//------------------------------// // Chapter 12: Twilight Sparkle // Story: Unfriendship: Pony Gods // by littleman001 //------------------------------// It goes without saying that initially, Twilight Sparkle wasn't very thrilled with the idea of being sucked into the same mirror universe that her friends disappeared into against her will, let alone help the residents of this universe end a bloody civil war against her tyrant counterpart. But once she was calmed down by her mentor and the other world's Celestia explained everything, she could hardly be restrained. "We need to get started. Innocent ponies are dying." she said as she talked over her plan of attack with her Celestia. Insurgency Celestia watched them from the back of the room. She was still uncertain about her counterpart's decision to bring in her Twilight. "We will keep the main forces of the Regime occupied in Ponyville. That will give you time to focus on their Twilight." Celestia instructed, but Twilight shook her head. "No. From what this world's Celestia told me, alicorns are significantly weakened in this world besides my counterpart. It would be too dangerous for you and the others. We'll do it together. Then I'll deal with Empress Twilight." she paused. Even saying that out loud felt wrong. "But Tirek is gonna be tricky." Celestia nodded. "That fight could result in plenty of collateral damage." Princess Celestia noted. "You're right. It would be best to force that fight elsewhere to minimize it as much as possible." Twilight replied before turning to Insurgency Celestia. "Is there anything else I should know about?" the leader of the Insurgency stared at her with an unreadable expression which made Twilight kind of nervous. But then, she stepped forward and put a hood on Twilight's shoulder before her face softened completely into a warm smile. "I realize this isn't entirely accurate, but it's good to have you back." she said, before pulling the smaller alicorn into a hug. Twilight was caught off guard by this, but quickly returned the hug with a smile of her own. "I wish I could say it's good to be back, but I realize that wouldn't be entirely accurate either." In Ponyville, the final battle between the forces of the Regime and the Insurgency was raging on with unmatched ferocity. Applejack was duking it out with her counterpart. She threw her lasso around her, but as the loose tightened, Regime Applejack took hold of the rope with her teeth and gave it a strong pull, throwing Applejack off balance and she fell on the ground. Regime Applejack was freed, but before she could attack her counterpart, she was interrupted by Insurgency Fluttershy who started flying in circles around her. Regime Applejack tried to buck her away, but she was flying too fast. The Pegasus then grabbed the earth pony from behind, but she reached behind, took hold of her and threw her over her shoulder, straight at the main world Applejack who was just getting up, causing the two ponies to crash into each other. Starlight Glimmer was standing at the top of a building, shooting spells at the Regime ponies below, until she was interrupted by a kick to side by Regime Cozy Glow flying into her at full speed. The unicorn fell off the building and landed in front of Regime Big Mac, who raised his hooves and attempted to stomp on Starlight, who barely had enough time to teleport out of the way. Shining Armor was trying to surpess Regime Flurry Heart, trying to be gentle. She may not have been been his actual daughter, but he still didn't want to hurt her too bad. It looked like he was succeeding, until he felt something hit him in the face. He turned around to see Regime Pinkie Pie throwing cupcakes at him. "Since my Celestia destroyed my party cannon, this is all I have. Don't worry, they don't have any ponies in them. I haven't fallen that low." she reassured, before resuming to throw more of them at the stallion. Of course, they weren't really doing any harm to him, so he just stood there and wiped them off of his face before turning back to Regime Pinkie Pie with a glare. Regime Pinkie ran out of cupcakes and she was no expert in magic, she quickly realized that this wasn't a fight she could win so she decided on a tactical retreat instead. "Oh, would you look at the time! I have an appointment with my dentist after so many sugar I've consumed." she laughed nervously. "Later!" she shouted before turning around and bolting away. "Oh, no, you won't!" Shining Armor said, lifting the fleeing earth pony with his magic and hanging her on the edge of a house by her jacket. Unfortunately, this gave Regime Flurry time to recover and break out of the bubble Shining Armor trapped her in and resumed attacking him. Insurgency Sunset Shimmer was fighting Regime Lightning Dust. The Pegasus was still rather worn down from her battle with Rainbow Dash, so the unicorn easily beat her into submission. Though her triumph was short-lived as immediately after it, she found herself facing Regime Nightmare Moon. "I am eager to see what my sister's former protégé is capable of against me." the dark alicorn grinned menacingly. Insurgency Sunset muttered a quick curse under her breath before she retreated as Regime Nightmare Moon gave chase. Cadence quickly subdued Regime Blueblood and she was currently attempting the same with Regime Spitfire. But the Pegasus was hard to catch and even harder to hold down. As Cadence struggled to tie her hooves and wings behind her back on the ground, Regime Blueblood came to and noticed an abandoned cart nearby. He lifted it with his magic and threw it at Cadence, who didn't notice it in time to deflect it or get out of the way. But before the cart crashed into her, a huge bolt of purple magical energy came out of nowhere and destroyed the cart. The purple blast was so big and bright that everypony in the crowd stopped. They turned to look at where the blast came from and saw Twilight Sparkle slowly descending from above. The Regime ponies gulped in unison when they realized that this was not their Twilight. They all knew what this meant. Twilight saw what Regime Blueblood was about to do to Cadence and decided to make him his first target. “That is quite enough, Blueblood.” she said as she landed in front of him. “If you are anything like in my world, I know you only heed the words of those above your station. So heed an alicorn princess and stand down!” she ordered. To her surprise, Regime Blueblood's answer was a huge blast from his horn that sent Twilight flying back several meters. “I heed the words only of the Empress.” he snarled, lifitng the debry of the cart Twilight destroyed up into the air. “You and your friends are weak! And your world will suffer for it!” he then shot the debry he lifted at Twilight, but she managed to recover enough from the blast to take off and dodge them. Twilight had no trouble evading the debris in the air, but she couldn't keep doing this for long. She needed to go on the offensive and take out Regime Blueblood. She stopped in the air and waited for the stallion's next attack and just as she expected, he shot the debris straight at her. Twilight fired blastst at the debris, destroying them in the process, which gave her an opening to strike Regime Blueblood. And that's exactly what she did. She hit Regime Blueblood in the face and the punch sent him to the ground. Twilight attempted to knock him out, but the unicorn countered with a shield spell that knocked Twilight back. Regime Bluelbood then tried blast her with a spell of his own, but Twilight dodged and flew at him, aiming for another blast, but Regime Blueblood was quicker and interlocked his horn with hers. The two struggled to push the other back, but Regime Blueblood unwittingly gave Twilight an opening. She used a freezing spell and since her horn was right on top of his, it affected him immediatley. Before he could react and pull back, the ice already spread across most of his head and he soon found himself incased in a massive block of ice. “That will hold you long enough.” Twilight said turning away, only to see Regime Nightmare Moon charging towards her from the air like a huge meteor. The dark alicorn crashed into the ground, creating a huge crater in the ground with a huge dust cloud. Once the dust had settled, Regime Nightmare Moon expected to see Twilight's broken body beneath her, but her eyes widened in shock when she saw nothing. “What? Where is she?” she growled, looking around for Twilight, but she didn't see her anywhere. Then she suddenly felt a light tap on her shoulder form above and she looked up to attack, but Twilight beat her to it. She touched the tip of her her horn with hers and unleashed a spell that banished the Nightmare from the alicorn's body, returning her to Regime Princess Luna. The ordeal was so exhausting for her that she passed out on the ground. “From what I've heard, you embraced the Nightmare willingly in this world, Luna. So I wouldn't expect your punishment to be light.” She then looked away to see Regime Cozy Glow and Regime Big Mac still chasing Starlight. She flew into their way and the two came to screeching halt, with Regime Cozy looking up in fright, realizing what a powetful enemy she was facing. “Get her, Big Mac!” she yelled, jumping onto the stallion's back. “Take her out!” “I don't think so.” Twilight said, before pressing her horn against Regime Big Mac's forehead and used her magic to clear his head of her counterpart's mind control spell. Regime Big Mac's eyes widened as the sepll cleared his head, but once it was done, he narrowed his eyes and looked back at Regime Cozy with a death glare. The pegasus gulped and tried to fly off, but Regime Big Mac bucked her up into the air and as she fell, he caught her mane with his mouth. Regime Cozy tried to struggle to escape, but eventually realized it was hopeless and just folded her forelegs with a pout. “I really must have lost it in this world if I thought it was a good idea to employ you.” Twilight snarled. She looked away to see the battle was now going in their favor. Shininh Armor trapped Regime Flurry in a magic bubble, Cadence finally managed to tie up Regime Spitfire who was now sitting on the ground tied together with Regime Pinkie and Regime Lightning. The only one left standing was Regime Applejack. Twilight walked up to her with a strict glare and the earth pony looked like she expected to be smitten down with all of the alicorn's might. But Twilight just stopped in front of her and looked her frimly in the eye. “The Applejack I know is a pony who values her friends and family above all else. She is honest, caring and most importantly, she is responsible. She recognizes her mistakes, takes responsibility for them and always does what's right. Now I'm giving you a chance to become that pony again. And if there is anything left in you from that pony, you will not waste it.” Regime Applejack looked back at her with shame and regret in her eyes. It was obvious that she knew Twilight was right. Slowly, she took of her peaked cap and dropped it on the ground, hanging her head in surrender. Main Applejack and Insurgency Fluttershy came up to her and took her away. “Nice work, Twi.” Applejack said to her as they lead her counterpart away towards the captured Regime ponies. “We can handle things here now. You should head over to Canterlot.” Twilight just nodded and flew off, praying that she wouldn't be too late to save the other city too. In Canterlot, the Regime forces were advancing with little to no resistance. The insurgents were stretched thin and their main objective was rescuing civilians instead of engaging the enemy anyway. And they were backed by the mind controlled Regime Triek and Regime Cadence, leading her crystal guards against the city. They were currently tailing a retreating group of insurgent troops on the streets, when Cadence raised her hoof and motioned forwards, ordering her troops to take them down from afar. Her troops fired arrows and magic blasts at them and they would have surely hit the escaping ponies, if it wasn't for a huge magical barrier appearing in the way, absorbing the attacks and then moving towards the crystal ponies. Regime Cadnece had to fire a blast of her own at the barrier to disperse it. Once it disappeared, she and her soldiers saw Twilight landing in front of them. “Is this how you live up to your title as 'The Princess of Love'?” Twilight asked. To see Cadence, kind and caring Cadence acting so vicious and aggressive was almost infathomable to her. Cadence glared back. “This is me acting as the Crystal Empire's protector! Don't think my sentiments for the past with my Twilight will stop me! You cannot fight me and my soldiers alone!” but to her surprise, Twilight just smirked back. “Who said I was alone?” after she said that, Rainbow Dash bolted in from behind Twilight, smirking down at the crystal ponies smugly with her forelegs folded as a large group of pegasi appeared behind her. On the left were the Insurgency's air force ponies and on her right were the Wonderbolts. Regime Cadence instantly knew what this meant: trouble for her and her soldiers. Rainbow Dash pointed down at Cadence and her militia and the pegasi behind her attacked. The resulting chaos gave Regime Cadance enough the chance to slip away and take on Twilight herself. The smaller alicorn was taken aback as a blast from Regime Cadance hit her and pushed her on the ground. Twilight tried looking around for her opponent, but all she could see were the other battling ponies. Regime Cadance used to crowd and the battle around her to strike unseen. Twilight decided on a different approach. She flew up into the air and tried to spot Regime Cadance from above. While she still wasn't able to locate her, a pink blast coming from the crowd gave her away. Twilight blocked the blast with a shield spell, then flew down and scooped up Regime Cadance and carried her off into the air. Regime Cadance struggled to break free, but Twilight's grip was too strong. She then blasted Twilight in the face with a spell, pushing her away. Twilight managed to regain her balance before Regime Cadance could fly away to hide again and the two aliconrs were now facing each other in the air. “You're not wanted here!” Regime Cadance yelled, charging up her horn and relasing another blast towards Twilight. Twilight counterd with a blast of her own and the two beams of magical energy connected in the air, creating a huge energy ball in the middle. Both of them tried to overpower the other and it looked like Twilight was the one who was succeeding as the energy ball started to move towards Regime Cadance and before she could escape, it exploded right in front of her and sent her plummeting towards the ground with a scream. “We may not be wanted, but we're clearly needed.” Twilight said to herself. With Regime Cadance incapacitated, the Crysral forces became demorlized and were quickly overwhelmed by the pegasi. Twilight went to find Rainbow Dash who was currently beating a crystal guard the handle of his own spear, forcing him to retreat. “Rainbow, how are we doing?” Rainbow smirked in response. “These pegasi may not be as tough as my Wonderbolts, but they're still the best this Equestria has to offer. The jewel ponies never stood a chance and they know it. They're retreating.” she reported, which Twilight acknowledged with a nod. “Good. Chase them out of the city and then turn your attention towards rescuing as many civilians as you can!” “Got it.” Dash nodded. “What about you? Going after your counterpart?” “Soon. There's still one thing I'll have to...” before she could finish, a Regime Troop Transport Carriage crashed into from the air and sent her crashing into the ground. “TWILIGHT?!” Rainbow screamed before flying down to check on the alicorn. She was about to try and push the carriage away, but then a purple aura surrounded the wreck and it flew away, revealing a bruised, but still very much alive Twilight. “Are you ok?” Rainbow asked. Before Twilight could answer, a huge crash was heard and the two turned to see Regime Tirek standing in front of them. “Go and help the other pegasi.” Twilight said. “I've got this!” “Are you sure?” Rainbow asked in concern, still checking Twilight for injusries. “Trust me, I know just the thing to handle him.” Rainbow still looked unsure, but eventually gave in and flew off to join the other pegasi driving the crystal ponies out of the city. Twilight then turned to face Regime Tirek. “Come on, you behemoth monster! Do your worst!” Twilight whispered coldly, before blasting Regime Tirek with a spell. The spell apparently had no effect on him, with the exception of pissing him off. The centaur charged at Twilight who simply flew out of the way before he could reach her., which was easier said than done, since she was still a little hurt from the vehicle Regime Tirek threw at her, but she still managed to collect herself shortly. Regime Tirek advanced towards Twilight unrelentingly, but she managed to keep her distance and occasionally blast him with the same spell she used the first time. Regime Tirek didn't understand why she kept using this obviously ineffective tactic for so long, but he couldn't ruminate on it as Regime Twilight's mind control spell just kept telling him to attack mindlessly. So that's what he did. Twilight just kept hitting him with her spell and it was just as ineffective at hurting him as it was before, but he started feeling something. His magic was getting weaker and the strength of Twilight's spell was also increasing. His inability to think due to Regime Twilight's mind control cost him dearly as he realized too late what Twilight was doing. “You're... You're...” Twilight smirked back triumphantly. “Draining your magic. I did the same with Cadance and the two Celestias also gave me their remaining magic. Not so fun when it happens to you, huh Tirek?” she snarled, before flying up and charging straight at Regime Tirek. She wrapped her forelegs around his waist and due do the power she drained from him, she was now strong enough to carry him off into the air. Twilight didn't hesitate for a second and headed straight towards the Castle of Friendship at full speed. Regime Tirek tried to break free, even pummeling Twilight's back and even trying to grab her wings but it was of no use. In a few seconds, the two crashed into Twilight's destination through the roof and before they hit the ground, Twilight used the spell she used to free Regime Big Mac of the mind control on Regime Tirek. She might use him as a distraction against her counterpart, or even to just wear her down for her. It looked like this plan could even work as the first thing Regime Tirek did once the spell was complete was toss Twilight off of himself and turning towards the Empress of Magic, who was sitting on her throne, still getting over the surprise of the two crashing through her roof. “TWILIGHT!” Regime Tirek screamed with his voice distorted by rage. “I'M NOT YOUR SLAVE!” he was about to charge at the fallen alicorn, but then Regime Twilight's horn lit up with dark green light and she fired a spell straight at Regime Tirek's chest. Main Twilight's eyes widened as she saw Regime Tirek's back exploding with blood and remains of the centaur's heart. Regime Tirek raised his hend to the wound and when he felt what happened to him, he was about to go into a shock, but he didn't have time for that as Regime Twilight lifted him up with her magic. “No. You're my dead slave.” she muttered, tossing Regime Tirek's body away and letting him bleed out on the floor. She then turned her attention towards her main world counterpart. Twilight was frightened beyond belief. To see herself at full alicorn size and wielding so much power that she could effortlessly kill and toss away Tirek was both fascinating and terrifying. But the biggest gut punch was seeing herself – even in another universe – leading a tyrannical regime, opposing her Celestia, the pony she held in the highest regard. Regime Twilight slowly started to approach her. “So they finally brought you in.” she snarled. “One of our Celestia correctly speculated that I can't use my depowering spell on you without weakening myself in the process. Nevertheless, that doesn't change a thing. You and your friends don't belong here. This is my world.” Twilight finally managed to overcome her shock about her counterpart and gave her a firm glare. She wasn't going to let her see her fear. “I don't think so. A princess' obligations don't end at the borders of her own universe.” Regime Twilight rolled her eyes. “How noble. But this world already has a Princess of Friendship to protect it.” “I wouldn't exactly call what's going on out there 'friendship' and 'protection'.” Twilight reprimanded, but the Empress just shrugged. “Disobedient foals will be punished.” she said casually. Twilight recoiled in horror and disgust at her counterpart's nonchalance over the lives her forces were slaughtering. “Foals?! We may have become princesses, but that doesn't make us gods! We don't get to decide who lives or dies!” the Empress narrowed her eyes. “It IS my decision!” she exploded in anger. “It became mine when Chrysalis turned me into a weapon of mass destruction!” Twilight's eyes dropped in pity and sympathy. She had also heard what happened in this world's Canterlot five years ago. A tragedy that never should have happened, but it was no excuse for all of this. She was hoping that maybe if the Empress heard it from herself, it might make her come to her senses. “I know what you have lost. And more importantly I knew you were tricked into bringing it about, but...” “Don't bother! I've heard all of it before from my Celestia! And even yours when I was interrogating her! I don't need to hear it from myself! You judge me despite everything I've lost and what I've done to make sure it never happens again because you know you wouldn't have the guts to do it! I've had enough of it!” she then calmed herself a little and started walking towards her counterpart. “After I've killed you, I'll bring your family over. When they'll see how I perfected this world...” “They'll be afraid and disgusted at what their 'daughter' had become!” Twilight interrupted. All hope for reasoning was now lost. She will never let this monster get anywhere near her family and her world. “They'll be alive!” the Empress argued. It was obvious she had lost all her common sense and her mind. “Your family's death doesn't justify all this!” Twilight snapped back, but it seemed like the Empress didn't even hear her. “Chrysalis stole them from me! She stole everything from me!” “And you stole the freedom of an entire nation!” Twilight yelled, rising into the air and preparing herself to attack. “It's time to give it back.” Twilight immediately unleashed her most powerful spells sraight at the Empress. She expected that the extra magic she got from the two Celestias and drained from Regime Cadance and Regime Tirek would give her the edge she needed over the Empress, but Regime Twilight was tougher than she expected. She shrugged off everything she threw at her, before flying up, taking hold of the crystal chandelier hanging over them and throwing it at Twilight. The smaller alicorn barely had time to get out of the way, but pieces of the shrapnel coming from the shattered crystal formation still managed to wound her. Twilight had to fly down and heal her injuries with a spell while her counterpart slowly floated towards her. “Did you expect me to be beaten so easily?! Even with your magic boost, you are still barely my equal. Oh, and don't bother with that magic drain sepll on me. I already cast a counterspell on myself.” She then came crashing down on Twilight who managed to heal herself enough to get out of the way. Twilight decided to change tactics and tried to get physical. She flew up and used her magic to pick up pieces of furniture and throw them at the Empress, but she easily got out of their way or simply blasted them away. Twilight then levitated all of the debris lying around the room and moved it around the Empress, forming a cage around her. She then sent the cage crashing down towards the ground, but the Empress broke out of it, shattering it to pieces with a magical explosion. Regime Twilight had enough of playing around. She flew over to Twilight and grabbed her by the neck with her hooves. She then charged up her horn and blasted Twilight away, sending her crashing through a door that lead towards the stairway downstairs. Twilight tumbled down the stairs and landed in front of another door. Regime Twilight floated down towards and charged her horn for another blast, but Twilight used her magic to tear the door behind her out of it's place and throw it at her. Regime Twilight's blast shattered the door, but it gave Twilight an opening to fly at her and jam both of her forehooves into the Empress' stomach and pushed her up back towards the throne room, crashing her into her throne and shattering it to pieces. Twilight realized that she had the Empress grounded and she pulled her hoof back to punch her across the face, but she wasn't going to go down in such a primitive way. Regime Twilight quickly raised her head to glare up at Twilight with her eyes burning dark violet and she blasted her away. She crashed back against the wall and Regime Twilight flew over to her and pushed her into the wall again. She then threw her across the room and she landed on the shattered remains of the throne. Regime Twilight then used her magic to summon every bit of broken crystal and levitated them into the air directly above Twilight and prepared to send them down towards the smaller alicorn to impale her. But this was not to be the end of Princess Twilight Sparkle. There was no way she was going to die in a mirror universe by the hooves of her crazed tyrant counterpart. The magic she had collected during the battle may not have been enough, but she had access to an even more powerful magic. Princess Twilight closed her eyes and reached out to her friends who were fighting in this world. She reached Starlight who just turned over another Regime trooper to the Insurgents. She reached Cadance and Shining Armor who were consoling each other after they had to witness Regime Flurry being taken away in chains. She reached Applejack and Rainbow Dash who were greeting each other with a hug upon Dash's triumphant return from Canterlot. And they all felt her too. They closed their eyes and sent their love and friendship back to Princess Twilight and in turn, they made her stronger than ever before. Empress Twilight sent the sharp crystals down towards Princess Twilight to finish her off, but to her shock, the crystals were all obliterated just before they could pierce the princess. Princess Twilight floated up from the ground, surrounded by a blinding purple aura. “Wha... what is this?!” the Empress exclaimed as she backed away in panic. “The fact that I even have to explain it to you shows how low you have fallen.” Princess Twilight responded with her eyes still closed. “This is the power you threw away and the power that will be your downfall. This is the magic of friendship.” “No! This cannot be! This is my world! I am the Princess of Friendship here!” Empress Twilight panicked. She could feel the power radiating from the princess and even to her, it felt overwhelming. The aura around Princess Twilight faded as she spoke again. “What you are is the farthest possible thing from that.” her counterpart's comment made Empress Twilight get over her shock. It was replaced with anger and she flew up to the princess. “Shut up! You don't know anything! I became what I had to become!” she was now floating face to face with Princess Twilight. “I SAVED THIS EQUESTRIA!” she screamed, before raising her hoof and trying to punch the princess, but she caught her hoof and held it in place effortlessly, much to the empress' bewilderment. Princess Twilight's eyes finally snapped open and she glared at her counterpart with contempt. “And now I'll save it from you.” she said before kicking the empress away, sending her crashing back to the floor. The tables have turned. Now it was the Empress of Magic who seemed powerless next to the Princess of Friendship. Princess Twilight teleported next to her counterpart and punched her in the face from each side. Her punches felt much stronger this time around. Empress Twilight tried to punch her again, but Princess Twilight once again caught it, grabbed her hoof with both of hers, turned around and threw Empress Twilight hard against the wall. The Empress realized that at this rate, no matter how hard she will fight and how long she will last, she will lose. She had to end this now. She collected all of her remaining magic into her horn and released a blast more powerful than any of her previous spells. Princess Twilight did the same and just like with Regime Cadance before, it resulted in a ball of magical energy where the two bolts of energy. Both alicorns tried to overpower the other, but it was becoming obvious that Princess Twilight was winning. But Empress Twilight was too proud and stubborn to give up. She still tried to overpower her counterpart, but it was a futile effort. And it was her downfall. The magical energy reached the Empress and as it got closer and closer, it touched her horn, resulting in a huge explosion which sent Regime Twilight back against a wall. If she had any strength to fight back, she never got to show it, because as she slowly opened her eyes, she noticed something that terrified her. Her broken horn was laying in front of her on the ground. Before she could do anything, Princess Twilight stomped on it and it shattered in front of the Empress, letting out one last sparkle of magical energy, almost as a dying breath. Empress Twilight looked up to see her counterpart glaring down at her. “Your reign is over.” she told her firmly. “You won't terrorize these ponies any longer.” Empress Twilight sighed in defeat before she gave the princess one last defiant look. “Friendship and harmony only go so far. Fear is the only thing some creatures understand. One day, you'll learn that too. The hard way.” she snarled before finally passing out. Twilight gave her a final pitying look before she saw five other ponies entering the room. They were her friends accompanied by Insurgency Celestia. They all surrounded the defeated empress who recovered enough to return their glares. She then looked up at Insurgency Celestia with barely contained fury. She may have been defeated, but she won't give her the satisfaction of seeing her surrender. “You'll have to kill me.” she told her. Insurgency Celestia remained stoic. It almost sounded like a plea to her. Maybe death would have been a mercy after all the loss Regime Twilight suffered and guilt she had to live with after everything she did. But she wouldn't grant it to her. She had to answer for her crimes against Equestria. “No, Twilight. You will not get off that easy. You will face justice by the hooves of the ponies you have oppressed for so many years. They deserve that much. Besides, I believe more than enough killing have occurred in this little war of yours.” This was the final blow. Regime Twilight hung her head down in complete and total defeat. It was over. The Equestrian Magical Regime was no more.