//------------------------------// // Flight camp // Story: Parenthood // by BubblePuff //------------------------------// The day that Nightwing had been waiting for had finally come. He was ten years old, which meant that he was now old enough to attend flight camp. Nightwing was so excited that he could barely sleep the night before.  Bon Bon knocked on Nightwing’s bedroom door. “Nightwing, are you all ready to go?” Bon Bon opened the door and was surprised to find Nightwing wide awake with all of his things already packed.  “You bet I am Mama Bon Bon!” Nightwing said with excitement. “Come on, the air bus will be here soon!” Nightwing grabbed his bag and rushed out of the door.  As Nightwing waited outside with Lyra and Bon Bon for the air bus, Lyra could not stop crying. “My little colt is growing up so fast! He is already stepping out into the world!”  Bon Bon rolled her eyes. “Lyra, Nightwing will only be away at flight camp for two weeks.”  Lyra continued to cry. “What will we do until then?”  “Well, we could finally have some adult time to ourselves.” Bon Bon said seductively as she traced her hoof across Lyra’s chest. This made Nightwing gag.  Soon the air bus arrived. The dirigible landed in front of the house and the door opened. Nightwing gave both Lyra and Bon Bon a big hug before grabbing his bag and boarding the bus. “Have fun sweetie! Don’t forget to write!” Lyra called out.  Nightwing found a seat on the air bus next to a griffin. “Excuse me, is this seat taken?” Nightwing asked.  “Not at all.” The griffin replied. He moved over and Nightwing sat next to him. The griffin then extended his talons towards Nightwing. “My name is Gill. What’s yours?”  Nightwing extended his hoof and shook Gill’s talons. “I’m Nightwing. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”  The air bus took off and headed for flight camp.  Gill looked at Nightwing’s hat. “I couldn’t help but notice your Wonderbolts hat. Are you a big fan?”  “You bet I am! I have been ever since I was a foal. I’ve been to their shows, I’ve met them in their locker room, and I live in the same town as Rainbow Dash! She’s the one who gave me this hat and Soarin even signed it for me.”  “You sure are fortunate.” Gill said. “I’ve always dreamed of meeting the Wonderbolts, and one day I hope to join them.”  “That’s also my dream.” Said Nightwing. “Maybe we’ll end up joining the Wonderbolts together.”  Nightwing and Gill continued talking with one another until the air bus arrived at flight camp. As Nightwing stepped off of the bus, he felt a little nervous. He had flown since he was a foal, but he had never stepped on a cloud before. As he took his first steps, Nightwing found the cloud to be quite supportive. It felt like he was walking on a mattress.  All of the campers lined up as soon as they got off of the bus. They were greeted by the head counselor, a pegasus with white hair and a red mane and tail named Cyclone.  “Hello campers!” Cyclone said with a big smile on his face. “Welcome to junior speedsters flight camp! Over the next two weeks you will all be learning how to fly, control the weather, and pull off aerial maneuvers. And remember, your main goal is to have fun!”  Gill raised his talons. “When do we get to meet the Wonderbolts?” He asked.  “Excellent question!” Cyclone replied. “The Wonderbolts will be here at the end of camp to personally award you as junior speedsters.”  A second pegasus walked up next to Cyclone. She had blue hair and a white mane and tail. “Hello campers! My name is Tornado Twist, and I’ll be serving as one of your councillors.” Tornado Twist then picked up a sheet of paper. “Every pony on this list is with me in bunk #1.” Tornado twist then read off the names. “Nightwing, Gilgamesh,...”  Nightwing and Gill were both excited that they were in the same bunk together. As soon as Tornado Twist was done reading off the list all of the campers in bunk #1 lined up behind her. She then led the way to the bunk. Once inside the bunk Nightwing and Gill both chose beds that were right next to each other.  Gill instantly began jumping up and down on the bed. “Oh boy! I can’t believe that we get to meet the Wonderbolts!”  “You’ll love meeting them.” Nightwing said. “Soarin is the best! He’s been my favorite ever since I was a foal.”  “I hope I get to meet Rainbow Dash.” Gill said. “She’s the coolest!”  After unpacking their things, Tornado Twist had the campers line up outside of the bunk. “Alright campers, it’s time for your first flying test.” Tornado Twist then pointed to a pole that was floating on a cloud in the distance. “This is a time trial. Simply fly over to the pole and back here as fast as you can.”  Nightwing was up first. After flapping his wings a few times to warm them up Nightwing took off for the pole. He flew as fast as he could, his heart pounding in his chest. Nightwing reached the pole and then flew back.  “35 seconds. Very good Nightwing!” Tornado Twist said. The other campers had their turns until it was Gill’s. He took off like a rocket, reaching the pole and coming back in no time. “30 seconds. That gives you the fastest time Gilgamesh! Nightwing, you have the 2nd best time.”  Nightwing walked over to Gill. “Congratulations! You were able to beat my time.”  “Thanks.” Gill replied. “What do you say we have a friendly little competition?”  “Go on.” Nightwing said with an intrigued look on his face.  “Whoever has the best score at the end of the day gets the loser's dessert at dinner.”  Nightwing smiled. “Deal.” He and Gill then shook on it.  Tornado Twist then led the campers to the next trial. Before them were a series of poles lined up in a row. “This campers is the solom trial. The goal is to fly in between the poles without touching them.” Tornado Twist explained. “Who wants to go first?”  Nightwing raised his hoof. “I do!”  Tornado Twist stepped aside and Nightwing took off. He flew fast yet carefully through the solom, making sure not to touch the poles. Nightwing finished the course and Tornado Twist applauded him. “Good job Nightwing! You finished the course without touching a single pole.”   The other campers took their turns. Some did better than others. After the final camper completed the solom, Tornado Twist announced the results. “Alright campers, the results are in. Nightwing comes in 1st without touching a single pole. Gilgamesh comes in 2nd, having touched one pole.”  Nightwing turned to Gill. “It looks like we are even.”  “Ah, but the day is still young.” Gill replied.  The campers competed in several more events, including flying through hoops and retrieving flags hidden in the clouds. Nightwing and Gill met up after competing in all of the events to tally up their scores.  “It appears that we are still tied at two wins apiece.” Nightwing said.  Gill placed his talons on Nightwing’s shoulder. “Tell you what. How about we split the dessert? I hear that we’re having cheesecake tonight.”  Nightwing smiled. “I’d like that.”  Over the next two weeks Nightwing had a great time at flight camp. He and the other campers played games, competed in various competitions, and much more. When the final day of camp rolled around Cyclone gathered up all of the campers for a big announcement.  “Alright campers, I have a big announcement for you all! Today there is going to be a big race involving all of you campers! And as a special bonus, the Wonderbolts will be giving out the medals to the top three winners of the race!”  All of the campers lined up on the starting line. Cyclone waved the starting flag and they all took off at full speed. Nightwing flapped his wings as hard and fast as he could. He was determined to win. The race course took the campers around the entire camp.  Soon Nightwing could see the finish line. He was filled with joy at the thought of winning. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye Nightwing could see Gill catching up to him. Nightwing tried to fly faster, but his body was at its limit. He could only watch as Gill flew past him and crossed the finish line.  Nightwing came in 2nd. After the race, Nightwing approached Gill and extended his hoof. “Congratulations on winning the race. You deserve it.”  Gill shook Nightwing’s hoof. “Thank you. You did a great job in the race as well. I’m glad that we both finished in the top 2.”  Nightwing and Gill both took their places on the podium. Rainbow Dash flew up to Gill and placed a gold medal around his neck. “Congratulations on winning the race. You showed some real grit out there.” Rainbow Dash said.  Gill’s eyes went wide with excitement. “Thank you so very much! I am a huge fan of yours Rainbow Dash! It is such an honor to meet you!”  Rainbow Dash smiled and ruffled the feathers on Gill’s head. “Keep up the hard work and one day you’ll be a Wonderbolt too.”  Soarin approached Nightwing and placed a silver medal around his neck. “I saw what you did with Gill after he won. You showed true sportsmanship out there.”  “Thank you.” Nightwing replied. “I’m just glad that my friend won.”  “That’s exactly the type of attitude that makes for a great Wonderbolt. Keep it up and you’ll be one in no time.”  Nightwing and Gill looked down at their medals. They were both happy that they had received such praise from their idols.  When Nightwing arrived home, he proudly showed off his silver medal and repeated to Lyra and Bon Bon what Soarin had said to him. Lyra and Bon Bon both hugged their son, whom they were very proud of.