//------------------------------// // Shadow // Story: Book 1 - The Behemoth came to Canterlot // by Equimorto //------------------------------// Watching a mare clean a table was probably one of the least interesting uses of someone's time Stella could think of, and least useful for what Twilight was trying to do. It was quite bothering to see her enemy wasting time like that, almost tainting the moment she'd finally get to defeat her by making it clear just how overall incompetent Twilight was. So much so that Stella even considered, for a brief moment, killing her there and calling it a day, and maybe pretend to be her once she left. But she didn't want that. Especially not the second part, though she didn't want the first either. Twilight would go down in a fair fight, as obviously unfair as it would be given the clear ineptitude that characterised the alicorn. But Stella would make sure everyone would know she'd lost because she was the worst of the two, not because of any cheating or tricks. Sure, she'd technically already beat Twilight mentally, several times over, and having a chance to end her there and then was proof enough. But ponies would talk. Stupid things. One could perhaps suppose that her being the one busying herself with watching a pony watching a mare clean a table might have made Stella's use of her time just as questionable, if not more, but although she much would have preferred being elsewhere she had no choice but to stay there and watch. Twilight could get herself killed there, stupid as she was, and Stella couldn't have that happen. In a way, it reminded her of the times she'd watched Chrysalis sleep. A futile waste of time to accommodate for the needs and flaws of others. She was glad she'd gotten rid of the burden that was Chrysalis when she had, after taking good care of her and repaying her for everything she'd done. And some more on top of it, for having to waste time watching her sleep. Stella herself didn't need to sleep, nor did she want to. A waste of time and an unnecessary risk, it feeling the same as death was just another point against it. Such an annoyance it was that Twilight had to put herself in danger like that, and waste time dealing with that world. It had forced Stella's plans to stall further, waiting for the time it would all be resolved so she could finally deal with the alicorn herself. It wouldn't do to have it happen while she was busy dealing with something else like that, ponies would say it was unfair and she'd had too many things to think about together. Stella was fine with waiting if it meant a proper chance to crush Twilight in indisputable fashion. She couldn't wait forever of course. Twilight, stupid as she was, still hadn't figured things out properly, and was wasting time when she should have been focusing elsewhere. But it wasn't that big of a problem. Killed Twilight, Stella would deal with the Behemoth herself if she felt like it, merely if she decided she wished to keep Equestria and its citizens around a while longer to play with them. She'd have lots of time to enjoy herself once Twilight was dead. Maybe she'd pick up necromancy. Make it into a yearly tradition to reenact her victory, that could be fun.