//------------------------------// // I Love You // Story: Crossroads to You // by The Lone Doctor //------------------------------// The shiny, white rampant mustang towered in front of Sunset as the trio walked close to its pedestal. As they got close, Sunset gently placed her hand against the cool surface. Her eyes closed as she took in the Equestrian magic flowing from the statue, before she let go. She felt a hand take hers, before their fingers interlaced. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Wallflower asked, as she gently squeezed her hand. Sunset looked to Wallflower and nodded, a sense of surety and clarity in her heart. “I have to Wallflower. I need to face my demons.” She felt another warm presence beside her as Meadowbrook took her other hand, their fingers interlacing and her thumb gently stroked the back of her hand. “We’ll be right behind you,” Meadowbrook said. “You can count on that.” Sunset pulled the two girls into a close, warm and comfortable embrace. A sense of contentment washed over her as she held them closer. “Thank you, both of you.” Suddenly, the face of the podium flashed to life, and Sunset felt the surge of Equestria magic intensify. “Here it is, now or never,” Meadowbrook said with resolution. Sunset looked to her left at Meadowbrook, then to her right at Wallflower, both of them entranced by the portal.” Are you girls ready?” “Ready whenever you are Sunset.” Meadowbrook replied, confidently. Wallflower nodded in agreement. Sunset gave Wallflower’s hand a little squeeze. “Any second thoughts, Wallflower?” Wallflower shook her hand, her other hand gripping tightly to the sling of her backpack. “We promised to face the future together, Sunset. You’ve helped me with my past, the least I can do is help with yours.” She leaned in and gave a chaste peck on the lips. “To the end of the line Sunset.” Sunset nodded. She took a deep breath as she looked back towards the portal. “Alright, let’s go.” And so, the trio walked in step towards the portal. They all paused for a moment before they stepped in together, hand in hand. It was just as disorienting as she remembered it. They had all landed in a heap on the floor of Princess Twilight’s castle. Sunset was the first to get up. Luckily, Twilight was thoughtful enough to leave a mirror nearby, as she checked herself to make sure she wasn’t bruised. Hearing some more groaning behind her, Sunset quickly trotted over to them offering a hoof up first to Meadowbrook, then to Wallflower. She affectionately nuzzled Wallflower’s cheek in an effort to make her feel better. “Are you alright?” Wallflower held her head in her hoof, groaning. “Just a little dizzy, and nauseous.” She grunted as she tried to stand on two legs, wobbling before she fell against Sunset. Sunset giggled, and Wallflower’s lip stuck out on an embarrassed pout. “S-Sorry Wallflower.” Sunset said as she breathed to calm down. “I was just the same way the first time I came back here. Brings up some memories.” She set Wallflower down on her four legs and nuzzled her neck in reassurance. “Feel better now?” Wallflower nodded. Sunset gently nudged Wallflower to the mirror, giving her a good look of herself in pony form as Sunset took in her features. She was an earth pony with a light green coat accented by a darker green mane and tail. Said mane and tail was just as wavy and ruffled as it was back in the human world. Completing her look were Wallflower’s saddlebags and her signature beige sweater. The presence of which piqued Sunset’s curiosity. None of Sunset’s clothes followed her to Equestria, but Wallflower’s sweater did. As did Meadowbrook’s dress and signature mask. Maybe the portal’s sentient, selectively transporting clothing depending on their importance to us? Sunset quickly shook her head as she focused back on Wallflower, her eyes lightened up as she looked down at Wallflower’s flank. “Wallflower! Look!” Sunset took the mirror, and angled it back towards Wallflower’s flank, causing the green mare to squeak and flush deeply. Wallflower’s cutie mark was similar to her picture on her old bedroom door: a wilted white flower planted in a cracked pot. Wallflower tilted her head in confusion. “I-Is that my… what was it you called it? My cutie mark?” “Looks like it,” Meadowbrook chimed in. “Based on the last two weeks, I think I know what it means.” “You do?” Wallflower asked, as she turned towards Meadowbrook. The healer nodded, gently booping her on the nose, eliciting a smile from Wallflower in the process. “I’d say it means you still get to keep your green thumb, but it’s more than that.” Meadowbrook gently laid Wallflower’s hoof on Sunset’s. “You’re resilient, you don’t let whatever life throws at you get you down.” Meadowbrook looked to Sunset. “And though you are delicate to the touch, with the right care, you can thrive, and bloom into the mare you want to be.” Wallflower hid behind her mane, flushing. “That’s a lot coming from a simple tattoo.” “Not a tattoo, more like a ceremonial mark,” Sunset corrected Wallflower. She let go of Wallflower and gently stroked her mane. “Cutie marks show you your personality, your calling, your purpose in life. They tend to be broad, and sometimes it takes ponies years to have an understanding on what their mark truly means.” Her hoof moved down to Wallflower’s cheek as she gently stroked it, tracing all the freckles that dusted them. “Still, I think Meadowbrook’s pretty dead-on with the meaning of your cutie mark." Meadowbrook looked away as a light pink flush arose from her blush. Sunset leaned in and humed as she kissed Wallflower. What seemed like seconds felt like hours before they broke for air, Wallflower’s cheek still laid against her hoof. “No matter what, you’re still my Wallflower.” She leaned in and nuzzled Wallflower’s nose in affection. They arrived at Sunset’s suite late in the evening, just as the sun was setting down over the horizon through the window. “Who knew Celestia kept most of my old stuff here?” Sunset noted as she walked up to some bookshelves and began to rifle through them. Wallflower was lost in her own awe at the sheer size of Sunset’s room, significantly larger than their flat back in the human world. Wallflower wouldn’t blame Sunset if she wanted them to stay for a little longer... “I don’t know about you, but I’m pooped. I’m goin’ to take a bath and then hit the hay. Sounds good to both of you?” Meadowbrook asked as she took off her healing mask and set it carefully on a desk. “Go ahead. If I remember correctly, the bathroom should be downstairs, to the left? I think?” Sunset replied back as she continued to look through her things while Meadowbrook trotted off. Wallflower stood a few feet from Sunset behind her as she tried to figure out what to say, about the day they had, about Equestria. Just like that, the old jitters returned with a vengeance. Sunset had grown up in Equestria for most of her life. Sure, Sunset had friends, and she had Wallflower, but at the end of the day Sunset took to Equestria like a fish would to water. Don’t you ever think you’re not enough for her, she chose you for a reason. Those words Meadowbrook had left her with stood defiantly against her doubts. She was right, Sunset wouldn’t have chosen her out of pity, Sunset chose her, out of everyone in both worlds, she chose her. And she has to have confidence in that, relish it while she still can. Wallflower gingerly made her way to Sunset, taking a look at the assortment of trinkets and books Sunset held within her magical aura. “U-Umm, Sunset?” Sunset looked up from the shelf, her head shifted to her as she leaned in and pecked her on the lips. “Yes, Wallflower?” Wallflower felt some heat flood her cheeks, as she struggled to get the next words out. “Wh-What do you think of Equestria? I know it’s been a few years, and things might’ve changed but… is it as you remembered it?” Sunset gently smiled at Wallflower and nodded. “It’s crazy to see how little things have changed, and it's great to use magic again.” Sunset placed some of the books back on their shelves with her telekinesis. “O-Oh…” A silence was shared between them as Sunset flipped through some books. “What about you, Wallflower? Any thoughts on your first trip to an alien world?” Sunset said with a grin as she looked back at her. Wallflower crossed her forehooves together. “It all seems… surreal. I think I can understand how you and Meadowbrook feel now… How did you guys even manage?” “It took some time, but I eventually got used to it,” Sunset said as she took out another book. “Meadowbrook had some help, remember?” Wallflower giggled, remembering the first awkwards steps Meadowbrook took the first time she came here. Thankfully, it was enough for her to feel relaxed enough to gather her courage and she asked what she truly wanted to know, “So, would you want to go back to all of this then?” Sunset paused, then placed the book she was holding back on the shelf as she turned back to Wallflower. She lifted her forehoof, and gently stroked Wallflower’s mane. “I think you know that answer as much as I do.” she said, leaning in for a kiss. When they pulled back for air, Sunset’s hoof gently stroked Wallflower’s cheek. “We’ll face the future together, no matter what it throws at us. Nothing’s going to change that.” She leaned in to nuzzle Wallflower in the nose, causing Wallflower to giggle as the last of her insecurities faded away. A sense of peace and contentment took its place. Wallflower leaned in and pecked Sunset on the lips. “I love you Sunset.” Sunset pecked back. “I love you too, Wallflower. I love you too.” Sunset looked out the window, noticing the moon was high in the night sky. “It’s getting pretty late, we should probably unpack and get to sleep, we’ve got a big day tomorrow.” The throne room was just as intimidating now as it was then. Very little had changed, the walls were still the same rosy red color as she remembered.The only difference was the new stained-glass panels depicting the major events that have happened since Sunset left. The long corridor ran up to a golden throne And there stood Celestia, Princess Celestia, wings outstretched. A new wave of anxiety crashed into her, but Sunset pushed on, slowly making her way to Celestia. A closer look around and Sunset noticed that there were no guards, heralds, not even a secretary. They were truly alone. Celestia looked on with an inscrutable smile. “It’s been a long time, Sunset,” she started. “I hope you are doing well.” Sunset relaxed. “You could say that,” she replied. “A lot happened while I was in the human world.” “So I’ve heard from Twilight.” Sunset nodded. “I managed to make something for myself, I made friends…” She looked down to her hooves, flushing. “I even found love there.” Sunset paused before she looked back up and sighed. “I’ve also had time to think about things, about what I did to get to where I am, about the people I betrayed and hurt.” Sunset could notice the slight pain in Celestia’s expression, and felt a twinge of her own pain in return. “Which is why I stand her before you right now. When I first went to the human world, I was spiteful, selfish, power-hungry.” She hung her head in shame. “I betrayed everyone that cared for me, especially you.” She looked back up at Celestia. “With Twilight’s help though, I was able to turn a new leaf, and I made some new friends along the way. I began to realize the magic of friendship, the strength of bonds.” Sunset felt tears starting to fall down her cheeks. “I eventually found love and learned the magic that it too can bring in your life, the pull it has on you.” More tears began to fall. “I’ve learned so much since I went over there. And the longer I stayed, the more I began to realize how awful my mistakes were, and how I needed to atone for them.” Sunset paused and took a deep breath. She could feel a sense of resignation flow through her. “I’m sorry for taking your word for granted, I’m sorry for betraying you, and I’m very sorry it took me so long to realize the damage I’d done, to our friendship, to Equestria, to the human world.” Sunset looked down, crossing her forehooves. “I know an apology like this might not be enough, I nearly killed us all for goddess’s sake. If you think I should be sent off to the moon as punishment, so be it. I’ve come to terms with what I’ve done, and the consequences they would bring.” She looked back up at Celestia. “I just hope you have the heart to forgive me for what I’ve done.” Minutes passed in silence, Sunset could feel the temperature of the room lowering. She closed her eyes and looked down, accepting her fate. Instead, she felt a warm caress of metal under her chin as she felt her head being posed back up. She opened her eyes to find Celestia in front of her, wings founded back with a soft smile on her face. “I’ve missed you Sunset. I knew you would be smart enough to eventually realize your mistakes. You’ve put so much effort into making up for your mistakes, and you’ve done your best to help others with the knowledge you gained from those mistakes.” Celestia wrapped her forehoof around Sunset’s barrel and pulled her into a hug. “You’ve grown so much, Sunset. And you’ve earned my forgiveness. I couldn’t be more proud of you.” Sunset felt a massive weight lifted off of her chest. A sense of peace ebbed through her as she wiped the tears from her eyes as they let go. “So Sunset, will you be staying in Equestria? You are free to do so as you like.” A content melancholy passed through her as she shook her head. “I’ve built up so much in the human world. And there’s always new threats from Equestria coming through all the time.” Sunset looked back to the door, to where Wallflower was waiting, before she looked back to Celesita. “I’ve also found someone to live for, someone to care for.” Celestia nodded in understanding. “I see.” She followed Sunset’s glance to the door. “How are they? Are they nice?” “She’s the nicest girl I’ve ever known. She’s kind, delicate, and resilient.” Celestia wrapped her forehoof around Sunset and pulled her into another hug. “You have my blessing Sunset. Just be sure to make some time to see us once in a while.” Sunset nodded into Celestia. “I will.” Celestia let go, and Sunset started moving to the door, still looking behind her at Celestia. “Safe travels, Sunset. May your next adventure take you to new heights.” Sunset looked back. “Until we meet again.” As she moved to the door, she quickly remembered something and turned back to Celestia. “One more thing: Meadowbrook wanted to have a word with you, is it okay if she comes in?” Celestia nodded. “Let her know she can come in. Until we meet again Sunset.” “Until we meet again.” Meadowbrook’s heart skipped a beat when Sunset told her she could go in. She had spent the time up to that having Wallflower look over her to make sure she looked presentable, much to Wallflower’s fluster. Meadowbrook gathered up her resolve as she stepped into the throne room. The throne room looked the same as when she had first seen it when she came from limbo. Celestia sat on her throne, her face taking up a motherly smile as Meadowbrook approached the throne. She gave a little kneel. “Your Highness.” “Good morning Meadowbrook,” Celestia greeted. “It’s humbling to have one of the Pillars of Equestria come to visit.” Meadowbrook rose from her keel. “Likewise, your majesty.” “Twilight had told me you visited the human world. How was it?” Meadowbrook paused as she gathered her thoughts. “It was… pretty eye-opening.” Her thoughts turned to the first steps she made in the human world. “It was strange, disorienting, even off-putting at first. But eventually I got used to the quirks.” Meadowbrook’s memories shifted to her time with Sunset and Wallflower, the moments they shared, the laughter they shared. “I found something. Something I felt was missing over here. A sense of belonging, a sense of purpose, a sense of fulfillment. I’ve seen what that looks like.” Her memories shifted to the more intimate moments, the talks she had with Wallflower, with Sunset, and the times they had together, her heart fluttering as she remembered. “I’ve felt what it’s like to be wanted, to be loved. To be able to make a difference.” Meadowbrook looked down to her hooves. “I just don’t know what to do now.” Celestia lifted Meadowbrook’s head with a forehoof to the chin and gently smiled back. “What does your heart tell you, Meadowbrook?” Meadowbrook thought back to her home back at Hayseed Swamp, she thought of the Pillars, of Holyoke, of Cattail. There was still a spark of attachment there left, of familiarity, of home. Then she thought back to the human world, the novelty of it all, of meeting new friends, trying new things, seeing new sights and hearing new sounds. She thought of Sunset’s friends, she thought of Sunset herself, of Wallflower, and the bond they all created in the time she had stayed with them. She thought of how close they had been, and a sense of longing weighed heavily on her heart. “Whatever your heart says Meadowbrook, listen to it. Your heart is the only thing that could lead you to happiness.” It all became clear to Meadowbrook, like a light piercing through the dark. She knelt down. “Thank you, Your Highness, for your wisdom.” “It’s no problem at all, Meadowbrook. I wish you the best of luck and happiness, wherever your heart takes you.” Meadowbrook smiled, and trotted to the door. She found Sunset and Wallflower waiting on the other side, waiting for her. “How’d it go?” Sunset asked. “Did you get what you were looking for?” Meadowbrook walked up to the pair, her heart starting to race the closer she got to them. “I did, I think I know what I want to do now.” Sunset stood there frozen as Meadowbrook leaned in for a kiss, seconds melted into minutes for her as she felt eternal bliss. As Meadowbrook broke away, she turned to find Wallflower gaping at her, cheeks flushed a rosy red. She leaned into her and shared a kiss with her as well taking in the very same bliss she felt with Sunset. She only wished it would never end, for either of them. “Wh- I don’t understand, why?” Wallflower stuttered in flustered shock. Meadowbrook looked to the side for a moment, trying to steady herself, before she looked up to face the couple again. “I’ve learned so much living with both of you.” Meadowbrook turned to Wallflower, cupping her cheek with her hoof. “Wallflower, you showed me what love and dedication truly look like.” Meadowbrook then turned to Sunset, going through the same motions. “Sunset, you showed me that there was a whole new world out there to see, to explore.” Meadowbrook pulled both of them in for a hug. “You gave me a place where I belonged. A place where I could make a difference.” She nuzzled into them. “A place where I’m loved.” She pulled away, her heart beating as mustered the courage to ask the question. “Sunset, Wallflower, I love you, both of you. May I be your special somepony?” Sunset and Wallflower both looked at each other, as Meadowbrook held her breath. The both turned back to Meadowbrook, and wrapped their forearms around her in a hug. “We’d love to have you Meadowbrook.” Sunset said she held Meadowbrook tightly. “We love you just as much.” Wallflower said as she rested her head against Meadowbrook’s neck. “So I take it this is goodbye then?” Rockhoof said, as he looked on at the mirror portal. Meadowbrook shook her head. “It’s not goodbye, I'll be back once in a while. We’ll meet again, don’t know where, don’t know when.” Rockhoof turned to Meadowbrook. “Still, I’m gonna miss you so much Meadowbrook.” “We’re all going to miss you.” Starswirl said, the rest of the pillars nodded. “Still, we wish you the best of times in the human realm.” “Thank you, Starswirl, all of you. For helping me through the worst of times, and for seeing me off to a new future.” Meadowbrook turned to Holyoke, the white mare looked up in uncertainty. “I-I’m not sure if I’m ready for this Mage Meadowbrook. What if I gave someone the wrong herbs? What if I messed up on a potion?” Meadowbrook gently touched the beak of Holyoke’s healer’s mask. “You’ve been training under me for a long time. I think you’re ready now to step up to the plate.” She pulled out a leather book from her saddlebags. “Twilight told me to give you this. Just write in it, and it will send the message to me. We’ll still be able to talk if you need help. And I’ll be checking in myself from time to time.” Finally there was Cattail. “I’m sorry I’m leaving you alone Cattail. Celestia knows we’re the only kin left.” Meadowbrook said with a morse frown. Cattail pulled Meadowbrook into a hug. “No harm done. I’ve enjoyed the time we had together.” Cattail looked towards Sunset and Wallflower, waiting near the portal. “‘Sides, looks like we’re not the only kin left anymore.” Meadowbrook nodded. “For sure.” “I’m glad you were able to find happiness for yourself in the end. Just keep yourself safe, I’ll be sure to help Holyoke out when she needs it.” Medowbrook pulled back, a tear falling from her eye. “Thank you Cattail, for everythin’.” She pulled out another book, similar to the one she gave to Holyoke, and gave it to Cattail. “For if you want to talk to me.” Cattail nodded. And so, Meadowbrook walked back to Sunset and Wallflower. “Ready to go?” Sunset asked. Meadowbrook turned back, and looked at everyone sending her off. The Pillars, the Elements of Harmony, Cattail, Holyoke. She smiled mournfully and looked back at Sunset. “I’m ready.” With a smile and with a wave the three mares walked through the portal, into a new frontier.