Book 1 - The Behemoth came to Canterlot

by Equimorto

Cake Dressing

"Lovely day we're having, isn't it?"
Sugarcoat turned towards the dusty blue stallion who'd spoken to her. "I suppose so." She tried to bite her tongue, but couldn't really stop herself from being herself. "Do you always start talking to someone you've never met before like that?"
"You're new around here, aren't you?" the earth pony replied, mostly not caring for her question. She was actually somewhat glad that at least he didn't take offense at her manners. "I've never seen you around here. And I've seen a lot of ponies who live around here. I'm in the Guard, you see." He extended a hoof towards her. Part of his gold and orange mane was covering his face, but he didn't seem to care. "My name is Paper Letters. I can help you around town if you need."
Sugarcoat looked at his hoof, then at him, then back at the hoof. Finally she agreed with herself and shook hers with his. "Sugarcoat," she introduced herself. "I'm new here, yes. Just visiting."
"Unusual thing to do in the Empire, in the present time." Paper finally moved his mane out of the way, and for a bit Sugarcoat wasn't sure what colour his eyes actually were. She figured it was the sunlight reflecting in them that made them look weird. It could have been contact lenses, though. "With the Wall and all. I'm sure you're aware," he continued.
"I... Yes." Sugarcoat bit her lower lip. "My situation is complicated. As for needing help, I'm fine. Cadence has already given me an idea of what the city is like, and I'd rather look around on my own. Especially if the alternative is being trailed by a guard, I don't want to stand out like that."
"Most interesting. Her Royal Highness Cadence had not informed me we would be receiving a visitor. I suppose it is none of my business to interfere with your visit given that was the case." He smiled stiffly at her, but she felt it wasn't really done with malice. It was more like he was nervous about something else, unrelated, but still trying to be polite with her. "I assure you, I could be quite unnoticeable if I were to accompany you. But I shan't bother you further. I hope you enjoy your stay." He turned and walked away, muttering something about alicorns.
Watching him go, Sugarcoat had the odd impression that maybe his mane colour wasn't the natural one. Maybe he dyed it that way. Then she shrugged, and walked the opposite way.