//------------------------------// // Hello // Story: Book 1 - The Behemoth came to Canterlot // by Equimorto //------------------------------// "Hello. Welcome," said the mare. Rainbow Dash wasn't sure what she'd expected. Behind her, Luna giggled slightly. "Uh... Hi," the pegasus finally said, walking towards the other pony. "Rainbow Dash, right?" the mare asked. "And Princess Luna, of course. Please come inside and have a seat. I'm so glad you actually came, I wasn't sure if I could believe it when you announced your visit." "Just Luna is fine nowadays," Luna said, stepping past the door and gently urging Rainbow Dash to follow along with a pat of her wing. "I would never mock a pony by lying about a visit, not that I think you were implying that of course. I'm glad to hear you're happy to receive us." "Of course I would be," said the mare with her contained but imperturbable and ever present cheeriness. "I should introduce myself first, though," she added, turning around. "My name is Good Day, though I know you know that already. I hope you will enjoy your time here." Still a tad confused, Rainbow walked inside. The house was cozy. As in, it was perhaps the textbook definition of cozy. The mental picture in her mind when she tried to imagine a cozy house, made concrete and detailed where her idea was abstract and hazy. It wasn't remarkable, it wasn't weird, it wasn't odd in any way, it was just cozy. Again, Rainbow was not sure how to feel about it. "Would you like something?" Good Day asked. "I baked cookies, and I made some tea." As if on cue, the kettle whistled, and she moved to pour its contents into the teapot. "I can make chocolate too if you'd prefer. And pancakes." She turned back towards the two mares, opened the jar of cookies in the middle of the table, and added, "I have some fruit too, if you want. All freshly picked." "Some tea would be lovely," Luna said with a polite bow of her head. She then took a cookie in her magic, and brought it to her lips. "Delicious," she said smiling after a bite. "Rainbow, what will you have?" Rainbow seemed to be startled by that, and quickly shook her head. "Uh, I'll have some tea as well, it's fine." Good Day smiled, and poured the two mares a cup each. The tea set was a lovely thing, white porcelain with pink tinges and dark gold coloured trimmings. The teaspoons appeared to be actual silver, well cleaned, and so did the sugar bowl. "I made some cake, too," the mare said, hearing a ding from the nearby room. "I'll be right back." After the earth pony had left, Rainbow leaned towards Luna. "I feel like there's something weird about her," she said. "Maybe. I'm not sure." Luna waited until she'd finished taking her first sip of tea before addressing the question. "She seems perfectly normal to me," she answered honestly, but not without some amusement. Rainbow scrunched her lips. "Too normal, almost." She finally took a sip of tea herself, and anything else she might have wanted to say went unspoken as she was distracted by how good it tasted. Soon after she grabbed a cookie for herself, too. "I don't think such a thing is possible," said Luna, before drinking from her cup again.