//------------------------------// // Star // Story: Book 1 - The Behemoth came to Canterlot // by Equimorto //------------------------------// She would have snapped their necks personally if they'd thought for a moment about doing anything to Twilight other than helping her. Much like she was almost tempted to do with Twilight. Or she might have compelled them to help, not that she really needed their help. She hadn't sent Twilight there because she needed them, it had just been the first safe spot she'd latched on to. If Twilight hadn't been so stupid as to go where she had, the problem wouldn't have arisen in the first place. But maybe it was for the best. Maybe Twilight would manage to talk those two into helping her, and otherwise she could always compel them to herself. Maybe that would finally lead to some progress, after all the aimless walking around waiting for information to present itself out of thin air. The sooner Twilight got some information, the sooner she'd be out of there. The sooner the Nightmare Moon situation was resolved, the sooner she'd be able to take care of Twilight herself. A shiver ran down Stella's spine, and she refused to acknowledge it and what had caused it far harder than any normal creature could refuse to acknowledge anything. Nevertheless she grabbed the nearest quill, inkwell, and sheet of paper she could get her magic on, and she began to write. It was just to help speed things up, she told herself, just because Twilight was too stupid to figure out the solution fast enough. But even that thought was subdued, in the background, much like her own acknowledgement of the fact that she was doing anything at all. It needn't acknowledging that she was helping Twilight, because there wasn't a reason for it, and acknowledging that she was acting would needlessly invite her to reflect on why she was doing it. Needlessly bring up thoughts of why Twilight was passed out on the floor, why she'd teleported them there, and what they'd ran into upstairs. All stuff there was no point in thinking about. They were there because Twilight would find what she was looking for faster by actually talking to ponies clearly unhappy with their position instead of simply wandering around. But distantly, and only to keep herself going in the acts she was just as distantly barely aware of, Stella acknowledged that she needed to get things figured out, and get the solution to Twilight. "I think she's starting to wake up," said the stallion, and all but a fraction of Stella's mind focused on him as her body kept on acting by itself almost mechanically, the quill tracing graphs and calculations on the paper even the two unicorns in the room would have had a hard time understanding. There did seem to be somewhat of a twitch to Twilight's body, underneath the blanket the mare had brought in. Her head moved left and right slightly on the pillow, and her breathing became slightly less regular. Some sounds came from her throat, but nothing close to words just yet. The female unicorn leaned over, trying to get a good look at her. "Are you okay?" she quietly asked. "Can you hear us?"