//------------------------------// // Chapter One // Story: Anon-a-Miss: The Undertaker // by Arthor2017 //------------------------------// It's morning in the suburbs. The school opens its doors once again to allow the entry of young students ready to fill their minds with knowledge, the vast majority of them, and thus aspire to pursue a career later to become the men and women of tomorrow. Each student goes to their respective lockers, subtracting those items that they will have to use during the following hours whether they are books, school supplies and electronic tools. Some begin to socialize with talks related to topics of their likings, others decide to play for a while with apps on their mobile phones or pass a ball of paper with their legs as if it were a small soccer game before heading to their classrooms, and of course there are those who give the last revision to their scientific projects for their respective evaluation. If it does not explode or cause any kind of material damage then there's nothing to worry about. Soon new footsteps are heard passing through the corridors. Several direct their gazes towards the source of a person who is passing by their side, revealing to be a girl with red and gold hair like fire. This young woman captures the attention of the other students as she locates her locker. As the girl twirls the lock combination, four teenagers walk up with her. They all have a serious look on their faces. "Hey ..." A girl with short neon green hair and wearing a red beret calls out to the other young woman who immediately addresses the small group. For seconds the five remain standing in their same positions keeping absolute silence. The flaming-haired girl begins to worry at the four pairs of judicious eyes that rest on her. "... give us your opinion, how are we doing?" "Well, I would say you are far away from convincing anyone. Sorry guys." Instantly the group of students abandon their cold gazes with exclamations of frustration. "See? I told you we still have to practice. At this rate we aren't going to get anywhere!" "And what do you think we've been doing for the last two weeks, Watermelody? Because I seem to remember that you had us rehearse these expressions like mules." "Don't complain Indigo, you were the one who had the great idea to put Photo Finish in charge of directing the play for Thanksgiving Day. I also recall it was you who agreed with her about it was up to us to play the role of disgruntled settlers and that is why we had to rehearse disgruntled faces." "We offered you the position of head director at first and you refused, because you said and I quote: I have already committed to the scripts for the play, ask Photo Finish." Indigo Wreath replies to his classmate in annoyance. "We all agreed that I was the only one in the whole school who was fit to take on the role of screenwriter, and don't try to change the conversation with another excuse because is the Truth." Putting the discussion aside, Watermelody returns to the first person. "Sunset Shimmer, this may be annoying for you but do you mind if we take a bit of your time for advice?" "Not at all. I suggest you go and find Ringo; I know from a good source that he gives lessons in acting and facial expressions." "Huh, I had no idea Ringo was giving those kinds of lessons." "I understand you Starlight, and I admit that I am also surprised by that detail about him. I thought it was a joke until Flash proved otherwise when he invited me to an acting class. I guess Ringo does not usually talk much about it." "We're two now girl. Anyway, thanks for getting us out of another predicament Sunset. We owe you a big one!" Starlight says a cordial goodbye to her and in behalf of her group as she, Watermelody, Indigo Wreath and Aqua Blossom leave in restored spirits. Back with the teen, identified as Sunset Shimmer, she says goodbye to them waving her hand and then taking some books that she keeps inside her backpack and closes the locker. On the way to her classroom, the students greet her in a friendly way, others stop momentarily to clap hands with her and two familiar faces of hers offers a soda drink along with a packet of fried chips. "Special delivery for you!" "Thanks guys," Sunset receives the groceries from Snips and Snails, "but you know it's not recess time yet, right?" "True boss, it's very true. We bought them so that you have the necessary carbohydrates during Mr. Doodle's class, we know how tedious it can get with so much talk." "At least you can attend a class without having to take a surprise exam." Snails' comment makes Snips remember something important. "Exam? Oh geez, it's true! Mrs. Harshwhinny said she was going to make a test or something like that today. Hurry up before we get an F, again!" Thus, the orange haired boy takes her skinny friend by the arm, racing out like a missile towards its objective. Sunset Shimmer wishes both pre teens good luck watching them disappear around a corner. Is good to know there are people that are in great esteem for the jade eyed girl such as Snips and Snails as well the Canterlot High School's student body. Sure, things didn't always go the way they do now and Sunset is aware of it. There was a stage when she used to torment these teenagers with whom she shares classes just for fun; she enjoyed very much scaring them by being a bully as a reminder of who she was in charge around, and if someone tried to confront her she would crush him/her without thinking. It wouldn't be until one day — or night, to be exact — when she almost nearly ruined her life, hitting rock bottom for the first time in the process. It was from that moment she understood how cruel she had been and how serious her actions were; Sunset Shimmer knew the path that she would have to take was going to be difficult, she just wished to even had someone who can help her bear the burden. Fortunately, she have five great friends who accompanied her on the journey to her recovery. Speaking of wich. "He-llo Sunset!!" The always cheerful Pinkie Pie arrives with a big hug for Sunset. With her comes Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Applejack; the latter being the one who breaks the pink haired girl's hug. "Now Pinkie, don't go overboard with your friendly hugs. We haven't determined the limit of your physical strength yet and we don't want you to give Sunset a chokehold." "I have that well written down on paper AJ, but if I can't be able to show it with a daily morning hug, then what kind of friend would I be?" Pinkie Pie defends her point of view. "Of course dear, we understand. Nobody says don't do it, we only ask you not to be so bruce when you go to give someone a hug, okay?" Rarity suggests. "Okie, Dokie, Lokie!" "And tell me Sunset, are you ready for another Trigonometry session with Dr. Cranky? Because I see you decided to bring supplies to kill the boredom." Rainbow Dash points to the snacks the flamed haired girl carries with her. "Um ... don't you think it's early for eating food?" Fluttershy adds. "I mean, it's several minutes before the bell rings for recess." "Don't worry, this is a gift from the boys. They do it so I don't go into starvation; in the meantime, I'm saving them." Sunset Shimmer stores the drink and the plastic bag inside her backpack. In her mind she jokes about the idea of ​​taking a potato chip during class. And eat it. "For my part I prefer to avoid ingesting such products," Rarity pronounces rubbing her cheeks with her palms, "in addition to the fact that they make you gain unnecessary pounds, they ruin your skin by filling it with nasty pimples. Hmm, I feel like a pimple is forming while we talk; I'll make an appointment at the spa." "It sounds like a good idea Rares, and before anyone says another word I suggest we hurry up before Mr. Doodle gives us a late note. You know how annoying he gets when that happens, apart from we have an evaluation at the end of classes." Applejack urges her friends to go the classroom as soon as possible to avoid problems. "I don't sweat about it, because this time I come prepared for every sort of Chemistry question that may come. It will be a piece of cake!" "Rainbow Dash, the evaluation isn't about Chemistry. It's about History." The shy young teen corrects her energetic friend. "History? I thought it was the other thing! Don't tell me I woke up all weekend reading stinky nerd's books for no avail..." "Indeed it was so Dashie, congratulations!" Pinkie Pie gives the captain of all Canterlot High sports teams a trophy with the motto 'All for Nothing'. Rainbow Dash only manages to sigh resigned. "... whatever. If I'm lucky I'll get a C, or maybe a B-, whichever comes first. Come on girls." The six teenagers set off for class with the fashionista providing guidance to the rainbow haired girl on the importance of waiting a bit for any important prompts rather than rushing out of school whenever the exit bell rings. Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer can't help but giggle and contemplarte at how lucky she is to have these girls in their life. And to think she used to treated them very badly, in addition to ruining their bonds through deception. In a good moment they were able to forgive her and gave her unconditional support despite the setbacks she put them through. Today Sunset Shimmer feels that her path is already amended to a promising future with her friends by her side and all the achievements that she had reaped after her fall. She felt that nothing could ruin her moment of peace anymore. At least that's what she hopes for.