Book 1 - The Behemoth came to Canterlot

by Equimorto

Turn The Lights Off

"Do you think you could stop a pony's diaphragm with just magic? Not permanently of course, just temporarily. Just holding it there for a bit."
It was a little hard speaking through the hoof against her throat, but she managed to nonetheless. "I believe it could be possible, yes. Certainly not easy, but that shouldn't be a problem for one like you. A little risky too, but with me as a test subject that shouldn't be too big of an issue either."
The other clicked her lips. "I wonder what it would feel like. Unable to breathe not because you're stopping yourself, but because your own body isn't moving the way it should. Losing control over yourself like so."
"You wouldn't try it on yourself, would you?"
That earned her a tighter grip around her neck. Tight enough to stop the blood flow for a few seconds, though it stopped being as tight afterwards. Still tighter than it had been before, though.
"I wouldn't," said the other. "You'll have to make sure your report on the matter is sufficiently detailed. I may always give you repeated experiences should you prove to need more."
"I don't doubt you would even if I proved otherwise." Talking had gotten a little harder too, but she knew not talking would likely be worse in the long run. Her neck and back were starting to hurt a bit, pinned against the wall like that, but she knew better than to complain about it.
"Do you think you could do the same to a pony's heart?"