Book 1 - The Behemoth came to Canterlot

by Equimorto

The Leviathan swam to Akalop - Part 1

"Finally going back to this one, huh?"
Twilight nodded. "It's almost nostalgic. Remember that time we could have accidentally destroyed the whole castle?"
"I have a hard time remembering a day that doesn't fit that description, nowadays," Starlight replied, stepping up to the centre of the lab. "We haven't found another one like this yet, right?"
"We have not." Twilight pretended to check her notes for the answer, though she knew Starlight knew she'd memorised all of them. "It'll be interesting. Ready to go for a swim?"
"Can you imagine if the portals allowed regular matter to freely pass through?" Starlight looked at the light shining a few metres away. "This whole place would be flooded right now."
"This whole place would have burnt down a while ago if that was the case." Twilight looked at Starlight. "I know that expression. Don't ask. Now is not the time to try again to figure out how they do and don't work in terms of what gets through, and you know it."
"We'll have to at some point," Starlight replied. "Still. I'm ready for that swim. Are we going up or down?"
"Let's say up first." Twilight readied herself, and cast the usual set of spells on Starlight as well.
"Any particular reason?" Starlight asked, stepping beside her.
"I'm feeling optimistic." Twilight waited to see which one would make the first step. "Maybe we should have asked Novo for some fragments of her pearl, after all."
"She's got enough to deal with already, it would have been uncalled for."
"It would have helped." Twilight sighed. "Here we go, then." She stepped forward, and crossed the portal for the second time.