Book 1 - The Behemoth came to Canterlot

by Equimorto


"So, you and Indigo... You're-"
"Yeah, we're together." Lemon took her unlit cigarette between her fingers to reply. She had a look around. "Maybe we should head back inside. It's kinda cold out here."
"I don't mind it," Applejack replied. "I'm used to it being colder back home, anyway. But if you'd rather go in then sure, I don't need to stay out or anything."
Lemon thought about it. "Eh. It's fine for a bit." She put the cigarette back between her lips.
Applejack looked at her, then looked back towards the city lights, silent.
Eventually, Lemon grabbed the cigarette in her fingers again. "Truth or dare," she said.
Applejack chuckled. "Can't go longer than a minute without something to do, huh? Truth."
Lemon looked weirdly deflated. "I was actually planning to come up with a question while I struggled to convince you to agree. I didn't take you for someone who'd say yes right away."
"It's better than sitting alone with my thoughts," Applejack replied.
Lemon pursed her lips. "Forcing you to answer something won't help with that. Tell you what, we'll just say you owe me one for when you're feeling better, alright?"
Applejack threw a side glance at Lemon. "Eh. Sure, why not. What else do you have in mind?"
"Truth," Lemon replied. "Go ahead and ask."
"No one ever picks dare, huh?" Applejack thought about it for a moment. "You know Rainbow Dash? That's not the question, by the way."
"A little," Lemon replied. "Mostly from the Games and things I've heard, and the band. The actual question?"
"Would you pick her over Indigo?" Applejack asked.