//------------------------------// // A Cold Storm // Story: Spike the Fairy // by PonyJoel //------------------------------// It's been several weeks since Discord granted Spike's wish. Discord has been residing in the Crystal Empire as Spike. He has been enjoying his time and the affections of many Crystal Ponies, especially Flurry Heart. Spike (Discord) has been working with Princess Cadance from time to time, playing with Flurry Heart, learning how to be a commander for his very own Crystal Guard Squadron, and spending time with his new family. During his tenure in the Crystal Empire, making friends wasn't hard when being the center of attention. Spike (Discord) is enjoying it too much. What should be dull to him is not. It's weird and exciting to live a life as someone else. Today is a new day as Spike (Discord) wakes up. A Crystal Guard knocks on his door. "Brave and Glorious, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor want to see you in the throne room." "Any reason why?" Spike (Discord) asks as he's yawning. "It's about a Canterlot Friendship Festival. Princess Cadance will explain furthermore with you." "Alright, then. Thank you, Captain Amythest." "You're welcome, Brave and Glorious." Spike (Discord) gets up and gets ready. He's eager to know what Princess Cadance has in store about telling him about the Friendship Festival. As he walks up to the throne room, many Crystal Guards wave at Spike and greets him with a good morning. Spike (Discord) feels happy to be among the Crystal Ponies since moving in. Something he didn't think he'll be enjoying. Spike (Discord) enters the throne room. He sees Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, and Sunburst. "Morning, everypony," Spike (Discord) walks to Princess Cadance's throne. "Morning, Spike," Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, and Sunburst say in unison. Flurry Heart flies out of her crib and lands in Spike's (Discord) arms. He hugs her, showing much love as a big brother would. "Now that you're here, Spike. I can inform you about the Friendship Festival taking place in Canterlot." "What about it?" Spike (Discord) acts like he's confused. "Princess Celestia and Luna have invited you to the Friendship Festival hosted by Twilight Sparkle." Spike (Discord) gags a bit after hearing Twilight Sparkle's name. Discord is trying to make it sound awful as possible. Flurry Heart tries her best to help soothe Spike's unease tensions by being adorable. "I know it sounds difficult but, hear me out before making your decision, Spike." Spike (Discord) takes a deep breath. "Alright, what you have to say?" "For the Friendship Festival to reach a higher peak, another species has to be present with pony kind. With some dragons in our world still not too keen on pony kind, Celestia and Luna want you to be our Dragon Representative. Ever since Ember has found out about the situation with you and Twilight, she's deciding to end the truce between Dragons and Ponies. With the thought of Dragons being inferior to pony kind and used as slaves, it has drawn a lot of tension. We need to keep the peace with Dragons and Ponies, so we don't have a war on our hooves." Spike (Discord) scratches the back of his head. "I don't know. What if this Friendship Festival is a ploy for Twilight and the others to get my attention and beg me into submission?" "During your presence at Canterlot, Twilight and her friends are forbidden to see and come close in contact with you. They will be aware of you being there but, Canterlot Royal Guard will keep a keen eye on their activity. Princess Celestia and Luna already warned them of coming close contact with you due to their..," Princess Cadance could not finish that sentence. It still breaks her heart knowing what Twilight Sparkle and her friends had put Spike through the years. Spike (Discord) sighs. "I know. I don't think they can take no for an answer either." "Which is why you'll be by my side during the Friendship Festival. I will have the guard escort you when I come in close contact with Twilight Sparkle on other official matters. The same applies when I'm with Celestia, Luna, and Twilight. I guarantee you'll have a fun time at the Festival." "Thank you, Cadance. What are you doing, Shining Armor?" "Well, today is take your daughter to workday. So, I'm taking Flurry Heart with me." "What about you, Sunburst?" Spike (Discord) asks. "Keeping an eye on Flurry Heart. Alicorn babies need two supervisors. In case she starts losing control of her magic, again." "Fair enough." Spike (Discord) replies. "Though around me, she never uses her magic. She's always calm and happy. Maybe today will be the day Flurry Heart rips Sunburst's goatee." "We will be leaving in an hour, Spike. The Festival is later today," Princess Cadance smiles. "We flying there or taking the train or what?" "We're flying." "Sounds good to me. I'm going to eat up before we leave," Spike (Discord) pats his belly. "Sounds good. See you in an hour in front of the Crystal Heart." Spike (Discord) gives Flurry Heart to Cadance. Cadance smiles and hugs her baby lovingly. Spike (Discord) heads to the kitchen. He makes a sandwich (which is bread with paper in it) and chocolate milk. He turns the gemstones into rock candy to munch on as well. After his breakfast, Spike (Discord) walks down to the Crystal Heart. He sees his peers cheering for him. "We love you, Brave and Glorious Spike!" The Crystal Ponies cheer and chants. "Love you all. Thank you for making me feel at home throughout my tenure here," Spike (Discord) smiles. "You're welcome," They reply. As Spike (Discord) takes some pictures with the Crystal Ponies, Princess Cadance comes down to inform Spike that Princess Celestia has sent her Royal Guards to come and pick them up. Spike (Discord) nods in understanding. He's eager to see how today will play out. Discord's clone is visiting Princess Twilight Sparkle at the Castle of Friendship before going to Canterlot. "What do you mean I can't go to the Friendship Festival?" Discord (clone) complains a bit. "We don't need a Draqonecuus stirring trouble in Canterlot," Said Twilight as she's packing. "Me, Causing trouble? That's profound, Twilight," Discord is hovering in the air, circulating Twilight Sparkle. "Look, in case you've forgotten, Dragons are not keen with ponies right now. The last thing we need is something chaotic from you to stir things up," Said Twilight, serious. "Do you really think I would cause chaos when I'm reborn as a new creature of Friendship?" "Yes!" Twilight closes her luggage in frustration. "Look. I don't want you. I don't need you when trying to make peace with another species." "Says the Princess that booted Spike out of her life," Discord retorts. Twilight Sparkle takes a deep breath. She hates it when Discord brings up the fact she and her friends screwed up with Spike. It's a painful reminder of how not to treat a friend due to being another species. "With all due respect, Discord," Twilight sighs. "You're not needed for today's Friendship Festival. I'm the Princess of Friendship. I need to set an example with Ponies and Dragons. Not Draqonecuus." "So, that's it? You're keen on keeping a bond with Dragons but not me?" Said Discord, sounding upset. "We're nearing war with Dragons because of my friends' and I boneheaded decisions towards Spike. We want to prevent that. We're not at war with you since you have a bond with Fluttershy." "Fine. Whatever happens at the Friendship Festival, it's on you. Don't cry out to me for any help cause I won't listen," Discord turns his back on Twilight. Twilight sighs heavily. She knows she hurt Discord but, it's the right call. She can't afford to have any distractions that'll spur from her objectives. "I'm sorry, Discord. I need to focus on renewing the bonds between Dragons and Ponies. I have to get going. My friends are waiting," Twilight levitates her luggage and leaves. "Our friends, Twilight. Our friends. They're not yours but ours. It's not a one-sided friendship!" Discord yells. Discord's statement hits Twilight hard. Once again, she remembers Spike and the times she said her friends instead of ours. She's starting to think that she is treating Discord the same way, ignoring him because he's a different species and treating him differently. After today, she's going to work on becoming a better friend again. Twilight leaves as Discord (clone) go home to his realm. "Hey, Twilight!" Pinkie greets her friend with a wide smile. "Hey, Pinkie," Twilight smiles. "You ready?" Applejack asks. "More than you'll ever know," Twilight looks at Canterlot. "Let's go!" Pinkie shouts. Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash are on their way to Canterlot. They take the train. On the way there, they wonder if they can see Spike and hope to have an opportunity to talk to him. Twilight Sparkle was the one to inform the Princesses that Spike should be a Dragon Representative since Dragons were starting to hate Ponies once more. Princess Celestia and Luna accept the proposal but warn her and the Bearers of not coming in close contact with Spike. Despite the Princesses' warning, they still feel the urge to try and make amends, even if Spike doesn't want it. Half an hour later, the train arrives in Canterlot. The Royal Guards escort the Bearers to Canterlot Castle. As they got there, they enter the castle and go straight to the throne room. Princess Celestia and Luna look at Twilight Sparkle and her friends. "Greetings, Princess Twilight Sparkle and the Bearers of the Elements," Said Princess Celestia formally. "It's nice to see you once more, Princess Celestia," Said Twilight in response. "Now, the Friendship Festival will be underway in a half hour. Everything is set up accordingly to your design," Said Princess Luna. "Besides ponies, has any other creature arrived?" Asked Twilight. Princess Celestia and Luna shake their heads. Not the answer Twilight and her friends were anticipating. Pinkie is devastated more than the rest of her friends. The rest frown with their attempts thus far. "I'm sorry, Princess Twilight," Said Celestia. "The Dragons, Griffins, Changelings, and Yaks are still mad at us?" Asked Rainbow nervously. "Rightfully so," Luna replies. Twilight and her friends recall their time when speaking with the Royals of those creatures. How upset they were after finding out the truth about their situation with Spike. Pinkie's Flashback with the Yaks. 35 days ago. "What do you mean banished?! Why am I exiled?!" Pinkie asks as she's in tears. Her mane deflates after hearing the news. "Yak heard what Pony did to baby dragon friend," Prince Rutherford said, sounding very upset at Pinkie Pie. "You heard?! From who?!" Pinkie shrieks a bit in shock. She didn't anticipate Princess Rutherford to know about Spike's unfortunate mistreatment. "Yak heard from Crystal Ponies this week. Pony Princess and her friends, using and abusing the baby dragon cause he's a different species. Yak no want Friendship from abusive Ponies that discriminate against other creatures. Yak feels betrayed. Yaks no inferior to Ponies." "I don't think you as inferior! What happened with Spike and I was an accident!" Pinkie tries to object. "Yak knows everything. Yak knows what you did was spiteful and disrespectful. Yak knows Princess Twilight Sparkle is a monster. Yaks no socialize with monsters," Prince Rutherford angrily decrees. "I made a mistake..," Said Pinkie in tears. "I'm trying to patch things up." "How? By pranking Yaks by removing our rings and call us despiteful names? Forgetting about us when you throw parties?" "No..," Pinkie sniffs. "Yak also bans Pink Pony's friends from entering Yak Yakinstan." "Nooooohohohoooo!" Pinkie bows, pleading for Prince Rutherford to uplift the sentencing. "Yak's decision is final. Yak no want troublesome fiend in Yak Yakinstan. Leave," Prince Rutherford turns his back on Pinkie as two yaks closes the gates to Yak Yakinstan. "I'm sorry!" Pinkie cries as the gates close on her. Princess Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack's Flashback with the Changelings. 27 days ago. "How could you..?" Thorax asked, very disappointed with Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends that are present. "I take that back. How dare you treat my best friend like a slave? A tool for your amusement?!" Thorax is livid. "Whoa whoa," Rainbow pause Thorax. "Calm down, Thorax." "Don't tell me to calm down in my own Kingdom, Rainbow Dash," Thorax replies. "I know what you've been doing to my best friend now that he resides in the Crystal Empire." "Spike told you..?" Asked Applejack, surprised that Spike told Thorax what went down. "He told me everything that you lot put him through. Especially you, Princess of Friendship. Can you even call yourself a Princess of Friendship when you abandoned your friend, leaving him to rot in isolation nearly every day?" Princess Twilight Sparkle sighs heavily. "How can you be the Element of Loyalty when you haven't been loyal to Spike? He told me you have been calling him names and pranking him mercilessly. Nearly killing him with your ice bucket pranks every time." "Look, I was stupid. I admit that for my wrongful doing. It shouldn't have happened but, it did. Right now, I'm trying to make amends. We're here because we are good friends of yours and-" Thorax cuts her off. "Friends?" Thorax sarcastically laughs a bit. "You and your pony friends didn't even bat an eye in giving me a fair chance. Wanting me to go away because you hate different creatures." "We don't hate!" Applejack protests. "The looks you gave me, those awful stares. What was that then?" Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow try to come up with a good excuse. Unfortunately, they remain silent. Not wanting to talk about the discussion at Canterlot Wedding cause it was Queen Chrysalis doing. "We.., didn't trust you, after what happened at Canterlot during Cadance's wedding," Twilight replies. "Trust has to build up slowly. Spike has done that while you all resent me because I was different. You resent and treat all creatures differently, and it's wrong. That's not how friendships work. What you did to Spike is beyond wrong. Making him do all the work while you live your lives to the fullest under your care, Twilight." "I know it's wrong. It's beyond the comprehension of a pony committing those acts towards a baby dragon," Said Twilight admittingly. "Twilight, because of you and your friends. For discriminating Spike, abandoning him, hurting his feelings, forgetting of his existence, and treating him as a slave, considering our Friendship disbanded for the mistreatment of my best friend. Changelings will no longer associate with Equestrian Ponies," Thorax takes a deep breath. "The Princess of Friendship and the Bearers of the Elements are banished from the Changeling Hive. Leave." "Wait, there's a Friendship Festival in Canterlot, and we would like-" "Not interested. Why would I send my Changelings to the Friendship Festival only to be discriminated against because they are different? Or better yet, Ponies having painful memories cause of what Queen Chrysalis did." Thorax turns away. "Changelings are not inferior to Ponies. If I ever hear you mistreat a creature poorly again, consider the peace with Changelings and Ponies disbanded as well," Thorax is feeling hurt. He doesn't want his Changelings to embrace the same feeling as Spike has in his tenure with Twilight and her friends. Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash leave with their heads low. Another species that cut ties with them due to the mistreatment they gave to Spike. The Changelings ignore them, not wanting to give them any attention to their sorrowful faces. Twilight as a Princess feels like a failure to her teacher, Princess Celestia. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy's Flashback with the Griffons. 25 days ago. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are in Griffinstone. Several Griffons are eyeballing them. It makes Fluttershy feel uncomfortable. As for Rainbow Dash, she is disturbed by the looks of the Griffons. Gabby the Griffon confronts the two. "What are you doing here?" Gabby stares at the two. She sounds upset. "Visiting, wanting to see if any Griffin would be interested in going to the Friendship Festival that's being held in Canterlot," Rainbow replies. "No way, Dash," Gilda approaches the trio after hearing her proposal. "Oh, I know you won't be going. It's not cool enough for you anyhow." "It's not that. You remember how you reacted when I went after that Pink friend of yours into thinking she's the one pranking me. Or the time I bullied Fluttershy?" "Yea, that was low on your end," Rainbow retorts, now remembering that day like it was yesterday. "Well, I heard the stories of you trying to kill a baby dragon for laughs." "What..?" Rainbow steps back a bit. "Who told you that..?" Fluttershy asks quietly but, it's loud enough to hear. "When I delivered a package for Thorax to Spike, I found out he resides at the Crystal Empire. After I delivered the package to him, he told me everything you two put him through. Along with your friends." "After Gabby told me what transpired, I felt conflicted cause you didn't like it when I bullied your friend, Fluttershy but you had the audacity of doing it to Spike for years. You're a hypocrite, Dash. Shame on you," Rainbow Dash remains silent, not wanting to talk back. "After Gabby told me, I spoke to the other Griffons that ponies are as cruel as we thouht." "That's not true..," Said Fluttershy in defense. "When was the last time you invited Spike over to hang out?" Gabby asks. Fluttershy slowly cowers as she has no answer for that. She has no memory of asking Spike to come over and hang out. It was either her other friends or Discord. "We're trying to renew ourselves through Friendship but, after hearing what kind of Friendship you six have with Spike, we don't want that kind of toxic in our lives," Gabby said. "Grampa Gruff already declares that Pony Kind should not enter Griffonstone unannounced. So, you two should take your leave," Gilda announce. "What?!" Rainbow and Fluttershy shout in response, not anticipating that outcome. "What little peace Griffons and Ponies is now deceased. When rebuilding our bonds with other Griffons, we don't want those Friendship practices you give to other creatures. We won't be blatantly disrespectful when we go out to make friends with others. It will be on better terms. No discriminating, no child slavery, and no abandonment," Said Gabby. "Would anyone be interested in going to the Friendship Festival in Canterlot?" Rainbow shouts louder so every Griffon can hear. "No way, you monster." "Nope." "I want no friendship with a cruel pony." "Fiendish Festival is more like it. You treated a species like lower than dirt." "Not even in a body bag I would go." Fluttershy and Rainbow continue to hear the responses from other Griffons. All of them are negative as they are upset. "And FYI, Rainbow Dash," Gilda walks up to her and Fluttershy. "Griffons are not inferior to Ponies. Got it?!" She angrily states. They nod as the two fly back to Ponyville. The Griffins stare at them until they are out of reach. The Griffins go back into bonding with each other. To become a better species than they were once before. Princess Twilight Sparkle Rarity, Fluttershy's Flashback with the Dragons. 14 days ago. "Look, who happened to show up? I'm guessing you want more of our dragon eggs to grow into your slave labor camp?" Ember asks irately. She and other dragons land, surrounding Twilight and her friends. Fluttershy quivers as she sees so many ferocious dragons glaring at her and her friends. "Who told you..? Not that we have slave labor camps, but who told you about Spike?" Twilight asks nervously, not wanting to enrage the dragons around her and her friends. "My good friend, Thorax. I went by to visit him the other day. He told me what you were planning and the mistreatment you gave to Spike. I can't believe you would stoop down into treating dragons like slaves, a tool for your amusement. Dragons are not inferior to Ponies. If we wanted to, we could destroy all you hold dear in honor of Spike but, we won't. Since he resides at the Crystal Empire, we will spare those ponies. As for you traitors, I would leave before you start a war," Ember decrees. She doesn't want anything to do with Twilight and her friends. "Look, I'm here to personally apologize for the mistreatment I gave to Spike and giving dragons a bad name. I want our Friendship to grow more and-" Ember cuts Twilight's speech. "Friendship?! More like slavery to me! You want to control us!" Ember walks up to Twilight as she backs away, sweating in the process while staring into the eyes of an enraged Empress. "You don't treat our kind as equals. You treat our kind below than the scum you have in your lands. Your Friendship is a lie, an ideal to control other species. A prime example is how you raised and treated Spike in his life. We don't want your friendship. It's intoxicating to us." "Please, we made our mistakes, but give us a second chance to-" Ember cuts Rarity's speech. "No way. If you say back to normal, that means back to being slaves to Pony kind. We will not tolerate Equestrian Ponies anymore. You, Princess Twilight Sparkle, are dead to me. If I ever find out that a pony takes a baby dragon, I will declare war on Equestria. I will not standby as a pony kidnaps our kin." Rarity bites her lip. The severity of the situation is worse than anticipation. One wrong move would cause a war between the two species. Fluttershy hides herself with her wings as the dragons snorts and puffs angrily at the ponies. Twilight sees the anger and wrath that Ember has in her eyes. "All Equestrian Ponies except for those residing in the Crystal Empire are forbidden to enter the Dragon Kingdom. Now leave, you intoxicating ponies. Also, I'm not going to the Friendship Festival. No Dragon here is going. You can keep your friendship and how you treat others to yourself. We don't need that kind of poison in our lungs," Ember decrees. She extends her staff towards the exit. "Out you go before the Dragons here decide to do it themselves." Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy waste no time in leaving the Dragon Kingdom. They now know how badly they messed up with Spike. They never knew it would lead to many possible wars and banishments from the other kingdoms. They never knew it cost them the friendships they'd made with them as well. Twilight made a solemn promise to undo the mistakes she made by becoming a better figure as the Princess of Friendship. Present time. After a few moments have gone by, Twilight and her friends sigh sadly. They screwed up big time. "Only one dragon will be coming to the Friendship Festival. Our Dragon Representative, Spike the Dragon," Said Celestia formally. "He is the key to have a second chance with all Dragon Kind. We cannot afford another slipup. Which is why, when he arrives, you six are forbidden to see and communicate with him," Princess Luna decrees. "Do I make myself clear?" "Yes, Princess Luna," Twilight and her friends say in unison. "Now, we have other matters to attend. Twilight, I want your friends to make sure that everypony is enjoying their time. There is something you need to know when Princess Cadance arrives." Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie leave the throne room. They'll do everything they can to ensure that the Friendship Festival is active and lively. Princess Twilight Sparkle trots up to the Princesses with her head down, feeling like a failure to the concept. No other creature has decided to join in on the festivities of their own accord. Half an hour later, Princess Cadance and Spike arrive in Canterlot Castle as the Royal Guards drop them off. The two enter and walk to the throne room. Spike (Discord) sees Twilight Sparkle in the throne room. She becomes ecstatic to see him in nearly two months. "I guess this is the part where the Royal Guards escort me elsewhere?" Spike (Discord) asks, looking at Princess Cadance nervously. "Not just yet. After this quick session then you and I will be seeing other ponies. Making sure we build trust with Pony Kind and Dragons." "Spike," Twilight is about to trot to him when Celestia's wing blocks her path. "Refrain from approaching Spike, Twilight. My declaration is still in effect at this giving time. You are to remain still and listen to the news at hoof. Do I make myself clear?" Celestia scowls at Twilight, still upset that she caused so many complications with other species. "Yes, Princess," Twilight replies. She's afraid of disappointing her teacher evermore. "Princess Cadance and Spike, welcome back to Canterlot," Princess Luna welcomes the two with grace. "Thank you, Princess Luna," Princess Cadance bows to Luna. "Thank you, Luna. Hi, Celestia," Spike waves at Princess Celestia. "Glad you can make it, Spike," Princess Celestia smiles. "So, has any other creature besides Spike has come?" Princess Cadance asks. "Nay, Cadance. With recent discoveries, no other creature besides Spike has come to the Friendship Festival," Princess Luna answers. "What about Discord? Is he coming?" Spike (Discord) asks. He looks indirectly at Twilight. She's behaving differently at the mention of Discord. Twilight perks up and looks the other way. Princess Celestia and Luna suspect that Discord would come. It's a party about friendship, and he would most likely show up. "Uh, I have some news about Discord," Said Twilight. She's deciding whether to tell the truth or tell a little white lie. "What is it?" Princess Cadance asks. Hoping it'll be good news. "Discord has decided not to show up. He doesn't want his chaos to cause conflict with other species, in case they happen to show up." "Unbelievable. She's lying in front of the Princesses and me. She is in sooo much trouble when they find out the truth. Should I send the clone in now to bust her and have rumors spread, thus creating a war between Ponies and other creatures..?" Discord is thinking and scheming of ways to get Twilight in more trouble due to her lying. "That doesn't sound like Discord," Said Spike (Discord). "He gave it careful thought and consideration that it'll be best," Twilight responds. "Wow, she's a great deceitful liar. Add that to the Friendship column Princess of Friendship." "Okay, thanks for informing us, Twilight," Said Princess Celestia. She sighs heavily, hoping that at least one other creature can arrive on their accord. "Now, we have another matter to attend to," Said Princess Cadance. "Of course. What you have to say, Princess Cadance?" Princess Luna asks. "It's about the Crystal Empire. After considering much thought with my husband and Spike, we have decided that the Crystal Empire will become an independent nation. We won't be affiliated with Equestria anymore." "What?!" Twilight Sparkle shockingly shouts. "Since you and your friends have ruined Spike's life occasionally, Twilight," Princess Cadance sighs heavily as what Spike has gone through still breaks her heart. "Many of Spike's friends are the creatures that disbanded Equestria's friendship has decided to keep the peace with the Crystal Empire. The Yaks, Griffons, Changelings, and Dragons have welcomed the Crystal Ponies with open arms and hooves. They want no part of Equestria but willing to cooperate with the Crystal Empire. With that in mind, the Crystal Empire will be able to make peace with Equestria, thus keeping war away from us." Thorax, Ember, Grampa Gruff, and Prince Rutherford have decided to create the Bar of Alliance. They added the Crystal Empire into their Bar of Alliance," Spike explains. "The Bar of Alliance represents the different breeds of creatures that live within the kingdoms. The goal is to become a United Species that care about each other ever since they found out what has happened to me under Twilight's care." "A United Species?" Asked Celestia in confusion. "With the thought of Friendship on their minds, they want to keep the balance of peace for other species. As for Equestrian Ponies, not so much. With the mistreatment of one species, it created a domino effect that all the other nations do not want to experience or be part of," Said Spike (Discord). "With that said and done, The Changelings, Yaks, Dragons, and Griffins have explored into creating unity with other species worldwide. Each of the nations will have smaller groups of creatures that other nations are forbidden to go to war with," Said Princess Cadance. "So by having us as a smaller group, the Crystal Empire will be saving Equestria from all forms of war?" Asked Twilight. "Yes," Cadance nods. "However, that doesn't mean you're off the hook. You still need to undo the damages you and your friends have caused." "How can I when Celestia and Luna forbade my friends and me of coming in close contact with Spike?! I would need a second chance to set things right with him so news can spread that I can change! I need Spike back!" Twilight protests. "You're going have to be creative with your approach, Twilight. I'm sure you can figure it out." "Can I go now? I don't feel comfortable being around Twilight." "Of course, Spike. We're about to leave and check on everypony else. Let's go," Princess Cadance and Spike leave. Twilight looks down, feeling more upset at the moment. She wants Spike and feels the only way to fix this crisis is through him. "Twilight, think about how you'll solve this crisis another time. Let's get this festival underway," Princess Luna takes flight, leaving the throne room. "Princess Celestia..?" Twilight looks up at her. "Let's make this Friendship Festival one they'll never forget, Twilight," Princess Celestia leaves the throne room. Outside of Canterlot Castle, Rainbow Dash is clearing the skies. Pinkie Pie is making balloon animals. Fluttershy is making sure the birds choir is in tone. Applejack is trotting around offering free samples of her family's apple cider and, Rarity is decorating the stage for the concert later tonight. Twilight comes outside, shaking her emotions to focus on her Friendship Festival with all ponies around Equestria except for the Crystal Empire, and takes out her list, checking to see her friends' progress. "Hey, Twilight," Her friends say in unison. "Hey," She weakly responds. After seeing Spike and hearing the news about the Crystal Empire, she's not focus for the time being. "How are things going along?" "Have some minor setbacks but, we'll fix it before the biggest event of the Friendship Festival," Pinkie said, hoping it'll cheer up Twilight. Twilight smiles at her pink friend. She frowns and sighs. "What happened in there, Twi?" Applejack asks as she offers a cub of apple cider. "Changes that'll be happening soon for the Crystal Empire and, how lucky we are that Cadance and Spike have solved a problem from impending warfare," Twilight drinks the apple cider. It helps calm her down a bit. "Wow," The girls said in unison. "However, we still have a mess to clean. We're not off the hook just yet." "Of course, Twilight," Said Rarity. "And, we'll be by your side one step at a time," Said Pinkie. "Thanks, girls," Twilight smiles more. Twilight and her friends bring cheer as they set up more of the Friendship Festival. They are glad to see Zecora setting a potion booth. Twilight and her friends start singing as everypony else starts getting in tune except for Spike (Discord) and Cadance. They see how everyone is participating. Spike (Discord) turns away and looks for other ponies to commune. Songbird Serenade makes herself known as she's looking for the pony in charge of the Friendship Festival. As they're about to talk, a loud thunder can be heard, which catches everyone's attention. Dark clouds are moving towards Canterlot. A ship appears as it's the cause of the dark clouds to appear then lands. "Spike, you stay here as I go approach the situation," Cadance takes flight to meet with whoever is onboard the ship. "Sure," Spike (Discord) nods. "This should be interesting. That symbol looks peculiar. I wonder who and where it's from." Princess Celestia and Luna land next to Twilight. Cadance lands next to Twilight as well. A small dark gray hedgehog comes down with a crate that transforms into a speaker. He grabs a mic. "Ponies of Equestria!" The speaker echos throughout the area of the Canterlot stage. "We come on behalf of the Fearsome, the Powerful, the Almighty, Storm King." Storm King emblems and an image of the Storm King unveils on the ship he walked out of, everypony gasps. "And now, to delivery the evil, evil message, put your hooves together for Commander Tempest!" He shouts and reveals Commander Tempest walking down the ramp. "Is that a unicorn?" Twilight questions after seeing the sparks from the broken horn. She's confused as to why a unicorn would be working for an evil king. "Tempest, is it? How may we help you?" Celestia asks. "Oh, I'm so glad you've asked. How about we start with your complete and total surrender." Tempest replies calmly. "Hi there, Princess of Friendship," Twilight greets. "Not exactly sure what's going on, but I know we can talk things out," Twilight nervously smiles. "Hey, I heard rumors about her, something about nearly killing a baby dragon or torturing it. Enslaving it, I might add," Grubber said to Tempest. "Maybe we can use another ally?" "We'll see," Tempest focuses her attention on the four Princesses. "Here's the deal, ladies. I need your magic," Tempest said as she's walking down the ramp. "Give it up nicely, please or, we'll make it difficult. For everyone." "And why should we cower before you?" Luna demands. "There's one of you and hundreds of us!" Tempest chuckles. "I was hoping you choose difficult." Storm Creatures come out as more warships arrive. Everypony gasps as Storm Creatures drop down, creating havoc. Everypony starts running away as Tempest jumps up, kicking a dark magic orb at Princess Celestia. Cadance jumps forward, creating a shield to protect Celestia. It was futile as the dark magic orb hits Cadance, turning her into a crystalized statue. "Cadance!" Celestia shrieks. "No! Cadance!" Twilight shrieks, as well. Tempest goes after the remaining Princesses. "Luna, quick! Go south, beyond the badlands. Seek help from the Queen of the hippo-" Celestia gets hit with the dark magic orb. She turns into a crystalized statue, like Cadance. Luna gasps. She attacks a Storm Creature and attempts to flee, only to be knocked down and turned into a crystalized statue. Twilight uses her magic to catch Luna from being shattered on impact. Storm Creatures corner Twilight as Tempest launches another dark magic orb at Twilight. Derpy happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time as Rainbow Dash swoops in and flies her away from harm. "Easy as pie," Tempest claims, knowing victory is hers already. "Oooh, I love pie," Said Grubber, imagining a pie in front of him. Derpy winds up turning into a crystalize statue. Tempest becomes infuriated as she orders her soldiers to grab Twilight. Grubber commands his comrades to aid him in capturing Princess Twilight Sparkle. Rainbow drops Twilight next to her friends as they flee together. Spike (Discord) is running from the scenery. He inadvertently runs into Twilight and her friends in the middle of the bridge. "Spike!" They exclaim. "Look out!" Twilight shoots a magic beam at the Storm Creature. His shield repel the attack back at Twilight. The bridge breaks, causing her friends and Spike to fall into the waters. They wind up falling on the waterfall, escaping the Storm King's army. After a while, the girls and Spike drifted near a beach-like lake. Applejack picks her hat from the waters and asked if everypony is alright. "Well, this is interesting. I'm on a little adventure with Princess Twilight Sparkle and our friends. Let's see how this plays out. Hopefully, I can give a good report to the Princess in hopes that Twilight and her friends do change for the better around me." "Spike, how are you holding up?" Asked Applejack. "Terrific," Spike (Discord) sarcastically expresses. "I'm with the ponies that enslaved me," The girls groan as Twilight is in a trance. It's something they don't need to be reminded of right now. "Gotta be sure to make it as hard as possible. For the years, they tortured Spike." "The Queen," Twilight said. "Yea, the Queen," Pinkie hops behind Twilight. "What, Queen?" "Celestia told Luna to find the Queen of the Hippos. Luna can't. So, I have to," Twilight proclaims. "Uh, hippos? Seriously?" Rainbow asks. It sounds ridiculous to her as to why Hippos could be very powerful. "They're somewhere south, past the badlands," Said Twilight. "That means," Fluttershy panics a bit. "We have to leave Equestria." "I'm not even packed!" Rarity states. "Good. That means you can't make me carry it," Said Spike (Discord). Glad that Rarity has nothing to bring. "Gotta make sure I keep the Spike act on how he feels. Can't screw this up." Discord reminds himself. "I understand you're scared and, no pony else has to go. But, I have to find this Queen; she might be our only hope." "Why not ask Discord for help?" Asked Spike (Discord), suggesting that Discord would be more helpful for this scenario. Twilight bit her lip. She remembers what Discord told her earlier today. Fine. Whatever happens at the Friendship Festival, it's on you. Don't cry out to me for any help cause I won't listen. "I don't think he'll be coming. He has other things to do. That's what he told me. He said I can handle it..," Twilight sighs as she has to lie in front of her friends and Spike. Not wanting to admit the mistake she made earlier today. "Graaaaah! I can't believe you Twilight! You're on a bad streak of lying! Why not admit you did wrong? How hard is that?! Oh, I guess because I'm too chaotic to help, huh! Wait till I decide to send the clone and reveal what you said to him! For Celestia's sake, do something right for once!" Discord screams in thought, not wanting to expose himself for the way Twilight answered Spike's question. Twilight decides to go alone. Rainbow and her friends nod in agreement. They'll go with Twilight. It'll be like searching for the Elements of Harmony in the Everfree forest. "Spike, you coming or what?" Asked Rainbow Dash. Spike (Discord) sighs heavily. "I'll go but, we're not friends. I'm just with you until this whole thing blows over," Spike (Discord) coldly states. Twilight sighs. "Fair enough." "I'm glad that this'll be my chance to make amends with Spike. Perhaps earn his friendship on this wild adventure." Everyone starts heading south to the badlands. Pinkie asks anyone to play eye spy but, no one wants to play. The Storm Creatures now holds everypony in Canterlot as prisoners. Tempest has a brief meeting with the Storm King. She promises him in three days, he'll have the power of a hundred armies with the Staff of Sacanas. Storm King reminds her that only he has the power to restore her horn thus making her whole again. After the briefing, Tempest learns that Grubber wasn't able to capture the Princess so, she commands her soldiers to get her ship ready. She'll capture the Princess herself. Throughout the trip, the girls remained quiet around Spike. They weren't sure how to handle this opportunity with him. Discord is disappointed with them. They should take this risk in talking to him. After a while in walking the desert, Twilight, her friends, and Spike (Discord) arrive in a town filled with different creatures that they have never seen before. Fluttershy becomes petrified with the animals that are locked in cages. She is sad and heartbroken. Twilight aids a tortoise in restocking. He yells at her saying no magic around his merchandise. A cat is watching the scenery. "Okay, we gotta stick together, be careful who we talk to, and try to blend in," Said Twilight after upsetting the tortoise. Pinkie ignores what Twilight said and causes a ruckus. The townspeople are getting annoyed at Pinkie's shenanigans for wanting something. Twilight becomes agitated with Pinkie Pie's constant shouting. In fear that allies of the Storm King may be lurking around in secret for being in uncharted territory. Everyone starts surrounding them. "How much for the giant gecko?" A bystander asks. "Who you calling a gecko?" Spike (Discord) asks. "I wish I can just use my magic and turn him into a small gecko to step on. Put some fear in everyone as they see my Chaotic Masterpiece unfold. Making them wish they wouldn't mess with the Lord of Chaos." The crowd gets closer as they want something from the pretty ponies. That's when the cat steps in to tell everyone to back away. He creates a distraction by revealing the bright colors of ponies to be an infection to the bland colors of every creature else. Applejack was about to ruin his plan but his tail shuts her up. He assures everyone as long as they don't touch the ponies, they won't be infected with purple spots. He sees paint on the ground and uses his tail to splatter some on a bystander. The bystander sees and everyone freaks out. Clearing away as the cat, dragon, and ponies are remaining. "Awesome!" Rainbow Dash cheers, patting the tall cat. "You are charming," Rarity giggles. Spike (Discord) doesn't care for the moment. Just glad that the idiots are gone. He was close to snapping and turning those creatures into cupcakes and eat them alive. "Capper the name. Charming's my game. So, to the hippos then?" Pinkie hops with Capper until Twilight blocks her way. "I don't know if we should trust him." "We can definitely use a friend out here," Pinkie glees. "You know what," Capper butts in after overhearing their conversation. "Little cotton candy is right. And, I do say so for myself," Capper sings about how dreadful the town is and how they need a friend like him. Twilight and Spike (Discord) have issues about Capper but, they let it be for now. See how it goes as everyone else is sucking up to him. Capper brings them to his home to shelter for the time being. Twilight walks around and finds a map book that piqued her interest. Spike (Discord) looks out the window, feeling bored as the girls are more intensive to Capper than him. "I now see how infuriating it is for Spike to be ignored as the attention goes to someone else. This is their chance for redemption and, they're letting that slip through." Twilight looks at the map and notice what they are looking for is the wrong Queen. It's not the Queen of the Hippos. It's Queen of the Hippogriffs, which are part pony and part eagle. "Oh, Hippogriffs. Now the trouble with that is, no one knows where they are," Capper said in his charming voice. "Says here," Twilight points to the map. "They are located on Mount Aris." "You mean the mountain outside the window?" Pinkie points to it. Everyone looks out the window and sees it from afar. "Objects and windows may be less mountains than they appear," Capper is stalling for time as Twilight takes the map. "Let's go everypony," Said Twilight. Capper blocks the exit. "Wait, you can't make it by yourselves. You need an airship. And lucky for you, I can get you a ride," Capper said in a persuasive, charming tone. "I think we can get there on our own," Twilight opens the door. "Here's Verco." A giant rat comes in. "For a second, I thought he's gonna say Here's Johnny while swinging an ax through the door. Like those movies you watch, readers. Yea, I see the references you lot like to make. Now, I gotta be silent before the author finds out I'm breaking the fourth wall." "These ponies better shoot rainbow lasers out their eyes if it'll settle your debt. Brought the big cage," Verco shows the cage to store Twilight and her friends. "Let's load them up." "You were going to sell us?" Rarity infuriated asked, feeling betrayed. "I knew it!" Twilight's suspicions were accurate. She knew that Capper couldn't be trusted. "We gotta get out of here." Tempest chuckles loudly as Storm Creatures are behind her. Everyone gasps except for Spike (Discord), he's curious to know why a broken unicorn is working for the Storm King. "Silly little ponies," Tempest smirks. "Tempest!" Twilight shrieks. "Gaaaah!" As much as it pains for Discord to shriek in terror, he has to continue to play along. Tempest and Grubber walk into Capper's home. "Trusting strangers, big-" "Huge," Grubber explains. "Oooh, my goodness," Verco walks up to Tempest and grabs her cheeks. "Well, look at you. With your scary broken horn," He talks cutely. "And scowly eyes. What tricks do you know, my little pony-wony." Tempest charges her magic to electrify the rat. "Not bad..," He falls back after getting burnt into a crisp. Twilight, her friends, and Spike (Discord) are fleeing through the window. Tempest commands her soldier to apprehend Twilight. They're hanging on a windmill as it spins. A Storm Creature grabs it, stopping the flow. Twilight and Rainbow push the windmill until it snaps. The windmill runs down the alley as everyone holds on to it. They hop off and run towards a docking area. They see an airship about to take off. Rainbow flies and grabs the rope with her teeth, creating a tightrope for everyone to board the ship. Pinkie jumps on the tightrope causing Rainbow Dash to lose her grip. Pinkie free-falls as Twilight saves her from her demise. She flies Pinkie to the back of the airship. "Best escape plan, ever!" Pinkie shouts louder. "Pinkie, quiet down before they hear," Spike (Discord) said. "Oh, she's bound to get everyone busted if she gets louder. What an idiot." "Did you hear something?" He asks his crewmate. His crewmate squawks as a response. "Yea, probably just the rats. If we find them, we'll eat them." The girls and Spike (Discord) are in hiding, trying to devise a plan. Applejack and Rainbow see that the crew are parrots. "What do you think, Twilight? Should we just ask them to take us?" Applejack suggests. "Last time we trusted somepony, he tried to sell us," Twilight exclaims as she whispers. A parrot lifts a crate, exposing them. "Hey guys, come check this out," Another parrot with an eyepatch comes to take a look. "Look like a pack of stowaways." "What are we supposed to do with them?" A pink parrot approaches them. "I think we tie 'em up." "Nah, we'll clip their wings." "Nah, we'll scar 'em, emotionally," The ponies gasps as they hear the horrors from the parrots. Especially Fluttershy. "Wait wait wait wait, what say the book, Captain Celaeno." Captain Celaeno brings the book out. She starts reading the Storm King's guidelines when dealing with stowaways. "Storm King's rule book says, throw them overboard." Her crew activates the plank. She is about to grab the girls and Spike (Discord) when a loud whistle blows. "Alright! That's lunch!" Captain Celaeno announces. Captain Celaeno and her crew bring the stowaways to their dining quarters to have a meal. Twilight is perplexed by the sudden hospitality. Spike (Discord) and Applejack are the only ones eating the food the parrots are eating. He turns it into chocolate milk once it enters his mouth. Rainbow looks around, feeling conflicted a few moments ago. "Whoa whoa whoa. So you were about to toss us overboard and, you stopped for a lunch break?" Rainbow complains a bit which causes Twilight to glare at her. "Storm King allows only one break a day for meals and it's back to hauling goods," One of the parrot crewmate states. "So, you're delivery guys?" Asked Spike (Discord). Discord knows what they are without any further questioning. Seeing the trophies and treasures behind Captain Celaeno is revealing enough to proclaim that they are pirates. "And gals," Captain Celaeno said in response. "These uniforms aren't exactly doing us any favors." "Then, can you deliver us to Mount Aris?" Twilight asks, hoping to get a yes as she holds the map. "Sorry, we do what the Storm King orders," Captain Celaeno holds the guidelines of the Storm King in her claw. "Or we suffer his wrath," She sounds gloomy. "Right.., still going overboard," Twilight lowers the map. "Ah, it's nothing personal," Said the pink parrot. "Pudding?" She offers. "There's pudding?" Rarity asks, hoping not to eat the disgusting mush the parrots are eating. She sees exactly what it is when given to her and groans. "You weren't always delivery birds, were you?" Rainbow asks, wanting to know their past a little. "What about before the Storm King?" "Yea, we used to be much more adventurous," Captain Celaeno reveals the crossbones and skull flag. "Whoa, you used to be pirates?" Rainbow becomes excited. "Uh, we prefer the term swashbuckling treasure hunters." "So, pirates?" A parrot squawks confirming Rainbow's statement. "You birds have a choice to make. You can let some cloven-hooved Storm King tell you how to live your lives. Or," Rainbow pulls down the poster of Storm King. "You can be awesome again." Rainbow Dash starts to sing and dance about being awesome, inspiring Captain Celaeno and her crew to resume their pirate ways. As they sing, Twilight and the pink parrot start marking the ways to get to Mount Aris. Spike (Discord) is not participating in the singing. He hopes Rainbow Dash doesn't do something stupid like creating a Sonic Rainboom to expose their whereabouts to the Storm King's forces. Mainly Tempest Shadow. The pirates unveil their ship, exposing the pirate rainbow wingspan of their airship. It's majestic and beautiful. "Awesome, I knew you had it in you. Now for the finishing touch!" Rainbow Dash flies up. Pinkie starts chanting Rainboom over and over. "Wait! Don't do the Sonic Rainboom, you idiot!" Spike (Discord) shouts as he knows it'll expose them. "Rainbow, no!" Twilight shouts. It was too late as Rainbow Dash flies faster, creating the Sonic Rainboom in the process. She flies over and under the pirates' airship creating a bright rainbow color effect. Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Captain Celaeno, and her crewmates are stunned to see beauty. Twilight and Spike (Discord) groan, facepalming themselves in the process. A few moments later, the alert bells start ringing, informing that the Storm Guards are approaching. "Tempest!" Twilight shouts in fear a little. Knowing it's Tempest's ship. "Secure the rigging! Lockdown the cargo! Everyone prepared to be boarded!" Captain Celaeno commands. Her crewmate escorts Twilight and the others down below as they'll take care of Temptest. "You think she saw my Sonic Rainboom?" Rainbow nervously smiles, looking at Twilight. Spike (Discord) back claws Rainbow in the face. Everypony gasps as they saw what Spike did. "She deserved that. I have no regrets." "Spike!" Rainbow shouts, feeling hurt. "We're supposed to be in hiding, not exposing ourselves, you idiot!" Spike (Discord) proclaims. He's irate cause he can't use his magic to bail them out. He can't do anything and, holding his anger isn't helping him either. He needed some relief to release, and Rainbow happens to be the perfect pony. "As much as I hate saying this, Spike is in the right. We can't be exposing ourselves and make things complicated," Said Twilight. "We had a perfect opportunity to set sail to Mount Aris and, you blew it, good job," Spike (Discord) sounds cold. "Again, my life in the hooves of my torturers. I'm going to die before this whole thing ends." Twilight and the others frown, more so with Rainbow Dash for allowing herself to become overconfident. Tempest airship shoots a harpoon-grappling hook on the pirates' ship, reeling closer to board. Tempest, Grubber, and some Storm Creatures board to inspect the ship. "Where is the Pony Princess?" Tempest asks Captain Celaeno. "Princess?" Captain Celaeno takes a look at her list. Speaking loudly. "Princess, Princess," she looks thoroughly at her list. Hoping that Tempest is watching her movements. "Nope. All we're hauling is Storm King merchandise." "You do realize that if you were to shelter fugitives, the Storm King, will be quite explosive," Tempest decrees. Twilight overhears from the cargo area. She looks around to piece together an escape plan. After looking at some of the items in the ship, she devises her escape plan accordingly. "Now, I'm going to count to three," Tempest and her Storm Creatures approach Captain Celaeno and her crewmates. "And if you don't tell me where they are, your ship is going down. One." Twilight removes a Storm King long sheet telling Rainbow to hold onto it as she pulls the lever to open the door below them. "Two," Tempest counts. Captain Celaeno is getting ready to draw her sword. "Oh, this is intense," Grubber is enjoying the scenery, a standoff between Tempest and the Storm creatures versus Captain Celaeno and her pirate crewmates. "Three," Tempest counts. She hears loud screams below the ship. "What?" Captain Celaeno sighs in relief. "Oh, for Celestia's sake!" Rarity shouts as she and her friends are free-falling. Pinkie enjoys skydiving a little too much. Twilight springs into action. Using her magic to catch everyone and puts them in the crate. Rainbow was about to help when Twilight catches her. She pouts as Twilight does all the work. She grabs the rope and ties the Storm King long sheet to the crate, creating a hot air balloon. After looping it several times, Twilight grabs Spike and squeezes his body, forcing him to breathe fire for the hot air balloon to fly. The hot air balloon flies and, Discord is enraged. "Thank goodness," Rarity sighs in relief. "Quick thinking, Twilight," Applejack congratulates Twilight on her quick planning skills. "Yahoo! Haha!" Twilight cheers. "That was fun! Can we do it again!" Pinkie asks. "Oooh, I see something red falling. "Red?" Twilight and Applejack look down to see something red dropping. "What is that?" Fluttershy gasps as Twilight, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie turn to see what Fluttershy reacted to. Spike (Discord) coughs out blood after the tight squeeze to make him breathe fire. He glares at Twilight angrily. His eyes speak malice. "Are you freaking kidding me, Twilight!" Spike yells at Twilight. "You could have compromise in giving me a signal to breathe fire. Not having to squeeze the ever life out of me like a tool for you to use!" So Discord overdramatically made the scenery worse, but he held in a lot of anger during this adventure. Coughing out blood is something a dragon wouldn't do but, it added the tension that was needed to make Twilight see the error of her ways. Even though coughing out blood wasn't necessary, it helped him relieve more of his anger. "Spike.., I'm sorry..," Twilight frowns, her memories of using Spike are returning, haunting her with endless mistakes she'd made. "No, you're not! If you were, you would have told me what you were planning so I could have helped. Instead, you sought to do things your own way without seeing the bigger picture!" Spike (Discord) takes a deep breath. "I'm so telling Cadance about this," Spike (Discord) crosses his arms. "No! Don't! Please..," Twilight begs Spike not to tell. "Uh.., next stop. Mount Aris," Rainbow Dash pushes the hot air balloon towards the mountain. Hoping the change in subject would clear everyone's mind. The ride to Mount Aris is quiet. Twilight is trying to overcome her haunting memories of abusing Spike. She just abused him by squeezing him into making him bleed. She's now getting worried that war may be impending. A while later, Rainbow Dash inadvertently crashes the hot air balloon at the bottom of the mountain. The only way up is by taking the stairs. Everyone starts heading up. Twilight is next to Spike (Discord). "Spike, I'm really sorry. Please, forgive me." "Like I said. You're not sorry. You were never sorry unless I speak about the Princesses. This adventure is Tartarus. Nearly got killed, I bled, and our allies are probably dead because of Rainbow's stupid Sonic Rainboom!" Rainbow sighs a bit. Now realizing the predicament she put Captain Celaeno and her crew in. "Wait till the rumors spread of how ponies manage to kill parrots for the enemy." Twilight sighs heavily as she walks. She trots ahead of Spike to keep herself distance. "We had to crash the balloon at the bottom of the mountain!" Rarity complains, which is irritating Spike (Discord). Rarity sounds like it's the end of the world. "That's it. I simply cannot! Even! I have nothing. The bad guys have won! I'm so sorry!" Rarity flops to the ground. "Shut up, Rarity!" Spike (Discord) yells to make Rarity stop complaining. Discord is fuming with rage. "How does Spike handle these bimbos is beyond me now. They're more chaotic than I am. At least I'm civil with my chaos." The girls gasps again. Hearing the way Spike sounds is unlike him. He's normally not this angry. Then again, he's been through so much; and has every right to be angry from what they've done to him throughout the years. Rarity remains shut. She's going to climb up and not complain anymore. Moments later, the girls and Spike (Discord) are at the entrance of the Hippogriffs. Spike (Discord) wants this adventure to end. The rest are excited to meet with the Queen of the Hippogriffs. As they enter, they see how desolate the area is. Then they discover a cave-in entry. "Let's check it out," Applejack suggests. Twilight goes in first and illuminates her horn. She and her friends walk together as Spike (Discord) stays behind to control his anger. "I don't think I can hold in this anger of mine anymore. I know I'm supposed to be testing Twilight and her friends but, she's more focused on saving Equestria. My timing wasn't right, and now I see it. Twilight managed to abuse Spike instead of compromising. She hasn't changed during the timespan of being separated from him. She lied to me, her friends, and the Princesses about the reasoning about why I didn't show up nor can help; she reverted to her ways of using Spike, and she's changing for the worse. I don't see Princess Celestia and Luna retiring anytime soon. This adventure sucks and, there is nothing I can do unless I make myself known and ruin my image as Spike. I hope things take a turn for the better. Please, let it turn for the better. I want this to end." The sound of humming is heard within the cave as they travel. It gets louder as they draw near. They see eagle-like statues flowing with water, ancient runes, and a rose in the pond with a bright light. Pinkie takes the first step but causes some stone to break off the stairs. It scares the creature in the rose and dives into the water. Pinkie follows pursuit by doing a cannonball into the pond. She tells her friends that she's unable to locate the creature. As everyone gets in the pond, the rose descends, creating a whirlpool. Discord is enjoying the whirlpool ride as everyone else screams before becoming submerge underwater. Right before passing out, the creature returns, giving them air bubbles to breathe. Pinkie is relieved that Twilight made the air bubbles at the last second. However, Twilight confirms it's not her doing. In the darkness, the group huddle together as they saw something swimming by. "Hello? We're looking for the Hippogriffs," Said Twilight. "How do I know if I can trust you?" The creature is illuminating light in the darkness of the waters. "Please, the Storm King invaded our land, and we need their help." "The Storm King?" She becomes flustered. "I'm so glad I saved you guys," She reveals her Seagriffin form in the presence of Twilight. "I'm totally taking you to my mom," She grabs Twilight as they form a chain. She's escorting everyone to her home. "Does your mother know where they are?" Asked Twilight. "She might have an idea," She responds as she swims. Moments later. "We're almost there." The girls and Spike (Discord) swim into an undersea kingdom. They are mesmerized by the beauty of the undersea kingdom. The girls and Spike (Discord) swim into the Queen of the Hippogriff's throne room. "Mother," She swims to her mother to inform her of the visitors. "Look what I found." "Is it another shell?" She replies to her daughter as her eyes are closed. "Cause I am telling you if it's another shell, I'll," She gasps horribly after opening her eyes. "Princess Skystar, what have you done? You know surface dwellers are forbidden here. Guards!" Her guards corner Twilight and her friends. Discord is getting annoyed. "No, no, no, no, no, mom, please. It is so not like that. The Storm King is trying to destroy their home too," Princess Skystar explains. "We need to find the Hippogriffs. Do you know what happened to them?" Asked Twilight. "Well, of course, I know. I'm the Queen. I know everything." "Oooh, ooh, ooh. It's such a good story," Princess Skystar claims. "Don't you dare tell them," The Queen said. Princess Skystar ignores her mother's command and proceeds in telling the story. How they once lived on Mount Aris until the Storm King arrived to steal their magic. She explains that Queen Novo hid the magic. Deep underwater where he cannot grasp the magic. She finally explains that she and her species are the Hippogriffs Twilight was seeking. "Well, I guess the pearl is out of the oyster now. I am Queen Novo." "Hold on now, let me get this straight," Applejack swims toward Queen Novo. "When the Storm King came, you abandoned your entire city and fled?" "We didn't flee. We swam. In order to flee," Princess Skystar explains. "But, how?" Twilight asks. Curious to know how the Hippogriffs did it. "Oh, can we show them? These are the first guests we had in like forever," Princess Skystar asks her mother. She repeats the can-wes several times. "Well, I suppose I should make sure it still works," Queen Novo swims up to the magic pearl. She activates the magic turning Twilight and her friends into seaponies. As for Spike (Discord), he's turned into a blowfish. The girls are enlightened being seaponies as Spike (Discord) feels conflicted with the transformation. "So the pretty demonic ponies get something beautiful while I'm this blowfish? That is wrong. I bet the real Spike would have hated this. Good thing I have experience on being a blowfish to control its reaction." "This is amazing!" Twilight becomes ecstatic as she swims to Queen Novo. "With this, we can transform everypony at home into something powerful enough to face the Storm King's army." "Or," Queen Novo swim up to Twilight with authority. "It could end up in his greedy claws," She sighs. "I'm sorry about your home. I truly am," She takes a deep breath. "But my responsibility is to protect my subjects. The pearl is not going anywhere," Queen Novo declares. "But.., we come all this way. You can't just hide down here, trapped forever. There's so much you're missing," Twilight protests. She didn't want to go back empty-handed. "We are one hundred percent okay with that," Queen Novo gets interrupted and goes for her seaweed wrap. "So that's it? We left home for nothing?" Applejack is upset. Princess Skystar gets an idea for spending time with her new friends since they'll be living here from now on. However, Applejack and Rarity explain that they couldn't stay. Pinkie Pie suggests staying for a little longer and give Princess Skystar a pleasant time with friends. Twilight agrees with Pinkie's idea. Everyone follows Pinkie Pie as Spike (Discord) sees the change in demeanor on Twilight. "Twilight, you're not planning on stealing the pearl, are you?" Spike (Discord) asks. "What? No, no. I'm just devising a plan of strategy against the Storm King. Singing and dancing with Skystar will not help," Twilight replies hesitantly. "Alright," Spike (Discord) swims to see how everyone else was doing. "If you plan on stealing it Twilight, you are no better than Tempest and the Storm King. Please, do something right for once." Spike (Discord) sees how Pinkie Pie is drawing interest with a lot of the Hippogriffs. They partake in the singing and dancing. It catches the attention of Queen Novo. Princess Skystar is having a time of her life with the few minutes Pinkie and her friends can share. Queen Novo is touched with the scenery, seeing her daughter genuinely happy for the first time in a long time. "Well, I've decided there is something we can do," Queen Novo has decided to give the ponies the pearl to stop the Storm King. "So, it's decided? You're going give them the pearl to defeat the Storm King?" Asked Spike (Discord). "Yes, young dragon. Also, why you say them?" Queen Novo asks. She's perplexed when he said them and not us. "It's a long story. Something I wish not to explain that'll jeopardize the situation." The girls sigh in relief as they'll be avoiding another conflict with another species. Then everyone gasps as a loud alarm goes off. Queen Novo glares at her daughter for bringing in trespassers. The alarm is the security alarm for the magic pearl they have. Queen Novo and everyone returns to the throne room. They see Twilight being entangled with jellyfish stingers as she tries to reach the pearl. Queen Novo feels betrayed due to Twilight's antics. She takes the pearl away from Twilight's reach. "Noooo, please," Twilight cries. "All of this so you can sneak in and take the pearl?" Queen Novo is livid at Twilight. She feels like a sucker to trust a species. She pulls Skystar to her. "This is why we don't bring strangers into our home." Twilight feels disappointed as she now has remorse for her actions. "You don't deserve to be one of us," Queen Novo uses the pearl to transform the girls and Spike (Discord) back to normal as she exiles them from her home. The girls and Spike (Discord) reach the surface of the waters. They swim towards shore as Twilight walks in shame. Right before Applejack was about to say something, Spike (Discord) beats her to it. "Unbelievable Twilight!" Spike (Discord) roars in rage. "I asked you earlier that if you planned on stealing it and, you told me no. You lied to me! You betrayed my trust, again! You lied to your friends because you didn't compromise. You sought to fix something on your own! You betrayed the trust of another species. Do you know how hard is it to build trust?! Do you?! Equestria is doomed because of your lack of trust. My home, our home..." Spike (Discord) sighs heavily as he looks up. "Is going to perish because of you..," Spike (Discord) wipes a tear. He still has to sell his character as Spike. "Why must I suffer for your mistakes!" "Spike.., I'm.-" "No! You're not sorry! You tried to do things your own way, again! This time, you left your friends in the dark of your schemes. I thought you were the smart one in the group. You're redundant as the rest of these idiots." "Idiots?!" They reply in unison. "Yea! Idiots!" Spike yells back in response. "Rainbow Dash got the pirates killed by Tempest. Pinkie is too loud to draw unwelcome attention, The Princess keeps everyone in the dark and inflicts pain and torment on me, and Rarity complains too much." Spike (Discord) takes a deep breath. "Applejack and Fluttershy, I admit you two did nothing wrong but, it doesn't excuse you from past actions throughout those years," Spike (Discord) turns to Twilight. "I hope you're proud of yourself, Princess of Friendship. You continue to deter other creatures away from Pony Kind," Spike (Discord) starts walking away. "Where are you going?" Applejack asks. "Anywhere that isn't here. I had enough of deceitful and idiocy from you lot." Pinkie Pie was second to unleash her frustrations on Twilight. The two have a heated argument. Pinkie agreed about Spike's claim of Twilight having trust issues, especially with her friends. Twilight comments that she doesn't need a friend like Pinkie in anger. It upsets her as Pinkie trots away. Seeing the pink mare upset, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy follow her, leaving Twilight all alone in despair. They took their pride with them but, they can't admit that Spike is in the right with the whole mess. Twilight trots the other way alone, feeling sad and depressed about everything that transpired. Twilight is by a cliff with her head down. She cries as she's losing everything and more. She blames herself for everything she messed up. As she looks up, a magic nullifier cage contains her. Twilight does her best trying to break the cage. Every magic beam she shot and every nudge wears down Twilight. The cage hoisted into Tempest's ship. Tempest comes down to greet the Princess. "The Princess of Friendship with no friends," Tempest chuckles at the irony. "And no way out." "Why are you doing this? You're a pony. Just like me." Tempest ignites her magic angrily, scaring Twilight a bit as she sees malice in her eyes. "I'm nothing like you. I'm more than you'll ever be." Tempest starts singing about her tragic story of how she came to be and about trust, why friendship is meaningless. Twilight understands that Tempest was hurting for so long. Alone in solitude with no friends throughout her life. Tempest pulls a lever that hoists the cage, revealing their next destination. Canterlot. "I'm so sorry you felt so alone," Said Twilight with sincerity. "I saw the truth. My friends abandoned me when they saw the truth. Looks like I'm not the only one," Twilight looks down. "Face it, Princess, friendship has failed you too." "Friendship didn't fail me. I failed friendship. I failed a lot of things..," Moments ago while Spike (Discord) walked away. "What should I do? I took this chance for Twilight and her friends to bond with me as Spike and earn redemption. Poor choice of booking on my end. They were more focused on saving Equestria while drawing unnecessary attention. Managed to kill the parrots and betray another species' trust." Discord sighs heavily. He's at a crossroads within his mind. "Twilight lied to me on more than one occasion. She squeezed me in order for me to breathe fire. It doesn't bother me but, my mindset was on Spike on how he would react if giving that scenario. The blood thing, I will say I went overboard but, I had to release my anger. Throughout this whole trip has made me feel angry and, it shouldn't. But it did. Should I just have Spike go to the Crystal Empire and have my clone fix this mess? Should I try to find a way as Spike to fix their mistakes? Queen Novo was pretty suspicious as to why I said them instead of us. I could explain to her the Bar of Alliance and all that happened to Spike. Or should I try looking for the menacing ponies and have them patch things up with Twilight and bring down the Storm King?" Discord groans as he sits. He looks up and sees Tempest's Airship heading to Canterlot. "I sensed Twilight on that ship. Time to rally her friends for a rescue mission," Discord has decided to have Twilight's friends be the ones that save Twilight and all of Canterlot. If that fails, he'll step in and finish it no sweat. Present time. Spike (Discord) is following the trail of Pinkie Pie and her friends. It wasn't long until he caught up with them. The girls turn to him as they see him panting. "Twilight has been captured by Tempest! She's on the airship heading back to Canterlot as we speak!" The girls gasps. "We gotta get her back!" Rainbow Dash shouts. "How? We'll never catch up," Said Fluttershy, knowing it's hopeless. "And we got no way to beat those monsters," Applejack states. "Well, good thing I happen know a group of mighty heroes that can handle this easily," Capper announces on top of a rock. "Well, look what the cat dragged in, himself," Said Rarity, not amused with Capper at the moment. "These heroes have faced the Storm King's army and escaped. I've seen them tackled the streets of the roughest town, break out of the tightest situation, and inspired others to join their cause," Capped added. The mares were in awe except for Spike (Discord) and Applejack. They know that Capper was talking about them. "He meant us, stupid," Said Spike (Discord). The girls groan. They were hoping for some other group. "They even escape certain doom," Capper slides down the rock to meet with the mares and dragon (Draqonecuus). "At the hooves of Commander Tempest." "Yea," Rainbow smiles. "That was pretty great," Rainbow feels motivated. "Are you kidding me?" Captain Celaeno and her crew jump down from a different rock to meet up with everyone. "That was awesome!" She does a fist pump. "Figure you can use a claw," One of Captain Celaeno's crewmate says. "You're alive!" Rainbow shouts, hugging Captain Celaeno. "You think we'll go down quietly?" "So you didn't die after all," Said Spike (Discord). "Whatever happened, Twilight and her friends are extremely lucky that they made it out one piece. No rumors of ponies killing parrots for the enemy will happen." "We're on board to help you fight the Storm King," Captain Celaeno announces after the hug. "Just not on board on our actual ship." "That crazy unicorn sunk it," The other crewmate says. "But you got back our aargh. And, we're ready to kick some booty." Princess Skystar transforms from a Seagriffin into a Hippogriff. Everyone is in awe except for Spike (Discord) to see a beautiful transformation. "Helloooo, me again," Princess Skystar chuckles. "I'm going to be so grounded but, I talked things over with Shelly and Sheldon and, they pointed out that you were just trying to help your friends. So, I want to help too," She flies up to Pinkie Pie. "Cause you know, one small thing, can really make a big difference," Princess Skystar whispers in Pinkie's ear. Everyone goes into a discussion to develop a plan of strategy. While they discuss, Tempest's airship lands in Canterlot. She marches down the streets of Canterlot as prison ponies drag the wagon that held Twilight's containment cell. Twilight sees the horror on everypony's face and feels like a disgrace. She failed them, the Princesses, and her friends. Ten minutes later. Storm Creatures open the doors to the throne room as Tempest walks in. She places Twilight's containment across from Luna. Twilight sees the crystalized Celestia statue and remembers her screams. Grubber closes the door and laughs. "Tempest, don't do this," Twilight pleas. "Don't give the Storm King-" "Your magic?" Tempest finishes Twilight's sentence. "Did you think you'll keep it all to yourself? Time to share. I love for everybody out there to know what I can really do." "Oooh, fascinating," The Storm King interrupts Tempest's moment of glory and walks in. "What can you really do?" "Your bidding, of course!" Said Grubber, answering for Tempest. Tempest stands in attention to the Storm King. "Your Mighty One," Grubber bows to his King. Then he leaves the throne room as quick as possible. "Biddings good. I like bidding," The Storm King walks forward then sees Princess Twilight. "What are you supposed to be?" "I'm the Princess of Friendship," Twilight formally answers, showing fear to the Storm King. The Storm King laughs. "Oh, I heard rumors about you. Something about enslaving a baby dragon, leaving it behind, and something about nearly killing it," Storm King continues to laugh then turns to Tempest. "Why is this one still moving?" Storm King sternly asks. "She and her friends put up a bit of a fight, but she's alone now. She won't be a problem." "Yea so, speaking of problems. This place seems a little too.., oh I don't know.., CUTE!" Storm King is frustrated, saying that he never liked cute. It doesn't resemble his mighty powerful authority figure. Storm King uses the Staff of Sacanas to absorb the magic from all four Alicorns. He laughs in triumph as he feels the power of the staff increasing. "Check out the light show." Twilight feels heavily drained of magic power. She cries a little due to being a failure to all of Equestria. "Wow! Let's get this storm started. Oooh, I should trademark that," Using the Staff of Sacanas, Storm King blasts Twilight Sparkle to test its power. "Not bad. Actually, kinda first rate. What else does it do?" "Your excellency," Tempest walks up to the Storm King. "You promised to restore my horn-" Storm King cuts out Tempest speech. "Okay, hang on," Storm King lifts the Staff of Sacanas and moves the sun in either direction. "You gotta be kidding me! I can move the sun?" Storm King becomes overjoyed with satisfaction. "Now this is what I'm talking about," He walks over Twilight. Twilight looks at Tempest. Tempest, for whatever reason, is having second thoughts but chooses to ignore them. She walks up to Storm King. Storm King moves the Staff of Sacanas, making the Sun and Moon move at his command, playing and goofing around with it. Around this time, Capper is disguised as a baker delivering a cake to the Storm King. He has his pony friends as prisoners, dragging the cake on a wagon. Spike (Discord) is a candle blowing fire. "Pinkie Pie better no blow it. Knowing her happy nature of hers, she'll more likely ruin the surprise." Discord thought to himself. "Yea, I got a delivery here for a Mr.Storm King. I was given explicit instructions to bring this here cake to this here castle's throne room," Capper explains as he points at a Storm King emblem list to prove its legal documentation. The Storm Creatures look at the ponies and cake and deny entry to Canterlot. They pitch their spears at Capper, signaling him to leave. "Alright, then. Look here, could one of ya'll go be a pal. Go tell your boss he's not getting his congratulations on subduing defenseless pastel ponies cake. Cause I don't want to be the one responsible for the big guy missing his special dessert. You know what I'm saying," Capper smirks as he walks back to the ponies, suckering the two Storm Creatures. He counts three seconds, and the Storm Creatures step aside, allowing entry. Pinkie smiles on cue as she walks. Capper leads the way. Spike (Discord) sees Pinkie smiling happily from her change in demeanor. He knows Pinkie Pie is about to screw up until Applejack mentioned that Pinkie needs to put a sad face to convince the Storm Creatures. She puts on her saddest face as she walks. Spike (Discord) sighs as he continues to breathe fire like a candle. Grubber is eating pie when he sees the cake on the wagon strolling by. He couldn't help himself, so he follows the wagon. Grubber climbs up the wagon and grabs a handful of cake to eat. After he compliments the taste of it, he sees an eyeball and freaks out a bit. After the eyeball blinks, Grubber yells ambush before being taken inside of the cake. The Storm Creatures hear and prepare for battle. "Uh oh, plan B?" Capper suggests. "The jig is up," Rainbow bucks the wagon, alerting Captain Celaeno and her crew to fight the Storm Creatures. Princess Skystar aids the pirates in battle as Spike (Discord) gets out of the way. He still feels a bit annoyed that he can't use his Chaos Magic to aid them. He decides to go with Capper and the girls to the throne room while Captain Celaeno and her crew hold back the Storm Creatures. As they move, Princess Skystar tells them to keep going as she'll hold off as many Storm Creatures as she can. Capper, Spike (Discord), and the girls approach another wave of Storm Creatures. "Say, aren't you a fire-breather dragon?" "Yes," Spike (Discord) answers. Capper picks up Spike (Discord) and uses him as a flamethrower. Discord is somewhat enjoying it but wishes he can use his magic. Spike (Discord) ignites the Storm Creatures, causing them to rive in agony in green flames as they press onward. Tempest sees what the commotion was all about. "What? How?" "It's.., it's the magic of-" Storm King cuts off Twilight's speech. "Friendship," Storm King finishes Twilight's sentence and puts an arm around the two ponies. "Flowers and ponies," He talks cutely in an insulting tone. "I'm so totally over the cute pony thing. This ends now!" Storm King uses the Staff of Sacanas to conjure a storm unlike any other. He also creates a tornado in the process. "Now! I'm truly am the Storm King! And the entire world will bow to my ba-ba-ba boom, baby!" Storm King proclaims. The tornado made Capper, Spike (Discord), and the girls go in hiding as the wind speed is too much for them to walk through. "Yes, yes, you are every bit as powerful as I promise, Sire. Now, restore my horn, and I swear to use my magic to serve you," Tempest bows to her King. Storm King laughs sinisterly. "Who cares about your dinky little unicorn horn," Storm King shoves Tempest aside as he walks. "But," Tempest confronts the Storm King. "We had an agreement." "Get with the program! I used you! It's kinda, what I do," Storm King tries to vaporize Tempest with the Staff of Sacanas. Tempest retaliates by using her magic to block the beam from the staff. The two are sent back from the aftershock. Twilight gasps and seizes her opportunity to claim the Staff of Sacanas or save Tempest's life from being dragged into the tornado. Tempest loses grip as she's about to go with the winds. That's when Twilight chooses to save her life. "Hold on!" Twilight says as she grabs Tempest's hoof. "Why are you saving me?" Tempest is confused that an enemy is saving her. "Because this is what friends do," Said Twilight as she smiles. Tempest rethinks a lot of her choices after Twilight's statement. She now has a friend..? She smiles for the first time in a long time. Twilight pulls Tempest back. "Daw isn't that so sweet," Storm King is taunting the two for having a moment. He aims the Staff of Sacanas at them, getting ready to end their lives. "See ya." Pinkie Pie, her friends, and Spike (Discord) are inside the giant party cannon. Spike (Discord) didn't agree to get in, but Pinkie brush that aside and takes him, knowing it's the right decision. The parrot pirates fire them into the tornado, heading to Canterlot Castle and crashing into the Storm King. Storm King's staff crashes into a wall. Its power becomes unstable as the storm becomes more powerful by the second. Twilight sees her friends and hug Pinkie. She's glad and relieved they're okay. Spike (Discord) isn't thrilled that he was forced into the cannon but takes a look at the chaos. "Ah, chaos. I wish it's my doing." Twilight and her friends form a chain to grab the Staff of Sacanas from the wall. They ask Spike to help. He reluctantly says no after being used cannonball without his consent. Then after hearing their pleas, especially from Rarity, he sighs and complies. Spike (Discord) helps with the chain as Twilight is nearing closer to the Staff of Sacanas. Storm King rises from the rubble. "The Staff belongs to me," Storm King leaps from rock to rubble to grab his staff and seize control once more. "No! That's my staff!" He sees Twilight nearing closer to the Staff of Sacanas. With a leap of faith, the Storm King jumps to grab it, only to be blown away after Twilight grabs it. "Got it!" Twilight shouts. Pinkie loses grip as the winds carry Twilight away from her friends. "Twilight!" Pinkie shouts in horror. Tempest sees the Princess of Friendship gone as the chain of friends lower down. Spike (Discord) sits on a broken piece of stone, waiting for Twilight to come back. Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack looks up. They can't believe that Twilight is gone. The storm is easing up a bit. After a few moments of silence, Twilight flies back with the Staff of Sacanas. Everypony celebrates except for Spike (Discord). All he wants to do is go back home to the Crystal Empire. He had enough of this adventure. Everypony except Tempest group hugs Twilight. "What's wrong with you?" Tempest asks Spike (Discord) as he's isolated from the ponies. "If I tell you, you will never look at the Princess of Friendship ever again. It's best that I don't say right now." "Are the rumors true? Are you that baby dragon they spoke of?" Tempest asks, remembering what Grubber and Storm King said to her a while ago. Without saying a word, Spike (Discord) nods his head. Tempest's jaws drop a little. She shakes herself in disbelief that the Princess of Friendship, the pony that saved her life, actually did what the rumors spoke of. Then, she sees Storm King with a dark magic orb in his clutches. She hurries to save Princess Twilight and her friends. Out of nowhere, a vortex of distorted air spawns in front of the Storm King. It caused him so much pain that the dark magic orb explodes on him. The Storm King is crystalized as he falls to his demise. He shatters on the impact on the ground. "Uh.., where did that swirling vortex came from?" Asked Applejack, dumbfounded like everypony else, including Spike (Discord). "That wasn't me." "Tempest, was that you?" Asked Twilight. "No. I was going to shield you all with my body when that vortex came at absolutely nowhere." "Wherever it came from, it saved us," Said Applejack. "Tempest, can the Staff of Sacanas reverse the effects of the crystalization?" "Yes, Twilight. It can." Twilight and the others walk back into the throne room and use the Staff of Sacanas to turn the Alicorns to normal and restore their magic. They took deep breathes and sees Twilight Sparkle and her friends. "Twilight," Princess Celestia smiles. "Princesses," Twilight hugs Celestia. Luna comes to hug her as well. The Staff of Sacanas repairs all the damage that the Storm King and Storm Creatures have done. Everypony is free from containment and celebrates. Princess Cadance walks up to Spike to check on him. "How are you holding up, Spike?" "Not well, Cadance. Can we go home now? I had enough for one adventure," Said Spike (Discord), perturbed with all that has happened. "Are you sure? We still have a Friendship Festival to-" Spike (Discord) sighs heavily. "I'm sure. I don't want to talk about it cause it's unpleasant. Just know that I winded up going with Twilight Sparkle and her friends." Eyes widen for Princess Cadance as she turns to Twilight. She's smiling and hugging her friends as they celebrate a victory. Princess Cadance closes her eyes and nods. Thinking all sorts of things they put him through and the unfortunate mistreatment as well. "Okay. I'll talk with the Princesses real quick, and we'll get going." "Okay," Spike (Discord) looks down. "Let's see if everypony is out of containment and see how our friends are doing!" Pinkie Pie suggests as she hops out of the throne room. "Right behind you," Rainbow Dash soars out the throne room, wanting to check on Captain Celaeno. Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity follow pursuit. "Princess Celestia." "Yes, Cadance," Princess Celestia smiles at Cadance. "I'm taking Spike with me to the Crystal Empire now." Twilight's heart sank. She fears that Spike is going to tell Princess Cadance on what transpired. Especially the moment when Twilight squeezes him for fire, making him bleed in the process. She prays that Spike doesn't tell her that. "Any reason why you want to leave, Spike?" Princess Celestia asks. She's worried about what has happened to him during this time. Spike (Discord) looks up at Princess Celestia. He eyes Twilight for a few seconds. She's sweating a bit as things for her are already taking a turn for the better. Spike (Discord) sighs heavily. This alarm Princess Celestia and Luna. "I had an unfortunate adventure with Princess Twilight and her friends. I don't want to go into detail. I had enough for one day. Literally," Spike (Discord) sounds upset. He turns to Tempest. "Come by to the Crystal Empire. We can use a commander like you there," Spike (Discord) suggests to Tempest since she doesn't have a home for the time being. "Uh, sure," Tempest answers. Unsure of what to think of it. "If Brave and Glorious believes you can be anew as a commander, I suggest you come to the Crystal Empire. When you can, that is," Princess Cadance smiles. "Sure. I would like that," Tempest smiles a bit. It doesn't excuse her for betraying Pony Kind but, after knowing the rumors about Twilight are true, she looks to better herself. Princess Cadance and Spike leave the throne room. Princess Celestia turns to Twilight Sparkle. Princess Luna goes to the window to raise the moon. "After the Friendship Festival, tell me what went down, Twilight." "Yes, Princess," Twilight nods slowly. She's unsure how the Princesses will respond when she mentions making Spike bleed by squeezing his body for fire. As the Friendship Festival goes underway with Songbird Serenade singing, Spike (Discord) and Princess Cadance are on the train, leaving Canterlot. Princess Cadance looks out the window and sees an awesome blaze of fireworks displayed. "Sorry that I made you miss the Friendship Festival," Said Spike (Discord), who still has to act like an innocent baby dragon. "It's alright, Spike. I'm more concerned about you than a party," Princess Cadance reassuringly said. She extends her wing to Spike to comfort him. "Thank you for understanding," Spike (Discord) smiles. "What a living nightmare that was. I never felt so vulnerable in my life. It sucks not having to use my Chaos Magic to fix things up or spice things up. Except for that blood thing I did but, I now have regrets for doing that. Oh, what was I thinking during that time? I picked a bad timing to see if Twilight and her friends would try to earn redemption. I have to pick my timings better. I'll tell Princess Cadance and Shining Armor about the parrots and Hippogriffs. Have them in our alliance for the Bar of Alliance with the other nations. I'm going to wait a while when things settle down to speak about what transpired. I do hope to see Tempest soon. She's cool, and I respect her. As for Twilight's project, I'll do a briefing with the Bar of Alliance about that. I won't partake but, they should decide for themselves about it." "You're welcome, Spike. Is there any good you can say about your adventure?" "I got to see new things and new places. I want Tempest Shadow to live with us at the Crystal Empire since we're becoming an independent nation." "I'll see what I can do and, good that you got to enjoy some things from the adventure." "I did not enjoy my time with Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends." "I know," Princess Cadance sighs. An hour later, the train arrives at the Crystal Empire. Princess Cadance and Spike (Discord) leave the train. As they walk to the Crystal Castle, several Crystal Ponies welcome the two back home. Some whistle at their Champion and Princess. Spike (Discord) smiles and waves for them. The two enter the Crystal Castle and walk up to the throne room. As they enter, they see Flurry Heart soundly asleep. Shining Armor had some hair loss and burnt markings on his body. Sunburst no longer has his goatee. "What happened while we were away?" Asked Princess Cadance. She's a bit horrified to see her husband a bit burnt. "Flurry Heart wanted to be with her mother and Spike today," Shining answers. "She threw a temper tantrum." "What happened to your goatee, Sunrbust?" Spike (Discord) asks. "Let it be what I hoped for." Sunburst sighs. "She used her magic and yanked my goatee out. The most excruciating pain I ever felt in my whole life, Spike." "Sorry to hear." "Yes, she yanked it out!'" "So, how was the Friendship Festival?" Sunburst asks. "I rather not talk about it. I'm going to bed," Spike (Discord) yawns as he leaves the throne room. "Seriously, what happened?" Shining asks Cadance. "A lot happened. I'll tell you later, Shining Armor." Spike (Discord) enters his room and activates a silencing circle. He sees his clone lounging on his bed. "So, how was it?" Discord (clone) asks as he drinks hot sauce. "Terrible for me, a holla victory for Twilight Sparkle," Spike (Discord) sighs. "I still can't believe she got away with several lies. She lied about us, lied in front of the Princesses, lied to me, and lied to her friends." "Her friends?" "I still have to keep the charade, dummy." "Oh, right. Sorry, I'm still going the emotions when Twilight told me not to come to the Friendship Festival." Spike (Discord) lays on his bed, feeling tired. "I picked a horrible timing to see if they would want to engage with Spike, to see if they repented. Apparently not when they were focused on stopping the Ice King." "Storm King," Discord (clone) corrects. "Whatever, don't care, he's dead. A vortex of distorted air came at absolutely nowhere to finish him off. It wasn't me cause I couldn't use my magic to help. I felt so useless. Is that how Spike felt whenever he was with them? Useless?" "He told us what he felt throughout the years, so we're experiencing it firsthand. All we can do is hope that she becomes better. Especially with the Bar of Alliance." "Right." "Anyway, I suspect something big in a few weeks. Something related to the School of Friendship project Twilight spoke. I'll keep a closer eye on it." "Alright, see you another day, Discord," Spike (Discord) gets under the blankets as Discord (clone) opens the closet door and leaves the room. Discord uplifts the silencing circle. "I have to pick a better time for Twilight to earn her redemption. I rushed the first opportunity that came to me without prep-time. I have to do better." Discord closes his eyes and falls asleep.