//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: A Sorrowful Dark Knight // Story: My Final Pony Fantasy IV // by Vimtrust5 //------------------------------// High above the skies, a fleet of airships sailed over the lands. These vessels were under control of the Red Wings, the military force of the most powerful nation in the world: the Kingdom of Baron. Aboard the center ship was the Red Wings' twenty-year old captain Cecil Harvey, dressed in the armor of a dark knight, standing firm. "Captain, we will arrive at Baron shortly," said the helmsman. "Very well," he replied, lowering his head. His crew took notice and faced each other... "The captain seems kinda down," one of them said. "After what we did, who wouldn't be?" asked another. "Orders are orders, but killing innocent people to get our hands on the Crystal isn't right," one more replied. While the crewmen were talking amongst themselves, Cecil thought back to the moment of the deed in question... Cecil and his men had invaded the town of Mysidia and made their way into the altar of the Crystal of Water, intending to steal it. Several mages stood in the way but were overwhelmed by the might of the soldiers: two black mages were quickly killed, followed by a white mage. The village elder attempted to intervene, but he was merely pushed aside, allowing Cecil to lay his hands on the Crystal and take it. Just before he left, however, he stopped and lowered his head to the ground, feeling an immense guilt for what he and his men had done... Back on the ship, his crew had also felt remorse. "We are the Red Wings. Our duty is to protect people, not harm them!" "That's enough!" Cecil yelled. "But, Captain! Surely you don't condone what we've done." "Listen, men. The raid on Mysidia was imperative for Baron's prosperity. His Majesty had declared that the Mysidians knew too much about the Crystal, making them a threat to our national security. Our orders were to obtain their Crystal, and as soldiers of the Royal Air Force, we are sworn to obey." "Captain," one of the crew said, disappointed. Cecil once again lowered his head, for he knew that his explanation was nothing more than an excuse to justify their actions, though he was disgusted with himself. One of the soldiers at the ship's bow turned to his captain. "Sir! Monsters sighted dead ahead!" "Take up your positions!" he commanded. "Prepare for battle!" The first three monsters he took on were three Floating Eyes similar to the Ahriman the ponies faced in the World of Darkness. Cecil drew out a Red Fang, its fiery powers easily incinerating the beasts. One soldier, however, was brought to one knee. "Are you alright?" the captain asked worriedly. "More hostiles incoming!" "Damn!" A large black bird known as a Zu swooped down and attacked the Red Wings leaving a minor scratch on their captain. He answered the attack with a Blue Fang, summoning several lightning bolts and quickly dispatching the giant bird. Inside the cabin of the vessel, a flash of light sent out Shining Armor. After a few minutes of struggling to get back on his hooves, the white stallion took notice of his surroundings. Fearing the worst, Shining called out for his sister and her friends. "Twily? Princess Luna...? Cadence?!" Where are they? he thought. He then felt the ground beginning to rumble. Inadvertently letting out a yell, he covered his muzzle instantly, looking for a place to hide, but it was too late. "What was that noise?" a voice said. The source of the voice came in and found the white pony in the cabin; it was Cecil. How did this... creature get here? the captain asked himself. As he approached Shining Armor, the stallion stood firm. "Don't move!" Shining warned. Cecil was taken aback. "You... You can speak?" "I said, 'Don't move!'" he repeated. The pony tried flaring up his horn, only to look in confusion. Before he could find his answer, Cecil gestured for a couple of his men to enter and tie up the intruder. "I'm sorry about this," he said with great regret. While this was happening, the fleet arrived at their destination and made a landing near the Kingdom of Baron, their home. Baron Castle Once the fleet settled down, Cecil and his men tied a rope around Shining Armor's neck and legs; Cecil himself led dragged the white pony with the rose while awaiting for permission to enter the castle. Just then the castle doors opened, and a blonde man in red armor stepped in front of them. This was Baigan, captain of the guard. "Ah, Captain Cecil. Welcome back! I see you've brought us two prizes: the Crystal of Water and a white horse! Well done." Shining Armor narrowed his eyes; he did not like being mistaken for a horse, when in fact he was a pony. "Yes... We found it onboard the main ship... But as for the Crystal... the Mysidians put up no resistance. In fact, they were completely defenseless," he said with guilt and sadness, which did not go unnoticed by Shining Armor, for his time spent with his beloved Cadence also helped him learn about love and empathy. Baigan noticed this as well, but looked suspicious. "Is this pity I perceive, Cecil?" "I.." "Come. And bring this equine with you; His Majesty might as well show interest." With Shining Armor in tow, Cecil and Baigan made their way through Baron Castle and passed several knights and guards. Upon approaching the door to the throne room, Baigan stopped and asked Cecil to wait. The man entered the throne room and met the King of Baron, a brown haired and bearded man dressed as one would expect from a king, complete with a royal robe and a crown adorning his head. The King was backed by two guardsmen adorned in silver armor and dark blue capes. "Sire, I bring you news!" "What is it, Baigan?" "Cecil has returned with a white horse as well as the Water Crystal." "A horse?" "Yes. One with a strange mark on its flank. I believe it was a shield." "That is most interesting," the King replied. "Though I must ask... Why do you seem so distraught?" "Well, I am afraid the good captain can no longer be trusted. He clearly questions your authority." "Truly?" said the King, shocked. "Your counsel is well heeded, Baigan. But so long as I obtain the Crystals, Cecil's transgressions matter little. Send him in!" "Yes, Your Majesty," Baigan nodded, returning to the door. "Captain! His Majesty summons you!" The dark knight entered along with the tied-up stallion which intrigued the King. *music fades out* "Welcome back, Cecil! You have a such a magnificent looking prize. Now where is the Crystal?" "Right here, my liege." Cecil held out the Crystal of Water, handing it over to Baigan, who then turned it over to the King. Needless to say, the King was delighted. "Ah, this light. It is indeed the real Crystal. Thank you, Cecil. You have my leave to go. But leave the creature with me." Cecil was about to leave as commanded, but as he approached the doors, he stopped and contemplated his next actions. No longer able to remain silent, he turned back to the throne and cried, "Your Majesty!" The King and Baigan did a double take and looked at Cecil with confusion. Shining was also surprised. "Your Majesty, I don't understand. Why did we have to steal the Crystal? What are your intentions with the Crystals? My men are confused and displeased at their orders." The King leered. "And what of you, Cecil? Do you question my command?" The dark knight gasped. "N-No, that wasn't my--" "Enough!" the monarch interrupted. "Do not think your treachery has slipped passed me! I took you in when you were a child, raised you to be a dark knight, and this is how you repay me?! If this is how it is, then so be it. As King of Baron, I hereby relieve you of your duties as Captain of the Red Wings!" The now demoted Cecil was aghast. "Your Majesty!" he cried, trying to approach his liege, but the guards quickly intercepted him, blocking him. "Now, I charge you with another duty. I want you to slay the Phantom Beast that plagues Misty Valley, and deliver this Carnelian Signet to the village of Mist. You will leave tomorrow at first light. And take the horse with you!" Shining Armor looked back and forth between the King and Cecil. He had to go with a recently demoted dark knight? What was this man up to? "Sire, please!" In came another man, one wearing the armor of a dragoon. "Your Majesty, I beg you to reconsider," he said. "Cecil has done no wrong." Unfortunately, the dragoon's pleas fell on deaf ears, for he and Cecil were forcibly pushed further back near the door. "If you're so concerned, then you should accompany him, Kain! Now take the signet and go!" "Your Majesty!" Before any of them could speak further, the two men were forced out of the throne room, leaving the white stallion alone with the King of Baron and his captain of the guard. "Now then..." Despite his bravery, Shining began to feel a cold sweat. He found himself in unfamiliar territory, his captor felt great remorse for his recent actions, and now he is being held prisoner by a ruthless king. "Who might you be, little horse?" "I am not a horse. I'm a pony!" he said, breaking his silence. "My God! It can speak!" Baigan said in surprise. "Interesting... I was right to make the decision about sending you with Cecil and Kain. Do you have a name, little... pony?" "I don't give my names to monsters like you." "Very well," the offended King scoffed. "Baigan! Take this creature to the dungeon." "As you command, my liege," the captain replied. Cecil turned to face his dragoon friend. "Forgive me, Kain." "It's alright, Cecil," the dragoon replied. "Once we've completed the mission, the King is bound to forgive us both. You'll command the Red Wings again in no time." Cecil didn't answer, not sure if he deserved the rank again. Kain placed his hand on the Dark Knight's shoulder for reassurance. "Get some rest. Leave tomorrow's preparations to me." Kain then went to the nearby table with several soldiers, leaving his friend alone. Cecil began to march through the castle halls, when he stopped and then, opening a secret door, acquired three items from the treasure chests inside: 480 gil, an ether, and a tent. Moving on, the dark knight exited the chamber, turned right and went upstairs to the roof of the castle. But he had no time to admire the outside; going down another flight of stairs, he was about to proceed through the door when a voice stopped him. "Cecil!" The dark knight turned and saw a young woman of 19 and hair of gold appear atop the stairs. This young lady was his beloved, Rosa Joanna Farrell, white mage of Baron. "Rosa..." "Thank goodness you're alright. I was so worried. You left on such short notice." "We're fine," he answered. "I wish I could say the same for the Mysidians we slaughtered." Cecil turned away upon uttering those words. Rosa couldn't help but feel worried. "Cecil!" she shouted, causing the Dark Knight to turn around once more. "I'll come see you later, okay?" "Very well," he sighed. "Hey, Cecil!" a voice shouted. Alerted to the voice, Cecil looked up to the roof and found a burly man wearing goggles waving at him. He went down the stairs from the roof and met the dark knight smiling proudly. "How are ya doin'? You know Rosa's been worried about ya! Don't you ever do that to her again, ya hear? So how are my airships? I'll bet you and your goons wrecked them up something awful," he said chuckling. It was then he noticed from Cecil's body language that something else bothered him. Hey... What's the matter, kiddo?" "Well, Cid..." Cecil explained the recent events. "What?! Demoted?! Well, who's gonna lead the Red Wings then?! I'm not even sure what the King's thinking anymore. He wants me to build him another airship, but I don't want it to be used as a tool for war! Hey, is that the horse you were talkin' about over there?" Cecil turned where Cid was pointing and saw Baigan leading Shining Armor to the dungeon. "I found it--er, him--aboard my ship when we got back. Now the King wants me to go with him and Kain to Mist Valley." "Well... You be careful out there! Make short work of that mission and get back safe. Anyway... I gotta get home. My daughter's gonna kill me for bein' late." As soon as the old man left, Cecil walked into the tower, climbed the stairs, spoke with his maid, bid her good night, took off his helmet, and climbed into bed. He bore long white hair and was a truly handsome young man, but he didn't feel handsome; he felt more like a monster. *music fades out* As the sun set, giving way to the night, the only sound keeping Cecil awake was the ticking of the clock hanging on his bedroom wall. "What's happened to the King? He covets the Crystals as though he's possessed. And it seems he'll resort to any means to get them... Nevertheless, I can't defy him. How could I cross the man who raised me and Kain like his very own? The chivalrous knight whom I've adored and admired since childhood? I will not betray him. I can't. And... and this pony... this talking pony... Why did it come here?" Cecil was so busy ranting about recent events, he didn't hear the sound of footsteps climbing up the stairs. "Cecil?" He turned to see Rosa. "What's going on? You just returned from Mysidia, and now you must journey afar to battle some Phantom Beast? It's all too sudden." "Everything's fine." "Cecil, please look at me," she pleaded. Listening to her voice, he let out a sigh and finally spoke up. "In Mysidia, we killed innocent people to steal their Crystal! It was horrible..." he said, speaking from his heart. "But I suppose this is my fate as a Dark Knight. Soon, I won't even feel remorse for my actions." "You and I both know that will never happen," Rosa argued. "Still, I can't defy the King... I'm a hopeless coward." "The Cecil I know would never whimper like this! The Cecil I love..." "You're leaving early tomorrow, right?" "Yes, but don't worry. Kain's coming, too," he said, resting his hand on her shoulder. "I'll be fine. Trust me." "And what about this pony I've heard about?" "Well... I'm not sure how it came here." "I've heard that it can speak like us. Is that true?" "...Yes. It's true. I was surprised, too. And..." "What is it?" "Never mind..." "Well, anyway. Please come back to me in one piece," she said, ready to leave. But not before planting her lips on his cheek. "Thank you, Rosa... Though, as a dark knight, you know we can never truly be together..." That same night... Within a cell of the castle dungeon sat Shining Armor, still tied up in ropes, courtesy of the Red Wings. That guy... Shining thought. Is that the one Cid told us about? The one who feels remorse for his actions? Twily... Where are you? Cadence... Princess Luna... Where is everypony...? These thoughts continued to plague his mind, even as he drifted off into a deep sleep... The next morning With the cell door unlocked, Shining let out a sigh as he accompanied his captor Cecil and upon arriving in the chamber, they were greeted by the dragoon. "So are you ready for real combat?" said Kain. "Always," Cecil answered with confidence. "Then you've nothing to fear." Shining Armor, having no choice but to go along with the humans, sighed and accepted the reality of the situation he was in and went with the two men. And so the dark knight Cecil, stripped of his command of the Red Wings, set out for the distant Valley of Mist. Together with Kain, commander of the dragoons, and Shining Armor, he would pursue a faceless quarry--and a chance for redemption. The advent of the airship had marked the realization of mankind's most ancient dream. But man is a creature seldom sated, and he was quick to dream anew. With the unparalleled might of the Red Wings, Baron's military soon reigned supreme. Why, then, did its king now seek the Crystals? Why had fearsome monsters suddenly begun to overrun the once calm land? And what of Shining Armor's sister and her friends, as well his beloved Princess Cadence and Princess Luna? If the Crystals knew, they shared no answers--only their pure and silent light.