Equestria Girls Random Moments 4

by Arthor2017

Random Moments 4 - #04


Filthy Rich and his wife Spoiled Milk, now Mrs. Spoiled Rich, decide to take a break for themselves after months of work with a long walk to the park. Before leaving the Rich marriage put their faithful butler Randolph in the care of their four-month-old baby, Diamond Tiara.

At the end of their walk, Filthy and Spoiled return to the mansion greeted by a frightened Randolph.

"Thanks goodness sir & ma'am have returned! Something terrible happened!"

"What's wrong Randolph? Where is my daughter?" Spoiled Rich demands to know.

"I'm afraid it's about her, ma'am. The baby ate the newspaper!"

Both parents gasp in shock at the dire news.

"It can't be! And the newspaper was from today?" Filthy Rich ask worried.

A pet store owner finishes placing the products he ordered to start another day of work, and his first customer arrives in the form of Miss Cherilee.

"Good morning mister."

"Good morning miss, how can I help you?" The shop owner asks Cherilee.

"I would like to buy a new food bowl for my dog. The one he has is very deteriorated and I would like to change it."

"You're in luck! I have just what you need." The green-haired man takes a beautiful aquamarine plate from the counter so the high school teacher can take a look.

"Made with a material that makes it resistant to hits and falls. It doesn't corrode, easy to wash and additionally it is made fireproof. Additionally, it has a motto written in gold letters : 'For my faithful companion' . The price is 400 dollars, but for you I'll sell it in 385 dollars."

Miss Cherilee peers at the plate. Thinks about it several times before making a decision.

"Well, is not bad. The money is the least but the motto is unnecessary; after all my dog ​​can't read."

"Hey Golden Hazel, did you know my cousin is called 'Cowfish'?" Cherry Crash asks her friend before going to the cafeteria.

"I didn't know it. Do they call him like that because he likes the earth and sea cousine?"

"Actually my cousin's name is Yellow Brick, and is vegetarian."

Golden Hazel gets confused. "I don't understand. If his name is Yellow Brick, then why do they call him 'Cowfish'?"

"Because he has the body of a cow and the face of a fish!" Cherry Crash responds with a laugh.

Wallflower Blush enters Public Records by queuing in line to be served. When her turn comes, she walks over with the building staff.

"Good morning miss, how can I help you?"

"I'd like to change my name. From Wallflower Blush to Silverbolt Blush."

"Very good. Any special reason?"

"None. It just I've found a wallet on the street with several credit cards at the name of this person." Wallflower Blush says showing the aforementioned wallet with the cards to the employee.

Principal Celestia and Viceprincipal Luna are out to mow the garden's lawn when they hear someone humming. Looking up they find Discord, who for some reason moves from one side to other like a professional ballet dancer.

"Good morning, pretty ladies!"

"Good morning to you too Discord, I see you are happy." Says Vice Principal Luna being curious about her neighbor's strange behavior. Well, stranger than usual.

"And why shouldn't I be? Love has finally come into my life!"

"That is a beautiful news. Congratulations Discord." Principal Celestia adds. "And tell us, who is she? How does she looks like?"

"Well, what can I say? She is a woman who doesn't care about physical appearance, a woman who shares my likings, a sweet woman but with a strong personality and a woman who is capable of giving her life for me."

Both principals let out a cute 'Awwww' in unison.

"However I have a little, tiny, insignificant problem."

"And what could it be?" Celestia asks.

"That I have to figure it out a way so none of the four of them know I'm dating the other behind their backs!" Discord responds in worry.

Ten minutes past nine at night.

A figure enters a condominium using the darkness to avoid being seen. That person was none other than Lyra Heartstrings, dressed like one of those spies from the classic black and white movies.

Turning her head several times to make sure she is not being followed, Lyra continues her journey. Climb the steps until reaching the fourth level where she stands in front of an apartment door. Then she gently hits six times.

"Yes?" A voice ask from the other side of the door. This is the signal to say the secret password.

"The eagle left the nest." Lyra says in lower voice.


"The eagle left the nest." Lyra says the password again.

"Come again?"

"The eagle left the nest." Lyra repeats the password again, raising her voice a little.

... .... ....


"THE EAGLE LEFT THE NEST!" Lyra Heartstrings yells the password in frustration.

"Lyra, you moron! I've told you a thousand times that the spy is in room 4D , not in 4E!!" Bon Bon answers angrily at the total misguidance of her friend.

1789, May 05th


The people have taken up arms fed up with the ineptitude and negligence of Royalty and Nobility!

With the support of the Clergy, men and women take to the streets of the capital destroying everything that represents the despotic regime that led the country to its ruin. They will not rest until the monarchy meets its end and form a new constitution that treats everyone equally!

At this time, a group of revolutionaries commanded by Shining Armor attack a regiment of royal soldiers sheltered in the barracks. The battle was won but there is still work to be done.

"My dear sister, take your party and support our comrades on the south side of the city. Send food and clothing to those in need; if you see any royalist troop or supporters to the Crown, shoot them like wild ducks."

"On my way, brother!"

Twilight Sparkle sets out with her loyal dog Spike and other revolutionary troops for the fight. At the same moment Mi Amore Cadenza and her people brings a prisoner with them.

"Shining, look who we found!"

Shining Armor turns around to see who this individual was about. "My, my! If it's our old good friend, Count Hoity Toity."

" Hmph! You don't scare me, you riffraff!" Hoity exclaims arrogantly not caring about the situation he is in now.

"You really should be! Do you have any idea what we do to the people of your position?"

The prisoner arches one of his eyebrows without leaving aside his defiant gaze. Is this guy hinting that he was going to be lynched like any common thief? Never!

"Look, I am not stupid to know what you are up to and I tell you that it won't happen. I'm a nobleman, born in the aristocracy and I prefer to die as such. Therefore, I demand you to give me the same treatment you gave the king!"

A commendable attitude on the part of the count, however no one speaks about it.

"Actually we were going to release you like the rest, but if you want us to treat you like the king then so be it. To the guillotine!!!"

The revolutionaries take Hoity Toity away for execution as the aristocrat screams in horror and regretting his decision.