//------------------------------// // 2nd&1st // Story: Book 1 - The Behemoth came to Canterlot // by Equimorto //------------------------------// "Are you really sure it's a good idea to go on vacation while... You know, everything is happening?" Lyra asked, lazily leaning against the wall. "Well, things are neither looking like they will get any worse nor like they'll be resolved soon," Bon Bon replied. "I figured we may as well get used to this being the new normal and make the best of it." Lyra yawned. "I suppose you have a point." She looked out the window at the rising Sun and the fields rolling by. "Did it have to be the Crystal Empire, though?" "We both wanted to go there, didn't we?" said Bon Bon. "Before the whole everything, of course. And I heard they haven't had it as bad there." Lyra pursed her lips. "I don't know. Maybe it's just the whole Wall thing." "It is completely safe to travel through at this point." Bon Bon took out a newspaper from her purse and began to read through it. "You don't need to worry about it." "That doesn't make it not weird," Lyra replied. She straightened herself a little, pulling her cheek away from the wall and putting her back against her seat. "And the trip is boring." Bon Bon looked at her above the newspaper. "Then make it not boring. Don't you still have that book to read?" "I finished it," Lyra said. "Oh." Bon Bon looked back to the newspaper. "I didn't think you were such a fast reader. I can lend you this once I'm done with it." "Does it have any crosswords?" Bon Bon skipped ahead to about the middle of the newspaper. "Yeah. I think I have a pencil with me if you need one." "Yeah." Still leaning back, Lyra began to close her eyes. "Maybe one day I'll learn to go to sleep early when I need to wake up early," she mumbled to herself. "It's got comics, too," Bon Bon added. "Cool," Lyra slurred out, half-asleep already. Bon Bon looked at her and smiled. She looked out the window for a moment, too, then focused back on her newspaper. Eventually, Lyra began to snore. At least they were alone, so no one else would be bothered by it.