//------------------------------// // The Universal Ranger Tournament // Story: Friends Forever, Heroes Together // by TheSuperTransformerFan //------------------------------// The next day had arrived, as the sun shone brightly into the sky, as light seeped through the building, right into everyone’s eyes. Twilight was the first to wake up, as she felt very refreshed. She made to get up, only to find her arms and legs felt pinned to the ground. Blinking the drowsiness out her eyes, she came upon the most curious sight of the base glowing dimly as she woke up. Finally, her legs were able to move as well as her arms, as if they were off a steamroller. She then saw her new friends already awake, and smiling. "Well, what a way to celebrate your first day with new friends." She said with a small hopeful smile. "It is nice to actually have a pony friend for the first time." Sakura said, as she smiled back. "Well, I'm glad to be your friend, as of now." She said while pulling herself up, careful not to overdo it. “A little water?” Kero asked, as he handed her a glass of water. Twilight nodded, as she took a sip. The mare couldn't help but think about how she lost everything the previous day, and how she might have to start all over again. However, little did she know...she wouldn’t start over again. Now, you would be right in thinking this is how the story would end. But, actually...it’s how it begins. Twilight smiled, and was about to compliment her new friend, when suddenly, a golden ticket appeared out of thin air. Her friends all rushed over to see the ticket. “That’s odd,” She said curiously. “I’ve never gotten mail like that before.” “Well don’t just stand there, Twi,” Mikey said. “You can tear that sucker open!” Twilight took the ticket and read it. She wasn’t sure what this meant for her OR her friends! Suddenly, all of them were enveloped in blue light and teleported to a game-like planet called Nemesis. And they weren’t the only ones teleported there. So many other beams of light were sent there as well! It was an impressive light show. However, everything would be explained once they arrived, and when they did, they were still together when they found themselves in an assembly-like room. “Forced teleport." Ash said in awe, as he looked around. He even saw various other sorts of heroes entering as well, and from the looks of it...it was almost as if there was a huge event happening, and there would be. “Looks like it's some kind of opening ceremony.” “I'm not surprised there is one after all someone did to teleport us here.” Mikey said. It quickly became packed with little room to move. All different types of flashy colors, shiny weapons, brash armor, and flashy hair and hairstyles were around them. None of the players looked ugly either, as exotic and beautiful skin tones and bone structures were chosen for their forms. The scene made up one shimmering and shifting rainbow of people. Everyone was packed into the square. Some even got anxious about why they were here as well. At that moment, someone’s piercing scream silenced the entire area. "Hey... look up!" Twilight looked up to see the stage, which there was actually a microphone. At that moment, a girl in a Cyan kimono with a golden staff arrived, and smiled. “Welcome to planet Nemesis!” She boldly announced. “I’m Rita. In the protector of the Universal Connect...creating a miracle every 500 years the multiverse aligns.” "Here we go," Ash chuckled. "We get to have some fun. I wonder what exactly we have gotten ourselves into with all this showmanship." “If you win this Universal Ranger Tournament...” Rita continued to announce. “...you can have any wish granted.” Twilight’s ears perked up. “Any wish?” She asked in amazement. “But, it seems like you only get one wish.” Mikey advised her. “One wish?” Twilight asked disappointed. “Oh, but there’s so many things I want! How can I choose? Like my friends back! Or my universe restored! No, wait! I want my friends back and my universe restored!” The others chucked lightly in response to her. “I wish to get that growth spurt Mikey promised me!” Shoutmon said jokingly, as Mikey giggled and patted him on the head. “You’ll get it in due time, Shoutmon.” Mikey said, as he patted him. “Before we begin...” Rita continued. “I’d like to split you into 32 teams of five. One will be a team of six, since he has his partner with him.” The new heroes gasped in shock, as one team will be a six person team. “Who’s the partner?” Sakura asked. “Is it Shoutmon?” Shantae asked, pointing to him. “I hope she means me!” Shoutmon said as he blushed. “Talonflame?” Ash asked. “Greninja?” Sakura asked. “Spike?” Twilight blurted out, as she covered her mouth, blushing. “What?” Everyone asked. “Who’s Spike?” Shantae asked. “Long story.” Was all Twilight could say. “There in the back!” Rita said, pointing to the yellow mouse. “That one!” “Pika?” Pikachu said in shock. “I think she means Pikachu.” Ash said, as the others nodded. “I’m not complaining...but I wanted to be the sixth one.” Shoutmon said calmly. “Well, now then...” Rita said, as she snapped her fingers. “Let the game begin!” And just like that, all the participants who were teleported to the room were teleported away to different areas. It went like this until Twilight and her new friends were left. They were confused at what the heck was happing right now. “Uh, why haven’t we teleported yet?” Sakura asked, confused. “Shouldn’t we do that too, right about now?” “I think we’re about to be teleported.” Twilight said, pointing to the sky, as they were soon slowly teleported one by one. Would they remain together? Or would they be separated, just after they met? One thing’s for sure is this...whatever the outcome was, it would be an unexpected one! Twilight looked around to see that she was left. Then, she started to glow white, and closed her eyes, smiling. She had felt something like this before, and she was going to feel it again. Whatever it was, it would lead her to a special surprise! After all, the Universal Ranger Tournament...led by Rita...was about to commence, and the new heroes would soon see what was in store for them!