Book 1 - The Behemoth came to Canterlot

by Equimorto

Good Day

"Scootaloo!" Sweetie Belle greeted her friend as she saw her walking down the street. "Are you feeling better?"
Scootaloo nodded. "Yep. Going to see Apple Bloom?"
Sweetie nodded too. "I told her you weren't doing too well, I'm sure she'll be happy to hear you're better today. Did you figure out what it was?"
"Not really. But I'm definitely better now," Scootaloo replied. "Did Apple Bloom say anything about Applejack? She said something about her being weird the last time we talked."
Sweetie thought about it for a moment. "She did, but she didn't seem to think it was too important. Applejack is probably just nervous about the current situation and everything."
"Who isn't?" Scootaloo said. "What about Rarity?"
"She's well," Sweetie replied. "A little tired from going back and forth between here and there, but I've seen her get a lot worse when she's working. Are your aunts alright too? Your parents, heard anything from them?"
"They wrote a few days ago, they're alright. Same about my aunts. How's Opal?"
"She's doing well too. Do we know anyone who isn't doing well?"
Scootaloo legitimately thought about it. "I guess not." She shrugged and laughed, and Sweetie laughed too.