience. Or… lack thereof. And you shouldn’t be ashamed of it either, I’m very much aware that you came out a few months ago so I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say you have… how do I put this… little knowledge in the etiquette of such things.” Blueblood blinked, “There’s an etiquette for that?” “Even we Prench know that you don’t just jump into bed with someone like you would a prostitute. There are rules, both known and unspoken where you make your intentions clear without giving the impression that you’re about to… force yourself on someone.” Gasping, Blueblood covered his mouth. “You didn’t think I was-” “You had your hooves on me, rubbing very close to my flank, and then asked if you could provide a happy ending.” “.... A what?” “And just like that, you proved my point.” “But I wasn’t trying to uh… molest you, I swear!” “I believe you. Yet when that was said in a place where somepony could walk in, and then have that pop out of nowhere… It's unbelievably uncomfortable. Like all things, there’s a time and a place for that sort of thing. Springing that up right here, right now, in this place seems inappropriate.” “.... So, do you want me to stop massaging you or…?” Sighing, Langue laid back down. “You can keep going, but do not go any further than my waistline.” Awkwardly, Blueblood resumed the back massage, going from the base of Langue’s spine to his shoulder blades. In the stillness, he continued to rub and feel over the muscle and bone, easing up the tension underneath his hooves. He kneaded and creased out the kinks until smoothed. Every so often, Langue would slip relieved moans over certain spots like right underneath his shoulders and on the side of his ribs. “I was concerned.” Blueblood finally said. “Again, you didn’t know what you were-” “Not that. I mean I have been concerned about you. With you not being quite yourself, of being so distant-minded and melancholic… Perhaps I may have unintentionally put you under a good deal of stress. It’s the reason I brought you here, so I could let you know that you could always relax around me.” “I thought I already was.” “Well, I was more implying that you could always rely on me. That if you needed an ear to listen to; or if you just wanted to be held while having a shoulder to cry on; or even tend to your body in whatever way you see fit. Do not be embarrassed to ask me what you want me to do.” Langue looked over his shoulder, “Being listened to and being held is one thing, but can you really see yourself doing this every other day?” “Why not? I know I haven’t praised your physicalities enough, but maybe I should have a little more often.” “Such as?” “For example,” Blueblood rubbed the middle of his back. “I adore how well balanced you are when it comes to your muscles. You’re not exactly a bodybuilder like how most of the palace guards are - but you don’t let yourself go either. I could probably compare you to a Michelangelo masterpiece, where strong legs, withers, and a face that was once made of smooth marble was given flesh. To feel you, even by something so common as a massage, is to be able to feel a hard-labored work of art.” “So I’m well sculpted, is that it?” Langue chuckled. “That, and I can’t bear to think that you would have a strained back, a sore hoof, or a stressed mind. It is why I’m offering to have you be relieved in any and every way you need. After all, what good is it to relax your mind if I can’t do the same with the body?” Langue looked away so that Blueblood couldn’t see the blush on his face. “But would you expect the same in return?” “It would be nice,” Blueblood said, kissing the back of his neck. “But right now, I want to be sure that you are taken care of. So be at ease, and let me take care of the rest.” Closing his eyes, Langue let Blueblood massage his back. In some ways, he didn’t want this to stop, but at the same time, he wasn’t so sure if he could break up with Blueblood. Given how much he clearly cared for him, even when he made it quite clear that he’s sure that the prince would leave him… it seems nothing is stopping the prince from loving him just the same - perhaps even more. On top of that, the advice from his ex has not only backfired, but he has a growing suspicion that Fleur isn’t trying to help break up - but reinforcing their relationship.  At the same time, he wondered… could it be possible to just pony up and tell the prince the truth? Of course, he still knew the enormous risk that would entail of breaking Blueblood’s heart in such a vicious way. For all he knew, at best - he could be sent into exile from Equestria altogether. At worst… Perhaps, the best way is in how he presents the truth. Underneath a mountain of sugar-coating… At the moment, he doesn’t quite know how to do it, nor is he inclined to say anything. For now… Blueblood was relieving a sore spot.