//------------------------------// // "Some pony to Watch Over MP" // Story: Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 // by TDR //------------------------------// Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 5 by TDR "Some pony to Watch Over MP" [Ponyville,( Nontime fuckery) 3 days after the premier of Tiny Shop of Terror, at The Ball] Twilight flinched feeling the cold water wash over her form as she sank into the pond. It was still early summer and despite the comfortable heat, the pond was ice cold. Of course it only took her a moment to get used to it, it was the rest that she was steeling herself for. Twilight fought her own instincts and her bodies reaction to the water, opened her mouth and inhaled. She nearly choked of course, even expecting it, but after the first breath it became easier. “Don't breath so hard or you'll hyperventilate.” a voice advised. Opening her eyes, she saw Empress Aqua floating in the water before her. The massive sea pony god some how seeming much more impressive in her element. “Baby shark, doot doot da doot da doot.” Sonata sang as she swam behind them. “The pearl's power should be a complete change without out any trouble. It might be your own portfolios that are causing issues.” Aqua offered “ I don't think I've ever had another god willing to subject themselves to the power.” “It's a fascinating study.” Twilight spoke, jerking in surprise at how clear she sounded despite her lungs full of water. ”It's a sort of transformation magic one doesn't normally see. I mean how potent is the artifact to not have a limit of how many it can transform?” “Well it did change an entire kingdom's worth of hippogryphs into part sea pony.” Aqua explained. ”I expect Queen Nova will wish to return home now that the Storm King is dealt with, though she's currently reluctant given no one can find him.” “Daddy shark, doot doot da doot da doot.” Discord sang as he swam behind them dressed in a sailor suit with a cap and no pants. Twilight turned her head to intentionally miss the glare the sea goddess leveled at her, and to look over those who had joined her. Fluttershy was flitting all over the place talking to any fish or animal she saw. The pegasus pony seeming to have no issue with the transformation from her normal form to a sleek gossamer finned sea pony. Despite that, Twilight noticed that her friends teeth were more like a sharks and she had a few sharper more dangerous looking fins on her form. Big Mac floated nearby, his massive form much sturdier and more serpentine than even Fluttershy's. He seemed to be having a bit of issue with not feeling ground under his hooves as he spun slightly in a circle. Rainbow Dash and Prince both were all over the place, a blur of movement as they both seemed to take to the new experience like they had done this before. Granted with some of the things the two got up to, they might have. Aria and Sonata were there as well, though they were massive serpents that towered over even their mother. Twilight had seen them like this already so was not surprised, though she had been surprised when Sonata had pointed out their mom wouldn't even fit in the pond if she went full size, let alone Ponyville. Tempest had also insisted on coming. Twilight had not been sure why until Seshat had pointed out to her that the mare was doing everything she could to stay close to and try to protect her last chance to get her horn fixed. Also that Twilight was the Sparkle she was least worried about eating her. Tempest was a rough looking sea pony, she had no gossamer fins and had a set that seemed to be strong and dense for propelling her around with great speed. She also had a face that was 50% tentacle, something she was freaking out over. Sunset had tagged along due to boredom, as there was some stealth nonsense going on at the farm she wanted no part of. Like Tempest she had a face full of tentacles and was currently talking with Sonata about having seen enough hentai. Pinkie Pie was.... an earth pony in a scuba suit. Aqua had stared at her in confusion, then given up immediately in trying to figure it out. Spike had tagged along as well given Applebloom had some task or another to do that would take up most of the day. Sweetiebelle was with her parents, and Scootaloo and Firefly were out together and Spike didn't want to be a third wheel. Granted he hadn't stopped complaining. And right now was a squat looking purple, green, and blue puffer fish that seemed completely pissed off at the world. “Every freaking transformation I've ever had has been bullshit. Is there a 'Pick on Spike' clause when it comes to transformation spells? Two dogs and now a Spiky beach ball. Seriously?” Spike griped.” Where's Rahs, I know he's gonna have something cool because he always does.” “I think he's behind you.”Fluttershy offered. “Pyro shark, doot doot da doot da doot.” Sunset sang as she swam behind them. Turning with a wobble Spike looked behind him and was greeted to a mouthful of teeth twice the size of his new body. With a yelp, the former dragon inflated into a ball of spikes and started drifting, tumbling over himself in the currents, cursing up a storm. Behind him was a massive navy blue shark, the figure even bigger than Big Mac. The tip of his fins and the end of his tail between the crescent fins each had a ball of soft light that glowed rather brightly under the water. “Yep. His bullshit drama powers are in full effect.” Twilight sighed. “Pinkie shark, doot doot da doot da doot.” Pinkie Pie some how sang though her air mask as she swam behind them. “Oh shit he's adorable!!” A voice cried and suddenly Rahs the shark was engulfed in a massive purple serpentine form and crushed in a hug. Every one stared as Aria squeezed the blue shark in a death grip like he was a stuffed animal. “HEY!” Sunset snapped! “ MINE!” Aria blinked lifting her head from where she was rubbing her nose to the 'cute' shark Rahs and noticed everyone staring at her. “Ehh, fuck it.” She stated and continued to baby the massive shark. "Help meeeeee...." “What?” Twilight questioned. “Aria really likes sharks. She thinks they're adorable, always has.” Sonata offered. “You should have seen the theaters reaction when she was cheering for the shark in Jaws. Left the theater crying at the end though.” “Really?” Aqua questioned. “Yup. Of course she also has a thing for Rahs she was doing her damnedest not to say, but I guess that's over now.” Sonata shrugged. “Really?!” Discord added. “ Be right back.” “Indeed, I will return in a moment as well.” Aqua offered as the pair vanished. Celestia and Luna sat at the table with Cadence in the 'Love Lab', still under the castle, having tea. The pink mare was currently going over the massive cork board that took up one wall with her shipping charts tallying points for which of the girls had managed to get ahead. The reveal of Jynx being a goddess had elevated her quite high, though the team up of Sunset and Saturnia might be enough to surpass it depending on what Applejack ultimately decided in regards to Jynx's offer. Luna was mad that Trixie was falling behind in points. The discussion ended as a flood of water poured from cracks in the ceiling to land with a sploosh on the floor before forming into a tall sea pony goddess. “Aqua?” Celestia frowned.” What's going on?” “Put me down for Aria getting Rahs.” Aqua smiled, tossing a bag of bits onto the table. “WHAT!?!” Cadence snapped, though the Sea Pony goddess turned back into water and flowed back out of the room without answering. “Well.... that was unexpected.” Celestia offered. There was a boom of thunder and Discord appeared standing next to the table. He dropped a brown pony with a red mane and tail on the table with a crash sending the tea set flying. “A hundred grand on Aria!!” Discord cried before vanishing with a sound like some one stepping on a grape. Celestia and Luna looked at the pony on the table. “A Hundred Grand?” Celestia asked. “Errr, my name, Princess.....” The stallion muttered. “Banker?” Luna asked. “Err no. I make candy bars.” the stallion offered. “GRAPGHARKALGRAB!!” Cadence frothed, shredding the board with Rahs' information on it, gnashing a chunk of the cork board in her teeth. [Several hours later] “I DEMAND JUSTICE!” “Justice was done, yer just bitchin cause it wasn't in yer favor.” “That was in no way justice!!” “Yer friend tried tah eat mai little sister and got what was coming to her.” “How was ANY OF THAT what was coming to her!?” Aqua rubbed a fin against her temple. When Martle had shown up and demanded justice from the council, or at least the one present and easy to reach. Aqua had thought it was a territory dispute, or some skilled pony had taken out a hydra and Martle was throwing a tantrum that one of his own had been killed. Again. Then Applejack had shown up and the issue became clearer. The one Martle was bitching about was a Chimera, rather than on of the mindless beasts under his portfolio. Aqua felt a bit of sympathy at that, as Martle was quite protective of the rare magic beasts that had an IQ higher than a turnip. When it was first brought up Aqua had thought it was Applejack that had killed the chimera, likely as a witch wolf. That was a can of worms she had not wanted to open as Applejack's existence, while known had not been brought up in a meeting yet, and there would be quite a few who would call for her head, particularly if Martle started the vote. The god of beasts and monsters was usually very neutral in his dealings with any one, and fairly agreeable, and if he wanted Applejack destroyed, it would be a hard fight to convince otherwise. Then the information came to light the Chimera was not dead. The snake, goat, and tiger, not only their heads and part of their bodies, but three separate individuals, were all heavily chard, mostly teal, and babbling incoherently at being split apart into three separate animals. Aqua turned to the last member of the group, one who was quite annoyed at the whole thing. “Ah dun wanna hear it, yah were gonna eat me and tha pies ah was delivering. As it was, they was almost late causea you.” Applebloom snapped at the babbling beasts. “And that potion'll wear off in a couple hours, so quit yer bitchin.”