//------------------------------// // Random Moments 4 - #01 // Story: Equestria Girls Random Moments 4 // by Arthor2017 //------------------------------// In one of their regular conversations, Melody Octavia wants to ask Vinyl Scratch a question. "Tell me Vinyl, have you already told Neon Lights the truth?" "You mean the fact I'm seeing an oculist? Yes Tavi, I already told him." DJ Pon-3 responds. "Sounds great. There is nothing better than honesty in a relationship. And what did he say to you?" Before answering, Vinyl takes a sip from her glass. "Well, he also told me his truth." "Which truth?" "That he's seeing a basketball player, an assistant hairstylist, and a high school intern!" Rose Heart and Blueberry Cake enters a restaurant taking seat at one of the tables in the wait to be served. Within moments a man walks in and sits down at the bar counter. "Good afternoon sir, what can I do for you?" Ask the owner of the establishment. "Just a glass of wine, please." Says the gentleman. Once served he begins to drink, then the man begins to chew and crush the glass like bubblegum. As if this were not enough, the pieces of glass did not provoke cuts nor bleeding on the inside or outside of the diner's mouth. He finished devouring the glass in its entirety - except for the stem and the base - paid the bill and then left. Blueberry Cake watches everything from her seat, eyes widened just like huge plates. "Hey Rose, did you see that? The man must be an eccentric." "It must be, because he left the stem intact. And that's the tastiest part!" Rose Heart exclaims. "I'm telling you, since I've been taking those memory pills I feel like I'm someone else." Tennis Match tells Cloudy Kicks as both teens enter the gym. "That's good to know girl. And what are their names?" Cloudy asks. "The names of what?" "Of those memory pills. The ones you're taking." "… What pills are you talking about?" Tennis Match asks confused. Flashback A lady is walking down the sidewalk towards her home when she hears something that catches her attention. Everything indicates it's the cry of a little girl, and due the intensity it was very close to her position. Looking around the lady finds Fluttershy crying at the entrance to the Kindergarten. Then the kind woman decides to approach the girl and find out what is wrong with her. "Little one, why are you crying?" "… * Sniff * My parents didn't come to pick me up, and now I don't know what to do." "Oh, poor child! But don't be discouraged, we're going to call them so they can come here and get you right now. Do you have phone?" "Yes ma'am, but it's at my house." Young Fluttershy answers innocently. Mrs. Cake brings her twin babies, Pound Cake and Pumkin Cake, to their scheduled session with the pediatrician. The doctor finds both childs in good health and schedules a next session in a month while giving Mrs. Cake recommendations on infant care. "… Very well doctor, and is there any other recommendation?" Mrs. Cake asks before leaving. "Yes ma'am. You should boil whatever your babies put in their mouths inmediately." The pediatrician comments. However Ms. Cake is shocked upon hearing the prompt. "And it won't hurt, doctor?" A space rocket enters the Earth's atmosphere, descending according to the established protocol until landing on the installed base from which it launched off weeks ago. The expedition leader, Flash Sentry, exits the ship down the ramp towards the group of technicians, engineers and soldiers who make up the welcoming committee. However, if anyone could take a look closer might notice that Flash was quite upset. "Congratulations Sentry, the mission was a success! And thanks to your efforts it can be confirmed there is life on Jupiter." The commander in charge greets the astronaut with a handshake. "Too bad it turned out to be a torture for me." "Why? Were there pressure problems? The atmosphere? The rocket systems maybe?" "No, the problem is with the maintenance idiot. He left a wasp inside the suit!" Flash exclaims taking off the helmet to reveal his face covered in bites. Pinkie Pie finds herself in the center of the city with two familiar faces: her friends Rainbow Dash and Rarity. They stayed to chat for a while about their magical adventures, life after high school, college, their jobs, and so much more. "Well girls, I'm getting late for work already. We have to meet up with the others and hang out one of these days." "Take it for granted Pinks. It's going to be just like the old days!" Rainbow Dash cheers excitedly at the idea of ​​reuniting the Rainbooms once more. "Of course darling, have a nice work day. Until next time!" Pinkie Pie gets into her elegant car and leaves for the building where she now works, but not before waving her hand several times to say goodbye at the women. "You know, I always believed Pinkie Pie would pursue her dreams of becoming a renowned comedian but she has done well as a salesperson." "I know Rarity, and I'm proud of her. Now that you mention it, I wonder what's the secret to her success." Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie walks into her boss's office for the sales report. "Good morning, Mr. Sans Smirk! "Pinkie Pie! Just who I wanted to see. How did your weekend sales go?" "Wonderful! I only made one sale." Suddenly the stack of papers that Sans Smirk is holding falls from his hands as well his glasses. The vice president of the company thought it was one of the many jokes his number one employee sometimes plays on him, but by the tone of her voice she was talking for real. "Really? Did you make a sale in all the day?" "That's right Mr. Sans Smirk, but this sale was for twenty thousand dollars!" The new information stuns Sans Smirk. Not that he wanted to doubt the pink haired woman's sales capabilities, but neither could conceive the idea of ​​making such a profit with just a miserable sale. This merited an explanation, and Pinkie Pie would gladly give an explanation. "You see, a man came to buy fishing hooks and I asked him if he had a fishing rod and he said no, so I sold him a fishing rod; then I asked him if he had a boat to go the place where he would do fishing and he said no, so I also sold him a boat. Additionally I told him he would need life jackets, paddles and a rifle with ammunition plus Ad-Hoc clothing; lots of non-perishable grocery containers, packets of marshmallows, a portable television with antenna , tents, a set of sleeping bags, an RV and backpacks." "…... And all of that just for coming to buy hooks?" "Actually the man came to buy some aspirin because his wife was having a horrible headache, and I told him: ' If your day got ruined, why don't you go fishing?'" Pinkie Pie responds.