//------------------------------// // Chapter 26: The Final Battle // Story: Miraculous Ponies: Origins // by MLPandMiraculousFanatic //------------------------------// Then the heroes ran or jumped off Meanwhile Adrien arrived in the locker room before freeing Plagg from his jacket "My first day of school and I don't even make it past roll call." Adrien said "A day off? Now that's what I'm talking about!" Plagg said "Oh, no no no no. We've got homework to do." Adrien said "” Meanwhile outside on the streets Stoneheart was still holding Chloé and Myléne captive "You have no idea who you're dealing with. My Daddy, the mayor, whill bring in the police, the army, the entire cavalry!" Chloé said "And don't forget the superheroes!" Cat Noir called slapping his stick on Stoneheart making him turn bigger "Ugh, Super imcompetent, you mean.'" Chloé said dumbfounded "Ugh! you wanted the cavarly? Well here it is!" Stoneheart said as other Stonehearts appeared from all sides and corners "Seize him!" Stoneheart called "Watch out!" Myléne called out to Cat Noir as Cat Noir dodges all the Stoneheart's attacks while the Alpha walks off with Myléne and Chloé still on toe "Ivan! Where are we going?" Myléne asked "To deliver a message. Then we'll be brought together forever by a pretty black butterfly." Stoneheart explained "Ugh, All this lovey-dovey stuff is making me sick." Chloé said in an sick way "Don't worry, little monster. I'm gonna take care of you, too." Stoneheart said making Chloé cringe Then we saw Alya running with Marinette and the Mane Six behind her before Alya hid behind an green trash can as an Stoneheart threw cars with Cat Noir trying to dodge "If you can hear me, Ladybug, I could use a little help!" Cat Noir said dodging cars "What's she waiting for?" Alya asked herself Soon Marinette and the Mane Six ran by only to notice Alya almost being hit by a car before being stuck behind it as she tried to get out at the same time Cat Noir got trapped "Let go, you rockhead!" Cat Noir called struggling to get out Then Marinette and the Mane Six looked in shock "Marinette! quick hide!" Twilight said Then Marinette quickly hid with Alya's bag by her side as she then opened her purse as Tikki flew out "Finally! Thanks for choosing me!" Tikki thanked "No time for thanking, " Marinette called before transforming into Ladybug Then Ladybug got back before she pulled the car out of the way with her yo-yo as Alya tried to free herself "You can't stay here. It's too dangerous." Ladybug said spinning her yo-yo before grabbing Cat Noir's stick before running onto walls up to Stoneheart's with the Mane Six joining her "Cat Noir! Extend it!" Ladybug called throwing Cat Noir's stick towards Cat Noir who then used it to extend the hand before he fell onto the ground groaning just then Twilight blasted magic spells on the Stoneheart's slowing them down as then Ladybug pulled Cat Noir up with her yo-yo as the Mane Six joined after them "Sorry I was late." Ladybug apologized "M'lady, have I ever told you you turn my world upside down?" Cat Noir said winking "No time for jokes look!" Pinkie said Then the 7 saw Twilight in one of the Stoneheart's hands "Ahright, if ya'r gonna attack Twilight then attack Mah" Applejack said jumping off the pole before stomping one of the Stoneheart's feet breaking it before she did the second one also breaking it as he fell onto the ground unconcious "Quick girls, Cat Noir! Get to the Alpha! Ah'll hold them off!" Applejack said dodging every attack Then the 5 heroes started flying or jumping up before running on every roof "Where's the Alpha?" Cat Noir asked "Right there!"  Ladybug said Then the 7 arrived at the place where the view of the Eiffel Tower was seen "If we weren't fighting I would've gotten there to built dresses" Rarity said having hearts in her eyes "Rarity! Hello! We're fighting!" Rainbow said "Oh right, sorry" Rarity said Meanwhile the Alpha roared as then Police Helicopters, Stonehearts and more went towards the Alpha "I demand my daughter's returned safe!" The Mayor called angrily "Daddy!!" Chloé called scared "You know what? You're welcome to her! Huh!" Stoneheart asked throwing Chloé towards her father "Help! I'll promise I'll be nice to everyone, say please and thank you all--" Chloé said falling before being catched by Rainbow's back "I didn't promise." Chloé said "No you didn't but no matter what I've got your back" Rainbow said landing on the ground Then Chloé got off her back and ran to the Mayor hugging him "My llittle princess..." The Mayor said hugging Chloé Then an Police Officer started talking "We're clear to attack!" The Police Officer said "Wait! Don't attack him! You know it'll only make it worse!" Ladybug said running in "Yeah, we've already made him grow bigger a few times but that, this isn't what you should do let me and my friends give you guys a speech (Skip to: 0:10, Stop at 2: 25 and pretend Cat Noir sings in Applejack's place) "Enough! I have a new plan, unlike you! Move aside and let the pros do their thing. You've already failed once!" The Police Officer said "Says the human who didn't stop Stoneheart himself the last time!" Rainbow said (Skip to 0:24) "Rainbow, in case you forgot we were in another city before" Twilight said "Oops, pretend I didn't say that" Rainbow said "But he's right, you know. If I had captured Stoneheart's akuma the first time around, none of this would have happened! I knew I wasn't the right one for this job..." Ladybug said sadly "No. He's wrong, because without the Mane Six or you we wouldn't have stopped Nightmare Moon, And because without us, they wouldn't have made it, Trust me on this. Okay?" Cat Noir said "Okay?" Ladybug said Suddenly Stoneheart struggled to breath until he freed as many Akuma's as he could which then turned into Hawk Moth's face "Poeple and Creatures of Paris, listen carefully, I am Hawk Moth." Hawk Moth introduced in an microphoned voice "Hawk Moth?" The heroes said as then Applejack appeared "Hawk Moth! Did ya turn Luna into Nightmare Moon!" Applejack asked "You have to find that out for yourself pony" Hawk Moth said "Now Ladybug, Cat Noir, Mane Six Give me the Ladybug Earings, Cat Ring and the Elements of Harmony now. You've done enough damage to these innocent poeple!" Hawk Moth said "No we didn't so go and disappear!" Rainbow said "Never!!!" Hawk Moth called "Nice try, Hawk Moth, but we know who the bad guy is. Let's not reverse the roles here. Without you, none of these innocent victims would be transformed into villains. Hawk Moth. No matter how long it takes, we will find you, and you will hand us your Miraculous!" Marinette said angrily before running towards the Eiffel Tower as she then used her yo-yo to catch the Akumas "Time to de evilize!" Ladybug called catching the Akuma's "Noooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Hawk Moth called until all the Akuma's were in the yo-yo before the voice disappeared as all the remaining Akuma's turned to normal "Let me make this promise to you. No matter who wants to harm you, Ladybug, Cat Noir and the Mane Six will do everything in our power to keep you safe!" Ladybug said before pressing the middle button as then all butterflies got out making an huge butterfly blast Then everyone started cheering "Wow. Whoever she is beneath that mask, I love that girl." Cat Noir said in shock Back at Hawk Moth's attic we saw Hawk Moth grunting "That's the problem with superheroes. They're too... heroic!" Hawk Moth said in anger before butterfly glasses reappeared "Stoneheart, they're trying to take your loved one away from you. You must snatch their Miraculouses so they will be so they will be powerless against you!" Hawk Moth said "Okay, Hawk Moth." Stoneheart said before standing back up "Help me!" Myléne called Then Ladybug, Cat Noir and the Mane Six dropped near Stoneheart in anger "Give us Myléne back!" Twilight called "You'll never take Myléne from me! Come to me, Stone beings!" Stoneheart said climbing up the Eiffel Tower "Never do that at home guys!" Pinkie said "Uh who are you talking to Pinkie?" Rainbow asked "The readers, duh! Anyway, guys think of something to do or use!" Pinkie suggested "We're surrounded! What do we do now? We can't attack him." Cat Noir said "Yes, but we know where the akuma is." Ladybug said "Where?" Twilight asked "In his clenched fist. The one he's holding Myléne with. So..." Cat Noir said “So we know he's in love with her. That's it! We don't seperate Stoneheart and Myléne: we bring them closer together! They're made for one another! It's just that they don't know it yet." Ladybug said "I heard about love stories a few times but what you're saying may actually be useful" Twilight said "Hey egghead, what makes you think you're smarter than us all together" Rainbow said "Whatever, let's go" Twilight said Then the Mane Six and Ladybug went further up as Cat Noir talked unknowingly "Not really following you, but guess I better trust you. Something tells me that this is how it's gonna be from here on out." Cat Noir said before following the rest of the heroes Meanwhile on top of the Eiffel Tower Myléne was still stuck in Stoneheart's fist as Ladybug and Rainbow soon arrived at the top of the Eiffel Tower "Help! I'm scared of heights!" Myléne called in fear to Rainbow and Ladybug "Everything's going to be alright!" Ladybug called as then Stoneheart roared pulling away the helicopters for a bit while Rainbow struggled staying on the railing Then two Stoneheart's started appearing from two railings as Cat Noir, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity and Twilight looked behind themselves before one Stoneheart tried crushing Cat Noir with his hand making the 6 dodge "How are you planning to get them closer than they already are?" Cat Noir asked "By using our powers!" Ladybug called "Lucky Charm!" Ladybug called before an parachute fell into her arms "A parachute? What am I supposed to do with this?" Ladybug asked herself Then Cat Noir was thrown to the other side of the pole before holding onto it and going back onto it with his skills "You sure you know what you're doing?" Cat Noir asked "We''ll find out soon enough!" Ladybug said before using her yo-yo to around Stoneheart's arm and upper body "His hand! Get ready!" Ladybug said before pulling on the string as then Myléne kissed Stoneheart with shock of the others "For once I'm okay with that!" Rainbow said "Are ya stupid Ladybug! He's gonna fall!" Applejack said "Oops sorry!" Ladybug said Then Stoneheart let's Myléne go as she fell before grabbing Stoneheart's hand as Cat Noir got down before patting the paper towards Ladybug with his stick before he used his stick to hold onto the Eiffel Tower "Home run!" Ladybug said before tightening the grip as then an akuma flew out of the paper as then "No more evil doing for you little akuma, time to de evilize" Ladybug called only to notice Ivan turning back to normal and falling with Myléne as she then looked at the akuma "Fluttershy! Quick!" Rainbow called "Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness!" Fluttershy called Then the two flew downwards and grabbed Ivan and Myléne only for Myléne and Fluttershy to fall as then Ladybug jumped off the railing grabbing Myléne and Fluttershy before catching the akuma "Gotcha!" Ladybug called while flying before opening the parachute as Cat Noir looked at her with happy eyes Soon when Ladybug, Fluttershy and Myléne were back on the ground Ladybug stood back up before opening the yo-yo "Bye-bye. little butterfly." Ladybug called as soon as the butterfly went out "Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug said before catching the parachute and throwing it into the air as flashes of pink started appearing and swirling around and everywhere fixing everything "We did it!" Fluttershy said happily "Whoa. Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Cat Noir asked "Yeah. It's beautiful and amazing. It's... uh... miraculous!" Ladybug said happily "This is just the beginning, Ladybug and friends. You and Cat Noir may have won this battle, but I will win the war. I will get your Miraculouses and Elements. I will get the absolute power! And then my secret dream will come true!" Hawk Moth said evily "I think you two have things to talk about. Hm?" Ladybug asked "Oh, uh... I... Uh..." Ivan struggled "Maybe it would help if you read the lyrics to Ivan's song." Ladybug suggested Then Twilight levitated the letter towards Myléne "Read it for Ivan, please?" Twilight said Then Myléne nodded before reading Ivan's lyrics before smiling "Wow, it's really beautiful. It's a shame you can't hear them when you scream. I mean, when you sing." Myléne said happily "It was scary, wasn't it. Is that why you left? I'm sorry, I'll be gentle." Ivan apologized sadly making Myléne smile emotionally before hugging Ivan who stared at the heroes in shock "Oh, they're so made for each other." Ladybug said happily "Like us two." Cat Noir said pulling out his hand in an gentleman way "I agree" Twilight said "Did I not tell you that love was okay for just once!" Rainbow said angrily "Uh oh. You see that? Time to split. See you soon, Cat Noir." Ladybug said running off "Come on gals we better prepare for the party and school" Applejack said