Spike the Fairy

by PonyJoel

Coalition of Guilds

Spike and Lucy are on their way to the guildhall. Yesterday Spike decided to stay in Lucy's apartment reading the books he took from the Magic Library the other day. Lucy, Erza, Natsu, and Happy were working in Yajima's 8-Island Restaurant. Lucy pays her landlady in advance for the next two months. As Spike and Lucy enter the guildhall, they see a chart listing all sorts of dark guilds.

"What's all this?" Asked Lucy in confusion.

"It's a chart listing out the dark guilds," Mirajane replies.

"Oui, she had me draw it up for her," Said Reedus.

"A troubling sight. There are far more than I realized," Said Erza.

"What's the deal with the dark guilds then?" Asked Spike, curious to know what is going on.

"Unfortunately, they have noticeably been more active as of late," Said Mirajane.

"That can't be good," Said Spike.

"That means we need to strengthen relationships with our fellow guilds," Said Mirajane.

"What's the big circle in the middle supposed to be?" Asked Gray.

"I know exactly what it is," Said Juvia. "It's the bar of the alliance of dark guilds." Everyone is silent after Juvia explains it thoroughly. "The three major players in that alliance are Oración Seis, Tartaros, and Grimoire Heart. All powerful in their own right. But combined, they are the strongest force in the shadowy guild underworld. Each control lesser guilds that carry out the dirty work they don't wish to do themselves. However, there is one on this chart which remains independent. Raven Tail."

"Oh, man. I recognized the name Eisenwald," Said Lucy.

"I'm sure. That's the guild Erigor belonged to," Said Erza.

"So Eisenwald was actually a kind of sub-guild that worked under the Oración Seis?"

"I've seen a lot of these names before," Said Wakaba.

"I think some of them used to be legit," Said Macao.

"There is one more," Mirajane points out. "Ghoul Spirit. Which the Thunder Legion took out."

"Must have been taken out recently. I remember coming back the other day from the Magic Library cause of a client with important info," Said Spike.

"Oui," Reedus nods. He overheard that conversation with the client the other day.

Juvia mentions that she and Gajeel took out the other guilds under the Oración Seis. Gray told Juvia that it would be best not to remind everyone of what Phantom Lord has done in the past with Fairy Tail. Lucy is freaking out by how powerful the Oración Seis is. Wakaba downgrades them by mentioning that the guild only has six members.

"Don't underestimate them," Said Mirajane seriously. "Those six wizards make up for the most powerful guilds out there."

Lucy goes back to freaking out. Spike is calm and nervous at the same time. Master Makarov walks into the guild behind his children's backs, getting ready to make an announcement.

"Speaking of the Oración Seis," Everyone turns to the Master. "Word has come down. We must destroy them."

"What?!" Said everyone except Mirajane in unison.

"Welcome back, Master," Everyone flops on the floor after hearing Mirajane calmly calls out to the Master. "I hope you had a good time at the conference," Mirajane smiles.

"Master, what do you mean by that?" Asked Erza, eager to know what Master Makarov is planning.

"Oración Seis recent activity was the focus on much discussion at the conference. They pose an urgent threat and can no longer be ignored. Therefore they must be dealt, immediately. We will take them down before they harm any of our fellow guilds we are sworn to protect."

"And we gotta do all the heavy lifting, right?" Asked Gray. "Typical."

"Fairy Tail will be taking them on by ourselves?" Asked Juvia.

"This enemy is far more powerful than any other we have faced before. To fight them alone would be too dangerous. Our attack will surely incur the wrath the entire bar alliance in no time. Which is why Fairy Tail will join a coalition of magical guilds," Master Makarov decrees.

"A coalition?" Everyone said in unison.

"Fairy Tail. Blue Pegasus. Lamia Scale. Cait Shelter. These four guilds will select members to represent them in the allied force. Together we will work to bring down the enemy!"

"But we can handle it ourselves, Gramps," Said Natsu. "In fact, I can probably do it all alone."

Erza slaps Natsu, knocking some sense into him. "Don't be a fool. The Master is wise to consider the long-term consequences."

"Whoa..," Lucy backs up as she becomes more nervous. "Just hold up a second, you guys. We are only talking about six people, aren't we? I mean, are they seriously all that scary?"

"Apparently so, Lucy," Said Gray.

"Now, I have decided who should represent the guild for us," Everyone perks up. Whoever Makarov chooses, they will accept it. Spike wonders who will be representing team Fairy Tail. "Natsu Dragneel, Happy, Gray Fullbuster, Lucy Heartfilia, Erza Scarlet, and Spike the Fairy shall represent Team Fairy Tail," Makarov decrees.

Spike's jaw drops after hearing his name. He didn't think he'll be representing the guild. He feels ecstatic that Master Makarov is putting a lot of faith in him to succeed.

"Alright!" Natsu shouts. "Our team's first mission together!"

"Aye! Spike finally gets to be with us on a job together."

"I can't believe he picked me," Said Spike in disbelief as he's smiling.

"I can't believe he picked me..," Lucy complains a bit.

"Let's get packing and moving," Said Erza.

A few hours later. Team Fairy Tail is riding in the back of the wagon to the rendezvous point. Lucy continues to complain about being on this mission. Mentioning she isn't strong like the others are.

"Don't beat on yourself, Lucy. You're stronger than you think you are," Said Spike.

"We're here for one reason. Because Master put his faith in us, so let's not disappoint him," Said Erza,

"I won't disappoint him, Sis. He chose me, and I will honor his wish."

"Good Spike. Glad to see someone in good spirit."

"I think Natsu would say the same but, his motion sickness says otherwise," Said Spike.

"I know," Lucy sighs. "But Gajeel and Juvia are better fighters."

"They can't go. Master sent the two of them on another mission," Said Happy, munching on a fish.

"It seems we're always picked for this stuff," Said Lucy.

"You should consider it an honor, and today will be our first joined operation involving the other allied guilds," Said Erza. "It's important we all focus our efforts on starting to build a positive rapport."

"There it is! The Rendevous spot," Said Happy.

They reach Master Bob's Palace. It's a pink building with many hearts on it.

"Wow. I wonder if this be a place for Valentine's Day," Said Spike.

"Probably with the heart-themed building," Said Gray.

Erza opens the doors as everyone enters inside.

"Great, another creepy old mansion," Said Lucy.

"It's the second home of Blue Pegasus, Master Bob."

"Who's Bob?" Asked Spike.

Gray cringes, remembering who Bob is. "He makes me feel funny," Said Gray.

"When you see him, you'll be a bit disturbed," Said Natsu.

"Gray, Natsu, be nice," Said Erza. "Master Bob may be a bit eccentric but, he deserves our utmost respect."

"Yea.., eccentric," Said Lucy.

"Just tell me when we're there," Said Natsu, still feeling the aftermath of motion sickness.

"Okay, we're there," Said Happy.

"They're here at last." A member of Blue Pegasus said.

"At last," Two more members of Blue Pegasus said in unison.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!" He claps. "Hello!"

"Hello!" The same two Blue Pegasus members introduce.

"Fairy," He said.

"Fairy," They say.

"Tail," He said.

"Tail," They say.

"Wizards!" All three Blue Pegasus welcome their allies in unison. The Fairies look at Blue Pegasus. "We're so glad you came," There's an echo in their greetings.

"We are," Said Hibiki Lates.

"Blue Pegasus," Said Eve Tearm.

"Elite Crew," Said Ren Akatsuki

"The Trimens," They say in unison.

"Hundred Knights, Hibiki," Hibiki poses.

"Holy Knight, Eve," Eve poses.

"Still Knight, Ren," Ren poses.

"The Trimens of Blue Pegasus," Lucy blushes a bit. "Wow, that is so cool. Those guys are the hottest wizards around now."

The Trimen starts getting flirty with Lucy and Erza. Erza and Lucy start to feel uncomfortable with how the Trimen are behaving.

"Calm down, men," Said Ichiya in a handsome smooth tone as he walks down the stairs. "Give these ladies some breathing room." Erza starts to cringe, remembering a horrid experience cause of that man. "It's been far too long, Ms.Scarlet."

"A long time.., yes," Erza stutters her wording a bit. She trembles a bit. "I never expected to see you here."

"Ooh, how I missed you, my sweet honey. But, don't cry. I'm here."

"Who the heck is that weirdo?" Asked Spike.

"That's Ichiya. One of Blue Pegasus's strongest wizards," Said Hibiki.

Spike sees Erza reacting differently. He walks up to her. "You okay, Erza?"

Erza becomes unresponsive. Ichiya sees Spike the Fairy for the first time.

"So the rumors are true. There is a Fairy Dragon."

The Trimen are dumbfounded for not noticing Spike the Fairy. They greet him with their utmost respect and apologize for their rudeness of being blind to him.

"It's alright, guys. No worries," Said Spike.

"It seems that Destiny has brought us together. Ms.Erza, Ms.Lucy," Ichiya turns to Spike. "You, Mr. Dragon."

"It's Spike, sir. Spike the Fairy or Fairy Dragon."

"You two," Ichiya points to Natsu and Gray. "Not so much. Sniff sniff, sniff sniff," Ichiya starts sniffing. "Sweet Parfume." (Ichiya's way of saying perfume)

"Were you born in a mental asylum?" Asked Spike.

"He's freaking me out," Said Lucy.

"Yea, me too," Erza admits. "I never choose to be in his company," Erza steps back. "However, he is a gifted wizard."

"Listen up, you Blue Pegasus Playboy wannabes. You be wise to keep your hands off these ladies, we clear?" Gray remarks.

"Clear as crystal," Said Ichiya, speaking for the Blue Pegasus Guild. "Now, take your leave."

The Trimen say their goodbyes to Gray, which is pissing him off.

"We're here on serious business, you know. Can you pretty boys even fight?"

"You wanna find out?" Asked Ren, eager into laying the smackdown on Gray.

"Yea, we're real tough, pal," Said Eve.

"Fight? Now count me in!" Natsu shouts.

"Everyone needs to calm down this instant," Erza hears Ichiya say, my honey. Which causes her to freak out.

"Your sweet parfume, it still drives me crazy," Ichiya is sniffing Erza.

Erza punches Ichiya in the face. Sending him hurling away from the punch. "You stay far away from me!"

"Maan..," Said Ichiya in response.

"Nice right hook!" Said Lucy.

The Trimen gaze in awe as Ichiya is flying out the door, only to be caught by Lyon Vastia of Lamia Scale.

"You dare to greet us with this wide buffoon? Lamia Scale deserves more respect. We insist on it."

"It's you," Said Gray in shock.

"It's you," Said Lyon in shock as well.

"Hey, you went and joined a guild after all," Said Natsu, happily.

Lyon tosses Ichiya back to Blue Pegasus.

"What is wrong with you?" Asked Gray.

"He is the one who attacked me, Gray."

"Watch it, that's our leader your messing with, pal," Said Ren.

"How dare you?" Eve remarks

"You and your men should turn around and go home," Said Hibiki.

"I suppose that means women can stay and fight? Marionette attacks," A carpet rises and apparently attacks Lucy.

"What did I do?" Lucy asks. Then she remembers the voice. "Hold on, I recognize that magic." Sherry Blendy chuckles and rises from the carpet, revealing herself to the guilds. "Sherry, no way. You joined a guild too?"

Sherry chuckles. "I was hoping you Fairies haven't forgotten who I am. But please, do try and forget who I was, okay."

"Still crazy," Said Lucy.

"I have been born anew by the power of love."

Everyone around starts to go astray, getting ready to fight each other. Erza is getting ready to kill Ichiya if he dares try to sniff at her, and make her feel uncomfortable.

"Enough!" Spike roars, and Jura commands.

Everyone turns to Spike the Fairy and apparently Jura. Jura is mesmerized to see a baby dragon but glad that he's on the same page as he. Spike nods at Jura in respect for ceasing this foolish activity.

"We're here to work together as a group to destroy the Oracíon Seis. This is not the time to fight among ourselves," Said Jura.

"Yes, Jura," Lyon understood Jura's claim.

"That's Jura?" Erza is in shock to see Jura with them.

"Thanks for explaining to everyone what we should be doing, sir," Said Spike gratefully.

"It's an honor to be in the presence of you, Fairy Dragon," Jura doesn't know Spike's name but, he sees his emblem on his chest.

"The name's Spike. Spike the Fairy. I don't mind you calling me Fairy Dragon, though."

"Pleasure to meet you, Spike," Jura bows in respect to his new comrade.

"So, that's really him?" Said Ren.

"Lamia's Scale top man. Iron Rock, Jura," Said Hibiki.

"Who?" Asked Natsu in confusion.

"That guy is one of the Ten Wizard Saints," Said Happy, informing Natsu.

"Yea, which means he's kinda a big deal," Said Lucy.

"Four from Blue Pegasus, six from Fairy Tail. Huh, honey, our guild needed to send three guild members," Said Sherry, showing off.

"It seems we have representatives from three guilds. The members of Cait Shelter have yet to arrive," Claimed Jura.

"Yes, about that guild, I heard they are sending one," Said Ichiya, hanging on Erza's spearhead.

"One member?" Said Erza.

"That's insane! We're supposed to up against a powerful group, here!" Said Gray in shock.

"One?" Lucy freaks out again. Thinking how powerful this member of Cait Shelter. "If that's true? How crazy and intense this guy gonna be?"

"Only time will tell, Lucy. For all we know, this one member will be crucial for all of us," Said Spike.

Everyone hears the yelp of a small child running in and falling on the floor. They all turn to see a blued hair young girl. She gets up and dusts herself. Everyone is stunned to see a child in the presence of the meeting.

"Hi. I.., uh.., I'm sorry that I got here so late. I've come from the Cait Shelter Guild. My name is Wendy Marvell. It's nice to meet all of you."

"She's a kid?" Lucy's eyes widen in shock. She's surprised to see a kid from the Cait Shelter to represent her guild.

"A little girl?" Said Lyon, not expecting this outcome from the Cait Shelter Guild.

"Wendy, huh?" Said Natsu.

Spike sees Wendy for the first time. Wendy looks at Spike. She can't believe that there's a dragon, a baby dragon in the room. She runs up to the dragon with so many questions to ask.

"Hi, there," Wendy smiles. "Do you know a dragon named Grandeeney?"

"No," Spike shakes his head. "I don't know any dragons that existed in this world. My name is Spike. Spike the Fairy."

"Nice to meet you, Spike," Wendy smiles.

"Nice to meet you as well," Spike smiles as well.

Jura takes a good look at Wendy and suspects her of having great potential. "Now, then. Since all guilds are present, we can begin."

"He's not even fazed by this?!" Ask Gray, seeing how calm Jura is at the situation.

"Obviously, not," Said Lyon.

"What in the world is Cait Shelter thinking?" Asked Sherry, believing Cait Shelter made a mistake. "The guild must be hurting with members since they sent her here on her own."

"She isn't alone. You shouldn't jump to conclusions," Said Carla walking into the meeting. She's a white cat in a dress.

Everyone turns to the new face that walks in. Happy sees and becomes awestruck with love.

"What is this?" Asked Gray.

"A cat," Lyon answers.

"Hey," Spike greets the new cat.

"A dragon?" Carla is surprised to see a dragon. In this manner, a baby dragon. Nonetheless, she is still surprised. "Wendy, I apologize for my remarks a while back about dragons."

"It's okay, Carla. I'm surprised you followed me here, though."

"Of course I did. You're far too young to travel unaccompanied, child."

"My name is Spike the Fairy. You can also call me Fairy Dragon if you wish."

"Spike, will do," Said Carla.

Happy becomes madly in love with Carla. Carla sees this and shuns him. Happy turns to Spike as Carla is looking directly at him.

"What makes Spike so special..?" Happy thought to himself.

"Sorry, I'm probably not what you expected. I know I'm much smaller and younger than most of you. And, I may not be much of a fighter. I can use all kinds of support magic. So please, let me join the group! I'd be so embarrassed if you sent me home!" Wendy expressed nervously.

"You'll never gain their respect if you can't show confidence, child," Said Carla.

"I'm sorry, Carla," Wendy cries a bit.

"I swear, you'll drive me to catnap."

"I can't help it," Wendy complains a bit.

Carla sighs.

"No reason to be afraid, Wendy," Said Spike reassuringly. "You have magic that'll be subtle for us. Support magic, I support that," Spike chuckles a bit. Wendy chuckles as well.

"Forgive me," Erza said, smiling at Wendy. "I was caught off guard. Rest to sure with no offense met. We're glad to have you aboard, Wendy."

"Oh, wow. You're Erza, right? I can't believe it's really you!"

"You're not quite the monster I pictured," Said Carla.

"Sure, you heard of Happy the Catmander? Brace yourself cause he's right here." Carla turns her back at Happy. "She loves me! This must be destiny!"

"Destined to be rejected. She's totally ignoring you," Said Lucy, mocking Happy from all the times he teased her.

"I use comments like that, prove you know nothing about women and their wild ways."

Lucy feels conflicted with that comment. "I really have to break this to you but, I'm a woman."

"That girl is going to be gorgeous when she grows up," Said Ren.

"Doesn't look like Hibiki wants to wait," Said Eve.

"Would you please come with me, little lady?" Ask Hibiki in a friendly manner.

"Hands off!" Spike jumps up to punch Hibiki in the face. Hibiki is down on the floor. "Stay within your age limit, you pedo."

"Ooooh," Ren and Eve cringe. "That had to burn."

"My beautiful face hurts..," Said Hibiki, rubbing his cheek.

"Spike has a mean hook. Similar to the one Erza gave to Ichiya," Said Gray.

"Thanks for doing that, Spike," Said Carla graciously.

"I could have done that!" Happy exclaims.

"What stopped you?" Lucy chuckles, mocking Happy a bit.

"Spike beat me to the punch!" Happy retorts.

Ichiya steps up to Jura. "You sensed it too? The girl's parfume is quite unique. She is no ordinary child."

"I sense that about her right away," Said Jura. "The magic she possesses is somehow different than our own. It seems Lady Erza notices her power as well."

"Impressive," Said Ichiya.

"Wendy, if I see the Trimen do that sort of stuff at you, I'll whack 'em," Said Spike.

"Darn that dragon for messing with our mojo!" The Trimen say in unison.

"Thank you," Wendy smiles.

"I have to say, you are the nicest dragon who is normal here," Said Carla.

"Thanks," Spike smiles.

Happy is getting upset seeing how Carla is treating Spike. He wants that attention and now sees Spike as his rival.

"You love her, don't you?" Lucy mocks.

"Hey! Don't steal my lines!" Happy angrily replies.

"Now, with all the guilds present, I think we should get start the mission briefing," Said Ichiya.

"Agreed," Said Jura.

"Our first order of business is determining the location of the Oracíon Seis. Right after I make a letter of the alphabet," Ichiya heads to the bathroom.

"Great, if he's making the letter poop, I'm outta here," Said Gray.

"We're rooting for you, teacher," The Trimen claps.

"Gross. I see why women stay away from you three," Said Spike.

"Not cool!" They angrily say in unison.

Lucy and Erza couldn't help but laugh. The Trimen want to lay the smackdown on Spike. After a few minutes, Ichiya returns.

"Much better. Now, please, pay close attention. To the north lies the Worth Woodsea where the ancients once sealed a powerful force. A magic called Nirvana." Ichiya is posing as he's explaining. Gray is getting bored seeing Ichiya posing. Everyone starts to question themselves about Nirvana. Spike has no clue what Nirvana is. He's going to wait and listen until Ichiya finishes talking. Happy offers a fish to Carla but, she rejects his gift.

"We don't know much of this magic either than its name and that it's destructive in nature." Said Ren.

"And, the Oracíon Seis wants it badly," Said Eve.

"Destruction magic," Natsu said.

"Okay, bad feeling confirmed," Said Lucy nervously.

"We assume that's why they traveled to the Worth Woodsea. They're desperate to get their hands on powerful magic," Said Hibiki.

"To prevent that from happening, we must destroy the Oracíon Seis," Ichiya and Blue Pegasus pose.

"We may have the advantage in numbers, but remember," Said Ren.

"We cannot underestimate them," Said Eve.

"They're incredibly strong. We may be over our heads," Hibiki snaps his fingers to spawn an archive memory bank system. He reveals images of each member of the Oracíon Seis. The Snake Wizard, Cobra. The Speed Wizard, Racer. Hoteye, a Wizard that will kill anyone for money. Angel, a vicious beautiful wizard. Midnight, apparent a Wizard with unknown magic. Brain, the Commander of the Oracíon Seis. "Alone, they can wipe out entire guilds. Together, they are unstoppable. We have thirteen to their six but, that's our only advantage."

Lucy and Wendy volunteer to stay behind as they don't want to die. After hearing and seeing what they look like, they are afraid to fight. Carla told them they can't back away from their duties. Ichiya comforts the two by telling them not to fear, revealing there is more to the plan. Suggesting with their help, they can find the enemies' stronghold.

"Stronghold?" Natsu repeats what Ichiya said.

"You heard the man. We've looked everywhere but had no luck," Ren explains the situation.

"Here's the deal," Eve using his archive magic to show an image of the Worth Woodsea forest. "They got to have a temporary base in the Worth Woodsea."

"Once we located their base, our plan is to gather the Oracíon Seis inside," Said Ichiya.

"How do we do that?" Asked Gray, hoping there's an answer to his question.

"We beat them up and drag their butts there!" Said Natsu, eager to fight.

"You're definitely too excited about this," Said Spike.

"What's the next part of the plan?" Asked Erza.

Ichiya points up. "There, we'll give them a one-way ticket to oblivion. Courtesy of Christina, the Majestic Pride of Blue Pegasus Guild."

Lyon is in shock. He never heard of the Christina before. Sherry has but believed the Magic Bomber Christina to be a myth.

"Whoa, is that necessary? It's only six of them?" Asked Lucy in shock.

"That's the type of enemy we face," Said Jura.

"Sir, yes, Sir," Said Lucy in fear after hearing Jura's response.

"Remember, under no circumstance should ever engage the enemy in solo combat. Our best bet is to separate them and devote two wizards to each fight. One group will have three."

"Spike, be sure you stick by me," Natsu points to himself.

"Okay," Spike nods.

"Or me," Said Erza.

"Alright, Sis," Spike nods again.

Lucy and Wendy start to panic, they feel they can't handle the pressure of fighting a member of the Oracíon Seis. Carla scolds them for behaving like children.

"Let's go! I'm all fired up!" Natsu slams his fist to the palm of his other hand. His hand is now blazing with his fire magic. He burst the door and searches for the Oracíon Seis on his own.

"So much for sticking by him," Said Spike as he scratches the back of his head.

"He probably didn't listen to a word Ichiya or Jura said," Said Gray.

"I bet five fish he didn't bother to listen," Said Happy.

Everyone is now outside, scratching their heads to figure out what to do next. With Natsu on the run, Erza suggests that everyone follow Natsu's lead.

"Guess we're playing catchup with that dork?" Said Gray. He starts running in the direction Natsu ran off too.

"Awwww, do we have to?" Lucy complains and cries a bit. She starts running as well.

"Quit crying," Said Gray.

"Their energy is as infectious as I remember. Ready, Sherry?" Lyon smiles and starts running.

"Yea!" Sherry responds with love.

"Wait, stay together," Said Jura.

"So, we're hunting demons?" Said Ren. He and his fellow Blue Pegasus members are on the run as well.

"Mmhmm," Eve replies.

"And an Angel too," Said Hibiki.

Wendy is standing there, watching the others go on without her. Carla is looking at Wendy, feeling the urge to drag her with the group.

"Wendy," Said Spike, looking at her. "We should get going. They'll be needing us too," Spike offers his claw.

Wendy is petrified about pursuing with the rest to get the Oracíon Seis. She sees Spike's claw and grips it. Spike's warm smile eases Wendy up a bit.

"Alright, let's go," Said Wendy, more encouragingly.

Spike and Wendy run together as Carla flies next to them. "Thank you for that, Spike."

"You're welcome. I'm happy to help a fellow comrade."

Happy sees Spike and Carla talking. He feels the need to slay Spike to get Carla's attention. Happy flies, catching up with the others. After ten minutes of running, Spike, Wendy, Carla, and Happy joined the rest of the group. They wondered where Jura and Ichiya is. Everyone looks up to see The Magic Bomber Christina in the air.

"Whoa," Natsu said in awe.

"Lyon," Said Sherry.

"I see it," Lyon answers.

"That's the Magic Bomber Christina," Said Erza.

"I want one," Said Natsu.

"Definitely lives up to the hype," Said Gray.

"Horses can fly to?" Asked Happy.

"Please refrain from opening your mouth again," Said Carla, answering an idiotic question.

"Alright, let's split up and find their temporary base," Erza commands.

"I'm flying the bomber thing!" Natsu calls dibs.

"Not happening," Gray responds.

The Magic Bomber Christina is under attack. Bombs going off within the Magic Bomber Christina, it falls out of the sky in the process. Everyone is in shock to see the Magic Bomber Christina blown into smithereens.

"Not good..," Said Spike in shock and horror.

Natsu starts sniffing. "Gray."

"I know, we've got company. Everyone stay frosty!" Meaning, get ready.

"I can't do this," Wendy is behind a rock, cowering in fear.

"Yes, you can," Said Spike encouraging Wendy. "You have to believe in yourself."

"Easier said than done," Wendy replies, still afraid to approach the situation.

"It is easy to believe in yourself to face the challenges head-on. Just take one step at a time. If it helps, get behind me. I'll protect you."

"Okay," Wendy is now behind Spike. Spike's determination is helping Wendy feel better. Carla couldn't help but be thankful for Spike's encouraging words.

"What kind of dragon are you?" Asked Carla.

"One of a kind," Said Spike in response. "In all seriousness, I'm a Fairy Dragon that uses Energy Maker Magic."

"Energy Maker Magic?" Carla repeats with a question.

"Yes. I think and, my flames do the rest."

"Darn that dragon for taking Carla away from me!" Happy yells in his thoughts, not wanting to cause a scene.

Smoke from the Christina rises along with the Oracíon Seis. They reveal themselves to everyone that witnessed the fall of Christina.

"Lonely maggots, swarming together," Said Brain.

"I'm afraid that short stuff isn't going to make it to the party," Said Angel.

"Neither is that bald wizard saint. We took them down," Both Gemini said.

"They're defeated?" Lyon said in shock.

"Impossible," Hibiki said.

"There's terror in their voices. I can hear it," Said Cobra.

"The quicker we wrap this up, the better," Racer suggests. "I'll run you over so fast, it'll make your head spin."

"Money determines strength in this world. Oh yeah, if you save a penny today, it shall be a vast fortune in the future. Furthermore-"

"Enough with the preaching Hoteye," Cobra and Racer said in unison.

"Is it sad that I'm terrified of the snoring guy?" Lucy is referring to Midnight, who is sleeping.

"I have to admit. I didn't expect you to show yourselves," Said Erza.

Cobra sees Spike for the first time. "A dragon? I thought they went extinct? Today's my lucky day."

"Ready?" Natsu cracks knuckles.

"You bet," Said Gray in response.

Spike's claws start glowing sparkling green. "Wendy, I may have to engage. When I do, get behind the rock."

"Okay," Wendy quietly said. Nervous about the situation.

"You want an invitation?" Asked Cobra sinisterly.

"You being here is enough for us," Said Gray and Natsu in unison. They charge together, going after the Oracíon Seis.

"Take them," Brain commands.

"Yes, Sir," Racer intervenes and knocks down Natsu and Gray using his fast speed.

"Natsu! Gray!" There are two Lucys that said in unison. Then Gemini attacks Lucy with their version of Lucy's whip.

"I see you. Oh yeah!" Sherry and Lyon go after Hoteye. Hoteye uses his magic, liquefying the ground. "Forget love. All you need is money! Money is all you need." The liquefied ground becomes a swirling vortex of quicksand, trapping Lyon and Sherry in the process.

"What is this stuff? Quicksand?" Asked Lyon, confused with Hoteye's magic.

"How dare he say love is less important! Grab my hand, love," Sherry tries to reach out to Lyon. They are far apart from reaching distance.

The Trimen tries to go after Angel only to be taken down by Racer. "If you're slow, you'll be eating my dust."

Erza jumps up. "Requip!"

"That's impressive," Said Cobra, watching Erza requip into her Heaven's Wheel Armor.

"Dance my swords!" Erza summons fifty swords. She launches her attack at Cobra. Cobra slightly moves, dodging all of Erza's sword attack. "No, he dodged them all. Can he read my attacks?" Racer gets behind Erza and is about to attack her. Erza quickly counters Racer's kick.

Natsu gets up and sees Midnight sleeping. He uses his Fire Dragon breath attack. Midnight in his sleep redirected Natsu's attack.

"Requip! Flight Armor!" Erza requips into her Flight Armor. The armor increases Erza's speed dramatically. She tries her hardest to land a hit on Racer. Racer moves faster than Erza, dodging all of her attacks in the process.

"That's more like it," Racer is having fun seeing someone fast trying to attack him. "Yea, I like fast women."

Cobra smirks. "It's no use," He gets behind Erza. "I can hear your next move, Titania," Cobra kicks Erza in the stomach. "You might as well give up now."

"He is reading me but, how?" Erza thought to herself.

"You look confused," Said Cobra. "Having trouble figuring it out? I told you, I hear everything!"

As Natsu complains about Midnight dodging his attack in his sleep, Racer comes from behind, attacking Natsu. Racer's intense speeds allow him to punch and kick Natsu harder. Telling him by waking up Midnight, he'll be in a nightmare. Lyon and Sherry try to combine their magic to attack Hoteye. Hoteye counters with his magic, taking the two down. Brain watches everything unfolding but turns his attention to Erza fighting Cobra.

"I see, this is the famed Erza Scarlet," Said Brain, amused by Erza's fighting spirit.

Cobra catches Erza's attack. "I can hear it all, you know. It's like a symphony. Your muscles are contracting. Every breath you take in, and all your thoughts," Cobra gets inside of Erza's memory. He's in shock, realizing that Erza was also part of the Tower of Heaven project as a child. "You were there?"

"He's open!" Erza takes the opportunity to attack Cobra now that he's defenseless.

Hoteye uses his magic to attack Erza but gets blocked by a sparkling green metallic shield. Racer interjects Erza's attack, telling Cobra to wake up.

"Huh?! Where did that come from?" Hoteye wonders as he looks around. "Money?" He sees the source.

"Inferno Heat Wave!" Spike lowers the sparkling green fireball, using his other claw to press hard, imagining the flaming ball turning into a fiery heat cannon.

"I wonder how much money people will buy for dragon scales! Oh yeah!" Hoteye uses his magic to block Spike's attack. When the attack is blocked, Spike runs up to Hoteye, surprising him a bit.

"Fairy Dragon Rooooar!" Spike breathes his fire at Hoteye, sending his back a little from the sudden and surprising outburst.

Brain couldn't help but smile. He becomes ecstatic to see a healthy baby dragon fighting. He thought he knew that dragons went extinct. Now, he stands corrected.

"I'm impressed that a young dragon like you still existed. I can't wait to kill you and sell you for money! Oh yeah!"

"I can't wait to see you pee yourself in the next moment," Said Spike as he's powering up.

Racer finishes attacking Erza as she plummets to the ground. "Hmm, that was easier than I thought."

Cobra reads Spike's mind and becomes worried. He is now aware that Spike can increase his size at will. If Spike becomes a full size dragon, the Oracíon Seis will be finished. "That dragon has interfered long enough. Cubellios!" Cobra orders Cubellios to attack Spike from behind.

"Nooooo!" Erza shouts. "Spike!"

Spike turns around and sees Cubellios. It was too late for him to counter. He closes his eyes. Erza acts fast and sprints to take the blow for Spike. He opens his eyes as Cubellios bites into Erza's arm, hearing a loud painful wail from Erza. Cubellios takes Erza up then releases her. She plummets and lands hard on the ground.

"Congrats, Titania. You saved that dragon's life from Cubellios' poison. Enjoy riding in agony till death claims you," Said Cobra.

"Erza!" Spike horrifyingly shouts.

"Gotcha now," Tracer moves left and right, punching and kicking Spike around his body in an instant.

"This is for the breath attack, you pipsqueak," Hoteye uses his magic to create a liquifying wave attack, slamming Spike into a boulder.

"Spike!" Wendy sees Spike knocked down from the impact. She's worried and scared as everyone else has fallen.

"How pathetic. Prepare for oblivion's embrace," Brain uses his skull staff to unleash a dark death spell. As he conjures the magic to kill everyone, he notices Wendy looking at Spike and powers down.

"What's the matter, Brain?" Racer asks.

"Are you going to cast that thing or what?" Asked Cobra.

"Wendy," Brain calls out in shock.

"Do you know her?" Asked Cobra.

"No doubt about it. That's Wendy, the Maiden of the Sky," Everyone is confused about Wendy's title. Even she doesn't know what it means and cowers. "To think we simply stumble upon her here, we made quite a find my friends. Grab her!" Brain uses his skull staff to create a dark arm to grab Wendy in the process.

"Wendy!" Carla and Happy shout.

"Unhand her, now!" Carla demands as she's chasing the dark arm.

"Help me!" Wendy cries.

Spike gets up and sees what's happening. He sprints after the dark arm.

"I'll save you. As soon as I'm able to catch up," Said Happy, carrying a club to fight them off as well.

"Striking us when we're down, that isn't fair!" Said Natsu.

"All is fair in money and war. Oh yeah!" Hoteye causes the battleground to shift, sending everyone else far back from the Oracíon Seis.

"Grab my paw!" Carla commands Wendy, extending her paw. Wendy grabs Happy's paw by accident. "You got the wrong cat!" Wendy screams and disappears with Happy.

"Happy!" Natsu shouts.

"Wendy!" Spike and Carla shout.

"I have no use for the rest of you. Begone!" Brain uses his death spell to finish everyone else.

"Iron Rock Wall!" Jura uses his magic to secure his comrades. Creating an iron rock barrier to block the death spell. "Just in the nick of time.

"That was awesome!" Sherry happily said.

"Thanks, Jura!" Said Spike.

"You're the best wizard ever." Said Eve.

"I second that," Hibiki concurs. "We owe you one."

"Yea, we were almost goners," Said Lucy in relief. "Thanks a million."

"Okay, let's take them down," Said Natsu as he gets up.

"They're long gone by now," Said Gray. He and the others no longer see the Oracíon Seis.

"Why we let them get away?!" Natsu complains a bit.

Carla walks up a bit. "Oh, Wendy," Carla sadly said.

"Carla," Spike walks up to Carla. "I'm sorry. I couldn't protect her."

Carla sighs deeply. She takes a deep breath. "You were in the right to engage in battle. To help save a comrade."

Spike turns to Erza. He can't help but blame himself for allowing her to be poisoned by Cubellios. It should have been him, not her.

"I'm glad you made it out unscathed, Jura," Said Lyon, wounded.

"Not quite. In fact, I barely made it out alive," Jura's statement made Lyon step back a bit.

"You're wounded?"

"Their power terrifies me. I hate to admit it, but if it weren't for Sir Ichiya's pain-killer parfume, I would be in utter agony right now."

Ichiya makes a bold case of winning the battle by default since the Oracíon Seis isn't around. Gray scolds Ichiya's statement. Ichiya releases his pain-killing parfume. It soothes and refreshes everyone. All their pain goes except for Erza's poison in her arm. Natsu takes off, wanting to know where Happy is along with the Oracíon Seis. Carla flies and grabs Natsu's scarf, pulling him and knocking him to the ground.

"You mustn't be reckless. You need to calm down and think this through."

Everyone except for Spike questions Carla about her wings. It's like they have never seen a cat fly before. Carla explains it's aera magic. She finds it natural to have others think it's surprising. Carla urges everyone to come up with a plan of attack after getting destroyed in the first encounter by the Oracíon Seis.

"I wholeheartedly agree, Lady Carla. The enemy is far stronger than we anticipated," Said Jura.


Everyone then turns to Erza. She is riving in agony from the poison. Ichiya releases a power dosage of his pain-killer parfume, which also has a cleansing effect. Unfortunately, the parfume does not affect Cubellios' poison. The poison intensifies as Erza screams.

"Erza.., no..," Spike is now worried and scared for Erza's life.

"I'm sorry, Lucy. I need to borrow this," Erza grabs Lucy's belt to tie around her arm as tightly as it can be. Lucy's skirt falls to the ground. The Trimen gaze at Lucy more thoroughly.

"Look away!" Lucy kicks the Trimen, feeling humiliated as three pervs were looking at her. "Just what are you going to do with that?"

"It's harsh but, it's the only way I can keep fighting," Erza puts one of her sleeves in her mouth and spikes her sword to the ground. She extends her arm. "Somebody cut it off," Erza commands.

Everyone is stunned, including Spike.

"At least give us time to find an antidote!" Gray suggests.

"I don't have time..," Said Erza as she continues to feel the pain of the poison.

"Very well," Lyon picks up the sword. "I will do it."

"How kind of you," Said Sherry with love.

"Put down the sword!" Gray gets in front of Lyon.

"Do it!" Said Erza. She accepts life without an arm.

"No, don't!" Gray urges.

"Lyon, are you seriously going to do it?" Asked Lucy.

"We can't lose one of our strongest when we are facing such a powerful foe," Lyon now wielding, and aiming to cut Erza's arms.

"Just hurry up and cut it off. Before the venom spreads to the rest of my body!"

"Put the sword down!" Gray angrily demands.

The Trimen are arguing about it, suggesting that they can find a cure. Jura tells them not to interfere, that they should respect Erza's wish.

"Ready!" Lyon lifts the sword. He slashes, but Gray freezes the sword. Everyone is stunned, including Erza. "Her arm is more important to you than her life? Where are your priorities?"

"This'll affect her for the rest of her life, so we can't jump the gun. There's gotta be another way we can save her."

"You're just as spineless as ever," Said Lyon. "Figures.

"I really thought you had changed. You're just as shady as ever," Gray retorts.

Erza passes out. Everyone comforts her.

"We need Wendy. She can save your friend," Said Carla. Everyone looks at Carla. "This is no time to be bickering among ourselves. We need to work together to come up with a plan to rescue Wendy."

"Wait a sec, you're saying that the little girl has some kind of anti-venom magic?" Asked Eve.

"Amazing," Said Ren.

"Not just venom, she can cure fevers, relieve pain, and heal wounds."

Ichiya feels conflicted about his role when he helped everyone relieve pain and healed wounds with his pain-killer parfume.

"That's crazy. Everyone knows healing spells are lost magic. There's no way the kid could use them," Said Sherry.

"Do these powers have to do with that whole Maiden in the Skies thing?" Asked Lucy.

"Yes, it does," Carla answers. "You see, that little girl is the Sky Dragon Slayer. She's Wendy the Sky Dragon," Everyone is in shock.

"She's a Dragon Slayer too?" Asked Natsu, repeating what Carla said.

"No wonder why she asked me about that Grandeeney dragon. I should have known better," Said Spike.

"I'll give you all the details later. Although, to be honest. There's not much more you need to know. Wendy is the only wizard capable of saving your friend. We need her right now. Unfortunately, the Oracíon Seis feel they need her too. For some unknown reason."

"Carla, think it's possible that Wendy can resurrect something demonic in nature?" Asked Spike.

Eyes widen in shock for everyone as they gasps. Spike has figured out the Oracíon Seis true motives. They are going to use Wendy to bring Nirvana to them. Carla gave it some thought, she too, can't believe that Spike has figured out the Oracíon Seis' plans.

"It's.., it's possible for Wendy if they force her... Oh my," Carla becomes worried.

"In that case," Said Lyon.

"There is only one thing for us to do," Said Hibiki.

"We're going to have to rescue Wendy," Said Eve.

"We'll do it for Erza's sakes," Said Gray.

"Happy's as well," Said Lucy.

"And, we'll prevent the Oracíon Seis from succeeding with their goals," Said Spike, confidently.

"Okay! Are you with me!" Natsu shouts, raising his fist in the air.

"Yea!" Everyone says in unison. Raising their fists as well.

"Alright, I believe we should split into teams of four. Three groups to search for Wendy and Happy. The fourth group stays with Erza," Said Jura.

"I'll take Ren and Eve with me," Said Ichiya.

"Lamia Scale should stay together," Lyon suggests.

"I'll go by myself!" Natsu decrees.

"Not alone, you lamebrain idiot!" Said Gray.

"I'm going with you two," Said Carla.

"Hibiki, Spike, and I will remain behind with Erza," Said Lucy.

"Let's get moving!" Jura declares.

All three teams scatter in different directions. Hibiki, Lucy, and Spike see the venom spreading wider on Erza's arm.

"Instead of sitting around and worrying, let's try lending our team a hand," Hibiki spawns his Archive Network. "I know we don't consider ourselves a team since our coalition was thrown together, but we need to start thinking that way if we're going to beat the Oracíon Seis."

"Archive Magic. That's the name your working on now, right?"

"That's right. It comes in handy whenever I need to keep tabs on people. You're not going to join the others, Lucy?"

"No, I need to stay with Erza," Said Lucy.

"What about you, Spike?"

"I need to stay and protect Sis. She saved me back there. I'm the one that's supposed to be poisoned, not her."

"Why aren't you joining the others, Hibiki?" Asked Lucy.

"What kind of man would I be if I leave you two ladies and a young dragon?"

"Thanks. Guess you're not so bad after all," Said Lucy.

"Sorry about striking you earlier," Said Spike.

"It's fine. I deserved it for going out of line when I was flirting Wendy. I'll ask of you to keep doing it when the Trimen and Ichiya cross that line again. We need a wake-up call."

"Alright, I'll keep that in mind."

"So, what are you doing with the Archive?" Asked Lucy.

"Keeping track of everyone. I can telepathically send them coordinates where our position is, once they find Wendy and Happy."

"That's cool. Similar to Warren's telepathy magic," Said Lucy.

"Difference is since I know where our comrades are at, it's a direct message without any drawback. My Archive will deliver on cue."

Twenty minutes later. Hibiki calls Natsu.

"Natsu," Natsu freaks out a bit, hearing Hibiki's voice in his head.

"What the heck?" Natsu observes his surroundings.

"What's wrong? Why did you stop?" Asked Happy.

"Can you hear me?" Asked Hibiki.

"This tree is talking to me."

"Can you hear me, Natsu?"

"Yes, Great Tree." Happy looks at Natsu confused as ever.

"Great, what? This is Hibiki from Blue Pegasus. Anyway, I'm glad I can reach you. No one else has responded so far."

"You're a ventreeloquist?"

"Will you knock it off and keep your voice down. The enemy has scouts throughout the Woodsea. There might be no telling who can be listening in on us. That's why I'm speaking directly into your head. Pretty neat, huh? What's your status? Have you found Wendy and the cat?"

"They're both right here," Natsu confirms. "Wendy is unconscious but, Happy has already woken up."

"That's wonderful, now hang tight. I'm gonna upload a map into your mind. It'll lead you straight into the temporary camp we set up. I was going to send it to the cat too, but I can't seem to make a connection. He must be running low on magic power."

"Hold on, what is this upload stuff?" Asked Natsu, confused with Hibiki's magic. "Stay out of my head." Natsu sees a bar above his head. It glows yellow and poofs. Natsu now knows where to go from his position. He starts moving.

"Natsu, I think it's about time you saw professional help," Said Happy, calling Natsu crazy for talking to himself in front of the tree moments ago.

"Not now. I have to follow this map inside my brain. Wow, I can even see exactly where Erza is. This upload stuff is cool. Thanks, Great Tree, I mean Hibiki."

"Aw man, he's even more far gone than I thought," Said Happy, now knowing Natsu is insane.

"Please, hurry," Hibiki turns to Erza. "I'm afraid we don't have the luxury of time right now."

The venom within Erza continues to spread at an alarming rate. Lucy questions how Natsu knows the exact layouts of their camp. Hibiki explains that his Archive Magic can send telepathic information at a faster rate. Without having to verbally explain the full details. With Archive Magic, he can share all sorts of things, including maps, directions, status of magic, and much more. His Archive Magic is new, so there would be lots of confusion about the art.

"Not sure if you can hear, Erza. Wendy will be here sooner than we think. Please hang in there and continue to fight the poison," Said Spike.

Lucy continues to watch over Erza with Spike. Until Erza is healed, Lucy vows to protect Erza. As they wait for Natsu to return with Wendy, Gray, Sherry, and Lyon are battling Racer. As they battled, Lyon discovers the truth about Racer's magic. After Lyon explains Racer's magic to Gray, Lyon freezes gray into a tall ice pillar. Lyon decides to take down Racer all on his own. Lyon distances himself from Gray, luring Racer deeper into the Woodsea Forest. Racer has foolishly followed Lyon near a cliff. Lyon reveals that Racer's magic is nothing more than an illusion, that Racer was altering the perception of everyone else into fooling that he is faster. In reality, Racer is slow. Lyon also mentions that Racer lost the battle. By being more than a mile away from his magic perimeter, Gray has the perfect shot to take Racer down. Gray creates an ice bow and arrow, he shoots it hitting Racer straight on. Racer reveals that his prayer from the time he was tortured in the Tower of Heaven project, was to be fast, faster than anyone else. In the last-minute effort, Racer rigged himself with a bomb lacrima, planning to commit suicide and bringing Lyon, Sherry, and Gray with him. Lyon sacrifices himself by tackling Racer off the cliff as the bomb explodes. Due to Racer's defeat, Brain loses a tattoo on his body. That's how he knows that Racer lost. Each member of the Oracíon Seis has a prayer tattooed on Brain's body. Brain wakes up Midnight, giving him commands to send everyone into a nightmare of his.

A few moments later. Spike, Lucy, and Hibiki raise their guard as they hear ruffling from the bushes. Natsu comes out of the bushes.

"You missed me?" Asked Natsu, happy as ever.

"Natsu," Said Lucy in relief.

"Great, you arrived," Said Spike.

"How did you do that anyway? All of a sudden, your map popped right into my head," Asked Natsu in confusion.

"I'll explain it to you later, is Wendy alright?"

"She's fine," Natsu lays Wendy, Happy, and Carla down. "Time for you to wake up, kid. I saved you now you gotta save Erza," Natsu shakes Wendy for her to wake up.

"Dude, no need to shake her like that," Said Spike.

Wendy wakes up and crawls back away from Natsu as she shrieks. "I had to do it," Wendy holds her head in shame and guilt. "Sorry," Wendy freaks out as she wanted to cry.

"I'm willing to overlook that right now," Natsu bows down. "As you know, Erza was bitten by a poisonous snake when she saved Spike. She's in bad shape. Please, save her," Natsu pleads.

"I will save her! I can do it!" She remembers what Spike told her a while back. "You have to believe in yourself. It is easy to believe in yourself to face the challenges head-on. Just take one step at a time." "One step at a time," Wendy goes over to Erza and uses her healing magic on Erza. The venom starts going away.

"It's working!" Spike couldn't help but smile. Erza is going to be better than okay.

"I have you to thank, Spike," Said Wendy, still in the process of healing Erza.

"Me? What did I do?"

"It's about believing in myself. You have given me much-needed confidence. Thank you," Wendy smiles.

"You're welcome," Spike smiles as well.

"That should do it," Wendy finishes healing Erza. "I got rid of the venom. All we got to do is wait."

"Wait?!" Natsu, Happy, and Lucy exclaim, not sure how long to wait.

"Relax, It could be mere seconds or moments," Said Spike.

Erza is showing signs of progress. Everyone cheers in celebration. Happy walks up to Carla, wanting a high paw (five). Carla relents and gives Happy a high paw.

"Thanks, Wendy," Natsu high-fives Wendy. "Guess I owe you one," Said Natsu, happily.

"She's probably not going to wake up for a little while but, she'll be back to normal when she does."

"That's incredible. Who knew Sky Magic was so strong?" Said Hibiki, his face is above Erza's face. "She's already looking much better-"

"Knock it off!" Spike punches Hibiki in the face.

"Ooow.., my other cheek hurts," Hibiki rubs his face.

Spike sighs. "It's not right to do that on a recovering comrade."

"Excuse me. Now that your friend is healed, please don't make Wendy use her Sky Magic again. She'll insist she's fine but, I can tell she is exhausted by the look on her face."

"No, you got it all wrong. I'm just worried is all."

"We're gonna strike back once Erza gets up," Said Hibiki. "There's no need to worry, okay."

"Yea, watch out Oracíon Seis!" Lucy shouts pridefully.

"Aye! We're not going to let you get Nirvana!" Happy claims.

All of a sudden, the Woodsea starts glowing white. Then a pillar of white and black rises, indicating that Nirvana is unleashed. Everyone is panicking a bit.

"That's a lot of energy from being unsealed," Said Spike. All he can do is gaze at the energy stream.

"Yea, that's Nirvana," Said Hibiki, confirming what the stream is.

"Seriously?" Asked Lucy in disbelief. "How did the Oracíon Seis beat us to the punch."

"That pillar of light. I know Jellal is there!" Natsu set his eyes at the pillar of light.

"Jellal?" Said Lucy. She couldn't fathom Natsu's statement. She sees Natsu running off. "Hold on! Wait, don't just run off without telling us what's happening!"

Wendy becomes worried and scared, blaming herself because she revived Jellal when she was captured by the Oracíon Seis.

Spike turns to Erza to check on her. He remembers the story Erza told him about Jellal. He wonders by mentioning his name would wake her up.

"Jellal," Erza thought.

Spike walks up to Erza as everyone is watching the pillar of light. "Erza, you're okay."

"I have to go, Spike," Said Erza.

"Not alone. Remember what Jura said about going into one on one combat. Plus, you told me to stay by you."

Erza sighs, remembering what she said to him. "Very, well. Let's go."

Erza and Spike leave the area. Spike follows Erza as she knows how to find Jellal.

Carla shrieks. "Erza has gone missing."

"So have Spike," Said Wendy, not seeing him around.

"Spike must have followed Erza. We better keep up with Natsu before we lose him" Said Happy.

"And what he meant by, Jellal?" Asked Lucy in confusion.

"I'll explain later. Right now, we're wasting time," Said Happy.

Hibiki notices how Wendy is behaving. She's in tears as she continues to blame herself for everything. Hibiki uses his magic to knock her out. He explains his reasoning as they took off running after Natsu. Apparently, Nirvana is able to switch light into darkness and darkness into light depending on the emotions of someone. The way Wendy was behaving, Nirvana would have made her evil instead of good. Hibiki warns that everyone needs to be careful during this stage of Nirvana's rising.

"Erza were you able to hear anything that was said moments ago?"

"I heard Natsu say Jellal's name. Knowing Jellal, he would help the Oracíon Seis achieve their goal. This is my second chance to see Jellal and hopefully stop him."

"I want to say, judging from Natsu's and Wendy's reaction, the Oracíon Seis may have forced Wendy into reviving Jellal."

Erza sighs. "I wonder why the Oracíon Seis would force Wendy to do it."

"We'll have to find out one way or another." A dark guild sees the duo and charges at them. "Phew phew," Spike uses his claw to mimic the movement of a gun. Green Sparkling Flaming Bullets form out of Spike's index fingers, hitting the dark guild head-on as they rive in agony.

"Nice shooting, Spike," Said Erza as she's impressed with Spike, taking down a dark guild on his own.

"Thanks, Erza."

As they continue to run through the Woodsea Forest, Lucy is fighting against Angel in a Celestial Battle. Lucy struggle in her battle when Gemini took control of Lucy's spirits by becoming an exact duplicate of Lucy. Lucy summons her next spirit which is Leo the Lion. Angel counters by summoning Aries. As the two had no choice but to attack each other, bound by the ruling of the contracts they have with their Celestial Wizards, Angel summons another spirit. Caelum. Caelum is a metal sphere with a halo-like circle at the top. Caelum transforms into a cannon, destroying Aries and Leo in the process. Lucy tries summoning Taurus only for him to be seduced and taken out by Gemini when Gemini transforms into Lucy. Lucy begs and pleads Angel to release Aries from her contract, to set her free and be happy. Angel couldn't help but laugh at Lucy's misery. Angel orders Gemini to finish Lucy. Gemini, with Lucy's body, knows her heart. They are moved by Lucy's care and love for Celestial Spirits. Gemini disobeys Angel's order. Angel closes their gate and proceeds to kill Lucy herself. Hibiki approaches Lucy from behind and transmits a spell in Lucy's head. Using his Archive Magic, Hibiki transmits Urano Metria spell successfully. Lucy uses the Spell on Angel, taking her down in the process. After winning the fight, Angel rises and uses her remaining magic on Caelum in hopes of killing Lucy. Caelum misfires as he decided to help Lucy. Angel falls back after her magic is depleted. Her prayer is to vanish into the heavens, like an angel. In the hideout, Brain loses another tattoo, signaling that Angel lost her battle.

Spike and Erza continue to run in the Woodsea Forest, Erza starts reminiscing about Jellal and wonders why is Jellal here of all places. Spike can see the displeasure on Erza's face. He knows she's thinking about Jellal. The sun starts to set as the two are nearing closer to Jellal. They are covering themselves from the sheer force of power from Nirvana.

"The magic power of Nirvana is intense, Erza," Said Spike, walking slowly next to Erza.

"Keep moving, don't stop," Erza looks up at sees Jellal. She is stunned to see him alive after all.

Spike looks up and sees Jellal. "He looks a lot like Mystogan."

Jellal and Erza has a staredown. It's like, Erza didn't hear anything Spike said. She's lost in her world with Jellal on her mind. Unbeknown to the trio, Cobra is spying on them.

"No, she survived?" Cobra thought to himself. "Impossible. Why wasn't I able to sense her approaching. The dragon is here too. He must have done something to help Erza. I'll have to take him down myself. Right now, I can't let Erza take Jellal down until Nirvana is fully activated."

"Jellal," Erza finally speaks.

"Erza," Jellal replies.

"Now tell me, how did you end up here?"

"I can't answer that."

"You will," Said Spike. "You will tell us how to stop Nirvana!"

"Erza.., who is that? I have no memory and yet, I remember that name."

Spike and Erza gasps. Hearing that Jellal has no memory, things can only get worse. Even Cobra is off guard. He can't believe he heard Jellal say he has no memory. To test it further, Cobra starts listening to Jellal, only to find more questions than answers.

"I don't know who I am," Jellal lowers his head. "Oh, where I came from. Can you tell me? Do you know, please tell me who Erza is? Please, if you know, you have to tell me."

Erza is on the verge of tears. The man she sees is an empty shell. Could it be possible that bringing Jellal back would cause memory loss? Spike sees Erza wanting to cry after hearing her long-lost friend losing himself because he has no memory either than the name, Erza.

"Jellal," Erza approaches him. Spike stands by in case anyone happens to show up.

"Stay back!" Jellal extends his hand and fires a magic beam attack at Erza in self-defense. Erza has a mark on her face but doesn't acknowledge the pain.

"Alright, you come to me. I'm the person you're looking for," Erza commands. "I am Erza. And you are Jellal. There was a time we were close friends."

Jellal gasps as he heard the news about himself. "We were?"

"Yes, that was before you became deranged. Desecrated the dead, hurt my friends. destroyed the Magic Council, and killed Simeon," Jellal becomes teary. "If you try, if you even dare forget the pain you caused, I'll take my sword into your heart and engrave it there!" Erza pants. "Now come to me! Face your atonement."

"I.., did that..? To my comrades? What have I done? Please, tell me. That isn't true. Tell me, how can I make amends?" Jellal starts crying.

"Erza, you told me he was possessed. It could be that he's no longer bound to that Zeref guy and is taking a longer time to process a new life. He has no clue what has happened in the past because he's no longer possessed. He's pure now."

Erza takes Spike's theory to heart and concludes he's right. Whatever happened right before he got healed could be that separation of Zeref's control.

"If you lost your memory, that would explain why I couldn't hear your thoughts," Cobra makes himself known to Jellal, Erza, and Spike. "Now, I have a whole lot of questions for you to answer."

"I should have known we were being watched," Said Erza.

"My bad for lowering my guard for a moment," Said Spike.

"I like to know how you found Nirvana, but I want to know how you broke its seal," Cubellious hisses.

"While I was unconscious, I heard a voice. I must have Nirvana, it would say. It's strange but when I woke up, I knew precisely where to find it. Somehow, I can also sense how incredibly dangerous and powerful it is. And so, I decided to break Nirvana's seal to obliterate it."

Cobra and Spike gasp. They couldn't believe what Jellal said. Erza is stunned by Jellal's claim.

"How do you intend to destroy something like that?" Asked Erza.

"I rigged this monstrosity with a self-destruction circle. It's only a matter of time before Nirvana clutches itself."

"You're planning to commit suicide to stop it?!" Asked Spike.

"Yes. Nirvana will be swallowed into a void of its own energy before it begins the onslaught. Thus, being destroyed in the process and so will I."

The self-destruction circle reveals itself in front of Jellal. Cobra goes up to the circle and tries to deactivate the spell. Cobra doesn't want the spell to condemn the Oracíon Seis's plans. He demands Jellal to deactivate the spell. Jellal tells Erza that she can be free from his burden and he's going to make it right for her. Erza runs up to Jellal, telling him that she refuses for him to die by self-sacrificing. Telling him he has to own his guilt and live. Cobra can't do anything but watch. Spike is eyeballing Cobra as Erza cries a bit, holding onto Jellal. Brain comes in to see what's going on.

"What can be the meaning of all this foolishness?"

"He's back," Said Cobra.

Spike and Erza turn to Brain. Spike's claws start glowing sparkling green.

"A magic circle of self-destruction," Said Brain.

"This is Jellal's doing!" Cobra informs Brain. "We've gone through all this trouble to revive Nirvana, and this idiot is trying to destroy it."

Brain smirks. "Spare the hysterics," Brain reminds Cobra and everyone on what he used to do and reminded Jellal about teaching him those powerful spells. "We have no further need of his assistance," Brain walks up to the self-destruction circle and deactivates it, which also deactivates the circle on Jellal's chest. "Nirvana is now under my control! Nirvana, arise!"

"Yes! I can hear the voices of the future!" Cobra hears Nirvana rising into its final stage.

Erza requips her sword to attack Brain. Spike is dumbfounded cause he didn't know what to do when Brain came. Plus, Cobra has Cubellios with him. Cubellios would have been a major problem. Rocks crumble under Erza's feet as she falls.

"Reveal your true face!" Brain commands.

Spike and Erza free-fall as they are separated from Jellal. Everyone outside in the Woodsea Forest sees Nirvana entering its final stage. They all freaked out as they see Nirvana rising from the grounds. It's massive that can stretch for miles. Erza is hanging on a ledge of Nirvana, holding onto Jellal. Spike is a few feet away and hurries to Erza.

"Erza," Spike is at the edge. "I'm going to pull you up."

"Okay, Spike."

Spike grabs Erza's hand and pulls her and Jellal up. Jellal is somewhat surprised that a young baby dragon is strong enough to pull them up.

"Thanks for the assist, Spike," Said Erza graciously.

"You're welcome. I'm sorry that I didn't do anything back there.., I didn't know how to approach the two during that time."

"It's alright," Said Erza.

"Now.., the world is doomed," Said Jellal.

"No, there's always hope," Erza turns to see a trail of smoke on Nirvana's leg. "Look there," Erza points to what she's seeing. Jellal looks and sees as well. Spike couldn't help but chuckle a bit. They see Natsu, Gray, and Lucy running into Nirvana. "You see, as long as we draw breath into our lungs, we shall keep hope alive inside our hearts. And that hope will guide you throughout your life," Erza smiles at Jellal.

"Erza, we should catch up with them. It's time to stop the Oracíon Seis. Once and for all."

"Agreed, Spike," Said Erza.

"Let's go," Said Jellal.

Erza extends her hand to Jellal. Jellal grabs Erza's hand as he stands. The two lock eyes at each other. Then they run with Spike to meet up with everyone else. As they're getting closer to the center of Nirvana, Erza and Spike can hear Natsu's roar. During the time Erza, Spike, and Jellal ran together, Natsu was fighting Cobra. Natsu defeats Cobra by using his advantage to a disadvantage. Cobra has a good sense of hearing. Natsu roars loud into Cobra's ears causing him to fall. Brain makes an appearance after Cobra's defeat and blasts him by using his skull staff. Brain says that what good is a false dragon slayer to him that is so easily beaten by one of the official guilds. It breaks Cobra cause all he ever wanted is to hear the voice of his one true friend. Cubellios. Another tattoo is removed from Brain.

"I wonder where everyone is," Spike ponders. Then he hears an explosion nearby.

"Must be there," Said Erza.

"Near the throne," Jellal informs.

"Father can be so selfish sometimes," Said Midnight, behind the trio. "He took a bit out of my fun and left me with easily scraps."

"I'm not easy, punk," Spike boldly claims. He turns around to see Midnight.

"Now, since your the last of my prey, make it entertaining for me," Midnight starts walking at the trio.

"Gladly," Spike's claw starts glowing sparkling green. "Flaming Arrows!" Spike's claw is in a C formation as Sparkling Green Flaming Arrows comes out of Spike's fingertips.

"Hmmph," The Sparkling Green Flaming Arrows has reflected away from Midnight. He stands there, smirking at Spike's pathetic attempts. "That's the best you got?"

Spike clutches his other claw as he continues to shoot his Flaming Arrows. As Midnight redirects his attack, the arrows strike Midnight's back. Surprise him a bit from the impact.

"How's that?" Spike smirks.

"Impressive. You've managed to maneuver your attacks telepathically. This should be fun after all," Midnight smiles. There's a mark on his back from Spike's attack.

"Fun for me," Spike's claws are blazing in a sparkle green aura. He claps his claws together and stretches his flames as far as he could, creating a sparkle green metallic flame sword. "Take this!" Spike lunges at Midnight to slash his sword. Midnight stays still and reflects the attack. "What?!"

"You think I'm going to take it?" Midnight uses his magic to hurl Spike away.

Spike claws the ground to make him stop hurling back. He jumps in the air. "Take this! Flame Sword Slicer!" Spike slashes his sword in mid-air. Sparkling Green Flame slicers are heading towards Midnight's face

"Too easy," Spike's flame slicers are once again reflected. "Your attacks are futile."

Spike once again uses his other claw to maneuver the attacks, hitting Midnight once more. This time, Midnight turns to redirect the slicer attacks. Jellal and Erza are watching the fight. Erza wants to step in but sees that Spike is figuring out Midnight's magic. She has figured him out and knows how to defeat him. She's going to see if Spike can do it on his own.

"Fairy Dragon Rooooar!" Spike conjures his fire for a breath attack. It's not wide but should keep Midnight occupied with two attacks at once.

"Grrr," Midnight turns to reflect Spike's fire breath attack. "I find you annoying."

"Here I thought you were having fun," Spike chuckles. "Phew phew," Spike mimics his claws for guns. Sparkling Green Flaming Bullets form out of Spike's index fingers, hitting Midnight.

"Guns too? Heard of friendly fire?" Midnight redirects all of Spike's flaming bullets back at him. In the process, Erza Requips into her Heaven's Wheel Armor. She deflects a lot of Spike's flaming bullets, protecting her and Jellal. "You can shoot a million and, it still won't hit me."

"So far, I managed to hit you. I can do it again."

"See if you can reflect this, Spiral Pain!" Midnight initiates by swiping one of his arms and extending his index finger. Spiral Pain creates a vortex of distorted air, inflicting heavy blows on Spike as he screams a bit.

Spike uses his breath to teleport Midnight's Spiral Pain away. Midnight is left dumbfounded that his attack was wiped clean from a single breath attack.

"What's wrong?" Spike chuckles at Midnight's reaction.

"No one has ever done that with a breath attack. What did you do?" Midnight is in complete shock that one of his more powerful spells was dissolved so quickly.

Spike chuckles more. "Simple, I teleported your attack away from me."

"He can do that?" Erza thought to herself. She's in shock. Spike never told him about that ability.

"Now, you made me mad!" Midnight is now getting serious.

"Spike! Be careful," Said Erza, a bit worried about Spike.

"I will," Spike readies himself in a new stance.

"Erza, we should step in and help him," Jellal suggests.

Erza thinks about it but, this is Spike's first fight against a powerful foe. She decides to wait a bit longer before involving herself. Midnight is channeling a lot of magic power. Spike is a lot channeling magic power as well.

"Get ready to die," Said Midnight.

"Get ready to sleep in a hospital bed," Said Spike.

A loud bell is ringing, signaling that the midnight hour has arrived.

"What's with the bell?" Erza asks, demanding to know why it's ringing.

"The hour has arrived. Get ready to see the true face of terror. When the clock strikes midnight, my powers reach their terrifying peak!" Midnight transforms into a hellish behemoth. As he transforms, the scenery around Spike, Erza, and Jellal changes into a hellish background. "Say your prayers," Midnight laughs sinisterly.

"Spike wants!" Spike starts growing in size. His arms, his legs, his tail are expanding. He continues to grow as Erza and Jellal become mesmerized at the size of Spike.

"What?!" Midnight steps back a bit. He sees Spike continually to grow.

Spike becomes as large as he once was when his greed for possessions took over. His scales become pointer, his claws become sharper, his teeth grow into fangs. Spike roars which echos all around Nirvana. Everyone else in Nirvana that hears Spike's roar, becomes terrified. They wondered what it was. Spike is now taller than Midnight's hellish behemoth by five feet. He opens his eyes as Spike is in full control.

"You're finished," Spike punches Midnight on the head.

Midnight feels the full force of the impact. He didn't feel the blow as a hellish behemoth but instead, Spike winded up punching Midnight to the ground with his massive claw. The hellish behemoth and scenery were all an illusion. Midnight loses his fight against Spike as he's unable to get up. Jellal couldn't believe that what he and Erza saw was nothing more than an illusion. Erza couldn't be more proud of Spike for taking down a member of the Oracíon Seis on his own. Midnight couldn't believe he lost a fight, to a baby dragon.

"My.., my prayer.., is to one day find a quiet place and finally sleep in peace.., Father..," Midnight passes out. Another tattoo is removed from Brain's body.

Spike pants heavily as he calms himself. He closes his eyes and shrinks down. After a few moments, Spike is back to normal. He holds onto his head a bit as he starts to have a severe migraine. Erza walks up to him.

"I'm impressed, Spike. You took down a member of the Oracíon Seis all on your own," Erza smiles.

"He was tough but, I figured him out. He's unable to use his magic for two different fields. He can reflect my attacks in the front but, not the back. That illusion he pulled, I had no idea it was an illusion. In the back of my head, I had to counter his behemoth size with my own."

Erza pulls Spike into a hug. She's proud that Spike got to claim his first victory.

"We should get to the others. See if they need help and to stop Nirvana."

"Agreed," Erza and Spike say in unison.

The trio run towards the throne area where it was blown up a while ago. Before Spike was fighting Midnight, Iron Rock Jura defeated Brain with not much effort. A tattoo disappears from Brain's body as his prayer was sent to Midnight. What led to the explosion at the throne room was a booby trap set up by Brain. It was Iron Rock Jura that saved Happy, Natsu, Lucy, and Gray. Brain's Skull Staff reveals to the survivors the story of Nirvana, its purposes, and the Cait Shelter Guild. Now, with all members of the Oracíon Seis is defeated, the Skull Staff announces fearfully that the Great One is coming. Brain's body illuminates and transforms into a new being. Revealing a whole new person that was contained within the six prayers. His name is Zero. Zero makes an appearance and obliterates everyone at ease.

A few moments later, Zero is directing Nirvana to the Cait Shelter Guild. To destroy them so no one of their bloodlines can seal Nirvana away a second time. He can't wait to destroy and create carnage wherever he goes. Meanwhile, Wendy and Carla are traveling together. Wendy wants to find Jellal in hopes that he can stop Nirvana. As the two continue to find Jellal, they see him with Erza and Spike.

"Is that Erza?" Carla sees Erza.

"And Spike," Wendy is happy to see Spike.

Jellal looks which made Erza and Spike look in the direction he's looking. Wendy laughs happily.

"I found you," Wendy smiles.

"Look who's here," Said Erza.

"Good, a friendly face," Spike smiles.

"You okay?" Asked Erza.

Wendy nods and turns to Jellal. "It's good to see you."

"Do I know you?" Jellal doesn't recognize Wendy.

Wendy and Carla gasps. Wendy becomes sad.

"Wendy, Jellal has amnesia. It may take time for him to recover his memories," Said Spike.

"Okay..," Wendy gasps. She sees Spike having a nosebleed.

"What?" Spike rubs his nose and sees blood. "Not again," Spike is trying to shrug off the migraine. He's still needed to take down Nirvana.

"Are you okay?" Wendy asks. She is worried about Spike.

"I'm fine. Just a little migraine after increasing my size to defeat Midnight."

"You defeated a member of the Oracíon Seis?" Carla asks, wondering if Spike did it alone or had help.

"I sure did. It was hard but I managed," Spike smiles then clutches onto his head. He's hurting badly.

"Sometimes for a young dragon, he gets this type of pain. It won't be long until he's adjusted to increasing his size without the migraines," Erza informs the girls.

"Here, let me help you," Wendy uses her Sky Magic to heal Spike. She removes the migraine and causes Spike to stop having nosebleeds.

"Oh, this is much better than that nutjob Ichiya's pain-killer parfume."

Erza shudders at the name, Ichiya. "Please, don't bring Ichiya into any conversation, Spike."

"Duly noted."

"Thanks, Spike."

"Thanks, Wendy. For healing me. Sorry that I took off a while ago. I couldn't let Erza go on her own."

"You're welcome, Spike. Also, it's alright. I know you have good intentions."

"I concur, Spike," Said Carla.

"Thanks, Carla."

"Wendy Marvell, right? Sorry, I don't remember you or anything," Said Jellal.

"Since that's the case, then you've forgotten about stopping Nirvana, haven't you?" Asked Carla.

"He tried to stop Nirvana with a self-destruction circle, but Brain deactivated it. Since now I'm feeling much better, I could increase my size again to greater lengths and try to destroy Nirvana," Spike suggests.

"No," Said Erza. "I don't want you to overstress your body. There has to be another way."

"Then.., what do we do?" Asked Wendy, not sure of how to stop Nirvana.

A loud bang is heard, which startles everyone around. Nirvana starts shaking a bit.

"What was that?" Asked Erza.

Spike sees a swirling dark purple-black magic. "What is that?!" Spike points at it.

"Oh no! Nirvana is about to destroy the Cait Shelter Guild!" Carla fearfully shouts.

"What?!" Erza, Jellal, and Spike shout in unison. They are stunned to hear that Nirvana is about to destroy the guild. They run to the light. Wendy and Carla follow them. A few seconds later, they see the Cait Shelter Guild along with a lot of light and magic power.

"This is not good! They're about to fire at the guild!" Spike shouts. He starts to panic.

"Noo.., the guild..," Carla is speechless, not wanting to see the guild die.

"Please NOOOOOOOOOO!" Wendy pleas and cries, not wanting to see her guild die.

Zero fires Nirvana at the Cait Shelter Guild. As the magic power intensifies, Nirvana's attack misses its target. Magic missiles hit one of the legs of Nirvana from the sky. Multiple magic missiles hit Nirvana. Nirvana starts tilting as Wendy loses balance. Erza grabs Wendy's arm, pulling her closer. Spike looks up and wonders what cause Nirvana to misfire.

"Erza! It's the Christina!"

Erza looks up to see the Magic Bomber Christina flying in the air. She smiles as the Christina saves the day. Everyone around then all of a sudden hears Hibiki's voice in their heads.

"Do you read me? Someone, anyone respond. Please, let me know you are okay," Hibiki instructs, hoping to find anyone to hear his message.

"I know that voice, it's Hibiki," Said Erza.

"Yea," Said Wendy.

"I'm alright, Hibiki!" Spike shouts.

Hibiki sees an Archive image of Erza, Wendy, and Spike. "Erza, Wendy, and Spike. Good to know you're alive and well."

"In case you are wondering, I'm alive but not well," Said Ichiya. During his time, he was captured by a guild and left tied up on a pole. When Nirvana rose, the guild abandoned him to run for cover. Ichiya was lucky that he was in the middle of Nirvana.

"Master Ichiya, glad to hear it."

"I can't believe it, I never expected to see the Magic Bomber to fly again," Said Erza.

"Nor did we," Said Spike. "Last time we saw, the Oracíon Seis crippled the Magic Bomber."

"How did you get her flying again?" Asked Wendy.

"Hard work, and lots of it," Hibiki explains. "For a group of wizards who barely know each other, are pretty good working together to get the job done. Christina lost one of her wings when she was shot down. Lyon is using his Ice Maker Magic to replace it. Sherry is combining her Marionette Magic and Ren's Air Magic to keep the damage hold intact. Our attack on Nirvana was thanks to Eve's Snow Magic."

"Thank you so much," Carla graciously said.

"I used it to fuse a couple of Christina's magic bombs together... When fired, they did very little damage to Nirvana... Even though, they're so powerful.., That took, the last of my magic energy," Eve collapses.

"We owe you one," Said Erza.

"Because of you, my guild is safe. Thank you," Wendy graciously thanks everyone on the Christina.

"I'm sure you can tell that everyone here is running low on magic energy. I'm afraid we cannot attack from the ship anymore. Power is too low. Just flying this far was hard enough. Don't worry, we're going to be fine. Listen up, there's one last thing. A little bit of good news. I've finally found what I've been looking for in the archives. I know how to stop Nirvana."

Eyes widen in shock for everyone. The best good news they heard so far. Wendy and Carla become ecstatic.

"Please, tell us," Erza commands.

"You know the six appendages we thought there were legs? Well, they aren't. They're pipes. Apparently, they suck magic energy from the earth. Which then is used to power Nirvana. At the base of each leg is a lacrima that controls the supply of magic energy. If all six lacrimas are destroyed simultaneously, it'll wreak havoc on Nirvana's control system. Therefore, forcing it to shut down. They must be destroyed at once. Or the other five will simply repair the damaged one."

"Simultaneously destroy six lacrima? How do we do that?"

"If I could, I maintain telepathy to timeout the strain. Try this, I'll give you guys each sync timer." Bars spawn above Erza, Wendy, Ichiya, Carla, and Spike's heads. "I'm uploading to you know but listen, guys. It has to be precise."

"What? Twenty minutes?" Spike feels the timer ticking in his head.

"That's when Nirvana will be fully charged and ready to fire again," Said Hibiki.

"We have to destroy all six," Said Erza.

"At once," Said Jellal.

"Maaaan," Said Ichiya.

"Is that so?" Zero hijacks Hibiki's telepathy.

"Who are you?" Erza demands to know who interrupted Hibiki's telepathy.

"It's that creepy Brain guy," Wendy said.

"How is he able to hijack my telepathy?"

"I am Zero. Master of the Oracíon Seis. Brain is no more. First of all, allow me to commend you. You fooled me. I never suspected that they might be other wizards capably of Archive Magic like Brain. Now heed my words, Wizards of Light! I am going to obliterate everything you hold dear. I've already begun by destroying three of your little friends. A Dragon Slayer. An Ice Wizard. And, a Celestial Wizard," Zero chuckles. "And, a cat."

"He got Natsu and the others?" Hibiki is stunned to hear the bad news.

"What did they ever do to you?!" Wendy shouts.

"Did I hear you say something about destroying Nirvana's lacrima simultaneously? Well, you can try. I'm standing in front of one of them. And I have no intentions of leaving. As long as I'm here, it'll be impossible to destroy all six at once!" Zero disconnects himself from Hibiki's telepathy.

"Though it seems impossible, we can destroy all six at once. We must split up and attack individually," Jellal suggests. "And hope we all strike at the same time."

"I probably have a better chance of defeating Zero," Said Spike. "I took down Midnight. I'll increase my size during the fight against Zero."

"It's too risky for you to go alone," Said Erza. "You need an ally to back you up."

"Then, I can stall long enough for someone to defeat Zero as I take out the lacrima. We have one in a six chance of finding him. Time's wasting. We need to get moving."

"You're forgetting something crucial here," Carla explains. "We don't have enough wizards to pull it off."

"And.., I can't fight..," Wendy feels ashamed. She apologizes.

"Is there anyone strong enough to help us?" Asked Erza, looking up at the Christina.

"Yes, my honey. I'm at your service but a little tied up at the moment."

"Master, Ichiya. That's four. Just need two more. Who else?" Hibiki falls back, feeling his magic draining. The Magic Bomber Christina is losing altitude as everyone else is being depleted of magic energy. "Can you hear our voices? Please respond."

"Yea.., we hear you," Said Natsu as he's getting up from the brutal attack by Zero earlier.

"Destroy.., all six.., lacrima.., at one time..," Said Gray, catching his breath.

"So, who's fighting Zero cause we want another crack at him," Said Lucy. "Right boys?"

"Eighteen minutes left. We gotta hurry. We owe it to Carla and Wendy to protect their guild!" Happy claims.

"Guys, my telepathy is about to wear out. A while ago, I uploaded a map to each of your mines. I numbered the lacrima so you can find them. Everyone chooses a number, okay? Then split up-" The Magic Bomber Christina starts to fall apart and descend.

"I'll take one," Spike and Natsu say in unison unexpectedly.

"Two," Gray said.

"Guess I'll take three," Said Lucy. "Please don't let Zero be there."

"Then I shall take number four, I can tell it's closer to me thanks to the smell of its parfume."

"You mean because you see it on the map," Said Erza, implying to Ichiya's statement.

Ichiya is stunned and feels like a fool. "My honey, why insist on making a fool out of me."

"I can take number five," Said Erza.

"Erza, guess you're feeling better," Said Natsu, relieved to hear his friend's voice once more.

"Yea, all thanks to you guys," Erza turns to Wendy.

"That leads me with-" Erza cuts Jellal's speech.

"You're left with number six," Said Erza, informing Jellal.

"Who's voice did I hear just now?" Asked Natsu. "Is there someone there with you?"

"Natsu hasn't been made aware of your situation yet. He still thinks your the enemy, so try to keep quiet." Jellal nods in understanding.

The Christina crash lands along with losing Hibiki's telepathy to communicate with each other. After a quick speech, everyone heads on over to the lacrima sites to destroy them simultaneously. Spike hurries himself to site one. He meets up with Natsu as everyone else made it to the other lacrima sites.

"Hey, Spike. How are you holding up?"

"Pretty good, Natsu. I took down Midnight earlier. What about you?"

Natsu's jaw drops. He can't believe that Spike took down Midnight. He's impressed cause earlier in the afternoon, he couldn't defeat Midnight in his sleep.

"I'm impressed, Spike. I took down Cobra earlier. Turns out he's a Poison Dragon Slayer."

"Wow. Hey, mind sharing some of your fire. I kinda need the energy."

"Sure, give me some of yours," Spike breathes his fire on Natsu. Natsu breathes his fire on Spike. The two of them consume each other's fire as they are replenished. "Thanks, Spike."

"No problem. Hope that'll be enough in case we see that Zero guy."

Spike and Natsu walk further into Site One and see Zero stationed by the lacrima.

"Fancy meeting you here, brats," Zero chuckles. "You looking for a fight? You two found one."

"I wonder which of us will make it out alive," Natsu chuckles. Eager to fight.

"I took down Midnight. You're going down Zero. Funny that your name is Zero cause you have zero chance against us."

"Bold words from a baby dragon. Let's see if you live long enough to make that claim."

"Ready?" Natsu looks at Spike.

"You know it!" Spike nods at Natsu.

"Bring it, fools!" Said Zero, wanting to see what these two dragons can do.

"Here we come!" Natsu and Spike say in unison.

The two run after Zero. Natsu punches and kicks at Zero. Zero dodges all of Natsu's attack at ease with his hands behind his back. Spike conjures his metallic sparkling green flame sword. He uses his Flame Sword Slicer in hopes of hitting Zero. Zero dodges in mid-air. Natsu goes for his Fire Dragon Iron Fist attack on Zero. Zero grabs Natsu's fist and throws him at Spike.

"Natsu, prepare for another attack!"


Spike uses his breath to teleport Natsu. Zero becomes perplexed.

"Where did he go, Dragon?"

"Where he needs to be," Spike smirks. He powers up.

"Fire Dragon!" Natsu yells as he crashes through the ceiling of Site One. "Brilliant Flame!" Natsu ignites both his hands in flames and brings them together, creating a fiery explosion hitting Zero. "Nice, trick Spike. That had him fooled."

"Thank you, Natsu," Spike gasps as he hears the sound of clapping.

"I'm astonished dragons," Zero continues to clap. "However, I'm twice as strong as Brain. Dark Capriccio!" A beam of darkness is fired from Zero's hand. He's able to maneuver the movements of his beam of darkness to attack Natsu and Spike. Natsu and Spike try their hardest to dodge his attack but winds up getting hit several times.

"Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" Natsu punches Zero's Dark Capriccio attack but, his attack was for defense as the dark beam sends him back. He holds off the attack long enough to stop the piercing spell.

"I must say, I'm surprised you were able to stop a piecing spell," Zero compliments. Then he sees Natsu getting blasted by a fire spell which knocks him down. "Who's there?!" Zero demands. He sees Jellal.

"Jellal!" Natsu yells.

"Well, hello. I take it your memory has returned?"

"Yes," Jellal responds.

"You shouldn't have come here." Jellal stares at Natsu. "Jellal!" Natsu runs after Jellal.

"Spike wants!" Spike starts growing in size. His arms, his legs, his tail are expanding. His arms grow muscular, his chest and stomach are becoming ripped. Spike's scales on his head expand into a pointer spike. His teeth grow into fangs. His eyes are the same as he is now, the size of Laxus when he transformed for a second time.

"What?" Zero turns to Spike.

"Take this!" Spike punches Zero in the face, sending him hurtling towards the wall.

"Why you little-" Spike grabs Zero and tosses him across the room. "Dark Capriccio!" A beam of darkness is fired from Zero's hand.

Spike crosses his arms, creating a Sparkling Green Flaming Shield in front of him. Zero's beam of darkness couldn't pierce Spike's shield.

"Impossible!" Zero shouts frustratedly.

"Nothing is impossible," Spike grabs his shield and tosses it at Zero. Zero dodges and goes after Spike. "Fairy Dragon Roooooar!" Spike's fire breath is stronger this time. Zero takes the full impact of Spike's fire breath attack. He musters enough strength to keep walking through his breath attack. Spike continues to breathe fire until Zero punches him in the stomach.

"Gotcha, you rodent! Dark Gravity!" Zero creates a hole that Spike fell into. "Dark Capriccio!" Zero shoots another beam of darkness, this time it pierces Spike on his side.

"AAAAAAAAH!" Spike crash lands on the lower levels of Nirvana. He's no longer the size of Laxus. He's been reverted to his normal self. His migraine returns along with his nosebleed. "No.., I'm not out..," Spike feels his sides hurting him a lot. He looks up. "I have to get back up there..," His magic energy is depleting.

Zero chuckles. "Had enough?" He's talking to the hole where Spike fell into.

"You tell me!" Natsu tackles Zero, surprising Zero as he's forgotten about Natsu. Natsu uses his breath attack on Zero, causing him to crash into the ceiling. "Spike! I'll take care of Zero. You take care of the lacrima!"

"I will!" Spike holds his side. "Scorch Zero for me, Natsu!"

"I will!" Natsu turns his attention to Zero and proceeds on attacking him hand-to-hand.

During the time Spike and Zero were fighting, Jellal gave Natsu the Golden Flame of Rebuke. Which allows Natsu to use his Dragon Force transformation.

"I got it," Spike uses his magic energy to create a flame circle in front of him. "Let's see if it works..," Spike breathes his fire, igniting the circle to create a teleporter to the lacrima. He chuckles in pain a bit. "It worked..," Spike jumps in the circle and lands in front of the lacrima. He pants heavily from the pain and near exhaustion. "One last spell should do it..," Spike sits down to catch his breath.

Natsu continues to fight Zero. Exchanging blow after blow on each other. Zero continues to unleash his dark magic on Natsu. Natsu continues to unleash his fire dragon magic on Zero. It comes to the point that Zero dominates Natsu in their fight.

"You disappoint me, Dragon Slayer. I expected more from you."

Natsu catches his breath. Spike lifts his claw, creating a fireball with the remaining magic energy he has left.

"Just.., a little more..," Spike sees the timer counting down on its final minute.

"You cannot defeat the Master of the Oracíon Seis. I'm more powerful than a lonely guild wizard like you could ever hope to be." Natsu slowly gets up. "It's a shame your friends aren't here to help you because you don't stand a chance against me on your own. Also, that baby dragon of yours couldn't do much to me. He's as useless as you are right now."

"I'm not on my own. Everyone is reaching out to me. I can hear them. Loud and clear. I hear everyone's voices, and they're telling me no matter what, I can't give up the fight. They're what keeps me going. They're the only reason why I'm still standing right now."

"The time has arrived," Spike smiles. He conjured enough magic for his fireball.

"They're so strong. I can feel my friends' determination." Natsu powers up even more.

"Natsu!" Natsu looks at Spike. He's smiling "Take my remaining magic!" Spike tosses Natsu his fireball.

Natsu catches it. "Thanks, buddy," Natsu consumes Spike's fireball and powers up tenfold. He now has the magic power to defeat Zero. "Dragon Slayer Secret Arts!" Zero is powering up his ultimate spell. "Flame Loaded Exploding, Flame Blade!" Natsu circularly swipes his arms, creating a powerful, and highly destructive, torrent of sparkling gold flames hitting Zero.

"Genesis Zero!" Zero conjures a large amount of Darkness Magic around his fingertips before, ultimately, unleashing it as a wave of countless phantoms that seek to erase Natsu's soul. "History will come to an end before my eyes. A new era of nothingness shall be ushered in," Zero proclaims. His Genesis Zero spell engulfs Natsu.

"Natsu!" Spike yells.

"Your turn to die as well, baby rodent," Zero glares at Spike.

Spike doesn't have the magic energy to defend himself. He becomes worried as he sees Zero powering up. Then, Spike sees a glow from Zero's spell.

"No! It can't be!" Natsu shatters Zero's spell and dark phantoms. "How did he come back from the void?!"

"He's not only a Dragon Slayer," Spike shouts confidently. "He's also a Fairy Tail Wizard!" Spike proclaims cheerfully.

"NO! My magic is being burnt away!" Zero becomes worried as Natsu roars like his father, Igneel. "His lost magic gives him a power of a dragon, and it turns the power to defeat one." Natsu punches Zero in the face. "This boy is a true Dragon Slayer."

"I'm done playing games with you, pal. Dragon's Slayer Secret Art! Flame Loaded Phoenix Sword!" Natsu smashes Zero upwards, engulfing both of them in flames. Both of them then crash into the First Lacrima at the same time as Gray, Lucy, Ichiya, Wendy, and Erza destroying the lacrimas in different sites.

"We did it! We stopped Zero and destroyed Nirvana!" Spike cheers loudly while holding his side in pain. He sees Natsu and Zero crashed into the lacrima on time. The pipes of Nirvana fall apart as Nirvana is trembling.

Natsu gets up after the attack. He turns around to see Spike clutching to his side. He also sees Spike having another nosebleed. Spike throws his thumb up.

Natsu chuckles. "We did it, Spike. We stopped Nirvana and we took down Zero," Natsu walks up to Spike. "High five, buddy," Natsu lowers himself to give Spike a high five.

Spike does the high five. "Hey, think you can carry me for a bit. I'm worn out," Spike falls to his knees. He clutches his head as his migraine worsens.

"Sure, Spike," Natsu picks up Spike. The floors start to crumble as Natsu and Spike fall into the hole. Jellal grabs Natsu's hand. "Jellal!"

"Nice catch," Spike looks up.

"I got you."

"Look out!" Spike shouts as rubble falls on them. Jellal falls in with Spike and Natsu.

"AAAAAAAAAAAH!" They scream in unison until someone grabs them and brings them to safety.

Minutes after Nirvana fell, Hoteye rises from the ground with Spike, Natsu, and Jellal. Everyone that escaped Nirvana's fall is happy to see them survived. Spike is perplexed with Hoteye saving them.

"Love drives to save our friends, oh yeah!" Said Hoteye.

"Natsu! Spike!" Wendy and Erza happily call out.

"There he is, always making the dramatic entrance," Said Gray.

"What? Weren't you talking about money earlier today?" Spike asks in confusion.

"It's a long story but, Richard is on our side. I'll explain more later."

Hoteye puts down Jellal, Natsu, and Spike. Wendy runs up and hugs Spike.

"Oof, careful.., hehe," Spike has another nosebleed. "I hate to ask but, can you heal me again?"

"You transformed, didn't you?" Erza looks down at Spike, giving him a glare.

"I did. I held Zero long enough for Natsu to finish him."

"Hey, did you guys know that Spike can teleport using his flames?" Natsu said, patting Spike's head.

"He can do what now?" Gray asks in confusion.

"Oh, yea. Spike mentioned that to me a while back ago," Lucy confirms.

"He teleported me in the air, and I got to smash Zero with my flames."

"Spike, stay still," Wendy uses her Sky Magic to heal Spike once more. His migraine and nosebleed go away.

"Thanks, Wendy. You're the best," Said Spike, feeling a lot better.

"If it weren't for you and Natsu, Cait Shelter would have been wiped out."

"Well, there was no way we could have done it on our own. It was each of us that helped. Thanks, you guys," Said Natsu.

"You saved our guild," Said Wendy.

"No, we saved your guild," Said Spike.

"I didn't do much," Said Wendy.

"You've done more than you think, Wendy. You healed Erza and me. I know you destroyed a lacrima since Jellal was the one who amplified Natsu with a gold flame. Your support magic was crucial, Wendy. I knew you'll have an important role the moment you came to the gathering," Said Spike as he smiles.

"You're right," Wendy smiles as she becomes teary. "Thanks for the confidence, Spike," Wendy kisses Spike on his cheek as gratitude. Spike blushes a bit as he's in limbo.

"Cute," Said Lucy.

Natsu lies down as Wendy starts healing him.

"I'm glad everyone made it out of there okay," Said Happy.

"It was close, excellent work by all involved," Said Jura.

"I think it's time for a group hug. Who's with me?" Said Ichiya. When he destroyed the lacrima earlier, he used a power parfume. He is tall as Jura and brolic.

"Forget it, creep," Lucy said, not wanting to be hugged by a Blue Pegasus playboy.

"Hey, speaking of creeps, who's that?" Gray said, looking at Jellal.

"I don't know," Lucy replies.

"Another pretty boy from Blue Pegasus?" Gray asks.

"That's Jellal," Spike answers.

"You kidding me?!" Gray freaks a bit.

Lucy panics. "Oh no, not him again!"

"He's changed. He's not the same man we dealt with before," Said Erza.

"He completely lost his memory," Wendy informs the two.

"He was crucial during our fight against Zero. He helped Natsu by amplifying his Dragon Slaying Magic," Said Spike. "I transformed and kept Zero occupied until it was Natsu's turn to take him. I thought I could after defeating Midnight."

"You defeated Midnight?!" Lucy, Gray, and Hoteye say in unison. They can't believe that Spike defeated Midnight.

"He did. Jellal and I witnessed his power in defeating Midnight a while back ago. He's grown stronger," Said Erza.

"Hey, Spike," Hoteye looks down on him. "I want to apologize for attacking you earlier. My mind wasn't in the right place. I joined the Oracíon Seis to earn enough money to find my long-lost brother."

"I accept your apology. I hope we can be friends in the future."

"We shall be friends, oh yeah!" Hoteye smiles.

Spike sees Erza walking up to Jellal.

"I wanted to thank you. Honestly, we couldn't have done this without your help," Erza smiles.

"Erza, that's not true. I didn't do anything worthy or such praise. Not at all," Jellal looks down.

"Actually, that's not true," Spike walks up to them. "You've done more than you think. You tried to stop Nirvana by using a self-destruction circle. You gave Natsu the much-needed firepower to take down Zero. You tried to save me and Natsu from falling. You did good and it worked out better than anticipated."

"Still, I don't think I deserve the praise..,"

"Stop doubting yourself. What you were back then, doesn't define who you are today."

"Your words are encouraging, Spike. Thank you," Jellal nods at Spike.

"You're welcome," Spike leaves Erza and Jellal be.

"So, what would you do now?" Erza asks, wanting to know Jellal's next motives.

"Good question, I wish I knew."

"It's alright. I'm sure you're not the only one in that position. Who knows what tomorrow has in store."

"I'm afraid..," Jellal becomes emotional.

"Of what?"

"My memory, of it returning."

"Don't be. It wouldn't change anything," Erza said reassuringly. "Even if we become enemies again, it wouldn't change the fact that I care about you."

"You do?"

"More than you know," Erza smiles. Shedding some light on how she feels about Jellal.

"My handsome face!" Ichiya slams his face into an invisible barrier. Everyone around turns to Ichiya's discomfort.

"Huh?" Natsu is confused with Ichiya's tactics.

"There a problem meathead?" Asked Gray.

"I wanted to go make a letter of the alphabet, but I ran into an invisible wall," Ichiya tries to force his way through the invisible wall.

"Look, there's weird writings on the ground," Said Wendy.

"Those are magic runes," Spike confirms. Remembering the time Freed used ancient runes to create barriers during the Fairy Tail Battle Royal.

"An enchantment?!" Everyone says in unison.

"Maaaaan! I really need to pee, you guys!" Ichiya exclaims as he's holding it in.

"Who would do such a thing?" Carla asks, wanting to know who would place an enchantment to trap them.

"How come we didn't notice who cast it?" Asked Happy.

"How are we going to get out?" Lucy asks.

"Okay, who did this? Show yourselves!" Natsu demands.

An army wearing white robes surrounds the wizards trapped within the enchantment.

"Who are all these people?" Wendy asks nervously.

"Let me go.., please..," Ichiya really wants to pee.

"There's no need to panic," One of them steps forward. "We mean you no harm. Sorry about this, but we were forced to do something to restrain you."

"Who the heck are you?" Happy asks. Wanting to know who the punk is.

"I am the Captain of the New Magic Council Fourth Custody Enforcement Unit, Lahar. And this is my army."

"What?" Natsu freaks out.

"There's a new Magic Council?" Said Gray in shock.

"Sure didn't take them long," Said Lucy.

"It is my duty to uphold the law and preserve justice throughout the land. So, all evildoers must be arrested."

"We're not evildoers," Carla explains.

"I don't get why we're in trouble when we didn't do anything wrong?" Happy states.

"Please, not that we know of," Said Natsu, in fear of the Magic Council.

"That's not going to sell them our innocence, Natsu," Said Lucy.

"I'm not here to arrest you," Lahar states. "I've been ordered to take the Oracíon Seis into custody. I ask if you please cooperate and hand over the member codenamed Hoteye."

"No! Never!" Jura shouts in defense of Richard. Lahar's army is positioning themselves to fight.

"It's alright, I'll surrender."

"Richard, why?"

"I cannot fully embrace the life of virtue when my past transgressions continue to haunt me. This is my chance to atone for my sins. It's best I have a clean slate when I find my brother. That way, I have nothing to hide. Don't you agree?"

Jura smiles. "Indeed. May I continue the search for your brother in your stead?"

"You do that for me?"

"I would be honored. I just need his name."

"His name is Wally. Wally Buchanan."

Natsu, Happy, Gray, Lucy, Spike, and Erza remember the name. They can't believe that Wally is Hoteye's brother.

"He's your brother?" Said Erza.

"The blockhead?!" Happy, Natsu, Gray, and Lucy say in unison and shock.

"I miss him dearly. He was a good kid. He was the best little brother a guy could ask for. My brother and I struggled to survive after losing both of our parents. It was a trying time. We worked diligently in growing vegetables in our vigor garden. Unfortunately, when it came time for the harvest, we were left disappointed. However, in the midst of our sadness, we grew one potato and shared it. Even though many years have passed since that day, I can still remember the taste of that potato."

"I know your brother, Richard," Erza walks up to Richard and Jura. It got both of their attention.

"You do?" Jura asks.

"Yes. He's an old friend of mine. He's happily traveling the continent right now."

Richard starts crying after hearing the best news of his life. "All these years, I kept telling myself that if I stay positive, a miracle would happen and Lord behold it has. Thank you." Richard walks to the prisoner's wagon with Lahar's two soldiers.

"He's on his path to redemption," Said Spike.

"I feel kinda bad for him," Lucy states.

"Me too," Happy concurs.

"I guess it can't be helped," Said Gray.

"It must have been difficult but I think he made the right decision," Said Carla.

"C'mon, help me out here," Ichiya is pleading to be set free to pee. "If you don't undo the enchantment, I'm going to wet myself."

"Sorry, but I'm afraid that's simply not an option at this time. Not till we capture our true objective. A fiend who infiltrated and destroyed the Magic Council and fired the Etherion cannon. A man more villainous than the Oracíon Seis. Truly black of heart. I'm referring to you, Jellal. Let's go. Know that if you resist, we have explicit orders to kill you."

Erza is stunned. She doesn't want to see Jellal be locked up for the rest of his life.

"Leave him alone!" Wendy orders.

"You're making a mistake man," Said Natsu.

"Jellal Fernandez is a criminal. Society is in danger as long as he roams free. He must be brought to justice." The Magic Council places Jellal in cuffs. "Jellal Fernandez. You are hereby under arrest. For crimes against the kingdom."

"No, please don't take him away," Wendy pleads. "It's not fair. He doesn't know what he's done. All of his memories are completely erased."

"Ignorance of one's crimes is no defense. Penal code section thirteen states this explicitly," Lahar explains. "You may remove the barrier now."

"Yes sir," A Rune Knight says.

"Hold on," Said Wendy.

"It's alright. I will not resist arrest," Jellal looks at Wendy. "Please, forgive me. I wish I can remember you. I'm sorry that I cannot."

Spike ponders a bit as something doesn't add up. He'll ask Wendy about her relationship with Jellal later.

"When she was lost and alone, you found her wandering and saved her life," Carla said, hoping Jellal can remember that moment in time.

"Did I? I may never know the harm I inflicted upon you and countless others but, at least I know that at some point, I helped one person. Erza," Erza looks down. "I won't forget your kindness." Jellal starts walking with the Rune Knights.

"I can't let this happen.., I can't let them take him away like this. It's not right. All these years he was sleepwalking in the darkness. He's finally let in the light again, they can't shut him away..," Erza thought to herself as she becomes emotional. Spike and Natsu see tears streaming on Erza's face.

"You have any more parting words?" Lahar asks.

"No," Jellal replies.

"You'll get at least a life sentence. That's if you're lucky."

"No way," Lucy heard what Lahar said to Jellal.

"In any case, you'll never see these people ever again."

Wendy breaks down. "He's gone." Spike does his best to comfort Wendy.

"I will not let him go," Erza decrees.

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!" Natsu grabs two of the Rune Knights' faces. Erza and Jellal perks up.

"Natsu!" Gray yells.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Said Lucy, worried that Natsu will be arrested.

Natsu starts fighting with the Rune Knights.

"Stop this," Lahar commands.

"Out of my way!" Natsu tries to get closer and knocks some Rune Knights down. "He's one of us! That means he comes with us!"

"Natsu," Wendy cries out a bit.

"No, don't do this," Jellal pleads to Natsu.

"Subdue that man!" Lahar orders his army. They charge at Natsu.

Natsu charges. Erza watches. Gray steps in to provide cover for Natsu, taking down some of the Rune Knights.

"Keep going, Natsu," Gray advises Natsu to do what's right. He continues to fight the Rune Knights. "Give up, there's no way you can stop him."

Spike decides not to intervene. He doesn't have the magic energy to help fight off the Rune Knights. Gray, Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Ichiya, and Jura starts fighting the Rune Knights. Some of them grab Lucy and Wendy. Spike is deciding to increase his size to protect his friends.

"That's enough!" Erza shouts, everyone stops engaging in battle. "I apologize for this disturbance. It's gone too far. I'm the one to blame. Now please.., take him away."

"But why?!" Natsu complains.

"Sit down!" Erza commands.

Natsu sits down, not wanting to displease Erza. "Yes, Ma'am."

Jellal walks and remembers one thing about Erza. "I remember, it was the color of your hair," Jellal steps in the wagon. "Farewell, old friend."

Lahar and his army leave the wizards, taking the fugitives away. Hours later, everyone around sits down and relaxes. Erza decides to take the time and be alone for a while. Spike is using this time to put the pieces in place about Jellal's involvement with Erza's and Wendy's lives. Spike turns to Wendy first.

"Hey, Wendy. Mind telling me what's your relationship with Jellal?"

"Sure. It was seven years ago. After Grandeeney left me, I wandered. Crying about being abandoned. It was then I saw Jellal for the first time. He asked why I was crying. I ran to him, hugged him about being abandoned. For the next month, we traveled together. He was like an older brother to me. He took great care of me and we saw a good portion of the world and its beauty. Then one day, he said anima. I don't know what that is. For whatever reason, he sensed it and wanted to depart. I begged him not to. I wanted to be with him. Jellal is the reason why I'm in Cait Shelter. He took me to Cait Shelter and left me. I owe him so much cause he was there for me in my time of need. That was why I resurrected him when the Oracíon Seis took me. As much as Happy told me not to and knowing all the bad things, it felt right for me to do so."

"Wow, Jellal saved you and you returned the favor."

"Yep. Now you know why I have a strong connection with him. I wish he'd remembered me."

Spike takes a deep breath and gets up. "Thanks for telling me your story. I hope you feel better. I'll be back in a bit."

Lucy sees Spike walking in the opposite direction after he spoke with Wendy. "Where are you going, Spike?"

"I need to comfort a friend of mine. I'll be back momentary." Spike leaves and goes on a small walk. He knows where Erza is sitting and feels the need to comfort her.

Erza is using the time alone to remember all the good times she had with Jellal at the Tower of Heaven when they were younger. She remembers the day when she got her last name. It was Jellal that gave her the name, Scarlet. She tears up as the man she got back is now gone forever.

"Erza?" Spike calls Erza's name. In Erza's mind, she hears Jellal calling to her. She turns and sees him.

"Spike..," Erza wipes her tear. Not wanting to cry in front of Spike.

"It's okay to be sad," Spike sits down. "I'm sorry that you had to lose the person you loved."

Erza sniffs as she remembers what Jellal said to her all those years ago. All Jellal has to do is remember Erza's pretty hair to remember her name. "Jellal..," Erza can't hold back her tears.

"Need a hug?" Spike offers one. Erza grabs Spike and cries loudly as the sun rises. "Let it all out, Sis," Spike rubs her back a little as Erza continues to cry. Wendy sees how Spike is treating Erza and appreciates it. She kinda wishes Spike will do the same with her soon.

After a while, Jura and Ichiya decide to look for the rest of the alliance guild members and regroup. Wendy tells them to head on over to Cait Shelter. Erza and Spike walk down to meet with everyone else. Erza remains silent but is glad that Spike help comforted her. Even though she wished to be alone. Wendy escorts everyone to the Cait Shelter guild to put on a new set of clothes. Spike is with the guys but decides not to put on any clothes. He's fine the way he is. Jura and Ichiya announce it was time to head to the center of the Cait Shelter Guild as the Master of Cait Shelter want to thank them. Spike sees the ladies walking down to meet up with the rest.

"Fairy Tail. Blue Pegasus. Lamia Scale. Not to mention Wendy and Carla. I commend your efforts not only in defeating the Oracíon Seis but saving our village from Nirvana's wrath. Speaking as a representative of our regional guild leaders, I Rouboul offer my deepest gratitude, thank you. We are in your debt."

"We were happy to help you," Ichiya poses. "Master Rouboul. It was a hard-fought victory. Against a ferocious opponent. From the deepest darkest depths of the spell, light shined down on us. It was the bright and warming glow and true friendship. We followed all the way to victory," Ichiya poses some more as the Trimen clap and congratulates on a well-spoken speech.

"I suppose it's over now," Sherry said with less love.

"You two should know," Jura puts both his hands on Lyon and Sherry. "I'm proud of you."

"Thank you, sir," Said Lyon graciously.

"Hey, we deserve a victory party!" Natsu suggests.

"Aye, Sir!" Happy chimes in.

Ichiya starts dancing with the Trimen. Lucy, Gray, Happy, and Natsu partake in the dancing. Wendy joins in but Spike notices the demeanor on Rouboul's face which causes him not to partake in the celebration. He feels there is more in store than anyone realizes. Everyone stops and sees the look on Master Rouboul's face.

"I'm truly sorry, I've neglected my duty to tell you about the Nirvit people. Please accept my sincere apology."

"It's alright, Master. You don't have to tell us if you don't want to," Said Wendy, speaking for everyone else.

Master Rouboul tells everyone it is important to tell his tale. He tells one of the most shocking truths. Master Rouboul reveals that Cait Shelter are not descendants of the Nirvit people. He reveals that they are the Nirvit themselves. Four hundred years ago, Nirvana was created. Fashioned by his hands.

"No way!" Spike shouts. He can't believe that Master Rouboul was the engineer of Nirvana's creation.

"By you?" Lyon is startled to hear such a thing.

"I don't believe it," Said Lucy.

Everyone is having a hard time captivating the information. Master Rouboul continues with his tale by revealing the true purpose of Nirvana. To erase the darkness of the world and stop the wars within the world. By doing so, a different chain reaction occurred. The Nirvits that lived in Nirvana turned and killed each other due to the darkness Nirvana contained. Rouboul reveals as the sole survivor of Nirvit's downfall. Technically he can't call himself a survivor cause his body stopped functioning years ago. What everyone is seeing is a projection of the man he once was.

"A projection? You're a walking spirit?" Spike asks.

"Yes. As punishment for my sins, I remain in place, watching over until the one who can destroy Nirvana can sign it to the pages of history. And now, I am no longer needed."

Wendy is devastated to hear the news. The dark truths of the Cait Shelter Guild. "No.., why didn't you tell me..?"

Master Rouboul releases his projections as his time is up. That he can be set free into the afterlife. Wendy and everyone around are in shock to see Cait Shelter members disappearing left and right.

"What's happening? Don't go!" Wendy cries a bit, seeing her friends going away.

"You can't just leave us!" Carla can't believe what she's seeing.

"Everyone's disappearing," Hibiki said, he can't explain what's going on and why it's happening.

"Why are you doing this?" Wendy is sad and confused. "Please don't go," Wendy is in tears.

"I deceived you, Wendy. For that, I'm deeply sorry," Master Rouboul said, seeing the sadness in Wendy and Carla's eyes. "All your fellow guild members were spectors. They were nothing but illusions." Wendy gasps.

"Are you kidding me?!" Natsu is in shock.

"Illusions with their own personalities?" Lyon couldn't believe what he heard.

"That takes powerful creation magic," Jura implies.

"For many years, I lived in this deserted village alone. Always keeping a watchful eye over Nirvana. Until one day when a boy came to me with a companion needing help." Wendy remembers Jellal. Him being the one who brought her there. "His eyes burned with such intensity and sincerity that I simply had no choice but to take the little girl in. I resigned myself to a solitary existence but there she was. I filled the village with apparitions so she wouldn't be alone."

"You created an entire guild just for Wendy?" Lucy asks in a rhetorical.

"Wow. That's cool and messed up at the same time..," Spike turns to Wendy. She is freaking out with the sudden news.

"No one I cared for is a real person?! How could you do something so cruel to me, Master?!"

"Don't fret my dear. Calm down. Now you and Carla don't need those imaginary friends," Master Rouboul points to the alliance guilds behind Wendy and Carla. "You're surrounded by real friends who care for you," Master Rouboul laughs happily, knowing that Wendy is in good hands. Wendy continues to cry a bit more, it's becoming too much for her to handle emotionally. "A bright future awaits you. Embrace it with open arms," Master Rouboul's projection disintegrates as his spirit is about to ascend to heaven.

"Master!" Wendy runs up to her master. She doesn't want him to go after all these years of living with the Cait Shelter Guild.

"To each and every one of you, I owe my deepest gratitude. I know I can leave Wendy and Carla in your hands," Master Rouboul is now gone.

Wendy and Carla's Cait Shelter emblem disintegrate as well. Wendy falls to her knees as she continues to cry. Spike sees how heartbroken Wendy is.

"Maaasteeeer!" Wendy calls out in tears. Spike and Erza on cue hugs and comforts Wendy. Erza extends her hand on Wendy as Spike hugs Wendy. Wendy hugs Spike back as she cries into his arms. First losing Jellal forever, now the Cait Shelter Guild as well.

"I know all too well, the pain of losing a loved one. But, you'll heal. We'll help you," Said Erza calmly and assuringly.

"You will..?" Wendy turns to Erza.

"We will," Spike smiles at Wendy, to assure her that she'll be in good hands.

"How?" Wendy asks.

"Come with us. Be a part of Fairy Tail."

"You want me in Fairy Tail?" Wendy becomes ecstatic a bit.

"I want you to join us," Said Spike. "Dragons stick together, hehe."

"Alright, I'll join Fairy Tail," Wendy looks at Erza.

An hour later. Fairy Tail, Blue Pegasus, and Lamia Scale bid their farewells. Spike says it was an honor to meet everyone and hopes to see them soon. Jura asks Erza to give his warmest regards to Master Makarov. Lyon mentions to Gray about fixing his stripping problem. Gray retorts at Lyon for being a hypocrite. Carla and Wendy go with Fairy Tail to the docks to board a ship.

Another hour later, team Fairy Tail is on their way back to Magnolia. Spike is watching the ocean's view but kept thinking about Jellal. According to Erza, Jellal spent his time working at the Tower of Heaven. According to Wendy, Jellal spent time traveling and seeing the world. After much thought, Erza appears behind Spike.

"Something on your mind, Spike?"

"Yes, actually."

Erza sits next to Spike. "What's up?"

"It's about what transpired with Jellal. You said many years ago, Jellal was with you at the Tower of Heaven as slaves."

"Yes, that's correct."

"Wendy told me that seven years ago, she and Jellal spent time traveling the world together. I've been thinking about it."

"Seven years ago..?" Erza thinks about it and it doesn't add up. Jellal spent most of his years at the Tower of Heaven. Sure there is Segrain but he was more active with the Magic Council.

"Erza, I don't think the Jellal Wendy healed is hers. I believe her Jellal is none other than Mystogan."

Erza steps back a bit in shock. She thinks about it. Mystogan would be the more realistic choice of being with Wendy during those times. Jellal was more focused on the Tower of Heaven and nothing more. It makes sense. Over a week ago, she'd seen Mystogan's true identity. He looked like her Jellal then disappeared.

"So, are you going to tell her?"

"I don't think so. I don't want her to feel any more confusion and sadness with what has transpired. Especially hearing the news about Cait Shelter and seeing all of them vanished."

Erza takes a deep breath. "Very well. I won't tell her either."

Erza and Spike see how happy Natsu is. Being able to enjoy the boat ride with no motion sickness whatsoever. Wendy warns that her healing spell doesn't last forever. After a few moments, Natsu's motion sickness kicks in. He pleads with Wendy to cure him. Wendy says it only works a few times and that's it. Gray jokes around saying it's back to barf bags.

"We're joining Fairy Tail. This is so exciting," Wendy couldn't help but smile.

"So are you," Spike nearly said out loud for everyone to hear.

"What was that?" Wendy turns to Spike.

Spike covers his mouth. "Oh, nothing. Just really happy to have you and Carla in our guild." "Am I falling in love with Wendy Marvell?" Spike thought to himself. "I think I am. This time, I have better luck with someone around my age."

With the Oracíon Seis locked up, Lucy gains three new Celestial Spirits. Gemini, Aries, and Scorpio. They decided to work with Lucy, knowing she is the perfect Celestial Wizard to be contracted to. Two hours later, the ship docks in Hargeon. Everyone gets off the ship. Spike carries Natsu due to his motion sickness rendering him useless.

"Here you go, Natsu. Think you can walk?"

"Yea.., I can.., Thanks, Spike."

"You're welcome."

An hour later, they arrive back at the Fairy Tail Guild. Erza explains the whole trip in detail. Especially with the newest additions to the guild, Wendy and Carla. The guys in the guild are happy to see Wendy.

"We're so glad you made it back safely," Mirajane said happily.

"It was brutal," Spike walks with Erza to the Master and Mirajane. "Thanks for choosing and believing in me, Master Makarov."

"You're welcome. I'm surprised that you defeated Midnight all on your own. Well done, Fairy Dragon. Great work, Erza. I'm sure things will quiet down now that the Oracíon Seis are out of the picture. Thanks for bringing two precious yet powerful additions to the guild back with you."

"You're welcome, Master."

Mirajane walks up to Wendy and Carla, welcoming the two to Fairy Tail. Wendy reveals to everyone that she's a Sky Dragon Slayer. Everyone is stunned to hear the news. They cheer loudly as they have another Dragon Slayer. Now they have three Dragon Slayers and an actual dragon in the guild. No other guild has that feat. Everyone starts welcoming Wendy and Carla more. Gajeel becomes jealous that he's the only Dragon Slayer who doesn't have a cat friend like Wendy and Natsu do.

"Alright everyone, listen up! Let's welcome our new members the way only Fairy Tail can!" Makarov decrees and everyone celebrates. "Now eat, drink, and make merry!" Everyone starts to have fun, the energy of joy and glee is in the air.

"Everyone is so lively and filled with happiness," Wendy happily expresses.

"Keep your guard up, child," Said Carla.

"You know, it was this wild when I became a member of the Fairy Tail guild."

"By the way, how did you become a member of the guild in the first place, Spike?"

"Long story, Carla. Very depressing too. I'll explain later. Right now, let's have some fun!"

After a long day of partying and celebrating, Spike and Lucy let everyone know they are leaving. Wendy and Carla start to worry about their sleeping conditions. Mirajane told them about the girl's dorm that Fairy Tail has. They'll be living there from now on.

"Wow, what a day that was, huh Lucy?" Spike asks as he's walking up the stairs into their apartment.

"Yea. Not only I got three new Celestial Spirits, we have new friends in the Fairy Tail Guild." Lucy opens the door to the apartment.

"Aaah," Spike sits on the bed and leans back. "Home sweet home."

"No kidding," Lucy does the same. "I can't believe you were able to defeat Midnight."

Spike chuckles a bit. "I couldn't believe it either. I thought Jellal and/or Erza would have stepped in to help me. I guess Sis wanted to see what I can do on my own."

"Well, congrats on earning your first victory, Spike. Also, thanks for your encouraging words earlier."

"What encouraging words?"

"That I shouldn't beat myself. That I'm stronger than I think. It's true. I am stronger. With the help of Hibiki, I was able to defeat Angel."

"Congrats, Lucy. Also, those Celestial Spirits are cool. I can't wait to work with them when we go on our next job."

"Speaking of jobs. How do you feel about the one we went on?"

"Oh, it was amazing. The adventure of a lifetime. The thrills, the chills, blood, sweat, and tears. Working together, compromising, and caring about each other. Best adventure I've ever been a part of," Spikes takes a satisfying breath. "I can't wait for more to come. Best wish that ever came true." Spike yawns and gets off of Lucy's bed. "I'm going to bed, Lucy."

"Same with me," Lucy gets off the bed. She grabs her pajamas from the drawer and puts them on.

Spike gets into his sleeping bag. He smiles, knowing that he can't wait to see the most beautiful girl. Wendy Marvell. He blushes just thinking about her.

"Hey, Lucy."

"What's up, Spike?" Lucy gets in bed.

"I can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring."

"We will see what tomorrow will bring. An adventure on a job together or something greater to remember."

Spike sighs happily. "Night, Lucy. See you tomorrow."

"Night, Spike. See you tomorrow."